Animal-Girl Crackers: Stick with the current scene... (LEMON) [Episode 144421]

by Lycanus

"Wow," the most talkative of the two girls said as she walked around behind Ranma.

The girl was examining Ranma's fur closely, and not paying attention to too much else. So she didn't notice her friend's skeptical expression or Ranma's amused expression as she held her hands out to the side.

"So, did you make a suit? Or is this glued on or something?" the first girl asked trying to peek down the back of Ranma's shirt.

"I'll give you a better look, okay?" Ranma said, moving her hands to the frogs on her shirt.

"I think he just wants a chance to have girl fondle him, Shinko," the other girl said with a smirk, drawing a shrug from Ranma as the fox-girl finished opening her shirt and letting it fall back to the ground.

"Don't be such a spook, Juri," Shinko said off-handedly.

Shinko didn't seem to pay attention as she started to trace Ranma's spine down to her brush of a tail, eye fixating on each hair as she tried to find the glue or zipper or other secret to the "costume". Ranma churred pleasantly at the feeling, crossing her own arms under her enhanced chest as the girl unwittingly caressed her.

As her chest thrust slightly forward, a bead of milk leaked out of her erect nipple and caught on the surrounding furs. Ranma pretended not to notice Juri's smirk deepening at the sight.

"Ha, knew it had to be a fake," Juri thought quietly to herself. "No way Ranma is lactating. So let's see what she's filled these balloons with."

She reached out and carefully caught the drop on her finger, thinking Ranma's attentions were drawn towards the girl at her back and wouldn't notice. Juri's own eyes were focused on that drop and blithely ignorant of what she was doing as she opened her mouth and set it on her tongue.

She blinked as the taste reached her mind and a tingle worked through her body. In the space it took for her eyes to close and open again, they shifted from dark brown to piercing yellow. She looked down again at Ranma's breast and saw the knowing smirk from the fox-girl, but didn't care.

Ranma gently reached up to the girl's head and guided her down to a brief interlocking of their lips and tongues before Juri moved down to latch onto her breast, suckling hard on the transforming milk. The buttons on her shirt popped as her chest expanded a cup size or two.

One of Ranma's hands reached forward to slip into Juri's deepening valley while the other slipped down into her own secret place.

Not so secret at the moment.

"You've got to see how this tail is..." Shinko said coming around Ranma and finally noticing what was around her.

She froze, mouth open wide as she watched Juri's ears perk upward and the tail growing out from under her skirt. Before she could react further, a slippery, furry finger popped into her mouth and the most invigorating taste enveloped her thoughts.

She licked the honey-coated finger dry before taking a deep breath and dropping to her knees before Ranma, vigorously pulling down the martial artist's pants so she could get at more of the fox's nectar.

Ranma, both girls in hand, let herself give up to their ministrations and gripped hard against the wall behind her as the pressure built.

As the last cry of release echoed out of the alley, a pair of watchers commented on the scene they saw through the crystalline pool in front of them.

"That makes four foxes now," the female voice said. "They're getting a head start."

"They each only have three hours to convert others after their change," the Wizard said. "And none of them are going to want to hurry the act."

"And what happens after three hours?" the apprentice asked.

"Then we have mating urges of a more traditional sort," the Wizard said smirking.

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(Posted Tue, 31 Jan 2006 05:11)

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