Medusa 1/2 Harem: The Second Bitten (LEMON) [Episode 125123]


Kodachi gripped the mattress through the sheets and gritted her teeth closed to keep the grunts and groans from shifting into screams that would attract her brothers attention. She most certainly did not want that to happen just at the moment.

As to what was driving her to screams, the somewhat mobile lump under the covers attested to that reason. While Kodachi bucked and at times flipped to sitting nearly straight up, uncovering her green curves and the scaled skin that felt so soft to her touch, a certain martial artist in female form was giving a more thorough exploration of a certain piece of natural beauty and wonder. The expedition had been going on for fifteen minutes now and Kodachi was certainly feeling the strain.

Sometimes the investigation proceeded at fingertip, and other times it was that wonderful tongue or a nip of "Rachel's" human teeth. Meanwhile tentacles wound tightly around Kodachi's legs and firm buttocks, only adding to the sensations at hand.

The climax was building again when the door slammed open and both participants were shocked to a stop. Kodachi barely cleared her mind fast enough to put the illusion of humanity up before the visitor had rushed to her bed.

"Captain!" the girl that had bashed into their tryst declared loudly and desperately. "Emi broke her arm! She can't play in the tournament coming up! That leaves us short our second and Asuka's team is as ruthless as ours....umm...Captain, you look sort of flushed, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Kodachi said tightly, swinging her feet around so that she was sitting on the bed, though she made sure to cover her lower half as she did so.

She looked over the messenger of disaster and recognised the girl at once by the dyed blonde hair. Jin, promising girl, though she often seemed to all short of her promise. Confidence had always been severely lacking with her, she was always walking around the other gymnasts as there were eggshells to avoid crushing.

Kodachi caught herself appraising Jin's feminine form for a moment, freezing in the middle of licking her lips. She quickly pulled her tongue back and turned to business, hoping to get rid of this girl quickly and get back to her personal business.

"How did..." Kodachi paused in her speech as Jin sat down on the bed next to her, looking nervous, concerned and eager all at once. "What are you doing?"

"I swear you look feverish," Jin said, raising a hand up to Kodachi's forehead.

"I'm fine," Kodachi said, raising up a hand to deflect the girl's aim to check her forehead.

Surprised, Jin stumbled back in the bed and...

"Ooof!" a feminine voice under covers muttered as someone landed on her.

Jin gasped and looked to her now sheepish looking captain before pulling the covers off the bed and revealing a dredlocked red-headed without a stitch of clothing looking moderately embarrased as well as messy in a significant way. A glance to her captain's groin found similar evidence there.

"Oh!" Jin gasped. "I didn't mean to be intruding, not that I was intruding on anything, I'm sure this is all very innocent and, and..."

Then the girl surprised Ranma and Kodachi both by lunging at the black-tentacled medusa and kissing her firmly.

Kodachi had a moment of time to wonder if she was going to ever be getting jumped by girls before Ranma, recovered from the shock and appeared over Jin's shoulders, jaw already dislocated for the bite.


A golden-tentacled medusa sat cuddled up next to Ranma's side as Kodachi lay on the other side, all three looked happily spent as they continued sleeping on the huge bed.

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(Posted Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:43)

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