“You have it all wrong, Ukyo_mmmfffffff,” Nabiki’s attempt to correct Ukyou’s misunderstanding came to a halt when the bigger, and much stronger, girl pulled her into a major lip lock. One of Ukyou’s hands held the back of her head, while the other slid down the small of her back till it could cup her ass. Nabiki tried to pull away, but the Ukyou held her firmly, but gently, and ravaged her mouth. Her tongue slipping in between Nabiki’s lips and exploring the inside of her mouth.
Sakura slipped out of the other side of the bed. She sent an indulgent look toward the two teenagers. A little friendly snuggling would be good for Nabiki. Close physical contact would keep her from focusing on her loss. While Sakura had restored Nabiki’s spiritual energy, there was still a risk she could slip into a severe mental depression that would slow, or even reverse her recovery. A little fun with Ukyou would do her good. Pulling on her tunic, she walked out of the room.
To her shock, Nabiki found herself being overwhelmed by Ukyou’s unexpected action. The hole left from the absent slave bond had left her aching with a need for closeness and comfort. Her hands which had been pushing hard on Ukyou’s shoulders slowly relaxed as Ukyou continued to press her body against Nabiki. When at last Ukyou pulled her mouth away, Nabiki could only pant while staring up wide eyed at the other girl.
“No one will ever hurt you again, sugar,” Ukyou repeated, brushing a strand of hair away from Nabiki’s eyes. She leaned down and gently kissed Nabiki’s forehead, and then left a trail of kisses across Nabiki’s face till she could lightly kiss Nabiki on the mouth again. She nipped gently at Nabiki’s upper lip as the hand on Nabiki’s ass gently massaged the tense muscle. “I promise you,” Ukyou added, before once again lowering her mouth to give Nabiki a full deep kiss that went on and on and on.
Sakura had only walked a short way down the hall when the sound of a girl pack in full hunt drew her to the window. She looked out and spotted a nude Ranma-chan racing across the ground, a good thirty or forty girls in pursuit, with Master Happosai bounding after them, calling encouragement, and offering suggestions for when the girls caught up to the little red-head.
Sakura frowned. She was the youngest slave in her master’s harem, and she knew she should be more respectful toward her much older, and presumably wiser, master. But she couldn’t help but think that his inclination to tease and torment as a form of instruction was not the wisest choice in this matter. She had argued that they should call Ranma and Nabiki into the office and explain the problem to them. She had been overruled by her Master. Master had stated that he knew best how do deal with a hardheaded case like Ranma. She had kept her peace, but could not help but think that Master’s real motivation was simply to have fun. A frivolous treatment of what was a very serious problem in her opinion. And one, that if voiced, would likely get her switched by her seniors.
Happosai chortled in glee as Ranma rounded the corner of the school, and came to a skidding stop before dashing off at right angles to the pursuing girls, who slowed to a walk, and then paused in their pursuit. Their bodies were slick with sweat, and many were leaning forward and resting their hands on their knees as they panted heavily. A second later another gang of girls came racing from around the school. And took off after the running red-head. Happosai bounded up to the resting girls and shouted. “Good work, girls! We’ll corral that little filly soon at this rate. He pointed toward the far side of the thick strand of trees Ranma was heading for and said, “Head off in that direction. Be ready to cut her off if she breaks through the trees.” The girls gave a weak cheer of assent and headed off in the direction indicated at a slow trot.
Having given his hunting pack their instructions he quickly bounded after the main pursuit party and quickly caught up. He held back, enjoying the sight of Ranma’s nude form running over the grass. What a cutey. Too bad she was really a boy. But, on the other hand, that meant he could be rougher on her than he’d normally be with a girl. What fun!
Ranma panted as she ran at full speed. She was far faster than the girls chasing her, but every time she put some distance between her and them, another group of girls would appear in front of her, and she’d be forced to shift direction. What was worse, they seemed to be switching off with each other, so she couldn’t wear them out. Her own breath was starting to come in gasps, and her body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat that made it glisten in the light. This was not working. She had to get into the school to see Nabiki. More importantly, she had to get some hot water and restore the slave bond.
Ranma suddenly reversed direction and raced straight back at the girls who were chasing her. They had spread out on the open field, and were running in a line rather than a group.
“Cluster, cluster! Get in front of her!” Happosai shouted, but Ranma was too quick and before the girls could shift position she jumped over their heads and raced straight toward the school. A bound took her up to a second story window.
In the trees behind Ranma and the girls, a slim figure perched on a tree limb watching the chase. Kodachi bit her upper lip in indecision. She had snuck in through the tunnel she’d discovered the day before, so if she were caught it her status as a male shouldn’t be stripped away, as would happen if she walked in the front gates. But . . . it wasn’t something that had ever been tested before.
She drew in a deep breath to gather her courage. Ranma’s current situation was partly her fault. She needed to make amends. Her hands went to the collar of her jacket and she quickly stripped it off, along with the rest of her clothes. Several of the girls chasing Ranma were as nude as she was. She should be able to make her way to the school without drawing too much attention. Once she found Ranma, she would offer what little support she could.
“Lucky!” Ranma shouted out as she discovered herself in a Home Ec. kitchen. Dozens of gleaming kettles decorated shelves, not to mention numerous pots and pans, and lots of stove tops to heat them on. The only problem was that the stoves all seemed to be wood or coal burning. There was no way in hell she could heat water fast enough.
Well, she hadn’t really thought she could. What she wanted was hot water from the tap. And she quickly dashed to the nearest sink and turned on the hot water tap full. “Come on, come on,” Ranma chanted, holding her hand under the running water and waiting for it to turn hot.
“Funny time to wash your hands, girl,” a hated voice chortled from the direction of the window. Ranma glared over at Happosai who was sitting on the window ledge, smoking a pipe and smirking on her.
“You just wait, old freak. We’ll see who’s laughing in a few seconds.”
Two minutes later Ranma was banging on the hot water tap with the heel of her hand while shouting. “Come on! Get hot already.”
“Hot? You want hot water? Oh, how bad. The school boilers are down for maintenance. I doubt there’s a drop of hot water in the whole school,” Happosai informed Ranma, blowing out a smoke ring.
The glare Ranma was directing at Happosai changed to one of suspicion. “You know,” she said in an accusing tone.
Nabiki let out a strangled gasp as Ukyou’s fingers parted her labia and lightly stroked the sensitive flesh between them. She and Ranma had both been virgins before coming to this world. She had thought Ranma had picked up sexual techniques amazingly fast, but she now understood that he was a rank amateur. The girl sucking on one of her breasts while her hand fondled Nabiki’s sex was an expert. She had tried to resist. To remember that she was Ranma’s slave. But her body had betrayed her. It had succumbed to Ukyou’s caresses in an embarrassingly short period of time, and now she found her hips twisting on the bed as she neared an orgasm.
Nabiki moaned as Ukyou pulled her fingers away from her slick sex. “No, don’t, stop,” she gasped. Her breath hissed between her teeth as Ukyou kissed her breast one last time and then started to lick her way down Nabiki’s body, across her stomach, and pausing for a moment at her belly button.
Nabiki limply allowed Ukyou to wiggle under her legs, propping them up on her broad shoulders as she kissed the last few inches down Nabiki’s belly and nuzzled her face up between the panting girl’s legs. Nabiki’s hands dug into the sheet of the bed as her body trembled and shook under Ukyou’s attentions.
“Know? I know a lot of things, girl. Did you have anything particular in mind?
“Don’t give me that, you old freak!” Ranma shouted. “The curse! You know about the curse!”
“Curse? Curse? Hmmm, it does seem I remember one of my old students telling me something about a curse. Something that happened to his son while they were raiding in China, wasn’t it?”
“So you do know,” Ranma accused him. “That’s why you’re not letting me get near any hot water!”
“Well, I do have to admit I’d much rather look at a girl’s cute little ass than some hairy assed boy. But if you think that’s the only reason, you’re wrong.”
“hmmmffh,” Ranma snorted. “You’re just like my old freak. Your mouth is moving, so you must be lying.”
“Your old freak?” Happosai said in curiosity, but then waved the thought aside. “Never mind, never mind. Believe what you will, but I was doing this for sweet little Nabiki-chan, not for you.”
Ranma frowned. “You don’t think someone like me should have a slave-girl? Well forget it. Nabiki’s mine!”
“You’re right. A person like you shouldn’t have a slave girl. No girl deserves to die like that. So young, so juicy, so full of life. What a tragedy.”
A chill went up Ranma’s spine. “What are you talking about, old man?”
Happosai slowly tamped his pipe while smiling at the glaring Ranma-chan. “Surely you’ve noticed what happens to Nabiki when you change?”
“Damn right! That’s why I got to change back as quick as I can. So let me do it.”
“And what about the next time you change? Or haven’t you noticed that Nabiki is affected more and more each time you shift shape?”
Ranma paused, scenes from the last few days flickered through her mind. It was true. Nabiki had been getting hit harder and harder by the changes.”
“Well, it’s like this . . . boy,” Happosai said, and they proceeded to give Ranma much the same information Sakura had imparted to Nabiki. Without going through the subterfuge of mentioning Breaking and Bonding.
“No way!” Ranma protested in a weak voice. “I’ve been doing that to Nabiki?” She wanted to believe the freak was lying, but part of her screamed that it was the truth. She lifted stricken eyes to stare at Happosai. “I got to break the bond for good. I got to give up Nabiki,” she said.
“Now, now, Don’t be so quick,” Happosai admonished her. “As it happens, there is a solution.”
Ranma’s heart leaped, but she couldn’t abandon months of experience with her Happosai. “What?” she said in a voice dripped suspicion.
“I believe you’ve met young Kodachi-chan?”
“Ya, so what.”
“Well, according to paper law, Kodachi is a boy, and if she wished, and could afford it, she could buy and bond a slave.”
“That ain’t no good. You just said I wouldn’t have to give up Nabiki. Now you say Kodachi should take her.”
“Get the wax out of your ears, boy. I didn’t say any such thing. I merely used her as an example to show that you could acquire a slave bond for this body. If you do that, then it doesn’t matter what form you’re in, Nabiki-chan would still be yours.”
“Really?” Ranma exclaimed in excitement. “Let’s get one right now so I can fix this.”
“Not so quick, boy. You don’t just get a slave bond like that.” Happosai ran his eyes up and down Ranma’s nude body, causing her to blush slightly at his frank appraisal. “After all, there is a lot of evidence against you saying you’re a boy and not a girl.”
“I could show my curse,” Ranma said reluctantly. Not at displaying his curse, everyone back home had known about it, but at the thought of what switching back and forth would do to Nabiki.
“Risky, risky,” Happosai said. “The tester might just decide that you’re really a girl who changes into a boy, and then you wouldn’t have your other half to hide behind. Best to get tested and declared a boy in this body. That should be easy for you, right? You are really a boy?”
“Course I am. So what do we do.”
“I’ll contact the tester. I wouldn’t think it would take more than a month or two,” Happosai mused. “You’ll just have to stay like this till you can convince the tester you’re a boy.” Happosai lecherous grin and tone of voice left no doubt that he found the prospect amusing.
“Shit!” Ranma cursed. “I can’t do that,”
Happosai’s eyes narrowed. “Not even for your beloved Nabiki-chan,” he said in a disgusted voice.
“You don’t understand,” Ranma said in a worried voice. “When I say I can’t. I mean I ‘can’t’. This is a curse. I won’t let me stay in this body that long without hot water splashing me.”
“Don’t worry, Ranma! Here!” Kodachi yelled as she rushed into the room with a steaming bucket of hot water in her hands. Without pausing, she reared back and tossed the contents at the suddenly horrified Ranma.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Nabiki screamed out as Ukyou’s flickering tongue finally caused her loins to catch fire and she exploded in a powerful Orgasm.
“You’re safe now,” Ukyou said softly, pressing palm of her hand, in which her crystal was cradled, against Nabiki’s ass.
Read the comments on this episode
See other episodes by T.H. Tiger
(Posted Tue, 15 Mar 2005 18:30)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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