Nabunny: Poor Ukyo

Unending BE - episode 131802

Ranma went outside Nabiki's room and looked downstairs what the commotion was. He'd been mistaken. Nobody was harrassing the bunnies. It was just his stupid father and Mr. Tendo grappling over the shogi board. Cheaters, both of them!

Ranma returned to the computer to close it down. Kasumi sat happily masturbating on the floor, while Nabiki still slept on the bed. The screen still flashed that annoying question at him.

Apply Changes In Buffer Y/N:Y

[Warning! Retcon imminent]

Ranma kept changing the "Y" into a "N", as he had done in Kasumi's and Ukyo's case, but the question kept returning every time he opened a profile. After some searching he finally found the option to clear the buffer. He did so and closed the open profiles, including Ukyo's that still contained the line he'd written:

Ukyo is a bunnygirl like the Tendo sisters.

Like in Kasumi's case this command had caused the computer to apply its own interpretation, instead of copying the bunnygirl macro verbatim. Akane and Nabiki were the offspring of a human and a bunnygirl. Thus they were dumb in a human, bimboish way. Kasumi was a human who had been indirectly, but not completely affected by the original spell. Consequently she was quite oversexed and strongly retarded by human stadards, plus more animal-like in her appearance. Ukyo, though, had been a direct target of the full strength spell...

Ranma shut down the computer and walked over to the window. He stroked the moaning Kasumi's ears in passing and tenderly petter the sleeping Nabiki, before he looked out of the window at his former best friend.

They kept Ukyo in the garden, where she had space to hop around, lots of grass to eat and the pond to drink from. They fed her all the carrots she wanted, but had to clean up after her, otherwise she'd attempt to digest the cellulose the lapine way (re-ingesting her droppings). Luckily the sisters liked cleaning up.

Ukyo's intelligence was barely above that of an animal now. She could repeat and apparently understand a few simple phrases of human speech - mostly of a sexual nature, since her need for sex was constant and greater even than Kasumi's. All the men in the house - and even Ryoga, when he was there - helped satisfy her as best they could, and the other bunnies picked up the slack, licking, fingering, fondling, and petting their new playpal for hours each day.

Her general appearance was still mostly human in shape. Her bunny ears and tail were expected, but unlike the other bunnies, her body was covered with a light, white covering of fur. She had whiskers, an upturned, triangular, twitchy nose, and a slight muzzle beneath it. She never wore clothing anymore, and while she could walk upright, she preferred hopping around on all fours.

As he watched the pet that had once been his friend and fiancee through the window, Ukyo noticed the movement and looked up at him. Their eyes met and Ranma searched for some remnant of the old Ukyo in the bunny's eyes, but then she turned around and presented her swollen, dripping snatch to him. She called out with the few human words she had mastered.

"Ukyo horny! Fuck Ukyo!"

Ranma almost turned away from the sight, but he heard the desperate need in her words. Ukyo may no longer be capable of returning affections like a sentient human being, but she still loved him just like the day she had sacrificed herself to spare him this very fate. He opened the window and jumped down.

Ukyo squeaked joyfully, when Ranma rammed his tool into her, and she kept squeaking rhythmically while he pounded her just the way she liked it. Afterwards, as she suckled happily on his member, Ukyo looked up at him with her wide, guileless bunny eyes. Her whole face was so full of happy contentment that Ranma wondered for a moment whether to pity or envy her. But then his second orgasm overcame him and he moaned, while Ukyo slurped up every drop of his seed. By the time she was done with him, he was exhausted.

After dragging himself back into Nabiki's room, Ranma plopped down in the chair. He saw that Kasumi had joined Nabiki in the bed, and it looked like the two had exhausted themselves as well. He turned toward the computer.

He was sure that this thing could help him with his problems somehow, but everytime he tried to use it, he just got dizzy and everything was just like before. What was he doing wrong?

  1. Ranma figured that the magic was just used up, when he was restored to normal. Too bad. He'd have to accept life like it was now.
  2. He experimented a little with non-retroactive manipulations of the household members, slowly getting the hang of it, but not realizing the changes he had already wrought before.
  3. He experimented, as above, and realized that he had changed things - including his memories of changing them.
  4. Ranma accidentally screwed himself up, while trying to figure out the program. (Bunnyfication or whatever else you can think of.)
  5. The next morning Akane and Nabiki (the parthogenetic bunnygirls) had noticably swollen tummies. Very soon they'd have their first litters!
  6. Perhaps his problems were just not possible to solve with the computer. He'd try using it for something else instead.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Rat Bastard

Sun Mar 4 10:40:13 2001