That took the form of a walk that was as sultry as she could manage, with her behind wiggling in a way that she hoped would be pleasing to him. By the sounds that he was making, it sounded like such was the case, and a pleased smile spread across her features in response. She made certain that he could imagine himself touching all of her, and couldn't wait for that to be the case.
So, when they reached the bedroom, and he pulled her into a kiss that lasted through the time that they came inside and closed the door, a thrill ran through her body rather than shock. The feeling of him holding her was delightful, and she mewled slightly as his hands traced the waistband of her skirt. His intention was clear, and she wouldn't have minded that at all, but something she realized just then made her pull back.
"Kodachi? What's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing," she replied.
"Then why'd ya do that?"
"I don't want you to do the work."
She pushed him down back from her until he was sitting down, and smiled. "A servant should always be the one to work towards her Lord's pleasure, correct?"
"I guess...."
"Well then, I desire to make certain that you are well pleased tonight."
"But ya don't have ta just do it for me...."
"But I want to."
Her expression turned seductive, and she made certain that he kept his eyes upon her at all times as she moved her body in as sensual a manner as she could. Running her hands down the front of her skirt, she bent over to present a view down her blouse as well as wriggling her groin in his direction. Then, as she straightened up, she slid her hands around to her backside and began to squeeze it slightly, raising a brow at him as she did so.
The choked sound of desire he made pushed her onwards, and she slipped her fingers over to the fastener of her skirt, and undid it so that she could slink out of it. That left her long legs mostly bare, with only the bottom edge of her blouse barely covering the very tops of her upper thighs, but she pulled those up gently, and twisted about so that this way he could to see the front of her panty clad lower body. Then she turned around and bent over so that he could see her bottom in the flimsy garment that was the only thing that stood between him and her body.
Kodachi knew that he had liked it when she turned back to face him, and saw that he had taken a moment to notice that she'd changed positions again. Of course, the evidence making his pants rise didn't hobble her understanding either, and she knew that her spur of the moment idea was working. Knowing that she had more clothing to get off, she began to unbutton her blouse, wiggling slightly so that the garment slid down her body with each open button, until the tops of her bra clad breasts were totally exposed. She cupped the firm mounds and pressed them together, acting as if she was presenting her cleavage to him, which, by his expression, he was ready to accept.
When she fondled her breasts, he seemed fascinated by it, but she wasn't done. Slipping out of her blouse, she reached up and undid her bra clasp, but had an arm around herself so that the lacy piece of clothing would not be able to leave her bosom. The fabric was ready to drop, and moving her hands around, she held it against her chest for a long moment before almost behaving as if she were pulling each breast out just for him.
And then she tossed her bra over towards him, making her desires completely clear, as he could obviously tell that she was happy giving everything to him. As a result, even though he certainly wanted to move, he didn't, not even when she slid a hand down to trace her sex through her panties. She had to let out a small hiss of pleasure when she did that, but she didn't stop. It was like she couldn't, and she seemed to be totally enjoying what she was doing when she slid her fingers down into the front of her panties, and rubbed lightly over her mound on her way to pushing the garment off of her long legs, and onto the floor.
Doing so left her bare to him, and she seemed to revel in it. Despite a slight blush on her features, she twirled about, making certain to show off her entire lithe form to him, much to both of their appreciations. From her face and hair, to her bosom and backside, he saw everything that she had.
However, the best was apparently to come, as she stood with her side to him, and then literally bent over backwards, if not in half, but damned close to it. Her breasts rode high upon her chest, with the hard tips of them seeming to point up towards her rising desires. Buttocks flexed to their maximum, and her hair brushed against the floor. And then she raised up a single leg, holding it out in a long stretch that anyone would be amazed by.
Ranma couldn't hold it anymore, and came over to stroke and kiss the smooth curve of her belly, to the point of even tracing her belly button, which she had never thought to find erotic before. This certainly made it so, and she nearly lost her balance due to his attentions. She wasn't about to complain though, as he was clearly pleased and turned on by her actions. Yet, she was also happy that he moved sheepishly back, as that would allow her to continue to give him what she'd wanted to.
But she was not about to be mean to him, as she repositioned herself so that her most intimate space was displayed right there for him, as she held herself so that he could see it. Without seeing it for herself, she knew that he was looking, and only stopped when the position became too uncomfortable to ignore. However, she had already come up with another plan, and so, facing him, she straddled his lap, with her slick petals stroking right where the rise in his pants was.
At the moment that her lips met his, he reached around her, and stroked his hands over her supple back, and down to her buttocks, playing with both places to their shared pleasure. When they needed to breath, or rather, pant, they pulled slightly apart, and she grinned slightly as she undid his shirt completely. She pushed up his undershirt with the heel of one hand and began to lick and nibble upon his chest just as he'd done on her belly. Having him squirm slightly, she smiled, and pushed off his shirt and undershirt, trailing her nipples over the hard muscles of his chest as she did so.
With him bare on his upper body, there was only one thing that she could think of, and so she pressed her chest against his, shivering at the feel of her breasts squashed against him, and unfastened his pants so that she could tug them off of him. It was not a simple task, but she found that her need to be filled was growing faster as she went. That made her a little slower on finesse, but he didn't seem to mind. Rather, he raised himself a bit, so as to allow her to pull it off him.
Once his pants and boxers were decorating the room along with her clothing, she sat on his thighs, and let his manhood poke her in the belly. A groan echoed through the room as she took hold of it, and stroked the hard organ in as appreciative a manner as she could. Desire for it to enter her was getting to be the only thing on her mind, but she wanted to make her Lord's time with her special.
She didn't complain when he twisted around to put her beneath him though. To be honest, it was what she wanted, and so she had actually helped him do it. The stripping and sexy show were all her doing for him, but the actual sex was at his leisure, and he was not about to deny either of them. Her eyes glittered as she looked up at him in acceptance, but she couldn't focus on much as she felt his stiff rod slide into her body. When that happened, it was like all sorts of wonderful sensations exploded on every nerve ending in her body, and she unconsciously moved to let him take her.
He did exactly that, as he began to thump himself into her body, and allowed her to wrapped her arms and legs around him. Being like that was such bliss for her that she couldn't stop whimpering in overwhelming pleasure, even if this was not the slowest or most romantic way of sharing their bodies. It was exactly what she wanted, and control was firmly in his hands there, as she barely could hold on for the ride.
Kodachi clutched around him as he came within her, and could almost feel all her attention upon her sex as it squeezed his manhood so tightly that had she any chance of creating a solid thought, she would have been surprised that she could have managed that. Instead, she was riding high on her own release, and knew only the joy of having him within her.
Even the return to reality didn't change things as she could only lay limply on the floor with his hard muscled body on top of hers. It wasn't anything that she minded though, as she liked the feel of his hardness against her softness, and even felt a little kick of pleasure at the way that she was still holding his rod between her petals. She was feeling slightly naughty, and was finding that she liked it, but she didn't think that he would mind.
"Did you enjoy yourself, my Lord?" Kodachi asked.
The pigtailed boy reached up and brushed a lock of hair from her sweat slicked forehead. "Ya know I did."
After he said that, she smiled and snuggled up to him, while:
(Posted Sun, 03 Jul 2005 01:52)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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