NerimaPC: Nabiki gets her own taste of daily humiliation

Unending BE - episode 134174

Nabiki sat up and looked down at the satiated, peacefully slumbering Shampoo. She reached out and stroked Shampoo's hair, which caused the chinese girl to make purring sounds in her sleep. Nabiki smiled at that.

What had started out as merely a profitable venture had turned into something more over time. Nabiki had genuinely come to like Shampoo, and she couldn't help feeling aroused by all the sexual acts they had perfomed together. She bent down and kissed Shampoo's cheek gently.

As she stood up and stretched, she suddenly felt a strange surge running through her body.

Akane sat at her laptop and frowned. She had wondered why Shampoo had failed to humiliate herself in public for the last few days, and when she had used the PC to give herself the knowledge why this was so, she had found out that it was the fault of her own sister!

Nabiki. Always greedy and oh-so-superior, looking down at everybody. Selling pictures of Akane to Kuno! Well, it was high time that her sister got what she had coming.

Akane grinned. Well, if she helped Shampoo like this, then Nabiki could suffer a similar fate. Just like Shampoo, Nabiki would receive a rotating macro that affected her differently every day. However, just for variety's sake, this macro would not afflict her with sexual fetishes but with physical (and sometimes mental) transformations. Every morning Nabiki would wake up, wondering what she would look like that day.

Some of the changes would be minor, some major; some would be only physical, some would include matching changes in behavior; some changes she could attempt (and fail) to hide, while others would be immediately obvious to anyone who saw her. No matter what the changes were, Nabiki would feel deep humiliation whenever others saw her transformed state - and deep arousal.

She sent the first set of changes to Nabiki.

Nabiki cried out, when the strange tingling in her body became a painful jolt. She felt dizzy and fell forwards, barely catching herself on her hands. There was a wrenching sensation in her shoulders and hips, and then her arms and hands started to throb. She rolled onto her side on the floor and whimpered.

"Nabiki?" came Shampoo's sleepy voice from the bed. "What happening to you?"

"I don't know!" said Nabiki, violently suppressing the tears that threatened to choke her voice. Never show weakness. "My arms... they're transforming!"

At first Nabiki thought this was an aftereffect of the instant Jusenkyo curse, but she dropped that thought. Nobody else had suffered these effects, and this transformation was entirely different. Where the Jusenkyo curse had been a gentle transition, over in a moment, this was a rough, drawn-out, in-your-face transformation. In a flash she realized what must be happening.

"This must be the same thing that transformed Ranma and Akane and gave you those desires!" It made sense. She had interfered with the obvious goal of making Shampoo humiliate herself in public - and now whoever was behind that was punishing her for the interference. How stupid of her not to consider this from the start.

Shampoo knelt down next to Nabiki on the floor. "Nabiki's arms... they legs now!"

Nabiki examined her changed limbs and nodded. Her arms had turned into a set of beautiful, toned legs, identical to her other set. The movement of both her new and her old pair of legs was severely restricted, making them pretty much useless for anything but walking on all fours. When she righted herself and got up on her feet, she noticed that all four of them were permanently arched, forcing her onto her toes. They would require at least five inch heels on her shoes for support.

Shampoo knelt before Nabiki, putting their faces on one level. Nabiki's neck had been restructured to make her face forward when on all fours. There were tears in Shampoo's eyes, and she surprised Nabiki by hugging the newly quadruped girl fiercely. "Nabiki no deserve this! She nice girl, help Shampoo."

"Don't cry, Shampoo," said Nabiki tenderly. "It's not the end of the world. Somehow I'll deal with thi- mmmmmmm..."

Nabiki was quite surprised, when the tearful Shampoo silenced her with a searing kiss on her lips. She even surprised herself, when she returned the kiss with equal passion.

When the two girls broke their lip-lock, both where breathing hard, and Nabiki had a hard time suppressing whimpers of arousal. The kiss had fanned her magically enhanced arousal into a wildfire.

"Nabiki no worry. Shampoo help Airen dress, then we smuggle home when dark outside, yes?"

Nabiki nodded, swallowing her intrigued reaction at being called "Airen" by Shampoo. "Yes, that's a good plan. But it's still a few hours until then. Maybe we could find a way to... distract ourselves in the meantime." She casually turned around and presented her backside to Shampoo.

"Oooo, Airen need it, too?" Shampoo cooed at the sight of Nabiki's neatly trimmed pussy, now quite swollen and wet. Without a second's hesitation, Shampoo dived in and started licking, sucking and nibbling. "And Shampoo still have lots of Jusenkyo man-water left! First Shampoo do Nabiki from behind, then swap and Airen mount Shampoo, yes?"

Nabiki only moaned.

Akane looked at the picture of a quadruped Nabiki with satisfaction. That would show her. She had years of casual harassment, exploitation and humiliation at her big sister's hands to pay back, and she would start at once.

Tomorrow morning Nabiki would experience the second stage of her quadruped transformation. Her feet would turn to hooves, and she would grow donkey ears, a donkey tail and a large donkey cunt. Not to mention the tendency to bray when excited and the urge to be ridden or used as a beast of burden.

The next morning after that, she'd be back to normal and the next transformation would take effect. Akane had written up a very long list for the random selection that would keep Nabiki busy and humiliated for almost a month.

When she was done, the list of transformation for Nabiki was just as long as the list of fetishes for Shampoo. This would keep them occupied for the next month, while she introduced Ranma to the joys of lesbian love.

Nabiki gasped and humped back against Shampoo.

Being locked on all fours, permanently bent over and ready to be used from behind like this, was humiliating. But it was so hot!

Shampoo-kun held the hips of the bucking and orgasming Nabiki and rammed his tool into the girl. It was the least he could do, after what Nabiki had done for him... or her, at the time. Plus, he had to admit, it was a great turn-on to have a sexy girl bent over before you, practically begging to be used. He was just glad that the instant curse had not mixed with her regular curse - He wasn't sure how Nabiki would have reacted to being mounted by a cat-boy.

With a groan Shampoo came into Nabiki, triggering yet another orgasm in the quadruped girl. Then Shampoo poured some hot water over himself and reverted to her true gender. Immediately she knelt down behind Nabiki and started eating her own sperm out of her squealing, squirting Airen.


  1. Shampoo used the instant Jusenkyo water on Nabiki again and presented herself to be mounted.
  2. it was dark enough outside to smuggle Nabiki back home without being seen.
  3. the two fell asleep and didn't wake up until the following morning.
  4. Nabiki gasped, as another transformation hit her. Akane was too impatient to wait until the next day for the second stage.
  5. *both were sated. Meanwhile Akane was having lots of fun, using the PC on someone else. (Ukyo? Kodachi?)
  6. something else happened.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Rat Bastard

Sun Sep 1 02:03:36 2002