Remembering how reluctant the tigress had been to become his pokewoman, he pulled out several leather cuffs and a ball gag from one of the supply containers. He then walked over and inserted the pokeball into a slot on the wall and selected the "Render Unconscious" option. After a green light went off, Ash removed the ball and released his tigress onto one of the training beds. The red headed pokewoman was sleeping soundly and Ash had no trouble at all tying each of her limbs to one of the bed's steel posts.
After he tried for several minute to wake her up unsuccessfully, he walked over to a mini fridge and pulled out an ice cube. Grinning perversely, he opened the zipper of her shorts and stuck the ice cube in. Immediately the tigress's eyes shot open as she gasped in shock, "What the hell...?"
"Rise and shine sleepy head!" he said cheerfully as he grinned down at her lecherously, "Taming time!"
"No fucking way!" she growled back at him, "There's no way I'm gonna let you tame me!"
"Oh...?" he asked curiously, "We'll just see about that..." Before Ranma could protest again, Ash slipped his hand under her top and began to gently massage her breasts. The tigress was shocked at the sudden jolt of pleasure that shot through her and was unable to suppress the moan that escaped her lips. Bringing up his other hand, he caught the top of her tank top, and ripped it apart, revealing the red hair's rather abundant assets.
Whistling appreciatively, he said, "I'm definately glad I didn't choose that tomboy now... You're a helluva lot sexier..."
The red head blushed then asked, "You really think so..? I mean, like I'd care if a jerk like you thought I was sexy!"
Inwardly, Ash grinned as he saw that the pleasure had started to bring out some of Ranma's submissive pokewoman traits. He then grabbed both breasts and began to knead and massage them, drawing out gasps of pleasure from the bound pokewoman. Unable to resist, Ash leaned down and began to suckle on one of Ranma's nipples, turning her gasps into a deep moans as her pleasure was heightened once more.
Is this what sex as a pokewoman feels like? she thought absently, It feels so good... Maybe I should just let him... NO! I won't be some guy's sex slave! I won't! No matter how good he makes me feel!
Her resolve some what restored, Ranma grit her teeth and fought to supress the outcrying of pleasure that had been escaping her lips, her mind trying desperately to push away the presence of those skillful hands and mouth.
Seeing her resolve firming, Ash decided to move onto the next step, and removed one of his hands from her breasts. For a moment, Ranma thought that he had given up, until he felt the hand's finger's probing her crotch through the opening in the shorts and boxers. Despite her resolve, she once more found a passionate moaning escape from her lips as she felt him start to move his fingers inside of her.
Removing his mouth from her nipple, he leaned up and began to nibble on her ear as he whispered, "Like that..?"
Without thinking, she began to purr as she breathed out, "Yessss...."
Grinning, he used his free hand to reach over to the small little table by the bed and bring a pair of scissors to her shorts. With a grin he quickly snipped away both her shorts and boxers, never breaking the gentle rhythm of his fingers' work.
Noticing the pleasure glazed look in her eyes, Ash smiled and said, “Well, since you don’t seem to want me to be your master I might as well stop…”
Still lost in the heat of passion, the tigress moaned and begged, “No! Don’t stop! I’ll do anything!”
“So… You want me to do more of this…?” he asked innocently as he pushed his finger inside her slit.
“Are you sure about that…?” he asked as he began to trace her outer lips, “Do you want me to be your master…?”
“ANYTHING! Just don’t stop!” she begged.
He grinned then let his pants drop to his ankles, and took out his manhood. Positioning himself between her spread eagle legs, he looked into her desperate eyes, then pushed himself in.
Almost immediately, Ranma began to scream in pleasure as she felt her Tamer’s manhood within her. She could feel the coming wave of orgasm building inside her body, powerless to stop it, and unable to even summon the will to try. Finally, as Ash buried himself within her with a particularly deep thrust, she screamed as she was pushed over the edge.
The wave of pleasure rushed through Ranma’s mind. It washed away old ideals and self images and built up new ones, ones of her as Ash’s pokewoman. Her eyes rolled up into her head as her brain shut down in order to process the massive changes that had occurred within it.
Ash finally shot off his load deep within her then collapsed down on top of her. As he listened to her gentle breathing and soft purring, he decided to…
Mon Apr 30 22:04:04 2001