My Very Own Personal Nabiki: I Said It Would Be Interesting, Didn't I? (LIME) [Episode 150913]

by Kwakerjak

“Well, Ma—er—Ranma,” Nabiki said, remembering the pigtailed martial artist’s rule about collarless behavior, “this is certainly going to make things easier for us.”

“Ya got that right.”



“Are we going to take advantage of Kasumi’s offer?”

“Whaddya mean by that, Nabiki?”

Nabiki had a tough time resisting the urge to roll her eyes. From the smirk on his face, it was obvious that Ranma knew exactly what she meant, but apparently he enjoyed pretending to be naïve. “I mean, are we going to have sex?” He’s probably got something planned, but he doesn’t want me to know what it is.

“Ehh… maybe later. I’m still kinda tired from our last session.”

Oh yeah, he’s definitely got something planned. I’d better make sure that I’m near the collar when he “surprises” me. Ranma was still new to the realm of deviousness, after all, and Nabiki could still read her owner like a book. She decided to “do her homework” in the dojo (yeah, right) so that Ranma wouldn’t have to go far when he “suddenly” put the collar around her.

Unfortunately for her, this was Nabiki making those deductions, and not the Ice Queen, who apparently went into hibernation in the presence of her owner. Ranma did indeed have a plan. He really was still tired—no matter how many ancient lovemaking secrets he knew, after two or three hours of vigorous sex, there was no way “little Ranma” would be able to participate in any fun activities for at least half a day, if not longer. (And that’s taking Ranma’s Wolverine-like recuperative abilities into account. A normal guy on the street would probably be in a coma for a month.) But then, Ranma knew that he didn’t need “little Ranma” to have fun…

As Nabiki started to leave the room Ranma called out, “Hold it.” Nabiki stopped where she stood—not because her Master had told her (she wasn’t wearing the collar, so she didn’t have to follow his orders, right?), but because Ranma had physically restrained her—by putting his hand down her shorts and grabbing her sex through her panties. “Where d’ya think yer goin’?”

He drew her closer to himself, pressing her back up against his chest. Nabiki couldn’t see his face, but she could hear his smirk in his voice. For her part, she was experiencing something that rarely happened to her—bewilderment. “But you said… later…”

Her master brought his mouth to her ear and quietly responded. “That I did. And it’s five seconds later, ain’t it?” As Ranma began to lead her back into the family room, his other hand began to squeeze her breast, with some light kisses on her neck for good measure.

“B-But you said you were tired…”

“I don’t have ta use a dick ta have fun with ya.” Ranma’s smirk grew wider. He must have really caught Nabiki off guard if she her attempts at conversation consisted entirely of stating the obvious like this. “Why don’t we watch some TV? I like watchin’ TV with you.” He continued to fondle her as they sat down. “I think DBZ is on… D’ya mind changing the channel? My hands’re full right now.” Nabiki shakily picked up the remote control, then nearly dropped it as her owner hit a pressure point near her labia that nearly made her head explode. (It was one of the many, many points described in Ranma’s book that temporarily increased the sensitivity of the female body. When they were all hit at once the results were… interesting—but that’s another story.)

Nabiki was gasping for breath as she tried to ask Ranma another question. As a result, all Ranma could make out was “Collar?”

“The contract says I can have ya whenever I want—it don’t mention a collar nowhere. Yer my pet, and that’s in effect 24-7, whether yer wearin’ the collar or not.” He paused to put his hand inside her shirt and push her bra out of the way before resuming. “When ya ain’t wearin’ the collar, yer s’posed ta act like everything’s normal.”

Nabiki had regained enough of her composure to make a more coherent statement. “But—Master—how do I?”

That earned her a rough squeeze on her breast that lasted for several seconds. “Didn’cha hear me? Ya ain’t s’posed ta act that way without yer collar!” Ranma hissed.

Nabiki tried again. “Ranma—how?”

Ranma brought his face forward to where Nabiki could see it. He was still wearing that smirk, but there was a touch of warmth in it, enough that she didn’t feel quite as intimidated as she had before. His response also contained that mixture of deviousness and kindness: “Yer a smart girl. I bet you’ll figure somethin’ out. But ya better do it quietly. Kasumi did ask us ta keep the noise down, after all.” Ranma moved his lower hand inside his pet’s by now very damp panties, and continued his ministrations as he settled back to watch Son Goku thrash his latest adversary.

Nabiki, for her part, tried her best to restrain her moans of passion. Somehow her interior monologue managed to formulate a complete sentence: What next?

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(Posted Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:30)

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