Master PC for Idiots: Dynamic Relationships (LEMON) [Episode 127347]

by The Major

Hiroshi plunged his cock deep into Dai-chan's wet, warm and welcoming womanhood, groaning in pleasure as for the first time he experienced the wondorous sensation of filling a girl with his maleness. The way Dai-chan squealed and pushed herself back at him, then wiggled her hips, then pushed back at him some more... mmmmm... nice.

"Don't just stand there!", squawked a frustrated Daisuke, "Fuck me! I can't do all the work!"

Hiroshi laughed to hear his friend, once so reluctant to be anything other than male, asking to be fucked as a woman, to have a cock pound her until she came. Wrapping his arms around the girl he was fucking, Hiroshi gently dragged her over to the bed, ignoring her objections, squirmings and demands for more attention. Pushing Dai-chan down on the bed, Hiroshi settled himself and started pumping in and out of the pussy in front of him. Dai-chan moaned her pleasure and tried to match her movements to his. Hiroshi had a plan in mind however, partly to honor the reason he had used to 'persuade' her to try being a girl and partly to torment her and make her embrace her feminity and dump the male baggage that had made her so reluctant to start down this road.

As Dai-chan's moans, gasps and requests for 'more' and 'deeper' started to take on a shriller, higher, more urgent note, Hiroshi took a deep breath to steady his nerves and give him the willpower to pull out of Dai-chan, which he did. The girl was *NOT* happy and Hiroshi found himself retreating around the room, chased by a naked and furious Dai-chan who was trying to grab Hiroshi's throbbing erection. Hiroshi found the experience invigorating and erotic, and so dragged it out longer than he needed to, only ending the chase by grabbing Dai-chan in a tight hug when he realized that Dai-chan had long and sharp feeling nails, a feature of the change Hiroshi had previously overlooked. Holding a squirming and furious girl in his arms, Hiroshi kissed her forehead, and started to explain.

"Hey, Dai-chan, calm down, calm down", Hiroshi said as soothingly as he could, Dai-chan slowed then stopped squirming and Hiroshi found himself looking into beautiful but very angry eyes, "Remember, you wanted this so you could learn how to fuck your dickgirls, herms or whatever. If I just pound you until we cum... well, it feels good, but you don't learn much. So, now that you're warmed up, how do you want to practice?"

"You bastard!", the words ripped venomously out of Dai-chan's mouth, "How dare you work me up like that then just pull out without a word of warning! So help me, if you ever do that to me again...", Dai-chan suddenly twisted and pushed Hiroshi back at the bed, tripping him as he bumped into the edge and causing him to fall backwards onto the bed. As Hiroshi stopped bouncing, Dai-chan jumped on him, her legs straddling him as the pink-haired girl kneeled just over his cock, "...if you ever do this to me again 'Roshi-chan, then when I try the bondage thing with you, you're going to scream and beg and cry while I tease you!"

"Promises, promises", Hiroshi said with a smile, his hands reaching out to cup the large breasts on Daisuke's chest and then squeezing gently, bringing a moan from the girl above him, "Now, I believe you were about to practice pleasing a cock?"

The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High School carefully garbed herself for battle in the Kunou Kendo hall. It was unforgivable that the sorceror Saotome should cast such an evil spell on the epitome of manhood that was Kunou Tatewaki, changing his magnificent male form to this slender but admittedly well-formed and attractive example of feminity, it was fortunate that the center of his masculinity had managed to resist the evil magic, even seeming to enhance itself as the maleness was stolen from other parts of his body. No matter, once his preparations were complete, the Blue Thunder would march forth and bring the justice of the kami to the evil that was Saotome.

Konatsu knelt before her mistress and softly explained the reason she had asked Ukyou-sama for a private audience. Ukyou-sama found the story difficult to believe, but when Konatsu slipped out of her robes and stood before her mistress clad only in a pair of panties... Ukyou-sama's gasp of disbelief was followed by a closer examination of the Kunoichi's chest. Konatsu held her pleasure in as best she could, but as Ukyou-sama poked and prodded at the new additions to the Kunoichi, Konatsu could not fight off a low moan of pleasure when Ukyou-sama tweaked the hard nubs at the peaks of the new breasts. Ukyou-sama froze and turned extremely red, then slowly lowered her eyes to where Konatsu's remaining maleness was wholely erect, poking out of the panties and dripping a little. Ukyou-sama hastily fled the room, then issued orders from behind a closed door.

The Kunoichi listened as her mistress ordered that she dress herself, then devote herself to finding out what had happened, taking as much time as she needed, that she needn't help out or waitress at the restaurant and that Ukyou-sama looked forward to seeing her when she was back to normal. Tears glistened in the corner of the Kunoichi's eyes as her voice, even and without emotion as befitted a ninja, acknowledged the order. At the acknowledgement, Konatsu heard Ukyou-sama almost running away in her haste to be gone. Picking up her clothes and starting to dress, the Kunoichi tried to think of a place to start her search, tried to think of anything in fact, anything except how Ukyou-sama had fled from her.

"Thank you", Dai-chan whispered softly, clearly enjoying the pleasant lassitude brought on by sexual afterglow.

Hiroshi blinked and looked at the naked girl lying against his nude form. A smile flitted over his face as he enjoyed the view of his friend, his lover, his perverted playmate. Dai-chan rolled a little and stared at Hiroshi, the two looking into each others eyes. Looking and liking what they saw. Hiroshi blinked at the thought, contact disrupted, the pair slowly disentangled themselves and sat up.

"You were right... even if that wasn't your real reason", Dai-chan continued as if no break had occurred, "I needed to experience a cock before I tried to... tried to live my fantasy. If I had just gone straight to it, well, at least now I have some idea of what I'm doing. But what am I supposed to do with those two anyway, why did the silly program pick them out?"

"Who", asked Hiroshi, "Who got picked?"

"Take a look for yourself", Dai-chan with a vague wave towards the PC, "I'm not sure I want to fulfill my fantasy with them."

Standing up and stretching, Hiroshi went over to the PC and pulled up a chair. Seating himself, he started to examine the screen and the MPC event log. Dai-chan walked up behind him and leaned forward, arms on the back of the chair, her chin resting on Hiroshi's shoulder. Hiroshi suppressed a laugh as he saw the names the PC had brought up, mostly anyway. Tapping at the keyboard, Hiroshi called up two 3-d graphic windows and put current images of Konatsu and Kunou into them, pressing a few more keys, Hiroshi made the images (but not the originals) lose their clothes. Both Hiroshi and Daisuke looked at the now rotating images.

"Konatsu always did combine cute, elegant and feminine despite being a boy", commented Hiroshi eventually, "Now she's even better. Kunou-Sempai is a bit of a surprise, who would have thought she would be so sexy as a girl. Have to admit Dai-chan, I wasn't really inspired by your dickgirl fetish before... but seeing these two... I could easily become converted to the concept."

"Mmmm...", Daisuked mumbled, before clearing her throat and continuing, "Physically they are nice aren't they. Mind you, Kunou-sempai will still be a jerk. Are you sure we can't change his personality?"

"No mind control", stated Hiroshi firmly, "It would take the fun out of the game. And speaking of the game, how do you want to go after these guys?"

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(Posted Thu, 16 Dec 2004 20:33)

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