Ethsharitic Ranma: Fit Together Jumble (LEMON) [Episode 145613]

by Kender

It wasn't exactly a planned situation.

Ranma was not totally unaware of what went on between man and woman in the bedroom, as he'd been around too many sources of information to be left in the dark. Times spent around rural areas, and plenty of people, many of them peers, left him with a rudimentary knowledge of what sex was. However, he didn't know much beyond the basic biological part of it.

The maids knew little about matters between husband and wife, and had resorted to a scroll to tell them what was 'expected'. Since it wasn't exactly the best source of knowledge, they were basically making do as they went along. Not that they were doing anything wrong, but they were a little off in their actions.

After he was tied down, the girls went on to what the next step was supposed to be, according to the scroll. It said something about rubbing bodies together, and so they did exactly that. They pressed their nubile bodies against his and began to rub themselves back and forth on him, with their breasts rolling upon his skin, and their legs twining with his. That was something that they'd found that they'd already liked, and were quite enjoying, as it was giving them a pleasant sensation. Their breathing grew harder, their nipples were stiffening, and they got the oddest sensation in their bellies. Had they not been forced to watch so that they didn't hit their heads together more than they already have, it would have been a purely enjoyable situation.

Asuka was the first to find that something more was needed. She'd been nuzzling against his side, wondering if this was it, and discovered something odd when his hand met her mound. He hadn't meant to do it, but his fingers slid across the intimate spot, and down to her slick petals. A gasp of surprise jumped from between her lips, and she felt herself tense instinctively to his touch. Then she found that his fingers were capable of making her feel rather good, as they were squashed against her most feminine flesh so much that they were sliding inside of her. When that happened, she felt good, and was essentially humping his hand.

Upon seeing the happy look on the redhead's face, Rei blinked and decided that she would test the matter as well. But since Asuka had already proven that it was good to have his hand between their legs, she knew that it would not be a good test. So she decided to follow the scroll's instruction of the joy that girls and guys could get when a boy touched a woman's chest, and pushed her right breast into his open hand. It took a few tries, but she managed it, and in so doing, discovered that if she rubbed the space between her legs against his leg, enjoyable feelings resulted. As this was a part of their ceremony, an interesting test, and something that actually made her feel good, she continued it, and made sure to dutifully go with that.

But the one who discovered the biggest thing was Maya, who hadn't even realized what was about to happen until she did it. The part that marked him as a male began to harden, and started poking her in the thigh, which was not quite enjoyable. As she'd been laying on top of him, it was not something that she could avoid, though she tried. However, as she shifted position to be able to move herself, she poked herself with his manhood so high up on her thigh that it slid up against her most intimate space, and without meaning too, she slid it into herself.

The sudden sense of 'fullness' shocked her, and she was further amazed by how good it felt to have him in her. Not that it was something that she'd have expected, as she would have thought that sticking something like that into one of her openings would be... uncomfortable. Other than a little pain, she actually felt wonderful being like that, and could feel herself clench around him. She didn't understand why that was, and she didn't know what to do about it, but it still felt great. Staying in that one position didn't seem right though, so she sat on him and began to move her hips in a circular motion. Doing so caused all sorts of amazing little sensations that had her shivering, and him groaning.

Yet, he couldn't stay inside her forever, and so she began to pull off, and found that action caused a whole new series of wondrous and overwhelming feelings. In fact, she was so astonished by them, she fairly dropped back to sitting on his lap. Of course, when that happened, she was filled with him again. By this time, her normally intelligent mind was solely concerned with the fact that this felt good, and that she wanted more. And so she began to bounce upon the rigid shaft, to the point where her breasts were jiggling and he gave off grunts every time she slammed herself back upon him.

On his end, Ranma had totally lost himself in an overwhelming situation. He didn't know quite what was going on, but he was aware of the fact that he was in a situation that a lot of guys would love to be in. He had never touched girls like this, and at the moment, he didn't care. All he knew was that had he done this before, he'd have had a lot of pleasure before he died. There was no way for him to know if this was the way that it was supposed to go, though he did realize that three on one was not normal.

A primal, and very male part of him did acknowledge that this was a very enjoyable situation, and once he had the eldest girl spearing herself upon him, he was knocked totally senseless. Sure, she caused him some pain when her thighs smacked against his, and she seemed intent on paying attention to the action, but it was not something his inarticulate brain could manage to care about at the moment.

And when she stiffened up as a wave of acute pleasure hit her, and she was like a statue with him deep within her, he felt her squeeze him tighter than he'd ever experienced before, and could not hold back his own release.

Maya dropped to his chest, with his rod still between his petals, and accidentally pressed her lips to his in an unexpected kiss. At first, it was a surprise, but then she enjoyed that sensation as well. "Hmm.... Thank you, Master."

The pigtailed boy didn't know what to say, especially as he felt Asuka's womanhood tightening on his fingers, and Rei making some uncharacteristic noises as her legs wrapped around one of his. All he could do was to lay there in a physically happy daze, and breathe hard, while:

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(Posted Sun, 24 Jul 2005 07:27)

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