Sex slave Nabiki: A little HLS can be alarming (LEMON) [Episode 123104]

by T.H. Tiger

Up until a few days ago Ranma’s sexual imagination was, to be polite, limited. His curse gave him a lot more practical knowledge of what went where, but rather than being useful in fueling his wet-dreams, he just found it embarrassing. No boy should know that much about girls, was the line of thought he usually fell back on.

Back where he’d come from it had not been that difficult to suppress any sexual inclination his female form might have. His male form had a fairly low sex-drive, the energy being channeled into his martial arts. His complete refusal to even think of anything to do with sex while a girl was fairly easy as a result.

Since coming to this world, she had spent hardly anytime as a girl, and the one time she had been, she’d been focusing all her thoughts toward Nabiki, in annoyance and worry. As a result she was not in the least prepared for how powerful lust at first kiss could be in the right situation.

Ukyou’s body was warm against her, the big girl’s arms holding her tightly against her toned and tanned body. Her mouth was insistent in its ravaging of Ranma-chan’s nearly virginal oral area. Ranma’s brain was fogged with sudden unexpected desire. Yet she could not seem to bring herself to actively participate in what was happening to her. The best she could manage was to not fight back. Her arms hung limply, her knees were rubbery. Only Ukyou’s hand on her ass kept her from slipping to a kneeling position on the ground.

A few seconds later that became moot as Ukyou herself gently eased herself downward, supporting Ranma the whole way till the little red-head was laying on her back on the soft humus of the forest floor. Ukyou still had one hand cradling the back of her head, holding her firmly in place as she continued to dance her tongue between Ranma’s unresisting lips.

Ranma’s mind was whirling in confusion. Part of her told her she should be struggling, trying to escape from Ukyou’s octopus like clasp, but a larger part of her was thrilling in the feel of Ukyou’s obvious desire for her and the way the mountain girl’s experienced hands roamed over her body. A body that suddenly felt swollen and hot. Her breasts felt heavy against her chest and the space between her legs she always tried to avoid even thinking about was moist and almost painful from the amount of sensation it was channeling to Ranma’s brain.

Ukyou supported herself half over Ranma, one of her long legs slipped between Ranma’s splayed legs, her muscular thigh grinding into Ranma-chan’s core. The hand that had been cupping Ranma’s ass was now sliding up her side, pushing under her loose oversized shirt. Ranma gave a gasp into Ukyou’s mouth as the other girl’s callused hand latched onto her sensitive breast. Her fingers’s skillfully playing with Ranma’s swollen nipple, tugging and pinching lightly. Ranma arched her back slightly pushing her self firmly against that touch.

At last Ukyou pulled her mouth away from Ranma and looked down into her flushed face. Her face that had shown a lustful lechery when she’d first kissed the surprised red-head now wore an expression of surprise and revelation. “Damn girl, you are something else,” she whispered as she gazed down at Ranma. Her hand gently massaged Ranma’s breast and she felt the little girl’s legs clenching against her leg as her thigh continued to rub against her sensitive middle.

Ranma’s breath was coming in little pants and she looked up at Ukyou with wide eyes. A undefined desire filled her thoughts. She wanted something from Ukyou. She wanted it badly, but she lacked the experience or knowledge to define just what she wanted from the bigger girl. The frustration caused her to wrap her legs around Ukyou’s larger limp and she hunched herself slightly, grinding her wet needy sex against Ukyou’s firm muscular thigh.

Ukyou recovered at her sudden suprising connection with this little bit of fluff, and gave a grin as she levered herself more fully over the girl, pushing her leg firmly into Ranma’s cleft. She abandoned her hold on Ranma’s warm firm breast and with both hands caught hold of the little girl’s wrists, pushing her arms over her head and pushing them down against the forest floor. She lowered her head and lightly kissed the red-head, pulling back when the girl tried to deepen the kiss. “Slowly, slowly, sweetheart,” she murmured as she lowered her head again and lightly pecked against Ranma’s lips before kissing down her chin and reaching her neck. Her forearms pinned Ranma’s head in place as her leg started a steady pumping motion. Little gasps and whimpers emerged from the red-heads lips as she reciprocated Ukyou’s motion.

A tingling electrical feeling was flowing up from Ranma’s middle, growing and swelling, filling her world, till at last it exploded in her brain and she thrust and hunched and writhed under Ukyou, lost in her first female orgasm.

“Oh, sugar, you are so sweet I could spend all week eating you,” Ukyou complimented her, giving Ranma a strange sense of warmth and security. She was so vulnerable in this position, but somehow she didn’t find that fact something to worry about. She lay limp and sated, breathing hard as Ukyou lowered her head and playfully undid the top button of her shirt with her teeth, all the while holding Ranma’s hands firmly against the ground. Another button popped open and Ukyou nuzzled aside Ranma’s shirt, revealing the creamy globes of her breasts and her large firm erect nipples. With a cat-licking cream smile, she lowered her head, intent on sampling the bounty spread out before her.

A sudden ear splitting, tooth jarring siren shot Ukyou into an upright position. “What the hell!?” she yelled, looking all around.

“What is it?” Ranma-chan yelled, as she sat up with a flushed expression on her face. Her fingers re-buttoning her shirt.

“Some sort of alarm,” Ukyou said getting to her feet. She moved to help Ranma up, but Ranma rose to her feet easily ignoring Ukyou’s offered hand.

“Fire?” Ranma asked looking up through the trees for smoke.

“No. They had a drill my first day here a week ago. Fire alarm sounds different.”

“THIS WAY!” a shrill familiar voice cried out a short distance away.

“Tsubasa,” Ukyou said in surprise. “What is she . . .”

“Quick, who knows what the Amazon is doing to poor Ukyou-domo.”

“Amazon?” Ukyou darted a look at the puzzled looking Ranma-chan. “You an Amazon, sugar?”

“Huh, Amazon?” Ranma said, surprised by Ukyou’s question, part of her still thinking that Ukyou should know her better than that.

“There she is,” Tsubasa said in triumph as she burst into the small clearing, followed by dozens of girls armed with various sporting equipment.

Conditioned reflexes took over as Ranma was presented with this familiar sight. She took off running.


The digger girls had been cut off by Ryonami when the tunnel had collapsed. They had dug frantically, fearing she’d been buried, and were greatly relieved when they broke through into the other section of the tunnel to see her laying on the ground. A second later they blinked in puzzlement as they realized she was bound. Her hands and arms pulled upward behind her back and secured to her ankles in a classic hog-tie. The thick object binding her legs and arms together ran down between her legs and up under her skirt.

One of the digger girls, curious, flipped up Ryonami’s skirt, and looked. A look of disgust crossed her face as she saw where the handle of Kodachi’s whip was. “Ewww, I’m not pulling that out,” she exclaimed.


Conan walked with quick strides toward the girl’s school, feeling a bit flustered as he readjusted his clothes. Why did every oversized woman on the planet feel compelled to cuddle him, he wondered in an aggrieved manner. Well, at least he was in the school grounds, he could start looking for Ranma, or whoever the person claiming to be Ranma was.


Akane was just bending over to pick up a towel from the change room floor when she felt a hand slip over her ass and an instant later give her a goose that made her rise up on tip-toes from surprise and shock.

“Oh, how lovely and firm. You’ve turned into a fine girl, Akane-chan,” a familiar voice said, causing Akane’s eyes to fly even further open in surprise.

She spun around, and her stomach gave a flip-flop as she recognized the head-master of the school, and her father’s martial arts master. “Principal Happosai,” she exclaimed.

“Such a clever girl,” the man in question replied teasingly. Just a little shorter than Akane, with a solid muscular build, he was far from being classically handsome, but no girl knowing who he was would ever consider that a factor. Rumored to be the half breed son of a sex-demon, the lecherous man, at three-hundred, had the vitality of a man one tenth his age. It was said that he could reduce a half dozen slave girl to quivering exhaustion and be ready to party right after.

Of course, as one of his students, Akane would never be privileged to experience that first hand, but there was one activity that the principal regularly engaged in with the mature students. His goose to Akane had been an invitation to such an event, and even now he was looking at her expectantly. Her heart swelled, this was her first invitation, and further proof that she was now a woman. She knew her response. What girl in the school didn’t?

“Well, Akane?” Happosai said, his voice still teasing.

“You little free-loader! How dare you sample me without paying for the privilege!” Akane screamed, and picked up a bench.

Happosai chortled in delight. He ducked past Akane’s swing, and gave one of her nipples a pinch before racing off, fondling bottoms as he went. Each girl he molested eagerly took up the chase behind Akane, and soon their were two dozen naked girls chasing the spry old man through the school corridors and out into the surrounding grounds.

The sound of yells, from two different directions, caused Nabiki’s ears to perk up. Not even Ranma could be in two places at once, so going by experience, which may or may not be valid in this world, Akane was likely involved in whatever was going on in the school, and Ranma in the one out by the trees. So that was the way she was going.

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(Posted Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:42)

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