Granted, they were cheap chairs bought in bulk and their greatest feature was that they were sold by the lowest bidder. But the real reason was that Nabiki seemed incapable of ignoring the slight discomforts any position afforded.
It was bad enough that even the teacher and Kuno noticed, although no one commented on it.
It wasn't until the afternoon classes that she realized what was happening to her. She had tried to distract herself by thinking about other things. Her reminiscences about her sister's morning unfortunately reminded her of her own perversion.
Once she thought of selling her own panties, she knew that that was the only way she'd be able to get any relief. Unfortunately she refused to do anything which might arouse suspicion. She wouldn't leave early; she would just have to persevere until school ended.
She desperately wanted to believe she could lead a normal life in spite of her needs. A few minutes a week to assuage her needs should suffice, the rest of the time she could be normal.
She found that daydreaming about selling her panties helped take the edge off of her discomfort. She'd spent half an hour pleasantly distracted imagining variations on the theme of selling her underwear to a male storekeeper.
It was after a mildly arousing version where she actually removed her panties from under her skirt while being watched by a handsome male teen counterperson, and handed them to him, that she realized she was obsessing over this. If she spent her time always thinking about it, she couldn't live a normal life.
Finally her last class of the day ended. She leaped from her seat, and ran to her gym locker on the off-chance that she might have a spare pair of panties to change into. Unfortunately she only had her normal gym clothes.
There was no way she'd ask other people to loan her something. Even if she found people willing to loan her personal garments, the odds that they'd have extras available were slim. And there was no way to ask without revealing her secret.
There was no time for her to go home first; she ran to the seedier sections of the shopping district.
She ran past Ranma without noticing him. He was watching her from a roof, and discretely followed her. She knew of a few places the more adventurous of her classmates went to make extra spending cash. To date she never used the information against anyone, but she stored the rumors along with the names of the people who originated the information and a rating of how reliable she thought the rumor to be, incase she needed it in the future.
It was only when Nabiki was halfway there that she realized she could have worn her bloomers or her swimsuit under her clothes to provide modesty after removing her underwear. Unfortunately it was too late now.
Just before reaching the store, she ducked into an empty alley when she thought no one was looking. While Ranma watched out for any thugs who might take advantage of a girl in a dark alley, he also watched her reach under her skirt, and pull down her panties.
Bunching them up in her hands to conceal them, she carried them into the store to sell. The salesman was a leering bastard who took advantage of Nabiki's embarrassment to offer her less than the going rate. Most girls arrived at the store with a bag containing several pairs to sell at once.
It was quite unusual for someone to show up with a single pair clutched tightly in her hands and still retaining body heat. Embarrassed by his questions, desperate not to reveal she wasn't wearing any knickers, and feeling pleasurable after the cessation of the day long need, Nabiki's bargaining failed to reach the proper going rate.
It was too obvious to both Nabiki and the clerk that she was desperate to sell them, instead of desperate for money. She agreed to the reduced price, and ran from the shop while the clerk shrink-wrapped and labeled her clothes for resale, pocketing the difference between the going rate and Nabiki's rate.
Once out of the store, Nabiki schooled her pace to appear normal. She wanted to appear perfectly normal, confident, and in control. Who knew what might happen if anyone knew she was walking through a pink-light district by herself without wearing panties under her school skirt.
This gave Ranma, who was on the building's roof time to see which intersection she was heading for, and drop down on the side street, roughly timed to reach the intersection simultaneously with Nabiki.
Ranma was one of the last people she wanted to see, just half a block from the site of her ... indiscretion. If she had been thinking clearly, she would have steered the conversation somewhere else; unfortunately her first instinct was to attack. Usually she was in a position of strength. "Ranma, what are you doing here?"
"I'm just walking home. And you?"
"The same." All Nabiki needed to do was maintain her poker face, and unobservant Ranma wouldn't know. He wouldn't see the signs of arousal that started when she removed her drawers; the signs of relief and embarrassment from her sale; the worry that he already knew something.
She couldn't leave things as they were. "What are you doing around here?"
"I was roof-hopping. I roof-hop all over the place, you know. And you?"
"Just wandering."
"You must have ran here to get here so soon after classes ended..."
"If you must know, I had business in the area."
"Ok." Ranma said as he looked at the sign over the door of the love hotel they were walking past.
Ranma walked along side her as if he hadn't a care in the world, leaving Nabiki to her thoughts. She wanted to question him further but didn't dare risk any retaliatory questions. She wanted a dry pair of panties to stop the feeling of air flowing over damp skin on a place she was unused to. She wanted her damned arousal to go away or the privacy to deal with it manually.
When they arrived home, Ranma ran off to the dojo without comment, leaving Nabiki in the entryway. Nabiki decided that if Ranma had known her secret before today, he might have acted differently. Only Kasumi was observant enough that she might have noticed some difference in Ranma's behavior.
Since it was too risky to try and drill the information directly from Ranma, she'd have to ask her sister if she had noticed anything instead.
Akane was probably in her room or the dojo with Ranma. The fathers were in the living room playing go. So now was a perfect time to talk with Kasumi while she cooked.
The moment Nabiki had entered the kitchen she froze in her tracks. She had never actually seen Kasumi suffering one of her attacks before.
Apparently this phantom lover was more submissive than average; instead of imagining a lover who removed her clothes. This time Kasumi had removed her own clothes for her phantom lover; all except the panties he pulled down at her insistence.
Kasumi was wearing only her panties and squatting in the kitchen with her arms held out before her, holding a table leg for balance.
Nabiki could picture her lover sitting on the floor under her, with her hands clasped behind his neck as she raised and lowered herself on his erect cock. His hands would have been free to play with any part of her from her bottom to her breasts which swayed and bounced with her movements.
It was quite obvious he was pleasing her from the stain on the front of her underwear, to her erect nipples, to the look of rapture and love on her face.
And while Nabiki didn't find girls sexually arousing, she could almost see the handsome boy/man with his talented hands, muscular chest and large cock. And she could picture herself, either naked or just without panties, in Kasumi's position, raising and lowering herself onto her lover's excellent erection.
It was the most erotic thing Nabiki had ever seen in real life. It wasn't until Kasumi screamed her lover's name out in orgasm that Nabiki was able to move. She jerked her hand from where it had drifted on its own, playing with her breasts, and fled to her room.
No one saw her until dinner time.
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(Posted Fri, 24 Feb 2006 01:18)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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