Master PC for Idiots: Perverted Lovers (LEMON) [Episode 127256]

by The Major

"So, Dai-Chan. Do you want to do it here, or in the bathroom?"

"Do what 'Roshi-chan", Daisuke asked in her cutest voice, her eyes wide open and her fists cutely supporting her chin. Perhaps she could use feminine wiles where male prowess had failed. The way Hiroshi-chan was doubling over, holding her stomach and... and laughing? "Are you OK Roshi-chan", Daisuke inquired, still in the cute voice. Hiroshi-chan staggered to the bed and flopped onto her back, unable to stop laughing as she did so. For the next few minutes Daisuke got to watch Hiroshi, laugh, recover, look at her and start laughing again. Eventually...

"Sorry, sorry", gasped out Hiroshi as she wheezed out breaths after she finally stopped laughing, "It's just that, well... that look doesn't really suit you Dai-chan, and you don't have the aura of innocence thing that Ranma-chan puts out when she does it. You should go for the sultry sexy look, sort of like Hinako-sensei in adult form - when she's licking her lips with that hungry gaze because she wants to drain someone. You're too sexy for the cute approach."

"Pardon me for being sexy", Daisuke growled, flattered and miffed at once, "It's not like *I* chose this body, it came out of a bottle after all."

"No Pardon needed Dai-chan", Hiroshi whispered huskily, causing Daisuke to look suddenly worried, "I think the sexy look is great. You're so sexy that I want to have hot lesbian sex with you here and now."

Hiroshi's words hung in the air; Daisuke was sitting still, but almost visibly quivering from the tension in her body, bound by her promise, but still unhappy with it. Hiroshi moved up to the other girl and sat down beside her, sliding an arm around Daisuke in a loose hug and planting a soft kiss on the pink-haired girls cheek.

"Don't worry Dai-chan", Hiroshi whispered into Dai's ear, "You'll like what I do to you. I know it, because I know what sort of pervert you really are. I've read your manga Dai-chan, I know what you like, what you fantasize about". Daisuke swallowed nervously and turned her head to look fearfully at Hiroshi. The green haired girl gently stroked Dai-chan's flank and smiled at her.

"Most of your manga are bondage, domination and rape. The usual stuff the newsagents sell", Hiroshi paused to lightly kiss a shaking Daisuke's lips, "but don't worry Dai-chan, I also remember the other manga you have. I don't want to try the bondage stuff, not yet anyway, and the first time we try it, I'll let you tie me up. I promise", Daisuke let out a sudden sigh of relief, and some tension flowed out of her body, "The manga I was thinking of is your collection of Herm and Dickgirl stories". Daisuke gulped and blushed, but found herself staring at Hiroshi, her nipples hard and erect.

"Not today, not us", said Hiroshi with a smile as she shook her head at Daisuke's sudden attention and suppressed a giggle at the obvious disappointment, "but with the PC, well, are there any girls in particular you'd like to see with thick, hard cock's?", the smile on Hiroshi's face told Daisuke that Hiroshi had a fairly good idea of the answer. Daisuke swallowed hard and nodded, almost missing the gentle touch of Hiroshi's hands on her breast and thigh.

"Well then", Hiroshi smirked, "Who are they? And what would you prefer? Herm's? Dickgirls?", as she said this Hiroshi's hands became firmer and more insistent in their probing and tweaking of Dai-chan's body.

"Not fair", gasped Daisuke as a finger traced her outer lips between her legs, "And, and... it depends a bit, I, I sort of think more about Herm's, but dickgirls are more elegant...", the pink haired girl let her voice trail off into excited gasps as Hiroshi-chan bent forward and suckled at one of her large tits, as Hirsohi suckled Dai-chan regained enough control to stammer out a bit more, "...I... I never really thought I'd have the chance, the real opportunity to see one, I mean they don't exist in real life, except from surgery, and that isn't the same, not to me and... and..."

"And who?", asked Hiroshi-chan in an amused voice as she lifted her head from Dai-chan's chest, "Who would you like to see changed? Who would you like to fuck? Which lucky herm or dickgirl is going to sink their cock into your wet little treasure?", as she said this Hiroshi pressed a finger to the entrance of Dai's jade gate and giggled as it slid smoothly and easily in, "this is really getting you turned on isn't it Dai-chan."

Daisuke blushed, didn't deny Hiroshi's charge, or try to avoid Hiroshi's attentions. The opposite in fact, Daisuke suddenly realized that her chest was rubbing up against Hiroshi's, that they were exchanging passionate kisses to the lips and necks while Hiroshi pumped her hand against Dai-chan's womanhood, steadily working extra fingers past the jade gate, which Daisuke was now humping against the intruder, wanting more in her than the few fingers were giving.

The two bodies writhed together, hands touching fondling and probing, breasts being pressed and rubbed, lips, tongues and teeth kissing, licking and nipping as the opportunity arose. Passion raged, Daisuke no longer cared that she was female, in fact she was rapidly coming around to the viewpoint Hiroshi had put forward after their initial masturbation - that it was better to be both male and female. The sensations Daisuke was experiencing exceeded what she had felt touching herself and were wonderfully different from the hard urgent need of his male experience. Then Hiroshi took her hand out of Dai's snatch, wringing a howl of loss from the pink haired girl, followed by a deadly glare at the smirking green-haired female, who made a show of licking her fingers in front of Dai-chan.

"So Dai-chan", said Hiroshi between licks, "When we set you up with these herms and dickgirls, they will want to pound your tight little cunt, they'll want to make you squeal in ecstasy, they'll want you to make them feel just as good as you do. Do you think that you might need to practice with your cunt? That you might need to learn how to be fucked and make it good for your lover?"

"Put that hand back in me!", came the snarled response, "And yes, your guyside can fuck me later. But your girlside needs to finish this job first."

"Okay Dai-chan", Hiroshi replied, "but I want you to get me off as well. We're lesbians until we've both cum at least once". Dai-chan nodded her acceptance as she pulled Hiroshi close again, and once more the two bodies began to writhe in the dance of mutual pleasure.

Some time later, two satisfied girls lay side by side on the bed, holding hands and relaxing in the afterglow of sex while enjoying the comfort of a warm lover next to them. Without words they had both decided that they had finished with sex for the night, and were now quietly talking about their future plans.

"You know Dai-chan, your fantasy is going to be a bit of work to set up properly", Hiroshi observed thoughtfully, "I was thinking of using the PC to whip up some spring of drowned 'whatever' water, but past that I have trouble thinking how to properly pervert people into what you want. Just splashing some girl isn't going to fill her with the desire to jump your bones, even the sexy ones you have now - except maybe Sayuri-chan, and she doesn't count because she likes you a bit already."

"Just use the PC to make them nymphomaniac's with cock's", stated Daisuke with a yawn, "Seems simple to me."

"HAH!", sneered Hiroshi, "That's just remote control rape. I won't do it that way, and neither will my PC so long as I'm at the keyboard. Besides, if they have no choice, there's no thrill in the chase, we may as well go out and buy some sex-dolls and use them. I don't mind tricking, misleading or seducing people we want to pervert - but in the end I want them to have had a chance to say no, to know that they could have walked away. Mind you, if they walk away once, we can still try again. Giving them a chance is one thing, but it doesn't mean we give up the chase if the first lure fails."

"OK...", drawled Dai-chan, "I can sort of see where you're coming from. But it is going to make a lot of trouble for us."

Hiroshi shrugged, "So. The PC will make up for a lot. And I don't mind using it for minor things, like making Yuka and Sayuri go on a date with us. But our targets have to choose to have sex, that we won't force. Anyway... what do you want to do in the morning? Set up a date? Start work on how to get back at Kunou -sempai? Start setting up your dream girl... by the way, who is it?"

Daisuke giggled, then said:

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(Posted Wed, 15 Dec 2004 20:14)

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