“Alright, Nabiki, I got yer lunch right here—some nice, juicy carrots.”
Nabiki smiled as her Master held one of the long, orange vegetables out to her. She made to grab the carrot in his hand, but he pulled it back before she could reach it.
“Hold on a sec, Nabiki. I know yer hungry, but ya don’t really think I’m just gonna give you a carrot for no reason do ya?”
The bunnygirl sighed and shook her head.
“Course not. Ya gotta show me that ya can be a good lil’ bunny. Ya think ya can do that?”
Nabiki nodded enthusiastically.
“That’s good, ’cause what I have in mind’ll get ya an extra reward for when ya behave.”
Nabiki was a little confused, but she shrugged it off. Extra rewards for extra good behavior sounded fine to her. She hopped over when she noticed her Master beckoning her toward him.
Ranma stroked the skin on his bunnygirl’s back several times, again simply admiring her beauty, and taking a few seconds to appreciate the fact that she had given all of that beauty to him for his personal use. He felt like he could have done that for hours, but owning a pet was a big responsibility, and one of those responsibilities was to feed that pet. He broke off the tip of the carrot and set it before Nabiki. “Go on, eat it up.”
Needing no further encouragement, the bunnygirl greedily devoured the tiny carrot nib. She was sure that her Master had something else planned, but she wasn’t sure what.
“Well, did ya like it?”
Nabiki nodded her head. Of course she liked it—her Master had given it to her. He smiled at her and slowly moved his hand towards her lower lips. Nabiki shuddered as her owner began to lightly caress and stimulate the folds of her womanhood, which were already wet due to her bunnygirl physiology and the proximity of her mate.
Ranma took the time to activate a few sensitivity points to ensure his pet would be well lubricated before continuing. “Well, if ya think they’re good plain, Wait ’til ya try ’em marinated.” He picked up the carrot and carefully slid it inside of his pet, causing her to gasp audibly.
As one hand slid and twisted the vegetable inside of his pet, the other reached underneath her and started kneading and massaging the orbs dangling beneath her. He worked relatively quickly, as this was just foreplay—right now, he only needed relatively minor orgasms from his pet for him to build on later.
Of course, to Nabiki, these weren’t “minor” at all. Sure, she was able to remain silent, but that was only because of her weakened vocal chords. As her Master continued manipulating the carrot, and squeezing her breasts, the bunnygirl’s breath began to hiss through her clenched teeth. Ranma increased the intensity of his ministrations until Nabiki suddenly clamped down on the orange vegetable inside of her, enveloping it in her body’s warm fluids.
Ranma smiled as her removed the carrot, now covered in his pet’s juices. “Here ya go, Nabiki.” He held it in front of her mouth and fed the cum-soaked vegetable to his pet one bite at a time. He then took some of the lettuce, wiped off the stray cum around her mouth, and gave that to her as well.
When she was finished, Nabiki looked up at her owner, who had a twinkle in his eye. “One down, two ta go,” he said, motioning toward the plate, where two more carrots lay. Nabiki went wide eyed when she realize that both carrots were thicker than the one she had just “marinated” and eaten.
Ranma just smiled as he picked up the second carrot…
Kasumi paused as she finished her udon. What would those two do next? She wasn’t sure what would happen next; her soaps and novels would usually fade to black around this point, and though she was perfectly aware of what was physiologically involved in vaginal intercourse, when she tried to imagine it always looked so… unromantic. They have to be doing more than “in, out, repeat if necessary,” but what? Kasumi bit her lip, and then it occurred to her. They were still fully clothed! Well, feeding each other should certainly have gotten them excited, so no doubt the two of them are embracing passionately, fiercely kissing as they frantically try to remove their restrictive garments…
“Aww, crud. I knew I shoulda worn a sleeveless tang ta do this.” The sleeve on Ranma’s Chinese shirt had unrolled as his bunnygirl “marinated” the final carrot, much to his consternation. He set the stick vegetable back on the plate and placed it in front of his pet. “Ya don’t need me ta feed this last one ta ya, right Nabiki?” When the bunnygirl shook her head, Ranma stood up and walked to the laundry room, where he disrobed and put his dirty clothing in the hamper.
He looked in the mirror. “Well, that oughta be enough foreplay. Time for the good stuff!” he said to his reflection with a smirk. Little Ranma was almost ready to go, and no doubt Nabiki was done with her carrot and waiting for him to return.
Kasumi smile grew more mischievous. Much better. Now, since they’re both new at this, no doubt they’ll start out gently. Nabiki will probably be a bit shy at first…
When Nabiki’s Master returned to her sans clothing, the bunnygirl was positively overjoyed; she bounded over to the pigtailed teenager, clearly showing off her assets in an effort to convince him of her readiness.
It was certainly effective. “Well, looks like yer ready ta go. You look like ya got a lot of energy ta burn off. Am I right?”
Nabiki responded with an enthusiastic nod.
“Well, I wouldn’t be much of a responsible owner if I didn’t make sure ya got yer exercise. What say we start with a little dessert?”
Nabiki looked confused at first, but comprehension dawned on her face when her Master motioned toward his swelling member.
Ranma smiled and knelt down to make it easier for his pet to service him. Nabiki eagerly bounced into position and impatiently took her owner’s shaft into her mouth—perhaps a bit too impatiently.
“Ow!” shouted Ranma as his pet grazed the tip of his cock with her teeth. “Watch it, Nabiki! I think yer teeth are sharper like this. Just take yer time.”
But I don’t wanna take my time—I want you to fuck me now! Admittedly, those were not exactly appropriate thoughts for a submissive, but then, nearly all of the energy the bunnygirl form gave Nabiki came in the form of horniness. Still, she didn’t want an unhappy Master (because an unhappy Master would almost certainly not fuck her), so she reluctantly slowed down, slowly taking the shaft into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue as her hands softly massaged her owner’s testes.
As she began to slide up and down the length of his rod, Ranma put one of his hands behind her head to help guide her. The other hand began stroking one of his bet’s long, white bunny ears, exploring every inch of its surface from base to tip.
Nabiki tried her best to concentrate on pleasing her Master, but that wasn’t exactly easy considering that Ranma’s idle caresses of her ear were producing sensations that no one in history had ever felt before. It was odd; he was the one who was in control, yet it was she who always ended up feeling privileged by their relationship. Resolving to show her owner her appreciation, she redoubled her efforts to give him the oral pleasure he desired.
Is it just me, or is this mall getting warmer? Kasumi was a little unnerved as her body started to respond to her imagination. Usually, she’d have diverted her attention by now—continuing just felt creepy in a voyeuristic way, even if she wasn’t actually spying on the couple. Her fantasies were getting a bit more intense…
Ranma was loving every second of his pet’s ministrations, but he knew he’d have to stop—he didn’t have his Denial Point activated, and if he came in Nabiki’s mouth, he’d have to start the process of arousal all over again. He grabbed his pet’s head and slowly dislodged her from is erection.
“That was good, Nabiki, but I think I’d like ta, ya know, ‘take’ ya right now.”
The bunnygirl nodded and turned so she faced away from her Master, presenting her sex for him as she did so. Ranma wasted no time entering his pet, eager to once again feel her tightness around his shaft. The two of them began moving back and forth in synchronization, and soon, Nabiki’s moans were almost loud enough to for a normal human hearing range.
Ranma, however, was a bit perturbed. Sure, he was asserting his ownership of Nabiki, and that always felt nice, but something felt… off. For a while he continued to pump into her, unsure of where his uneasiness was coming from, until he figured it out: her tail. Nabiki’s puffy rabbit tail was ticking his stomach with every thrust, and that seemed to be decreasing his pleasure (he wasn’t entirely sure why he hadn’t had this problem with Nabiki’s dog-girl form, but he figured that it was because a dog-girl’s fur was somehow different from a bunnygirl’s). Luckily, there was a simple solution.
“Nabiki? I know ya like it when I take ya from behind when yer an animal, but I think I wanna be facing ya for this.”
The bunny girl obediently complied, twisting her body around her owner’s shaft (and reveling in the sensations it caused) until they were once again facing each other. Ranma sat down on the floor and moved Nabiki’s legs behind him. Once she understood, she wrapped her legs around the small of his back and began to move over the length of her Master’s manhood.
Kasumi was certain of one thing. The two of them would come together—it was the most romantic way to climax.
Ranma knew his bunnygirl was about to orgasm—her moans were within a normal hearing range, which meant that a human Nabiki would have been loud enough to wake the dead. It was time. “Hold on just a little longer, okay, Nabiki?”
The bunnygirl nodded as she bounced on her Master’s manhood.
Ranma knew he’d have to get the timing just right for this to work… “Okay, now!” He hugged his pet closely, squishing her breasts against his torso as he plunged inside of her as far as he could, releasing his seed while his face contorted and his muscles twitched with his orgasm. Nabiki, for her part, understood exactly what her master meant as soon as she felt his fluid rush into her, and the bunnygirl responded in kind, pressing down on her master in an effort to collect every drop of sperm from him as went through her own set of spasms. What was left of her intellect completely melted away, leaving nothing but raw emotion. She leaned forward and kissed her Master’s lips.
Kasumi emerged from the stall with a barely noticeable flush on her face. She didn’t masturbate very often, and never outside of the privacy of her room, but this was clearly a special case. Fortunately, the restroom had been empty, and she had managed to keep quiet enough to avoid attracting attention. Well, that was interesting. It disturbed her a little that her sister had had such a prominent position in her fantasy, but now that it was finished, she wasn’t too concerned. The “Nabiki” in her mind was really just a version of herself with her sister’s distinctive haircut. As for the “Ranma”… well, to be honest, she’d had fantasies about the real Ranma since the first time she’d seen him working out without a shirt. Kasumi sighed. It wouldn’t do to fantasize extensively about her brother-in-law, as that could invite temptation. So, who should I think about now? Hmm… Dr. Tofu’s certainly good-looking…
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(Posted Tue, 06 Dec 2005 08:51)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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