Since getting the curse, Ranma found it incredibly difficult to make it to sleep as a male without something changing him; and due to mysterious leaks and freak rainstorms, he had never made it through a night's sleep as a male. But he quickly settled on the advantages of sleeping cursed.
His cursed form didn't feel the cold, which was a blessing considering he couldn't wear clothes, and eventually the mild weather would break. And since cold rain passed right through him, he could basically ignore the weather. Plus, floating weightless in the air was a damn sight more comfortable than a sleeping bag on open ground.
In addition there was his father to consider. His pop didn't like fighting him while he was invisible. Ranma did a lot more damage to him, and it's hard to boast and look superior when you don't realize your opponent has circled behind you. And if Genma couldn't find where he was sleeping, Genma couldn't chuck him into something. This meant that Genma's morning surprise attack, for the last few days consisted of a call for a morning cup of tea, before the brutal sparring.
Ranma had insisted that if pop was going to boil water to wake him up, then the least he could do is begrudge Ranma a cup of tea. The one morning Genma found him by spraying hot water over the campsite, was the same day that Ranma used a naturally growing herbal laxative in cooking Genma's food. A kind of detente had been reached.
Ranma had to hide while he was sleeping, or a questing panda might find him by putting his hand on a part of Ranma's body that changed with his gender, which would give away Ranma's secret. But Genma hadn't worked out that the hardness of the ground didn't matter to Ranma's comfort level, so he never searched over the "worst" sleeping spots.
Tonight, Ranma selected the corner of the guestroom between the wall and the ceiling, above and to the right of the room's door, and assumed a yoga position that would keep his limbs from drifting around while he slept. But before he closed his eyes, he noticed some of the actions of the other members of the household.
Ranma barely noticed when the three daughters changed into their nightclothes. When all people are naked, taking off one suit of invisible clothes to put on another loses alot of its risque appeal, although some of the poses, and the way the cloth pulled their bodies, were appealing.
It was the different ways that the three daughters ended their day that fascinated Ranma. Akane climbed under the covers and stared at the ceiling deep in thought, and after a few minutes, rolled over to face the wall, and closed her eyes.
Nabiki, on the other hand had been stretching and massaging herself in an odd manner, when she stopped and retrieved an item from a container under her bed, and proceeded to caress her face, torso, and hips with her hands, and the object.
After a while, she had restricted her actions to her breasts and her crotch, lying back on her bed, with her legs spread, and her knees bent past the edge, and her feel planted on the floor. She finished up by playing with her breasts with one hand, and using her other to shove the item into herself repeatedly, as if she were packing something into a duffle bag that was almost too small, and by pulling it out, and shoving it back in, maybe this time it would fit and the lid would close.
One part of Ranma wanted to get closer for a better look, and hopefully some understanding. Part of him worried over what he might learn. While Ranma had long since decided that seeing people nude was not his fault and beyond his control, he didn't like the idea of invading other's privacy. He was still trying to work out some new boundaries for what was OK and what was not.
Considering most of his social inhibitions were learned from observing a misogynist with an inability in distinguishing the difference between mine and thine, Ranma had a pretty weak idea of what was socially acceptable. Ranma knew that people didn't behave like Nabiki where everyone could see them. He would have certainly remembered seeing something like that before. But Nabiki was doing it where anyone with Ranma's abilities couldn't help seeing, so it was all right to watch. Except Nabiki didn't know she was visible. Would it be OK if he got closer but didn't enter her room?
Ranma's inability to deal with the morality left him frozen in indecision about whether or not it was OK to get a closer look. Nabiki's spurt of violent activity ended with a sudden spasm, when she arched her back, and supported herself solely on her feet and shoulders before she quickly straightened everything up, and slipped under the covers to sleep.
Meanwhile, the oldest daughter was lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, reading a paperback she had had on her bedside table, a light blush on her face and upper chest. For some reason, she kept shifting her position slightly as she read; sliding one leg past the other, and squeezing and shifting her abdomen.
Eventually, with a smile, she replaced the bookmark, and put the book down, and turned out the light.
And then to Ranma's surprise, she pulled her nightdress up to her waist under the covers. She drew her knees up so that she was supported just by them and her shoulders and chest, and pulled her panties off of her raised ass.
In the dark, and concealed from normal sight by a sheet, Kasumi twisted her torso in Ranma's direction so that only one shoulder and one breast were pinned to the bed, and the other breast hung free. Then the lower arm reached under her, as the other snaked across her back, and the two hands met, and worked together to accomplish something between her legs. The tempo of her work increased as Kasumi shoved her mouth into one of her pillows.
After finishing at some unobserved signal, she raised her underwear, lowered her nightgown, straightened her legs, wiped her hands on a tissue, plumped her pillow, and fell asleep like a light being switched off.
That night, everyone's dreams, except Ranma's, were tinged with desire. This was a side effect of Ranma's nature and not something under his conscious control, although if he had the power he could theoretically influence their dreams if he wished. Instead, each of the Tendo daughters had vivid dreams created solely from their own subconscious. Dreams that they wouldn't think about right after they first woke up next morning, but which they would all remember at some point during the day as their mind wandered.
Akane dreamed about the morning fights against the hordes of perverts. Except this time, when she approached the horde, the score of students were replaced with hundreds, and she was exhausted from lack of sleep, and was as weak as a kitten.
As she entered the gate, determined to win, or sell her loss dear, a taller boy, unlike her adversaries faded into being, saying "Let me help."
"This is my fight! I can do this!" she announced, trying to convince herself. Even had she been fully awake instead of exhausted, the sheer number of boys would have been tough.
"You will do this by yourself. Let me give you the strength you need." And the boy with kind eyes reached out and put one hand on her shoulder. At his touch, Akane immediately felt more alert. But the hidden stranger did nothing more until Akane nodded.
Then, the stranger placed his other hand on her other shoulder. Akane felt like her normal vitality had returned in full. Then the boys attacked. Akane held her position, and protected the stranger in the red silk shirt, while the stranger massaged her shoulders and neck. This raised her strength to unbelievable levels, and it felt so good. Her moves picked up speed. No boy could touch her! She didn't even need to block their attacks anymore, as she was destroying their weapons and knocking them out before they finished their first attacks!
She finished the horde, and felt as strong as when she started. Her muscles felt good from the light workout she had received, and not one blow had gotten through to hit her or her man. Her upper torso was warm from the glow of the pleasurable sensations from his neck and shoulder rub.
Then Kuno strode up. He ignored the man behind Akane as unimportant, but Akane knew he'd attack the man if it meant winning Akane. Kuno fought with his usual skill, and Akane hit him hard enough to knock him out.
But Kuno merely smiled. "It looks like I have to stop holding back and letting you win."
"Please give me more power." Akane whispered.
The stranger began to caress her cheek, play with her ear, and run his fingers lovingly along her sides. Akane felt herself filled with power, but also pleasure, desire, and even some love of the stranger.
Kuno fought as Akane had never seen him fight before, but with her new power, Akane was able to match him. On and on they fought, until finally Kuno said "I'm unable to best you, but you are unable to beat me. ’Tis a draw, so we'll get to fight like this again and again. I'll never have to leave you alone."
The stranger responded to Akane's silent request for more energy, as he clasped her from behind in a hug, which somehow failed to impede Akane's movements. His chest, pressed hard against her back, felt wonderful, and his hands and arms felt like a fire that failed to burn her skin. His caresses felt heavenly, and the care he felt for her flowed with the power into her body. As Akane screamed at Kuno, "You'll leave me alone! Now! And forever!" Akane's crimson battle aura coalesced over her right arm which burst into actual flames.
Kuno tried to block with his bokken, but Akane's fist was unstopped by his bokken or his body. The bokken clattered to the ground in two pieces. Kuno's body vanished as if it were mist.
And Akane was standing there, triumphant, with her arm still extended and covered in flame. She had her lover holding her from behind, his hands caressing her bare breasts, as she wanted him to. And she felt great. And she wanted to share her beautiful body with him. And she loved him totally, and he loved her. And that made all the difference.
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(Posted Mon, 07 Mar 2005 05:45)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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