The thin shirt of Ranma’s school uniform was nearly transparent when wet, and clung to her skin. Her large breasts where outlined and magnified by the texture of the shirt. The brown hue of her aureolas, and the darker shade of her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric. “Aw, man, what you’d have to go and do that for,” Ranma complained, brushing at her shirt from in a futile effort to clean herself off. “Wah. . .” she cried out as she felt her wrist being snared in a an iron grip. She was yanked upward, her slight body nearly flying through the air and her feet ending up dangling a few inches off the ground before she was set back down on them with a jolt.
Genma hadn’t bothered to go around the large table, but had jumped clear over it. Having pulled Ranma to her feet, he used his hold to shake her violently. “Is that what you want. Some master to put his mark on you? To fill your hot slot with cock? Well, I can give that to you.”
“Wha, wha, wha,” Ranma tried to cry out, her voice broken and mangled by the severe shaking Genma was giving her. But other than crying out she made no move to retaliate. She possessed the knowledge of a hundred reactions to Genma’s attack, and couldn’t seem to come up with one of them. Her mind seemed to be frozen as deep down it realized what Genma was proposing, and could not process the information. On the world where her mindset had been formed, this had not even been a possibility. But the body housing her mind was native to this world, and on this world what Genma was threatening was not only possible, but a normal event. She found her breath balling up in her chest, her breasts growing tender as they swelled and her nipples came erect. A warm heat formed between her legs, and utter terror filled her mind and nausea her belly.
“Tendo! Is the old Saotome hand brand still in its case in the claiming room?” Genma demanded as he marched toward an exit, dragging Ranma along behind him.
“What? Saotome! You don’t mean to . . .”
“I sure as hell do, Tendo. I was smart enough to know I’d end up in a cookpot if I got too close to a village in China in my cursed form, but my stupid ‘daughter’ doesn’t seem to realize that the rules of the real world apply to her. I blame myself. I should have done this in China.”
“Hey, wait a minute!” Nabiki protested, jumping to her feet. She started toward Genma and Ranma only to be brought up short as her father caught hold of the back of her neck and yanked her to a stop. “Nabiki, remember your place,” he ordered her. Holding her firmly as Genma dragged a weakly resistant Ranma out of the room.
Nabiki was at a loss. She had no idea what to do. This possibility had never occurred to her. It was absurd. She turned her head and sent a pleading look toward Ukyou.
“Tendo-san,” Ukyou said. “Is this really alright?” she asked getting to her feet.
“Do not interfere with your elders, girl,” Soun growled at her. “That is a question a man can ask, not a girl.”
A cup of hot miso soup and Ukyou shook his sticky hair and glared at Soun. “How about now, can I ask that now.”
Soun gave a nod. “Now you can ask., but only ask. This is between a father and a daughter. Unless . . . you wish to offer to purchase her as your slave?”
The question sent a jolt through Ukyou, ever since he’d first met Ranma-chan, he’d dreamed of being able to take her as his own. The impossibility of that dream made it all the more a wish on his part. Now the dream was being offered . . . but. “I don’t have any money,” he said with real regret.
“Hold that thought!” Nabiki cried out, twisting out of her father’s grip, and picking up a friction burn as she did so. She dashed from the room, taking another exit that led to her and Ranma’s rooms.
No-chan shuddered from where she had been watching. Part of it was fear of what was happening to Ranma, but another primal reaction was from Genma’s forceful behavior. When he had been her master he had treated her casually, taking sex as he wished, but not behaving very masterly at all. She had been just a convenience to him. This Genma was a much more manly man, and the thought made her loins ache.
Ranma was shamed and terrified that all she seemed able to do was to drag her feet on the ground as Genma dragged her into a room that almost made he scream in recognition. Gleaming dark would lined the walls, and pale shining wood the floor. Glass fronted display cases were spread along the sides, each one holding various well crafted objects of restraint and subjugation. But for all it’s shiny polish it was clearly constructed for one purpose, the conversion of free girls into slaves.
“No!” Ranma cried out, twisting in Genma’s hand and trying to run from the room, He yanked her back and his free hand hooked into the collar of her uniform. It ripped from her body with an ease that indicated either very poor manufacturing, or a design feature she had not been aware of.
Finally Ranma started to fight back. Pathetically. She beat a fist against Genma’s chest as he dragged her toward an object of nightmare. A gleaming mahogany and black leather stomach high bench.
Genma took hold of the back of Ranma’s neck and forced her belly down over the bench, giving her ass a heavy swat as he did so. She stiffened in outrage and humiliation, and then shuddered in terror as he bent his heavy body over hers, grinding her into the top of the narrow platform as he caught first one flailing hand and then the other, securing them to leather ties that he then pulled tight, dragging her wrists against the legs of the monstrous device.
Genma slid his weight backward off of Ranma, holding her in place firmly as he repeated the process with her legs. When he was done she was helplessly secured in place, her legs dragged far apart and her sex fully exposed to Genma.
Just a few minutes earlier Ranma had flashed Genma the exact same sight without the least touch of concern, now the knowledge of how exposed she was sent shards of shame and fear through her belly. She felt like she’d eaten razor blades.
“You can’t do this. I’m your son,” Ranma cried out, her voice shrill with panic.
“Don’t be stupid, ‘girl’, I couldn’t do this if you were my son. You wouldn’t have a cunt!” Genma bellowed. His hand landed on her ass, leaving a livid handprint.
“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” Ranma swore shrilly. “Screw you then. You can’t do this. I’m your daughter!”
“Stupid girl. Just because it’s not common in these modern times, there is nothing that says I can’t take you as a slave. Maybe the slave bonder won’t work on a daughter, but the old methods certainly will.” Genma marched over to a cabinet in Ranma’s line of sight and extracted a small device. A wooden handle with a forked metal end at the tip of which was a round disk with a reversed impression of the Saotome seal.
Genma held the device under Ranma’s nose while muttering an indistinct word. Heat radiated from the small disk, and Ranma’s eyes widened as it began to glow a dull red.
“No, no, no!” Ranma cried out, bile rising in her throat as Genma walked around behind her. She shuddered as his hand settled on her ass, the tips of his fingers fractions of an inch away from her feminine core. “Please, don’t, please, I’m not a girl. I’m guy,” Ranma begged, shamed as tears ran down her cheeks to drip off her chin.
“You should have thought of that earlier, before shoving the fact that you planed to give your body to the first boy that asked in my face,” Genma bellowed. “Oh, the shame of having a daughter that would advertise her availability by not wearing her panties. As if we were some family that could not provide for you. As if you needed to beg the protection of some other male. Well! I’ll put a stop to that. You’ll be able to walk around as bare assed as you want from now on. The Saotome mark will show that are claimed already.
“Wait!” A familiar voice cried out as Ukyou and Nabiki hurried into the room. “I have money,” Ukyou cried out. He held out his hand, displaying the two million yen that Nabiki had just recovered from its hiding place.
“What?” For the first time since he’d acted in the dining room, Genma seemed uncertain. He looked up to see Soun standing in the doorway, an old familiar smirk on his face. The one he always wore when one of Genma’s own overelaborate schemes bit him on the ass. Damn it, he’d only meant to throw a fright into his stupid son. What the hell was he going to do now?”
He firmed his face, and looked with disdain at the money in Ukyou’s hand. And doing the most painful thing in recent memory, took hold of Ukyou’s hand and forced his fingers closed over the large gold coins. “This pittance. It will take a lot more than that to buy my daughter, boy. Even if you are posing as her brother at the moment.” He paused, as if a sudden thought had hit him. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you a chance. If you can keep her in line for the next few weeks, till she’s ready to take her manhood trial, and if she fails, then I’ll sell her to you for what’s in your hand.”
Without even a backward look at Ranma, Genma walked out of the room, calling out as he did so, “Come on, Tendo. I need a cold drink, and a hot woman.”
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See other episodes by T.H. Tiger
(Posted Sat, 02 Apr 2005 16:50)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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