Ranma Does Nerima: Rumble in the Jungle! (DARK) (LEMON) [Episode 147425]

by Vrodsky

Yoiko dragged Ryouga to a clearing close to Jusenkyo, but well away from the obnoxious guard. As she checked Ryouga's thick skull for any serious injuries, she rehearsed her story, and considered the implications of being, quite literally, her own person after all this time as Ryouga's dirty secret. She seemed to remember the skills and knowledge that Ryouga did, as well as those of the young girl whose nympomania she had taken on, as evidenced by Yoiko's sudden and complete grasp of the Chinese language. She also seemed to have Ryouga's proportionate strength still, and saw no obvious physical differences. Which, she pondered, was part of the problem...

Ryouga broke her concentration and her line of thought as he sat up suddenly. As a top-tier martial artist, the moment he wasn't out cold, he was ready for action. Which was just what Yoiko wanted. She spoke up as he looked around for a moment in mild confusion, and then locked eyes on her in abject horror mixed with mind-numbing confusion.

"Oh, Ryouga! Thank heavens you are OK! After you were knocked out," Yoiko made a point of not discussing Ranma, knowing that Ryouga might forget all about her if he got another mad-on, "I got you away from those crazy springs to treat your wounds. Are you alright?"

Ryouga simply gaped at her, his mouth open as far as Ranma's had been when the pig-tailed boy had seen Ranko. He didn't have a clue what to say, and only barely began to form the barest hint of words. "Guh... huh... muh... duh?"

Yoiko sighed internally. Why were the dumb ones so cute? Why were the cute ones so dumb? And why were the hung ones so damn cute? She was very happy to find that many of Ryouga's mental problems hadn't rubbed off on her. She wasn't sure if it was because of the curse, or simply because Ryouga's brain was addled with backed up love juice. It didn't really matter. She replied as though Ryouga had asked a full question, that he was clearly groping to put into words. "Yes, Ryouga, we've been split apart by the cursed spring of drowned twins. Somehow, it took our body and split into you and your cursed form. In other words, you and me!"

She waited for that to sink in on the Lost Boy before continuing. He took three deep breaths and swallowed twice before blinking and nodding lightly. He was used to having things explained to him in a slow and patient fashion. "I asked the guide why I stayed, well, the way I am, you remember that, right dear? Instead of becoming a twin, female version of you, which I'm not." She'd asked the guide no such thing, in fact. She was pretty sure she wasn't a female version of Ryouga, since she still had his old cursed form's mind and body, but she wasn't going to risk finding out the truth. If she was right, fine. If she wasn't, and she really was a female twin of Ryouga, that would make getting him to do his part in her plan very, very difficult.

Ryouga took a few moments to think about this news. Then he took a few minutes. Then Yoiko waited patiently, gathering food and water, making a compass out of an old plastic cup, some water, and a magnetized needle, finding their bearings, improvising a GPS system to find their exact coordinates, and plotting a course home (which was still, in her mind, the Hibiki estate), before Ryouga finally spoke.

"WHAT?!?" Ryouga exploded, red with anger. Yoiko had expected as much, but it still made her jump. She waited for the typical stream of curses to burst forth. She didn't wait long. Ryouga jumped to his feet, crying to the heavens as he raised his arm toward the sky dramatically. "Curse you Saotome! I will get my revenge on you for ruining my life again! I will punish you for... for... " After a moment of effort, trying to think of what he wanted to punish Ranma for, he finally sat back down. According to his own brand of logic, Ranma was responsible for everything that happened to him. Usually, that was bad, and so he wanted to kill Ranma. Today, however, that meant removing the curse he had blamed on Ranma in the first place, which he had trouble getting angry about.

As he sat to consider his unprecedented position, Yoiko took her chance. She wasn't sure this was going to work, but she needed to train. She needed to more desperately than Ryouga had ever needed to get his rocks off or beat up Ryouga, she knew that. So, as Ryouga sat and thought, she turned away from him, and pulled her shirt over her head. Even with his mind locked on Ranma, Ryouga couldn't help but notice the sides of Yoiko's enormous torpedoes visible even with her back to him, especially with her arms up over her head. His mind suddenly shifted gears, and the blood that had been flowing to his brain reversed course. Still, the tiny shred of him that he considered honorable made him squeak out, "You... you're like my sister, put your shirt back on!"

Yoiko grinned, having expected this exact reply, and planned for it. She turned around, her wait hair running down her back, her breasts jiggling lightly as she did so. Ryouga was struck dumb in every sense of the word by the sight of the twin howitzers head-on. They weren't the biggest breasts he'd ever seen; he'd worked in porn. But, they were the biggest breasts that, he knew, were all natural, and considering the fact that they stayed full and firm without a bra, they easily rocketed up the charts to become the best breasts he'd ever seen. On Yoiko's tiny form, they seemed even more obscene, and he really, really liked it. He barely heard Yoiko's reply, but it made good sense to him. "No, don't you remember? I asked the guide, and he said that because you had a non-standard female curse, it split you into you and your cursed form, you and me, and you know that I'm not much like you are. I'm different. I'm definitely not like any kind of blood relative." Again, she knew no such thing. But, that didn't bother her, and she knew it would bother Ryouga, so she didn't mention it.

As Ryouga's loose dark green slacks began to tent, Yoiko knew she'd won. She slid out of her pants, which she'd had to wear up around her waist due to the change in height, and strolled forward toward Ryouga. Sexy walking was another skill she'd picked up from the Jusenkyo curse and not Ryouga. As she moved, her wide, sexy hips swayed back and forth. She let her foot come down hard at the end of each step, causing her bazooms to shake and jiggle. Ryouga's cock visibly jumped and swelled with every step she took, and his breath came faster and harder as his excitement grew. If his eyes had really been able to stop looking at her hips and breasts, he would have seen that she was excited too. Her pussy was already leaking girl cum in anticipation of accepting his log, and her lower set of lips seemed to be winking at him in her hunger and excitement. Before that last shred of sanity and decency could take control and force him to rocket out of the clearing, Yoiko leaned down in front of him.

Her breasts hung right in his face, her two, huge, perfect, incredible tits, so close he could feel their warmth. Even as his eyes locked on them, her hand went down to his slacks. With the ease of a trained martial artist, her hand found her way into his pants, and wrapped around his organ. He gasped, and looked down, to see Yoiko's hot, -strong- little hand massaging and stroking his cock, slowly. By the time he looked down, Yoiko's other hand was in his pants, holding onto one of his balls. She was stroking it gently, almost lovingly. The feel of her hands on his equipment blew away any resistance he had to fucking her, but Yoiko continued her assault. She spoke in a sultry tone, in his ear, another skill learned from her curse. "Ryouga, honey, you've gone so long without cumming. I can feel your big balls full of cum. I know you need this as much as I do, baby. Come on. Let me milk your big hose."

That did it. Ryouga half-hated to have it called milking, even though a number of people had pointed out how similar he was to a cow in that regard. But, to have such a sexy woman talk about it that way... his resistance was already gone, and now he was into it. He -did- need it, and he was practically in agony from going so long without it. His hands shot up to Yoiko's tits, squeezing them together, pawing at them hungrily, and drawing one after the other to his mouth. His huge, rough, strong hands sent a thrill down Yoiko's spine, and his mouth added to that. He'd let his tongue play over her skin, and then suck at her flesh, nibbling a trail over her sensitive knockers. Once he'd spent a little time on the vast expanses of titflesh before him, he'd move on to tease her nipples. He'd done porn so long, he knew just what the camera liked. Thankfully, he also knew how to make a woman enjoy it, at least a fair amount.

And Yoiko was enjoying it. Her eyelids were fluttering a bit as she moaned. Girlcum was steadily dribbling from her excited pussy, and she wanted to leap on Ryouga's prick so badly that she was having to rub her thighs together in anxious anticipation. Her nipples were already erect when Ryouga had touched her; now they were rock hard. Her hands continued to move, but more frantically now. She had known that Ryouga was good, but in her mind, she'd never thought he could be almost as good as Ranma. Her ability to keep control of the situation was slipping, so she took some more initiative. She yanked off Ryouga's pants in one quick motion, never dislodging the Lost Boy from her breasts. She moaned as he growled hungrily against her skin, making his teeth vibrate against her as his hot breath massaged her flesh.

She began frantically jerking him off, toying with his big, fat, virile, cum-laden balls. Her hands were strong, and Ryouga responded well to firm handling. She squeezed his iron hard rod in one hand, working up and down so fast her hand blurred over his organ. She added a twist of her wrist even as she worked on his cock, her hand flying up and down his manhood, bearing down hard enough for him to really feel it. He reacted to that, fucking his cock against her hand, meeting her hand like it was a pussy he was fucking. He couldn't help himself; her hand was really strong, and she knew just how to move it. Precum began dribbling out of his cockhead as she continued to toy with his balls, stroking and lightly squeezing one and then the other. They were too big for her to palm both of them at the same time; they were practically too big for her to palm one at the same time.

Ryouga's cock didn't pose nearly the same problem. While Yoiko hadn't even been able to use both hands to form a complete circle around Ranma's monster, the fingertips on one hand were only a few inches from meeting around Ryouga's cock. Even as she thought of this, she moaned in Ryouga's ear, just boilerplate to make him hornier, "Oh, baby, you're so big!"

She didn't expect the reaction she got, which involved Ryouga's head snapping up to look at her, and ask, quickly, even as their hands kept working, his massaging and kneading her tits, hers all over his cock and balls, "Bigger than Ranma, right?!?"

Yoiko looked down into Ryouga's face, full of hope, and knew what would happen if she told the truth, that Ranma's cock was noticeably longer, immensely thicker, and he had even bigger balls. So she quickly nodded in reply, whispering down to her former body-mate, "Oh yeah, you're the biggest baby!" Ryouga grinned maliciously as he looked forward to proving himself the bigger man, preferably on tape, and he went back to attacking Yoiko's breasts with his mouth. She actually had a few thoughts before they were crowded out by pleasure and hunger, however. The truth was, she wasn't sure if she'd want to be with a man bigger than Ranma. Not only was she half-sure she'd be split in half, a big part of her felt like it would be cheating on Ranma. That same part told her that it was OK to do it with a guy as long as he wasn't close to as good as her Ran-chan, which seemed, simply, acceptable. The nympho part of her seemed to think that, if it were possible to find someone bigger and better than Ranma, she should jump all over him.

And, actually, she was doing this with Ryouga specifically because he was smaller than Ranma. Despite having wanted a threesome with Ranma and Ranko (the mere thought sent her spiralling into her first orgasm with Ryouga), she knew that if she fucked Ranma again, she'd pass out before he could finish. That was unacceptable to her. That was the big reason, the important reason, the one that beat out even her own desire, for wanting to fuck Ryouga. She needed more experience with sex. She needed to learn to stay conscious through intense pleasure, and she needed to bring Ranma a fraction of the pleasure he brought her, both because she wanted to please him and because she knew that if she didn't, he wouldn't come back to her. So, she needed to train. For that, Ryouga was perfect. He might be small compared to her Ranma, but by most standards, the Lost Boy was packing beyond prodigious equipment. On top of that, he fucked hard, fast, well, and he had incredible stamina. Yoiko knew all those things better even than if she'd already fucked him.

The first thing she wanted to do was to get as much experience as she could with oral sex. While she doubted she could ever deep throat Ranma, she knew that she could take in more than she had last time, and that alone might attract his attention. She knew she was competing against a number of women, and even simply being the best and still failing to suck down his whole log could do wonders for how attractive her found her. So, she pulled away from Ryouga, once again taking control and making him grunt a complaint, oddly reminding her of a pig. Before he could say anything though, she had dropped to her knees, her mouth descending on his organ. His head shot back and his hands went into her hair, pushing her head down onto his cock, urging her on. Her mouth spread wide, making her smile like a doughnut, as she engulfed the head of Ryouga's cock.

She lavished his cockhead with attention, licking over and around the crown of his manhood as both of her hands descended to his balls, squeezing them lightly and stroking them. She couldn't help but think that his sac really did seem overly full of cum. She kept stroking his orbs as she worked her mouth on his cockhead, nibbling over his flesh, lightly, licking all over his crown, and sucking like a hoover. She ignored his bucking hips and the hands on the back of her head, using her own strength to keep just the head of his cock in her mouth, for now. That was already stretching her lips to the maximum and made her feel like her jaw was about to break, on top of filling her mouth completely. Despite being much thinner than Ranma's cock, she wasn't sure she could even deep throat Ryouga's without dislocating her jaw. She did the best she could, but soon realized she had no chance of swallowing even another inch of his rod. She couldn't even take this much of Ranma, so she didn't feel too bad, but she'd had high hopes.

Instead of uselessly trying to take in more of Ryouga, she began working on his cockhead, trying to learn the best way to pleasure a man she couldn't take into her throat. Her memories as Ryouga helped a bit, but she knew a bit of pride that few women could even take in his entire cockhead, despite most of them being much taller than she was. She began moving her head back and forth, fucking his cockhead in and out of her mouth, sucking hard the whole time. He gasped and bucked his hips up at her face, and she let him this time. She let him fuck up as she moved her head down, and let his hips fall as she pulled back, to work her mouth over his knob as fast as possible. She could tell he enjoyed this, even if she only worked on the head of his rod. She was working his cock hard now, both hands on his dick, flying up and down, twisting and stroking over his cock, her hands working hard and fast, the way the tough martial artist/porn star liked it.

Soon enough, Yoiko switched tactics, trying something new. She held Ryouga in place, her hands still working up and down over his cock, as she sucked at his crown. She began licking over the opening at the end of his cock, sucking up the precum he was blasting out in thin, short, fast eruptions, and then she began working and worming her thin, long tongue -into- him, down his urethra. That also made him sit up and take notice, jumping a bit, even as one hand on his hips held him still with surprising strength. She continued to suck at his cockhead and happily drink down his precum (not as good as Ranma's, she thought, but that was praise from faint damn) as she fucked his cock with her tongue, until he couldn't take it anymore. That was another reason she wanted to train with Ryouga. Despite incredible stamina, he didn't have that annoyingly good self-control that Ranma seemed to, and came a lot more often.

Ryouga gasped and cried out when his orgasm hit him, bucking and twitching on the ground. He'd never had a girl work his cock so well, and beyond that, this one seemed to have some kind of incredible chemistry with him, that he couldn't explain for the life of him. He didn't care though; it felt good, he liked it, and he'd be sure to get seconds, and soon. His cock bucked and jumped, the sprays of precum stopping for a few moments before a few quick, powerful, long blasts of cum rocketed through his cock, blasting right into Yoiko's mouth. The girl gagged a bit at the volume of cum, but did her best to swallow it all down. Despite being caught a little off guard, she swallowed it all with only a bit of difficulty, only a little bit dribbling out around her liplock on his cock. Despite the intensity of his orgasm, though, he hadn't lasted long enough to fill her belly properly. She grinned mentally as she gently released his cock (having memories of being a man meant that she remembered how sensitive her favorite part of the male body was after orgasm), and thought that she knew of the perfect way to get her belly satisfyingly full of cum without having to suck him off again.

As Ryouga was still grinning contentedly (he really did seem like a cow that had gone too long between milkings, she mused), she pushed him onto his back. She didn't mind that his shirt was still on. She wanted to fuck him, -now-. As Ryouga recovered enough to realize what was going on, he looked like he was about to say something. To save herself from that torture, Yoiko spread her legs quickly, aimed precisely, and impaled herself on Ryouga's cock. -That- shut him up. Her, too. They both gasped, and moaned, at the sensation. Despite having fucked Ranma only a few hours before, her poor pussy was already completely recovered, so Ryouga's cock only entered a few inches before her tightness stopped her first thrust. Her pussy was already rhythmically massaging and sucking at Ryouga's, the powerful Hibiki muscles clenching and squeezing his rod hungrily, desperately wanting to suck the jizz right out of his balls.

Ryouga's cock quickly went back into high gear excitement, bucking and jumping and dribbling hot precum into her twat as he sat up quickly. He might be too dumbstruck to speak, but that wouldn't stop him from enjoying those funbags. Before Yoiko had even gathered herself up enough to begin fucking down onto Ryouga's cock again, he had grabbed her tits, manhandling them savagely in his hunger, and working his mouth over them hungrily. She moaned, and at the feel of the thick cockhead in her pussy, spreading her wide and filling her up, and Ryouga's hands and mouth working her tits, came again, her pussy going wild around Ryouga's prick. Her pussy sucked and squeezed and spurted out girlcum, covering Ryouga's cock, lubing him up for her.

After she had recovered a bit, she bit her lip and began to work her hips down onto Ryouga's cock. Years of experience meant that his thrusts were soon meeting hers. She was amazed at how much of a struggle it was, considering how, compared to her recent encounter with Ranma, small Ryouga was. She still grunted and moaned and had to work hard for every inch. Once the crown of his cockhead popped inside of her, past her distended pussy lips, another few inches vanished as well, sending the young Hibiki girl into an uncontrollable and intense orgasm, her pussy working more and more of Ryouga's cock as it was swallowed up, her pussy juice growing in volume as she came again, not even waiting to recover a bit before slamming down again.

Both Hibikis gasped and moaned, Yoiko panting and swearing softly as she came again, Ryouga grunting and snorting like a wild animal as he fucked his hips up to expertly meet Yoiko's thrusts at his crotch. Her pussy swallowed more and more of his cock, with difficulty, until the whole thing was buried inside her, his balls slapping her ass lightly as she came to rest, for a moment, in his lap. She rested for a moment, getting used to it, wiggling her hips a little to feel the big, smooth, hard organ pressing against her insides at slightly different angles, trying to get off without thrusting for a bit. Before she could see if it would work, Ryouga grabbed her hips and began piledriving her.

Yoiko was tough, and strong, enough to take anything Ryouga could dish out. And this kind of intensity was one of the reasons he'd make a perfect sparring partner. But that didn't change the fact that his sudden change from titman to motorized fucker surprised her. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth fell into a silent O as she came again. She grabbed and squeezed her own tits as Ryouga continued to suck at her nipples and lavish attention on her breasts, even as he fucked her brains out. Her pussy was really getting him off, doing a better job of it than most could even dream of, and he wanted more of it. It was like being squeezed and massaged by dozens of hands, each as strong as Yoiko's, and he -loved- it. It didn't hurt that was insanely hot and had already got him overly aroused, either.

Yoiko, for her part, was just trying to hang on. This much pleasure wasn't threatening to black her out, but a cock as big (she didn't think of it as comparatively small anymore; Ryouga was big, even if Ranma was bigger) as Ryouga's pounding her this hard was damn near perfection. She was cumming faster and harder now, every few moments another one ripping through her, making her thrash above Ryouga and squeeze and suck his cock even harder in her tight little pussy. Ryouga, for his part, continued to ram her as his cock grew more and more excited, bucking and jumping to his heartbeat, and spraying out what would be, to an average guy, money shot sized loads of precum, over and over.

Soon enough, the jiggling, bouncing tits in his face, and the clasping, sucking, squeezing, -hot- pussy around his cock was enough to push him over the edge. The sounds that Yoiko was making, panting and gasping and swearing and moaning, just added to it, for him. Soon he was gripping Yoiko's hips hard enough to bruise any other woman, and ramming her down on his cock with savage intensity, unrivalled even by his earlier rough fucking. He continued to do this as he blasting his cum deep inside the tiny girl, over and over again, blasting and shooting his seed into her, in great, long, powerful loads, letting her feel it as her insides were deluged and filled with his hot, thick cum.

The newly intense fucking and the feel of Ryouga blasting off inside of her was enough to set Yoiko off again, into an even mroe intense orgasm. She came so hard she saw stars bursting behind her eyes, yelling and moaning and whimpering with every breath she could suck in, nearly blacking out from the pleasure as she thrashed wildly, in a fit of pleasure. Sweat ran over her luscious curves as she came right along with Ryouga, her body responding wildly and powerfully to the intense, incredible feel of the Lost Boy wildly fucking her and blasting his seed, which she craved so much, deep inside her. She came hard, long, and loved every second of it, her tits bouncing and jiggling against his mouth as her pussy went wild to a whole new degree around his rod.

When he stopped, she had trouble getting her breath back. She looked down at Ryouga and thought about what had just happened. It hadn't been as good as with Ranma, but right at the end there, she had nearly blacked out, and avoided doing it. That was just the kind of training she needed. And so, she grinned down at the Lost Boy and surprised him by asking his usual question, before he was even ready to ask it. "Ready for round two?"

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(Posted Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:50)

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