Master PC for Idiots: The Hotel (LEMON) [Episode 159741]

by HVulpes

Ranma in the middle of what his mind took as a marital arts attack. Being Ranma, he was ready to fight till he was the decided winner. He managed to pay for a room at the local love hotel and lead Shampoo into the room. He took in the view of the lovely woman that was before him. He knew what he had to do to win.

Using an interesting form of martial arts, he managed to strip Shampoo and himself. Folding the clothes quickly and with great skills. Shampoo was surprised at the ability of Ranma to remove her clothes without much fuss.

Ranma walked up to Shampoo and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her soundly, as the moved closer to the bed. Shampoo was loosing her mind as she was being kiss. She knew that they would be doing what she had been hoping would happen. The consummating of her marriage to Ranma. But it was strange that she was not in control of herself.

Ranma moved back from Shampoo and landed on the bed. His erect penis sticking up in their air. 'This is Shampoo's chance to take control.' She thought as she moved over the horizontal Ranma. He pussy hovering over Ranma's cock. She grabbed the hands of Ranma and moved them over her breasts. Ranma started to massage them, bring her great pleasure. Loosing a little more control, she fell onto Ranma's cock.

Shampoo felt like her body was being hit by lightning. There was a charge wherever Ranma touched her. Pleasure was surging through her as she rose and fell on Ranma's cock. Her body reacting to Ranma as she used her hands to caress the hard body of her lover. She cried out in Chinese about her desire for Ranma.

In her mind, images was forming. Ranma was a fire spreading across her, melting her down into her raw form. Like steel, she was being reforged. Steel being shaped into a tool. A tool for Ranma. As she was being forged, things were being removed, replaced and added. Her loyalty to her clan was being replaced with loyalty to her lover. She was gaining an urged to be owned by Ranma, to his and only his.

Juices started to pour from her pussy as she began to orgasms for her lover. She began to scream out Ranma's name over and over. "RANMA!!" She knew that after this, she wouldn't want another man. Then as she was coming down from her orgasm, Ranma came in her. That was the final act that created the new Shampoo.

'Shampoo is Saotome now. Loyal to Ranma. Shampoo do anything for Ranma. Anything.' She thought as she lay down on her lover. He ran his hand through her hair, soothingly.

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(Posted Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:18)

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