When he got to his room though, he opened the door and pushed her to go in before him.
She turned around and blinked slightly. "Master?"
Giving her a smirk, he closed the door and advanced on her. He gave her as best a predatory look as he could before he pulled her to him, making her chest flatten against his own. Her eyes widened in surprise and growing excitement as she realized what he was doing, but she let him take the lead, for which she was rewarded when he pressed his lips against her soft lipped mouth. As she gasped in pleasure at the way that his kiss teased at her, he took the opportunity to dive his tongue into her mouth, and moved his hands down her back to where he could fondle her backside.
A moan worked deep in her throat as she felt him possess her body in most wonderful ways. Just feeling the bulge in his pants against her thigh would have done that, but he seemed intent on letting the heat of his lust sear her down to her core. His tongue did wonderful things to her, and made her belly feel like it was hot liquid. She couldn't help but be weak kneed as he licked and nibbled all over her ears, neck and shoulders, with him somehow managing to make her discover that her collarbone could be a very erotic place on her body.
When he let her go enough to take a step back, she had to pant to just get enough air to stay conscious. Doing that allowed her to look at his face, and when he raised a brow, she smiled at him. But when he glanced downward, she knew what he was telling her to do. Not that she minded, as she was there to service him, which was part of her fantasies. And... she actually liked it.
So, she had little trouble in sliding out of her dress, letting him squeeze her bare breasts and suckle on her nipples. Each hardened point was pulled into his mouth and played with his tongue. Even the way that he drew his nails against her belly made her shiver, and she couldn't help the feeling that she needed to actively be something other than something to fondle for her Master, as it was her role to be pleasing him.
That made it easier for her to lower herself to her knees, and pull down his pants and boxers, letting his manhood spring out before her face. Almost reverently, she took it within her hands and began to stroke the shaft with a gentleness that belied the power in those fingers. His groans of appreciation were all that she needed to confirm her path, and she lightly licked the head of his member before sliding it into her mouth.
The pigtailed boy laced his fingers into her hair, and stroked the silken locks with tenderness as well as need. As her head began to bob upon his manhood, he held tightly upon her hair, in a mix of controlling her and keeping himself steady in the on going waves of pleasure. However, he did not get to release himself into her mouth, as she pulled back before he could come close. Instead, she shifted slightly so that she could lay the hardened rod into the valley between her breasts. She pressed the full cleavage around it, and began to slide her chest all along it. Every so often, she'd try to dip her head low enough to reach it, managing to swirl her tongue over the tip every so often.
That was good for him, as he couldn't help but groan, "Shampoo..."
"Master? You like?"
"Oh yeah..."
"You want come over you slave chest?"
"You do what you want..."
Rather than answering her, he pulled himself free from her grasp, and pushed her belly down to the floor. Doing so surprised her, but when he stroked up her inner thighs on his way to her damp panties, she knew exactly what he was about to do. It wasn't an immediate thing though, as he stroked her over the wetted cloth, and traced the lines of her lower lips through the garment. She was whimpering as he did so, and when he finally did remove that most intimate piece of any girl's wardrobe, she mewled with mixed relief and need.
He wasn't about to stop then, as he placed himself right where they both wanted him to be. Rubbing his shaft head against her petals was something that rose both of their anticipation, and it was like a bolt of lightning when he slid himself into her. Her most un-warrior-like squeal of delighted pleasure did not embarrass her in the least, as she was happy to hear it almost as much as she enjoyed having him within her. This was too good for her to feel anything bad, and the chance to be with her Master in any form was something that she delighted in.
Of course, it was a completely wonderful thing for him as well, as he reveled in the feeling of her shapely body tight around him. With each thrust, he nuzzled her, and began to stroke his body anywhere he could. That got to be rather random as he began to really pump into her, but neither of them minded. It almost had him grinding her into the floor, but if this was the way that it would happen, they were pleased to let it.
Floorboards actually creaked as he placed his last thrust into her before gaining his release. When she came around him, he stayed there, and got a little more pleasure as she seemed to putting her whole body into that last clutching hold.
Riding the wave of pleasure back down, they collapsed to the floor, with him laying on top of her, and still buried to the hilt within her body. But she did not mind, as she liked the feel of him laying on her, and even the way that her bare breasts were squashed beneath her was something to remind her of how she'd gotten to that point.
"Hey, Shampoo..." he whispered in her ear.
She tried her best to let him see her smile. "Yes, Master?"
"Ya like this?"
"Sure did. Will still remember and shiver in happiness later..."
"Good. But I don't want ya to think that I'm just going ta leave ya doing what I want..."
"Shampoo not mind. Is Master's choice to do what he like with Shampoo body..."
"Well, this Master wants to do something with your body."
"Oh?" she murmured, "Shampoo always ready for what you want."
"Ah, but it's what ya want?"
"Ya don't think that I forgot, did ya?" he asked in a naughty sounding tone, as he placed his palms on her buttocks, and pushed so that the supple cheeks parted. "Once we get our strength back..."
"Master too, TOO good to Shampoo..."
"I try..."
Shampoo just leaned herself against him as best she could, and found herself anticipating another round with her Master, while:
(Posted Thu, 09 Jun 2005 22:00)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
All other series and their characters are © by their respective creators or owners. No claims of ownership of these characters are implied by the authors of this Addventure, or should be inferred.
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