Fooled: Kasumi on the Edge (LIME) [Episode 140956]


Strolling around her sister and pondering what she could do with this opportunity, Nabiki came up with an obvious distraction once she saw the box of toys.

As a humming sound filled the air, Nabiki thoughtfully added for the benefit of her captive audience of two, "You look so tense there big sister. Lucky you I found this nice body massager. It'll leave you nice and relaxed so you can get more into the slave-girl role."

The moment the broad head of the massager made contact with Kasumi's warm vulva, the affected girl let out a strangled squeak. The wand shaped device was much more powerful than a standard vibrator, and to an inexperienced girl like Kasumi, it was overwhelming, particularly as directly as it was applied.

Akane for her part could only hear the hum of the vibrator and Nabiki merrily humming along as she worked over Kasumi's bound body. Of course, Akane couldn't tell that Nabiki was repeatedly overworking one particular target area.

If Akane had known, her first thought would have been to wish Ranma did that to her. That would have been followed by Akane wishing her master would do lots of things to her.

Once Nabiki was satisfied the 'desert' she was preparing for Ranma had been worked into a thick syrupy almost foamy consistency, she put her power-tool of choice down. Even the naive Ranma that hadn't mastered Akane's body so thoroughly would have been hard pressed to miss this. Satisfied with her work, Nabiki cleaned up her toy, promising herself to borrow it later to work off some frustrations, before returning to 'innocently' watching her sisters.

Incriminating evidence now taken care of, Nabiki resumed her act for the benefit of Akane, who seemed to be actively looking for a Tendou slave girl to join her. "Why Kasumi, what's that musky odor?"

Pausing a moment to walk around and act surprised, the middle sister continued for Akane's benefit, "Why, you're literally dripping. I mean really, you're almost as much a mess as Akane, and it looks like Ranma left her a very happy slave-girl."

Furtively, Nabiki picked at the bloomers, idly wondering if she could leave Kasumi completely nude while defending her action as dealing with a dirty garment. Sadly however the rope bondage was too intricate to really work the spandex shorts off.

Plans foiled, Nabiki kept a light touch on her sister to keep her arousal at a higher level. While it would be the juices that damned her, the more aroused Kasumi was, the less able she would be to deal with Ranma.

Only a few moments later, Nabiki put the final touches on her plan, calling out, "Oh Ranma, I think Kasumi really needs your attention. I'm no expert of course, we all know you're the Master of poor slave-girls around here, even when you are cute and busty."

Not liking something about Nabiki's attitude, which screamed 'I'm not being sneaky', the red-head dismissed her, "Alright Nabiki, I'll take care of it. You can go now."

Too amused with herself to be offended at Ranma taking her so lightly, Nabiki had to restrain herself from skipping out of the dojo.

Once the most problematic of Tendou girls was gone, Ranma turned to inspecting Kasumi. The issue was quite apparent, as like Akane, Kasumi had managed to form a puddle on the floor. As Akane had some help from Ranma in forming her puddle, this was significant.

It also helped Ranma's studies that now Kasumi's aura of lust was quite visible. Such signs aside however, Ranma did not have her consent to act on them and took great pride in the trust he was given.

Taking a moment to lower Kasumi to the floor, the red-head carefully unbuckled the blindfold and gag, once again giving the elder girl that measure of freedom.

Kasumi for her part was happy to be able to use her mouth to get in gulps of air. In between trying to get her breathing under control, she shot Ranma shy glances, worried about how the currently female slave-girl master would take her present state.

For her part, the red-head gave her a kind hug, reading a little fear in Kasumi. Even if Kasumi greatly enjoyed herself, it wouldn't do for her to develop a fear that would keep her repressed. Once the older girl got herself under control, the red-head asked, "Are you okay Kasumi?"

Afraid to even speak lest she betray herself, the bound girl meekly nodded.

Gently working on unbinding Kasumi's arms from her harness, the red-head surprised her further by apologizing, "I'm sorry Kasumi, you were taking it so calm that I didn't think being left alone a bit would bother you. I never meant for you to feel alone and scared."

Once her arms were free, the embarrassed girl put both hands to her crotch, trying to hide the signs of her arousal. This didn't stop her from being surprised by Ranma nor from appreciating the red-heads efforts, "It's okay Ranma. I'm alright, really."

Stopping what she was doing and leaving Kasumi bound squatting with her legs spread, Ranma instead took Kasumi's hands from her crotch, delicately licking the juices from the tip of one finger. "Don't be embarrassed either. There is nothing shameful about enjoying yourself. If you had given me consent earlier I'd make you feel a lot better like I did for Akane...but since you're so aroused, I can't ask you for honest consent now."

Now blushing pinkly with honest feelings, the sight of the cute red-head cleaning her fingers mortified Kasumi with how much this ramped her arousal back up. As such, she still didn't trust herself to speak.

Smiling in a delighted way that didn't set Kasumi to ease in the least, Ranma put Kasumi's hands on her shoulders. "Just a bit longer and I'll have you free, then you can go to your room. Then after you've had some time to cool down and think, I'll come up to your room tonight and make you feel good."

Barely able to keep her hands safely on Ranma's shoulder and not between her legs embarrassing herself, Kasumi could be excused for nonverbally agreeing. Actually considering how much she wanted Ranma to take her at the moment, she was doing well to not beg Ranma to take her then and there.

Finally free of her bondage, Kasumi was grateful to Ranma for remaining by her side for support as she was guided to the stairs. Getting up from the dojo floor her legs had barely functioned for mere standing, but by the time she reached the stairs she was confident enough to stand on her on. At the foot of the stairs she turned gently to her companion, "Thank you Ranma. That was very responsible of you. My little sister is in good hands."

Nodding absently, the red-head smiled cheerfully at the older girl, absently enjoying her almost naked body still pleasantly flushed with arousal. "Sure thing Kasumi. I take the kind of trust you gave me very seriously. If ya don't mind though, I need to go see to Akane."

Nodding pleasantly, Kasumi continued up the stairs on her own, using the railing for additional support.

In the safety of her room, Kasumi took a moment to examine herself in the mirror. Even after having a few moments to calm herself down, her body still showed the signs of her arousal, the stickiness between her legs being the most obvious.

More than that however, for the first time since this incident began she noticed the impressive changes in Ranma. Even with Nabiki leaving her helpless and ready for the taking, Ranma had not only held his own desires in check, but had controlled Kasumi to prevent her own desires from taking over.

In short, Ranma had been incredibly mature in a fashion she truly liked.

Not pausing to remove her soaked spandex bottom, she instead shoved one hand down to give herself the relief Ranma had hinted at. It further impressed her that he had so graciously given her the privacy to tend to the needs of her body, as apparently he would have considered that taking advantage of her. That she would have begged Ranma to take her given the slightest push had been deftly pushed aside, further proving Ranma's impressively increased maturity.

It had also been made obvious to Kasumi that Ranma deeply regretting being unable to satisfy her when she so needed it due to honoring his responsibility to her.

With the arousal she was still dealing with coupled with the sudden awareness how his maturity, Kasumi found herself hard pressed top regret her quiet acceptance of Ranma wishing to make it up to her tonight. Her only thought was how or even if she wished to hide her tattoo from him.

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(Posted Wed, 21 Jun 2006 06:13)

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