My Very Own Personal Nabiki - The Best Laid Plans: Mass Transit (LEMON) [Episode 154163]

by Kwakerjak

Nabiki followed Ranma into a fairly crowded subway station. Naturally, she was curious as to what exactly her owner had planned—though “planned” was probably not a very accurate term, since Ranma was almost certainly improvising this whole thing. Luckily for her, Ranma had specifically stated that when she wasn’t wearing her collar, he wanted her to continue using her snarky public persona to avoid suspicion, and thus Nabiki thought that she could get away with some oblique questioning. “So, Ranma, what exactly do you have in store for us?”

Ranma was about to answer, when he remembered that he was in a very public place where he was something of a local celebrity (at least in the martial arts world), and thus he probably couldn’t risk talking about sensitive matters like this and calling unwanted attention to himself. Thus, he led his pet to an out-of-the-way niche where the two of them could hopefully talk without having to worry about piquing the curiosity of potential eavesdroppers. “Okay,” he said quietly, “remember how I said ya should act normal when ya ain’t got yer collar on? No matter what I do ta ya?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well, yer about ta find out why I want ya ta do that.”

Nabiki’s forehead furrowed in thought for a few seconds, but then her Master’s meaning suddenly dawned on her. When she looked back at Ranma, she saw that his smirk had morphed into a full-blown grin. “Ranma… you can’t mean…”

“We’ve gotta get out of Nerima for the day, and we’re gonna take the first train that leaves, no matter where it’s headed. While we’re ridin’, I’m gonna play with ya again, and we’ll get off at the first stop after ya cum. Course, we don’t wanna get anyone’s attention, so yer gonna have ta control yerself, ya know?”

Nabiki merely nodded her head as her Master spoke. This wasn’t quite the same as her fantasy of Ranma parading her around in public as a sex object, but this was probably as close as they could feasibly come to it; not only would that run the risk of being charged with public indecency (and destroying her professional reputation), but she could tell that underneath the bravado that Ranma was showing there was a great deal of nervousness—he was pushing himself to the edge of his sexual “comfort zone” to do this.

Whichever technique he used from that book of his, he’d obviously learned quite a bit about her fantasies, and it was equally obvious that he was doing his best to allow her to realize those fantasies. This lead to a very intriguing question: Why? Why is he going to all this trouble for me? Is it because he feels guilty about how he learned about my fantasies in the first place? Is it because he gets a kick out of it himself? If not that, then what? Nabiki pondered this as the two of them got in line to pay their fares.

Ranma didn’t start right away; he had to make sure they would end up a safe distance from Furinkan, after all. Still, after a few stops, there were enough passengers on board so that it would seem unusual for him to press up against her as they stood in the railcar. He made his move when the door closed and the car lurched forward, deftly snaking his hand up her skirt at inserting it down her panties. As the tips of his fingers reached her folds, Nabiki had to remind herself that her Master had given her the responsibility of making sure that no one’s suspicions were aroused—which wasn’t easy, since Ranma’s skill, combined with a setting out of one of her fantasies, was making Nabiki very aroused very quickly. She began breathing heavily through her nose as she stared out of the windows as if there was something to see in the darkness of a subway tunnel.

All appeared to be going well; no one seemed to notice that Ranma had his hand up Nabiki’s skirt on the crowded train, and Nabiki was controlling herself very well. It appeared that their little escapade would pay off well, until Ranma noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A hand was moving toward Nabiki’s chest, and it was obvious that that hand intended to fondle one of his pet’s breasts. Can’t have that… I’m the only one allowed ta do that! Without stopping his own fondling, Ranma reached out and firmly grabbed the hand as it was centimeters away from its target. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said loudly, attracting the attention of the other passengers.

The owner of the hand, who was a squat, middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a developing potbelly, just stared at the teenager. He’d been groping cute girls for years now, but this was the first time anyone actively tried to stop him. He became painfully aware of the glares that were directed at him as Ranma continued. “I ain’t sure where ya learned yer manners, but I was always told that gropin’ a girl in public without her permission wasn’t exactly polite.” He directed his next question to his companion. “Does he have yer permission?” he asked her with a smirk.

Nabiki couldn’t believe that Ranma would have the audacity to chastise a groper while he had his hand down her panties. For a while she stared at him in shock, but her Master snapped her out of it with a subtle tweak of her clitoris. “Well?” he asked again as he increased the intensity of his own ministrations.

Nabiki realized that she’d have to answer; under Ranma’s agile fingerwork, the Ice Queen was melting rapidly. As it was, she had trouble keeping her voice even, and the sensations sparking through her brain interrupted her thought process enough to make it sound like she had a stutter: “N-No. I d-definitely d-don’t want him doing th-th-tha-at.”

“Ya see?” Ranma said as he tightened he grip on the groper’s wrist, causing him to wince in pain. “It ain’t polite ta do that.” He started twisting the man’s arm as his voice became more venomous. “So unless ya want me ta show ya what happens ta guys who’re impolite, I suggest ya keep yer filthy hands ta yerself, got it?” The man just whimpered and nodded his head vigorously in response. As Ranma released him, the other passengers started murmuring amongst themselves. A good portion of the train’s occupants were office ladies, many of whom had been subjected to the indignity of groping themselves; as one would expect, they were gushing over the gallantry of this young man. There were also a few grumbles of disapproval directed at the (allegedly) excessive force the pigtailed youth had used in his “persuasion,” but these mostly came from salarymen who would never have had the courage to stand up for someone else and a few elderly persons who were annoyed that Ranma had called their attention to something that they’d rather pretend didn’t exist at all.

Still, all of this mumbling was quite fortunate for Nabiki, because while Ranma was aggressively squeezing and twisting the groper’s appendage in one hand, the other had begun to massage her womanhood even more vigorously than it already had been. Even after the creep had slunk away, her Master continued his stroking and kneading, as though he was using her pussy as a stress reliever—which was actually pretty close to reality. The fact that his fingers were by now covered in her wetness simply made it easier for him to increase the intensity, making nearly impossible for his pet to suppress her moans. Thankfully, the murmuring was enough to keep them from being too noticeable, even as Ranma brought her closer and closer to the edge. Nabiki gripped the loop her hand was in even tighter and put her free hand on a pole for extra support. Control… stay… in… control… After her Master’s rebuke of that pervert, she couldn’t blow it now—it would undermine the moral authority Ranma had used to justify his position.

Ranma didn’t let up as he continued working his pet towards her inevitable climax, and very soon all of Nabiki’s energy was being spent on maintaining her stonefaced exterior while the sensations from her pussy told her that she would be better off slumping to the floor in a twitching pile of orgasms.

Eventually, it was too much for her to take. Fortunately, Nabiki’s barely stifled groan as she clamped down on her Master’s fingers was covered by the sound of the train screeching to a halt at one of the stops. Ranma removed his hand from under her skirt and gave her one of his trademark smirks. “Well, I guess this is where we get off.” Nabiki wasn’t certain, but to her ears it sounded like few of the office ladies actually applauded as they exited—though she wasn’t entirely sure that that had anything to do with the groper.

“Ah, Shampoo, you’ve returned. So, have you found out what’s going on?”

“No, Great-grandmother. Shampoo go to Furinkan, but Ranma and Mercenary Girl not there.”

“What?!” Cologne’s eyes got visibly wider as she was suddenly presented with the possibility that the rumors of Ranma’s marriage might actually be true. “What happened?”

“Shampoo not sure, but apparently, Crazy Flower Girl hear rumors, attack Mercenary Girl. Kitchen Destroyer defend sister, get even more violent than usual—whole classroom demolished, and baseball field need to be resodded. Ranma and Mercenary Girl leave Furinkan sometime around then.”

The Matriarch put her hand to her chin. “Hmm… that makes sense. Son-in-law would want to protect Nabiki from some of his more aggressive suitors.” Including my great-granddaughter, she silently admitted to herself. No, make that especially my great-granddaughter. This was not good—something big had happened, and she didn’t have any clue what the real story was. And when one doesn’t know the facts, one can’t make a good decision. “We need to find Son-in-law. Now.

“What we going to do about Mercenary Girl?”

“Don’t worry about her just yet, Shampoo. Right now, we need to find out what’s really going on, and I have a feeling that only Ranma can tell us that. But where is he?”

Nabiki smirked to herself as she and her Master emerged from the station and saw the view before her. She hadn’t been trying to hold off her orgasm until they reached a specific stop, but one could easily think that, given their current location. No one would ever think to look for them…

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(Posted Sat, 14 Jan 2006 22:44)

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