But Ranma would make an abysmal husband for her. Even ignoring everyone else's plans for him, which would surely cause her problems, it was completely obvious that Ranma's father had not only failed to teach Ranma Empathy and consideration of others, but had actively stunted him.
And when it came to the codified rules for the empathically inept, when it came to formal manners which might have mitigated Ranma's lack of empathy, it was apparent that neither Ranma nor Genma attached any importance to them.
In a marriage between Kasumi and Ranma they'd be less like husband and wife, and more like mother and rebellious son. Kasumi wanted a strong lover who could support her and help her life blossom, not a charge or a ward that she'd have to raise like she raised her sisters.
And when it came to evaluating Ranma as a lover rather than as a husband, the evidence was just as bad. After a regular diet of phantom divinities who seduced her and took her to heaven daily, how could she choose a man like Ranma?
Kasumi had watched him try to kiss her sister. He had no idea what he was doing. He had no confidence; no experience. When it came to anything besides Martial arts he was pathetic, and the only thing that might carry over would be his strength and stamina, and even that might be worthless if he suffered from premature ejaculation.
With the constant arrival of phantom lovers, and a diet of romance novels, Kasumi was looking for someone close to a perfect lover. She believed that everyone had a perfect soul mate out there. Unfortunately people are always changing, and for a couple to be perfectly matched, both recipients had to be perfect for each other, so people's perfect partner changed constantly.
At that moment, Kasumi's perfect partner was trapped in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend, in Brussels. And long before they would meet, they would change and grow, and be matched with someone else.
If Kasumi had been willing to look for someone she might be able to form a relationship with, and allow the two of them to learn and grow into a perfect match, she might have considered Ranma. She liked him, and he learned things, especially physical things, at a ridiculous rate. And while he was lacking in empathic consideration, he was willing to put other people ahead of his own needs.
Unfortunately Kasumi expected to be able to find someone acting adult. And when she couldn't see anyone matching her needs, instead of lowering her standards or looking for someone who could become what she wanted, instead she felt she needed to broaden her search and be patient.
But patience meant an increased risk of being caught orgasming in public.
So Kasumi tried to come up with something that might help her until she found her perfect man. All she really needed was a brief protection for the few hours she found herself in public.
Luckily she could experiment at home. She had convinced herself that her only cure lay in finding a lover to satisfy her regularly, so anything she found to ameliorate her problem would be a short term solution only suitable for a short period of time, possibly loosing its effectiveness if used constantly. So she would experiment until she found something that would protect her from having an attack for an hour, and if it worked, she'd use it whenever she went shopping.
She still didn't know that due to the nature of Ranma's hypnotic commands she would never suffer an attack while outdoors, or when involved with a conversation. It never occurred to her that if she went shopping with a conversationalist she would never daydream at all. She was convinced she was at risk of exposing her secret, and the only solutions were related to pleasing her sexual desires.
Luckily living in the outskirts of a big city like Tokyo meant that relative anonymity could be had by traveling away from her normal haunts. While she never would have dreamed of visiting a sex shop in Nerima, she was willing to run the risk in a foreign neighborhood.
Since she was running a double risk in leaving her house and possibly being recognized while entering a sex shop, she tended to purchase more than she might have otherwise. Since she wasn't sure what she needed, her purchases varied a bit. She bought toys, books, catalogs, condoms, and lubricants ranging from scented massage oils to latex safe lube.
Arriving safely home with her loot, she concealed most of it in her closet, while she contemplated what she should try first. If her attacks were caused ultimately by a lack of sexual satisfaction, perhaps her attacks could be postponed if she were receiving stimulation.
There were several items she had bought which could be worn without anyone noticing, up to and including the panties designed to hold a vibrator over her clitoris and dildos in both openings. But it would be folly to start with something so extreme; on one hand she might not be able to function with such stimulation, on the other hand if she became accustomed to it, she'd have nowhere to go from there.
The sensible thing to do would be to use the least extreme item while she cooked dinner. If she could function like that, and if she had no attacks, then it would be safe to use it while shopping, and if she acclimatized to it, or if it failed to protect her she could move on to something more daring.
This left her trying to decide between the butterfly, the rotor, or the anal beads. Kasumi decided that the anal beads weren't right, as so few of her dream fantasies involved stimulating her anus; only in two of them did her lover even insert a finger into her that way; it wasn't something that she thought of in relation to giving her pleasure, rather it was something that her lovers had used to enhance her pleasure, and therefore inappropriate for her experiments.
And the butterfly, as it came from the shop, would be either fully on or off, and require her reaching into her clothes to change things. The rotor was connected by a thin wire to a box she could keep in her pocket with which she could control the strength of the stimulation. And while she could swap the vibrating element of another toy to provide her with a usable control, she was reluctant to disassemble things she hadn't used yet.
Besides, the butterfly provided nearly direct clitoral stimulation which might be too much to be starting off with.
As this was the first time she had ever done something like this, she was hesitant to insert an electrical device into herself, and the idea of removing it by yanking on the power cord seemed like an accident waiting to happen. If the wire broke, it would mean either an electrical shock, a possible sharp point from an exposed wire, or the possibility of loosing the smaller than ping pong ball item inside of her.
So, with the power switched off, she put the rotor in a condom, covered the outside with a few drops of possibly superfluous lube, and inserted the item between her lower lips.
With the lip of the condom still outside her body, and the cable emerging, she proceeded to put on her panties, and dress in an outfit that would allow her to run the wire into a pocket in such a way that her apron would conceal it.
After walking around a bit to verify that it wasn't uncomfortable, she gasped as she turned it on to the lowest setting.
Throughout the entire preparation of dinner, the little device merrily entertained Kasumi. Her thoughts never strayed from the pleasurable sensations. Towards the end, she had to force herself not to take a break and pleasure herself, in order to let the experiment run its course.
After almost two hours, she realized she hadn't had a single attack. She didn't realize it was because it kept her from daydreaming due to its novelty. And because she didn't want to run the risk of loosing its effectiveness due to acclimatization, she wouldn't be trying it again in private.
From now on, in public Kasumi would wear a concealed sex toy because she believed it helped protect her. In private, she'd daydream and experience her skilled phantom lovers.
But before she served dinner, she'd have to first go and remove the rotor, and maybe find out how that seven inch latex vibrating cock felt.
You didn't think I was serious? Did you? This is an SE.
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(Posted Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:01)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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