Ranma had a minor conundrum to deal with. What was the best way to get Nabiki up to his room? Sure, he could just tell her to go there, but he was sure there was a much more erotic method than that. He couldn’t use the leash—he’d left it in the dojo, and besides, that would probably just confuse her, since she was fully human at the moment. In the end, he decided to go with what he knew, and he once again got behind his pet, leading her up to his room as he groped and fondled her, without any annoying distractions (like clothing) to get in his way.
He sat her down on his futon, and removed his own clothing and then, he once again sat behind her. Softly, he spoke into her ear, saying, “Alright, we’re gonna do this just like last time, only now ya don’t hafta hold nuthin’ back.” And with that, Ranma set to work on his pet. He didn’t hit any sensitivity points, as he wasn’t sure how they would be affected by the Denial Point, and he didn’t want his pet to pass out on him—at least not yet. So instead, he began to knead the globes on her chest with one hand, occasionally rubbing and twisting her by-now hardened nipples, while his other hand worked on her lower lips, teasing as much lubrication from them as possible.
Since she didn’t have to worry about restraining her emotions, Nabiki was able enjoy her Master’s ministrations much more thoroughly this time, and more importantly, she was able to communicate that enjoyment through her moans of delight. It seemed that every time she thought that Ranma had reached the pinnacle of his ability to take possession of her, he would find a way to assert his ownership in an even more consuming way. Yesterday he’d made it known that she was his whether or not he was treating her like a pet, and last night he’d attempted to assert that his dominance was in effect regardless of his form (and in the back of her mind, Nabiki knew that eventually her owner would indeed assert “her” ownership of her as Ranma-chan, though she couldn’t say when that would happen).
But now, her Master was showing that not only could he possess her, he could even control the way her body functioned. By the simple application of a pressure point, he could prevent her from climaxing, not only taking her to the edge, but holding her out past it and refusing to let her go. As her owners handiwork took her closer to the point where she would normally orgasm, her thoughts became more fragmented, held together only by the vague notion that she belonged to him, and that he could not only use her, he could control her in a more literal sense then she ever imagined possible.
All of these thoughts were briefly dispersed as the bulge of his manhood pressed into the small of her back—she had forgotten that ‘little Ranma’ was fully functional this time around. The heat she felt as her owner’s shaft became more solid triggered various ideas in her mind, and as she found herself reacting to the unusual idea of her owner shooting his seed across her lower back, she let forth a shudder.
Ranma was a little surprised when he felt his pet’s reaction. His current ministrations weren’t that intense—this was supposed to be just a warm-up while he decided exactly what he would do with her. Now that he was starting to get hard, he was debating whether or not to eat her out or to just enter her directly. He decided on the former—it would make sure that she’d had enough stimulation to make the release interesting.
His pet looked momentarily confused as he laid her down on the futon, but his smile remedied that problem—she hadn’t done anything wrong, he was just changing positions. Nabiki dutifully spread her legs as her Master moved his head toward her snatch, and he began to pleasure/torture her with his tongue, using every trick he could recall from the extensive chapter on cunnilingus in his book.
Nabiki’s moans grew even louder as her Master ate her pussy, using his fingers to supplement the actions of his tongue. He used just the right amount of friction and the right amount of pressure in all of the right places to send her brain into overdrive. She was rapidly moving to the point where she would normally orgasm, and out of habit, her body did its best to stave it off as long as possible. But, as usual, eventually she had to give up, and so she let go… but instead of fulfillment, the sensations merely kept building inside her, refusing to release her from her agony. Her already heavy breathing became even more pronounced, and her limbs started to pound against the futon, in a useless attempt to make her body work the way it was supposed to. Her moans increased in volume as her Master continued, and she had difficulty trying to decide whether she was in heaven or hell… or both.
Since it had become rather obvious that Nabiki had exceeded the point where she would have normally achieved release (and because his cock was so hard that it was starting to hurt) Ranma decided to move to phase 3 of his plan, which require vast amounts of self-control on his part, since he wasn’t using the his own Denial Point. He crawled up until he could look his pet in her hazy and unfocused eyes, lightly kissing and licking her body the entire way. After a final, long kiss on her mouth, he moved his rod into position, and entered her soft, wet flower. For a while, he pumped her in the standard missionary position, but then he took a closer look at his pet. Nabiki’s moans, as well as her face, clearly broadcast her feelings, which appeared to be composed of equal parts pleasure and anguish. For a moment, Ranma felt sorry for her, but then he remembered two things. First, this was a punishment, so the anguish was to be expected. Second, the more his pet was able to endure, the greater her reward would be when he released her. With that in mind (and with a rather evil grin) he rolled over, allowing his pet to control the pace of their lovemaking so he could see how far she would go in her vain attempts to climax.
Nabiki wanted to go slowly, to make her Master’s pleasure last as long as possible—she really did. However, as soon as he rolled them over so she was on top, effectively letting her take charge, she was unable to ignore the overpowering animalistic need to cum right now. Her moans turned into grunts as she started to move over the length of his shaft with increasing vigor. Ranma reached up with his hands, initially to play with his pet’s undulating breasts, but that intention changed when Nabiki grabbed his forearms to support herself as she began slamming onto her owner as rapidly as she could, her mind by now oblivious to everything but the unattainable goal of her orgasm. As she continued, and the intensity of her sensations increased, tears of desperation started to form in her eyes, and she began to think that she would never find release.
Ranma held on as long as he could without the Denial Point, which was still rather impressive due to the amount of control his training gave him over his body. Still, he was human, and the amount of friction Nabiki was applying to his member in her futile attempt at release were nearly unbearable. Eventually, he had to let go, and he released his seed into her. The warmth of her owner’s semen inside of her somehow managed to get through to Nabiki’s sex-fogged mind, and the vicarious pleasure she felt from satisfying her Master was enough to dull her neediness somewhat, though she continued to hump him for several minutes, eventually shifting slightly and grinding her sex along his pelvic bone when his shaft became too soft to provide her with stimulation. At this point, Ranma leaned up and embraced his pet, whispering soothing praise into her ear as they both lay on the futon.
It took Nabiki a while to come down to a manageable level. Her owner simply cuddled her, whispering encouragement in her ear.
“Good girl. That was wonderful. I knew ya could do it. Just take deep breaths, an’ pretty soon you’ll be fine again.”
She followed her Master’s instructions, and soon she felt much more at ease. She was still incredibly horny, but her need to orgasm no longer felt like an overpowering urge that threatened her sanity. Odd as it was, though she didn’t feel satisfied at all, she did feel a sense of contentment; she had made it through her punishment, and her owner was obviously happy with her performance, as his praise continued to be whispered into her ear. She would have no problem with her owner continuing to use the Denial Point as a punishment—the mix of mild to moderate enjoyment and agonizing frustration that it gave her made it perfect for that purpose, and Ranma had obviously enjoyed watching her react to the sensations—but she wouldn’t want to incorporate it into their regular activities. She idly wondered when she would be released from the point when her Master suddenly loosened his grip and, while still lying on the floor, raised his voice to a more conversational volume.
“Okay, that was great, Nabiki. Now for part 2 of yer lesson on the Denial Point.”
Lesson? What does he mean by that? “Is my punishment to continue, Master?”
“Nope. In fact, this part’s yer reward for bein’ such a good pet.”
Nabiki wasn’t sure what he meant, but she assumed that she was about to get the release her body so desperately craved. (Boy, was she ever right.)
Ranma continued in the most professorial tone he could manage. “As interestin’ as the Denial Point is when it’s turned on, it ain’t nuthin’ compared ta when it’s turned off.”
Well, duh. Nabiki tried not to sound patronizing in her response. She failed. “You mean that being able to have orgasms is better than not being able to have them?”
Ranma bristled a bit, then regained his composure. “Well, I was gonna explain what I meant, but since I didn’t like that tone, I’m gonna just let ya find out for yerself.” Nabiki started getting nervous—either something very bad or very good was about to happen to her, and thanks to her snarkiness, it was going to be a surprise, and she was quickly developing a love/hate relationship with surprises. Her Master’s grin looked almost malicious as he suddenly embraced her tightly and reversed her Denial Point.
Under most circumstances, unless her Master ordered her to be silent, Nabiki was a moaner, not a screamer. She was never really one to raise her voice to high levels to begin with, and to actually try to artificially make one’s voice louder during sexual activities seemed to her an utterly ridiculous notion. That said, having three or four of the most powerful orgasms of her life continuously over a period of 20 seconds is definitely not “most circumstances.” As such, Nabiki was shrieking at the top of her lungs (much to the displeasure of her Master’s eardrums).
Words really can’t do justice to her experience. It was as though she had a massive amount of pressure inside her, which was suddenly afforded an avenue of escape—kind of like going to the bathroom after you’ve held it in for a while, only much more euphoric. The orgasm seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, and Nabiki wasn’t entirely sure she could take it. Nabiki gripped her owner tightly in an effort to keep from passing out as every single part of her body flooded her brain with messages that amounted to “GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—VERY GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD—GOOD.” She had never screamed so loudly in her life; she would probably be hoarse for the next few days. This thought didn’t enter her mind at the time, but then, there wasn’t a lot of room in her mind.
It didn’t help that Ranma had inserted two of his fingers into her womanhood. He didn’t bother moving them around—it was rather obvious that at the moment, the most microscopic twitches were sending out even more shocks to the overworked pleasure centers of his pet’s brain. To stifle her screams (and prevent hearing loss) he moved his other hand behind her head and pushed her mouth towards his, giving her the deepest kiss he could. Of course, given her state of mind, that just further increased her ecstasy.
Eventually, Nabiki’s megaclimax subsided, leaving her feeling utterly drained. Her Master’s hand was covered in her juices (with a little bit of his semen mixed in). Reflexively, he brought his hand to his pet’s mouth for cleaning, and to her credit, Nabiki managed to finish three fingers before she fell asleep. Ranma smiled and caressed her cheek with his clean hand before leaving the room to clean up and prepare for their next round of lovemaking.
As he finished washing his hands, Ranma noticed the clock in the kitchen—it was 11:00, and with the exception of Kasumi’s brief check-in to drop off the things she’d bought at three or so, he and his pet would be alone until 1 AM. He decided to let Nabiki sleep for an hour or two—she’d need as much energy as possible for the remaining twelve hours.
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(Posted Mon, 31 Oct 2005 00:21)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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