Before they left the park, Kasumi noticed a middle-aged woman. The woman couldn't have been too old, but her forehead was wrinkled, and her aging, loosening skin around her mouth framed a permanent frown. She had a permanent scowl that made her uglier than someone else twice her age.
"There's Mrs. Ahobaka! She's the most vicious gossip. She loves spreading stories about people behaving badly. Why, she saw two of my classmates kissing, and for weeks told the whole neighborhood stories about how she was a loose woman and he was going to get her pregnant! Anything to make someone else look bad, and make her look good."
Kasumi walked up to her, and stuck out her tongue while pulling a silly face, making Ranma snicker. Mrs. Ahobaka didn't notice at all. Kasumi waved her hand in front of the woman's face, and thumbed her nose while wiggling her fingers and making a raspberry sound with her lips. The lady was oblivious.
Then Kasumi put her hands under her breasts, and raised them like a demi-bra so the nipples were clearly visible, and shook them towards the old woman's face while giggling like a little girl, Ranma goggled, as his eyes followed her shaking breasts.
After the old lady waddled past, Kasumi smiled at Ranma. "She's always judging everybody. If I even said anything wrong, she'd have spread stories about me all over the neighborhood. If she saw me do that she'd have been overjoyed. She probably would have told everyone I was a prostitute, or something." Then Kasumi snickered to herself. "Come on, there's one more thing I want to do to her!"
Kasumi dragged Ranma until they were about fifteen yards ahead of the troublemaker. Then she told Ranma, "Stay there, please." and positioned herself between Ranma and the woman, facing Ranma. Then, being careful to make sure Ranma couldn't see anything new, she pulled down the back of her panties, and mooned the gossip, slapping her buttock in a rude manner. Then, while giggling, she repositioned her panties properly, grabbed Ranma by the arm, and flew off.
After they'd gotten away, she turned to Ranma, and looked at his expression. "Oh dear. I've shocked you."
"It's just not the kind of thing I expected from you."
"That's why it was so fun! I would never do that."
Ranma lived without the amount of self-restrictions that Kasumi labored under. Most of Ranma's training was geared towards acting without thought. Furthermore, due to Ranma's constant traveling, the only person who's opinion Ranma had to watch out for was his father. If there was something he wanted to do, but didn't dare do before his father, he just did it when Genma wasn't there.
So Ranma didn't understand why Kasumi was behaving the way she was. Nor did he understand why it was so enjoyable. But he did realize it made Kasumi happy. So it didn't really matter to Ranma why she enjoyed it.
Ranma was used to being invisible, so he felt like someone sharing a toy or activity with someone less fortunate than him. So he asked Kasumi "Is there anything else you'd never do that you'd like to try?"
He was unprepared for Kasumi's smirk, followed by an intense kiss, where Kasumi used one hand to hold Ranma's head to her mouth while her fingers stroked his neck. Her other hand reached down to fondle one of his buttocks through his boxers. Her wings encircled both of them like a teepee covered in white feathers.
Then she shouted, "Catch me if you can!" and flew straight up away from him. Unlike their previous game of tag, if Kasumi wanted to get away from Ranma all she had to do would be to fly faster than him. He could never keep up. Ranma had had to utilize his skill on a constant basis in order to avoid capture.
In order for them to play tag with Ranma as "It," Kasumi had to continuously curtail her speed until Ranma could almost catch her before she zipped off. Kasumi flew through the marketplace around friends and acquaintances while she teased Ranma by almost letting him catch her.
Then, at the main intersection, about fifteen feet above the ground, she intentionally let him barely catch her. She let him snag her ankle with one of his hands. But she didn't expect him to pull her back, while he used the recoil to pull himself forward faster.
Kasumi was slowed almost to a stop, while Ranma rocketed behind her. Reaching around her waist, he grabbed his wrists, trapping her between his arms. His hands were clasped above her bellybutton, and his cheek rested against the skin of her back between her shoulder-blades and wings. "Got ya!" Ranma held her against his chest.
Ranma had been playing with Kasumi more or less innocently; he was the only person sleeping in the Tendo Dojo unaffected by his aura of arousal. Kasumi on the other hand had been under its effect the whole time. It wasn't an overwhelming compulsion that could make her do something she didn't want; it was more a constant tendency towards horniness, which the victim could handle according to their nature.
Kasumi had been enjoying being slightly naughty, behaving in ways that were not quite proper, and reveling in her freedom. So when Ranma caught her, she rested one hand over his hands, and asked in a low voice, "Now that you caught me, what will you do with me?"
For the first time during the dream, Kasumi had a clear desire for Ranma to act upon. Ranma was touching Kasumi, practically with his whole front, enabling Ranma to pick up what Kasumi wanted.
Ranma floated a little higher, and using his chin to brush aside Kasumi's hair, he laid a series of small kisses on her neck, while his hands separated and, with Kasumi's hands on his wrists giving him explicit permission, he cupped her breasts.
Ranma whispered by her ear, "Kasumi Tendo; Kasumi-tenshi; mi-tenshi; beautiful angel." Ranma massaged and kneaded her breasts, taking care to avoid touching her erect nipples. If others could see the two of them, they'd be visible for two or three blocks on either street, as Ranma pleasured Kasumi over the intersection.
Kasumi enjoyed Ranma's technique, but after a half minute, she became irked that he had so completely avoided her nipples. Kasumi tried to pull his hands up from the base of her breasts, but he was too strong for her to budge them. He knew what she was asking for, but he held off. Five seconds later, she released his wrists to play with her own nipples, herself, since he wouldn't.
At that moment, he moved both hands over her breasts, so that her nipples hit each finger in rapid succession as they passed over them. A shudder of pleasure passed through Kasumi. Ranma went back to massaging the left breast, this time with the nipple trapped between two fingers, occasionally squeezing the fingers together tightly.
He put his right hand in his mouth to wet them, and then with his fingertips he played with her right nipple. Kasumi's breathing had deepened considerably, by the time his fingers of his right hand felt dry, so he raised his right hand to stroke Kasumi's cheek, before he carefully put his fingers in her mouth.
While he was removing his damp fingers from her mouth, he trapped her earlobe between his lips, and tugged, licked and suckled it to distract Kasumi with different sensations while he went back to playing with her right nipple.
Ranma was content to play with her breasts, ear, and neck, but Kasumi's hands were clenching and unclenching. And Ranma could feel that she wanted to be able to hold him. So he ducked under her right wing and arm to rotate her facing him.
The first thing they did was resume Ranma's lessons in kissing passionately. Ranma fondled the base of Kasumi's wings and shoulder blades, which kept Kasumi's chest lightly pressed against his. Ranma's right thigh pressed between her legs, and her right thigh rested between his legs. Kasumi started with her hands on Ranma's shoulder blades, but she quickly lowered them to play with Ranma's buttocks.
Ranma was feeling all of the pleasure Kasumi was giving him, plus, to a lesser extent he felt the pleasure he created in Kasumi. So Ranma saw no need to follow an agenda of his own. He was also unconsciously increasing Kasumi's desire with his own powers, and he could feel the strength of her need, so he concentrated on her pleasure over his own, content to bask in the reflected sensations.
Therefore when Kasumi was breathing too heavily to keep kissing, Ranma started kissing and nipping the hollow of her neck and her collar-bone. Having slid down Kasumi a bit, his hands began to play with her panty covered bottom. He watched her face as his mouth played with the skin of her neck.
When her breathing was under control, and she'd made eye contact, he raised her using his hands on her buttocks, and captured one of her nipples between his lips. With his tongue playing with her left nipple and his right hand caressing her bottom, he moved his left hand to the front, and started stroking and dragging his fingernails over her inner thighs.
By this point her panties had a discolored patch where the cotton had absorbed her leakage. Ranma was unaware what this signified, but he wouldn't embarass Kasumi by pointing it out. He did notice that whenever he came close to her underwear, Kasumi would feel both arrousal with anticipation, and anxiety.
These mixed messages had kept Ranma from making any more progress, until Kasumi voiced her concerns without really explaining them to Ranma. "You can do whatever you like to me, but don't remove my panties." Once she expressed her concern and set limits on what she wanted from Ranma, her anxiety over Ranma approaching her pubic area vanished.
When Ranma started stroking the front of Kasumi's panties, ironically like petting a pussycat, Kasumi had a small orgasm, which did nothing to satiate the desire within her. That this increased the size of the damp spot on her panties suggested to Ranma that the spot was a positive indicator.
Gripping her buttocks, he pulled her up so he could kiss her belly-button. He could feel her anticipation of him using his mouth on her crotch, but he was slightly aprehensive of the idea. So he proceeded to kiss, lick, and nip her stomach and inner thighs as he massaged her bottom with his hands.
Rather than disappoint Kasumi, it merely increased her desire through anticipation, as Ranma apparently circled his final destination.
Unlike the scents of Kasumi's breasts, or the nape of her neck, which Ranma found quietly desireable, the scent from her panties was strong, and overwhelming. Not really unpleasant, but unignorable, and strong. When Ranma had grown accustomed to it, he surprised Kasumi by giving her cloth-covered pussy a sudden lick.
The shuddering breath Kasumi took, and the feedback he received convinced him how much Kasumi wanted this. So ignoring everything else, except the buttocks he held in his hands to steady himself, Ranma concentrated on tonguing Kasumi.
Her hands dug deep into his hair, and pinned his face to her crotch, while her legs wrapped around his head. Through trial and error Ranma learned the different ways to bring Kasumi pleasure by licking and suction through a layer of cloth. In his mind he formed a distorted image of the contours of the covered flesh, as his tongue pushed some of the fabric between her outer lips, and he noticed a spike of pleasure whenever he reached the top of the channell.
So he concentrated his attention to lapping quickly over her now-erect clitoris. The soft cloth of her panties felt rough on her oversensitive nub, as Ranma's tongue moved the fabric as he flicked his tongue over it two or three times every second.
When Kasumi came the second time, Ranma kept up his ministrations while Kasumi suffered bliss followed by several strong aftershocks. The feedback from her pleasure caused Ranma to orgasm as well, shooting his seed off into space.
After the aftershocks had passed, it was immediately apparent that her pussy was currently too sensitive, so Kasumi pulled Ranma up into a hug and a kiss. The mild taste on Ranma's lips was slightly disturbing for Kasumi. But she quickly dismissed it as a minor side effect of the great pleasure she had just felt. If feeling like that meant tasting herself on someone's lips, she'd learn to love the taste.
Ranma, meanwhile, melted in the arms of Kasumi, basking in the affection he lived without for far too long. Kasumi's orgasm felt great to Ranma, but Ranma could masturbate by himself to feel pleasure. On the other hand the warmth and caring from Kasumi was a bliss he treasured.
When he suddenly woke up in his room, he remembered the feeling of love. It was only his conviction that men didn't cry, whick kept the tears in his eyes from falling. The pain of being given something you didn't know you needed, only to have it taken away again, Came closer to destroying Ranma than anything his opponents ever tried.
His greatest pain was from the idea that the pleasure he felt might not exist in the waking world, and he'd have to live the rest of his life remembering being loved, and not feeling it again. When he realized this, he did weep silently, as he tried to fall asleep again.
Kasumi didn't awake. Her dreams just devolved into nonsensical images when her shared dream came to an end. For Kasumi the feelings of holding Ranma in her arms weren't as strong. In the first place, she was dealing with a mind-numbing orgasm.
In the second place, she had a better idea what affection felt like. There were people who would hold her when she needed it, and she fully expected to eventually have a husband/lover who would flood her with the affection she needed. When she did wake up and considered her dream, it was the feelings of gaining and losing freedom that would make her feel melancholic.
Only in a dream, could she even consider being eaten out while flying more than half-naked over a busy intersection. Kasumi had to behave with propriety. More's the pity.
After all, Akane is so macho, she's sure to be attracted by a song containing allusions to homosexual locker room escapades.
Not to be outdone by Dr. Tofu, Soun puts his scrotum in a vice, and proceeds to sing songs by the Bee Gees.
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(Posted Mon, 25 Apr 2005 20:11)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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