Sex slave Nabiki: Meanwhile. On another continent (LEMON) [Episode 135697]

by T.H. Tiger

Princess Shampoo, squad leader of the elite quick response team, all three members of it, including herself, paused outside her office to admire herself in the gleaming glass window opposite her office door. Her new black leather top lifted and empathized her already abundant charms, while her low riding, skin tight, black leather pants showed every inch of her perfect body. Made of the finest calf skin, they clung to her as if painted on. Even to the point of outlining the smooth camel toe of her sex. God she was hot!

Opening the door she swaggered inside. Directly in front of her a white crystal about the size of her hand hung suspended with no visible means of support. Three desks, her own perfectly clean and bare, the other two messy with paperwork and personal items, were arranged around the crystal so the occupants could always have a clear view of it. Shampoo frowned when she noticed that no one else was in the room.

"Oh, squad leader," a breathless voice came from behind Shampoo, she turned to glare at the petite young girl who was standing in the doorway.

"How dare you desert your post, soldier," Shampoo bellowed at her. "What if the sensor crystal had detected the royal seal while you were out. We would have lost our first chance in five years to locate it." Her eyes narrowed. "Maybe it did sense it, and well never know!!!!, because you abandoned your fucking post."

"but squad leader," the girl started to protest, only to be cut off.

"Silence, Private Pink! You are already in enough trouble without adding to it." Shampoo smiled, revealing pronounce canines. "Do close the door, soldier. Or would you rather your discipline be viewed by the public?" she said in a gentle voice.

Link paled at that tone, where Shampoo's earlier bellowing had only made her seem flustered. She opened her mouth as if to object, or offer an explanation, and then closed it in resignation. She closed the door softly behind her.

"Please take off your uniform. We wouldn't want to get it all dirty would we, soldier?"

"No squad leader," Link said in resignation. Her hands going to her collar to unbutton her cloth tunic. Practice showed and a few seconds later she was standing naked in front of her superior, her hands cupped protectively in front of her groin.

"Now, now, none of that," Shampoo admonished Link. She extracted a leather crop from her desk drawer and used it to nudge Link's hands to the side. "Very good," Shampoo said in approval as she took in Link's clean shaven sex. "I see you're taking my lecture the other day on hygiene to heart."

Shampoo lightly slapped Link's inner thighs with her crop, causing the smaller girl to spread her legs. Shampoo slipped her leather lash between Link's legs and raised it so it's ridged length pressed against Link's outer labia. Smiling at Link, Shampoo stroked the rough braided leather back and forth till it slipped in between Link's folds, drawing a muffled gasp from the girl. Moisture glistened on the dark leather as the little private lifted herself up on tip toes. Her entire upper body was flushed with shame and desire as Shampoo continued to stimulate her.

"You're such a dirty girl, Pink," Shampoo purred extracting her now thoroughly wet crop from between Link's legs. She raised it to the other girl's face. "Clean up your mess, Private Pink," She ordered.

A small pink tongue emerged from between Link's lips and she daintily licked Shampoo's leather crop free of all her juices.

"You do that very well, soldier," Shampoo complemented her. "Maybe I should let you off with a warning this time . . . ?" Shampoo paused, and then reached out and took hold of the back of Link's neck. "No. I don't think so. Mustn't be soft of the troops." She pulled Link around and forced her against the edge of her desk, pressing forward with her hand till Link was forced down on the top of the table, her petite breasts squashing against the gleaming wood. Smiling wickedly, Shampoo held Link firmly in place and lifted her ridding crop high in the air above Link's bare and vulnerable bottom.

"Shit, shit, shit," Pink swore as she rushed back to the office, buttoning her tunic top as she ran. Her break had been over an hour ago, but that little waitress in the canteen had turned out to be one hot piece of ass. She just hoped the squad leader was late as usual. She burst through the door to the office and skidded to a halt, her eyes opened in surprise.

Shampoo looked up as Pink rushed into the office. Her face was flushed and smeared with some sort of foreign substance. "Ah," she said, glancing over at the over sized clock on the wall. "Just in time, Private Link. I'm glad you're not a slacker like your sister, Pink." As she talked Shampoo did not stop moving her hand as she pumped the handle of her crop in and out of Link's well licked cunt. Link's sex was framed by her welted ass. She was gasping for breath and her hands clutched the edge of the desk as her hips hunched backward at Shampoo in rhythm with her superior's actions.

Pink fumed as she took in the debased form of her sister. "How dare, Shampoo. The only one who was allowed to do that to her sister, was her. Someday, she vowed, for the thousandth time. We will have our revenge. Out loud what she said was. "Yes, sir, pleased to be prompt, sir."

"Idiot boy!" Genma yelled. "How could you let this happen?" He pointed his finger at Ukyou. "We'll have you up on charges. Stealing my son's body. We'll be selling you at the auction house to pay for your crimes."

"Is she good looking when she's a girl?" He asked Ranma out of the side of his mouth.

*WHAM*" "idiot" Ranma growled. Grinding her elbow into the top of her pop's head.

"So Ranma is no longer your master," Kimiko asked Nabiki in concern. "Are you feeling alright about that? How about the constant breaking of your bond? Are you still suffering from that?"

"Better than I have been," Nabiki answered. "What ever else Ukyou 's little toy did, it seems to have fixed any withdrawal effects."

"I just wish you'd felt you could come to me with this earlier."

"I'm sorry," Nabiki said with well faked sincerity. "I didn't know what was happening. I thought it might be normal, and I didn't want to appear stupid." Nabiki was rather proud of that. Never tell a lie when the truth, or part of it, will do as well.

"Of course, Ranma, er . . . Ukyou is it?," Soun said, directing a look toward Kimiko for confirmation. Getting it, he continued. "Anyway, Ukyou will have to stay here until this is settled. We can't have Ranma's body wondering around unsupervised. You'll see that she er, he, hmm, her, has a suite to stay in, of course, Kimiko"

"Of course, my husband. Would you show him the way, No-chan," she told the house slave who was sitting well back from the group, her eyes darting with worry toward Ranma-chan and with something like fascination toward Ukyou.

"Of course, mistress. I'll see to all his comforts."

Kimiko's eyes narrowed at that statement, but she said nothing."

"Should we retire to our room, Master Ranma?" Nabiki asked submissively.

Ranma, who had been watching her body walk out of the room startled slightly and turned to face Nabiki. "Sure, I guess," she said. The two got up and left.

"You know, Tendo. I'm sure I've seen that house slave somewhere before. But I can't place it," Genma said. "Did you own her the last time I was here."

Soun frowned in thought. "I don't think so. Kimiko was No-chan here back then?"

"No, we acquired her shortly after Master Genma left on his long training trip."

Genma's eyes were still on the doorway through which No-chan had vanished with Ukyou. "How is her injury doing. Will she be able to join us tonight?"

Kimiko grimaced, shifting slightly as if to ease a cramped muscle, and replied, with a touch of annoyance in her voice. "She's still day to day, I'm afraid Master Genma."

"Ah, well. Too bad. But lucky you. You get to another night of us all to yourself," Soun said with great good cheer.

Kimiko smiled at her husband, while inside she apologized to whatever god she had offended by her complaints a few days ago about her lack of sex. To late she remembered the old saying about being careful what you wish for.

"You know something, Saotome? You're an idiot," Nabiki said in a conversational tone. She was sitting on the bed, staring at Ukyou's crystal which she was dangling in front of her face.

"What did I do now," Ranma-chan said in a conversational tone as she emerged from the bathroom vigorously drying her hair with a large towel. She peeked out from under the fabric at Nabiki, mild curiosity in her gaze.

"You fell into old habits," Nabiki said. "Remember the cat-tongue. You fought tooth and nail to get the phoenix pill so you could turn back into a boy. And when that french pig showed up, you went crazy learning martial arts eating so you could get out that iron corset, and turn back into a boy. And then with Herb, You blew up a whole mountain while trying to get a cure so you could turn back into a boy."

"Yea, so?"

"Well, I was just thinking. All those times all you were trying to do was go back to the way things were. Hot water turns you into a guy, cold water into a girl. And that's what you're doing now really when you strip it all away.

Yea, like I said, so?"

"Well, did you ever stop to think that if this thing could suck your guy side out and give it to Ukyou. That it might be able to do the same thing to your girl side." she turned to look at the suddenly wide eyed Ranma. "It could cure you."

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(Posted Sat, 16 Apr 2005 00:10)

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