Jedi Knight 1/2: Scrubbing Her Troubles Away (LEMON) [Episode 145783]

by Lionheart

"My, Kasumi! What big breasts you have."

"Oh, Ukyo-chan, many girls have bosoms as large as mine." The eldest Tendo girl blushed and demurred the compliment.

"Yeah, but look at how fluffy they are, and that jiggle!" Ukyo tempted, dropping hints so her Ranchan's eyes would track that way. "I wish my nipples turned color like that."

That was true, Ranma thought, as his eyes tracked that way. Kasumi's nipples did have a pert bounciness to go with their size. He couldn't judge if that was more or less than his other two girls, but she did have a unique facet in that strawberry hue as she grew more excited. Peeling himself from a sweaty Kodachi, too happy to be believed and muzzily sleepy, he rolled with reach of Kasumi and, after meeting her eyes for permission, began to fondle the pair of pleasure mounds.

Kasumi twittered. "Ranma, you need a bath."

"So he does!" Ukyo bounced in the bed, incidentally waking Kodachi to hear the next proposal. "Let's all take him over to the tub and give him a good scrubbing!"

Face alight with mischief, the female Kuno concurred. "I agree, Ranma-sama, your manly exertions have undoubtedly left us all quite fragrant. Let us adjourn to the baths."

Soon they'd all been garbed in fluffy robes (only Kasumi had on anything else, and that was a pair of very slimy panties). because they were such a big party Kodachi had almost reflexively led them to the larger of the two bathing areas available to her in the mansion, when she paused, hearing her brother's voice. "Hold! Perhaps this is not the wisest course. I perceive that my loutish brother lurks near."

Indeed, Tatewaki chose that moment to emerge from behind a corner. "Truly, my twisted sister, you need not hide your assignations from me. T'was I who gave permission that Saotome should date thee... But what is this? Do my eyes behold that Saotome has rid himself of those vile desires for my beloved tigress and chosen a different Tendo!? It is certain then, as I had overheard, that Akane is now free. Now this feud of ours is at an end. Saotome," Tatewaki stood, pausing as he prepared to make his exit. "Our lesson begins at sunrise."

The kendoist was gone, but his voice came floating back up the corridor. "Lunch arrives in an hour. I ordered enough for all, seeing as how Sasuke was busy with the cleaning."

Trying to make sure this didn't kill the mood, Ukyo goosed her beloved Ranchan, and when he yelped, pointed out Kasumi as the culprit. That gentle soul had no idea what was going on as she got swept up into his manly arms and trotted off toward the bathrooms for revenge. But, seeing as how she'd had her shyness overcome by surprise and gladness at his forward behavior, it was all to the good.

Kodachi and Ukyo came wandering in a few steps later, both a trifle too sore for running just now. They found Ranchan scrubbing a wiggling Kasumi all over, both gently and vigorously and with enough tickling that not only was she so turned on she was leaking like a faucet, the girl was laughing too hard to feel nervous. The pair were squirming around like wild kids at play, and for the first time Ukyo saw the older girl as someone close to her in age. Before she'd always seemed too mature and controlled to be approachable.

Panties lost (Ranma had them in his teeth), robes gone, and squirming about together with her special spots getting just as much, if not more, attention than her tickle zones, Kasumi at last relaxed and caught Ranma's lips, startling him enough to let her catch his hands, then she met his eyes and told him, "Ranma, I do love you."

He licked the end of her nose, and when she giggled, nuzzled her neck and hugged her. "Kasumi, I love you too."

Kasumi's eyes widened and she felt an additional pair of hands on her bottom, lifting her up a vital few inches and carefully adjusting her right to left.

"You got her alright, Dachi?"

"Indeed I do, Ukyo-chan." The gymnast perkily replied, wearing a fake executioners mask, and with her ribbon arced over a rafter she was holding Kasumi bound in a sitting position with her arms pinned down to her sides, hovering scant inches above the tip of Ranma's fully erect penis. She cleared her throat theatrically. "The Virgin Kasumi Tendo, you have been sentenced to die by impalement upon Ranma-sama's spear of love. Have you any last request?"

Finding this much easier to accept as a game, Kasumi shook her head, feeling glad they could help her so. Her boldness began returning as she accepted their help on this, her final choice as a maiden. She turned her head around so she could meet and hold Ranma's eyes, reassuring him this was alright.

"Then let the sentence be carried out." Kodachi lowered the bound girl while Ukyo reached around keeping things aligned so that Kasumi was gently impaled upon Ranma's shaft, the steady inches of it vanishing within her folds until there was a pop and a trickle of blood and she rested fully within he chosen's lap, whereupon Kodachi released her from her ribbon.

Ukyo took off an imaginary hat and held it over her heart. "So passes a worthy opponent, and is born again a friend."

"Indeed," Kodachi agreed, removing her mask and doing the same, though it was the only article of clothing any of them wore at that point.

Kasumi's and Ranma's eyes were locked on each other's, unable to blink as they delved into each other's hearts and minds in concert with their physical joining. Both had felt abused, each in their way. One had dealt with it one way, the other another. The depth of the pair's bonding added their coping strategies to each other, giving both a wider tool list and a better handle on coping.

Ranma had overcome much of his father's influence even before arriving in Nerima; had it not been that way they'd have been two identical thieves and scoundrels, just one slightly younger than the other. Yoda had been teaching him for months how to cope and overcome the rest of his father's poisons. Ranma still had his weak points, but fewer, and he was now stronger in some previous weaknesses than he'd ever hoped to be.

Kasumi needed that strength. She drank it in, sinking herself into it, offering in return her own peaceful refuges, inner strengths and strategies. In that joining most of her anger washed away (leaving it must be said, a residue of resentment) and both injured parties became closer to complete for the addition of the strengths of the other.

The girl came to an awareness of her body and surroundings at the end of this mental jaunt, only to discover that she'd somehow been dancing along with Ranma unconsciously all of this time and was just cresting her twelfth orgasm on her way to her thirteenth, while Ukyo and Kodachi looked on, gasping in awe at the pair of them who'd left a slimy trail from one end of the massive tiled area to the other and back again in their squirming, squishy, animal wrestling match.

Hot, thick semen came spurting into her womb once again as her own muscles fluttered along his shaft, squeezing Ranma's manhood and drinking in the last few drops of his spent shaft before she realized with a start that perhaps that was too many, before consciousness fled and exhaustion claimed her.

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(Posted Tue, 26 Jul 2005 12:07)

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