Master's Way: Punishing The Girls, Well Not Really (LEMON) [Episode 122898]

by MDR

Ranma stormed down the hallway, his muscles taut with anger, but his expression was sad. His eyes were full of conflicting emotions.

He was mightily pissed that after all their professions of obedience, of submissiveness, that they would then start acting like he was a prize to fight over. He had had enough of that in the past, thank you very much. He could have sworn that they had all gotten past that. That things were looking up for once in his life. He should have known that it would not be that simple.

He was also depressed and sad that his two pets did not seem to get along. If only they would get past their jealousies, the two of them would realize that they were actually very similar in nature. They were both strong willed. They both took on the world on their terms. They were both cunning and dangerous in their own ways. And, of course, they were both closet submissives that had always dreamed of being controlled and taken care of as some strong man’s pet.

His angry side wanted to punish the girls. To go back in there and use his supposed authority to punish them. His morose side just wanted to find a way for the two pets to get along, to get things back on the track that he had thought they all were on.

He hadn’t gone ten feet down the hallway when he stopped, stunned, when both sides of his mind hit on the same solution, arriving at it from different directions. Something Kasumi had said about Kodachi. His sad side wondered if it would work. If it would really bring the two of them together. His angry side replied with a ‘who cares?’. If it worked than things would be back the way they were. If it didn’t, then they would have been properly punished. A third side, quietly hiding in the back of his mind, spoke up timidly that it would also prove, once and for all, they his pets really meant it when they put their freedom and lives in his hands. That they would do anything he wanted them to. He knew their desires thanks to the Master’s Way book, but perhaps he had made a mistake somewhere?

Ranma turned around.

Back in the room, Nabiki and Shampoo were still on the bed. Shampoo was staring at the wall, shoulders slumped. Nabiki was in a similar posture but was staring at the bed sheet she was idly twisting in her hands. Neither of them was stupid, and realized what they had done. They had treated their Master like some object, like they were the ones who made his decisions instead of the other way around. And now both were certain that they had blown their chance at living out their greatest desires with the man they loved. When he suddenly burst back into the room, they looked up with desperate hope.

Ranma strode in with a scowl. Once inside he closed the door and his locking of it was loud in the quiet room. When he turned back, his frown made both girls wince and shrink back a bit, though Nabiki did raise a hand, as if she wanted to reach out to him. He crossed his arms and his face lost his scowl, though his eyes blazed. He gazed at his two pets until they both lowered their eyes, unable to meet his for long. Finally he spoke.

“Shampoo, I want you naked. Now!”

The named girl hastily stripped off her cloths, hope flowing through her chest. If he wanted her naked, that was a good sign, right? Glancing quickly into his hard eyes, she briefly wondered if maybe it wasn’t that good of a sign after all. He spoke again.

“Nabiki!” The girl in question jumped at her name. “Who do you belong to?”

Nabiki didn’t hesitate, though her high emotions prevented her from speaking in anything other than a rough whisper, “I belong to you Ranma. I want to be…I am your pet.” Ranma nodded once and looked at the Amazon on the other side of the bed.

“Shampoo, who do you belong to?”

“Shampoo belong to you Master.”

“You gave yourself to me, right? You said that you would do anything, including giving up your heritage if I asked you to, right?”

“That right. Shampoo…Shampoo rather die than be away from Ranma-Owner.” Shampoo’s voice cracked a bit and tears were in her eyes.

“Nabiki, do you feel that same way?”

Nabiki opened her mouth, but paused, thinking about the question. She had never thought about it that way before. But didn’t she feel that same way? Didn’t she give everything to him? She had to admit to herself that there was some small part of herself she had kept from him. But if she didn’t give him all of herself, than wasn’t all this just a game? Something to play until she got bored with it? She didn’t want it to be a game, she wanted it to be a lifestyle. She wanted to be his pet. To be praised, and petted, and shown off when she was good, and, she supposed, punished when she was bad. It was all she wanted. Then and there she mentally gave Ranma total ownership over her. “Yes Ranma…Master.”

Ranma felt something melt inside of him. His slight fear that everything had been just a passing fad for the girls was laid to rest, and with it some of his anger. He was certain that these two girls would continue to complicate his life, and he knew that he could expect a lot of teasing and awkward situations as a result of the mischievous natures of his pets, but he knew that in the end, when all was said and done, that they belonged to him, that they truly wanted this lifestyle and wanted him to control them. And Ranma was making sure that what they wanted, they got. And all that goes with it.

Eyes no longer blazing in anger, they still held a steely strength, though now a slight smile could barely be seen on his lips.

“Nabiki.” She looked up at him again, and gasped at the power of his gaze. For a girl with her desires and tastes, it was a look of command that seemed to roll all of her fantasies into a single gaze. She looked at him expectantly, only to become stunned with his next words. “I want you to go over to Shampoo and give her a nice, deep kiss.”

Shampoo ‘eeeep!’ed and leaned away from Nabiki, clutching the sheet to her as if it would protect her from what both girls now realized Ranma was going to make them do. Nabiki, for her part, turned white, then red, and then white again. “Ranm…Master, why…why would you want me to do that? I’m, I’m not that kind of girl.”

Ranma frowned slightly. “You are exactly what I say you are. You have told me over and over that you belong to me, that you want to follow my orders. Well, I’m giving you an order. Go over to Shampoo and give her a nice kiss. Like the ones you give me. Use your tongue. Taste her.”

Nabiki glanced at the purple haired Amazon and slowly stood up and made her way over to where the other girl was sitting. Shampoo stared at her like a deer in the headlights of a car. Finally the middle Tendo daughter stood before the Chinese girl and sat down next to her. Nabiki’s hands slowly moved up and around Shampoo’s shoulders and pulled the naked girl closer, their eyes never leaving each other’s. Soon their noses were touching, and they could feel each other’s labored breath on their lips. Suddenly Nabiki leaned forward the last inch and pressed her soft lips against the unresisting Amazon’s.

Her mind swirling with confused emotions, Nabiki tried to figure out exactly what she was feeling. The first thing she felt was Shampoo’s lips. They were soft, and full. She had to admit that they felt good against her own. She had never been attracted to girls before, at least not in a sexual way. Growing up, she had had silly girl-crushes on friends, and had once or twice played doctor with Akane so that they could explore each other’s bodies to satisfy their mutual curiosities (you don’t get real good explanations about the changes your body goes through during puberty when your mother is dead and your father is an emotional coward). But this, this was something else. And this…felt good. Not as good as when she was kissing Ranma, but still good. She was also very aware of how close her naked boobs were to Shampoo’s. A little more movement, and they would brush against each other. Her knee was lightly touching the younger girl’s.

Shampoo closed her eyes as soon as Nabiki’s lips closed in on hers. She was rather surprised at herself at her reactions so far. She knew that males liked the idea of two or more girls together. And she knew, in the back of her mind, that someday her Owner might want her to make love to another girl. But now that the moment was on her, she didn’t know how to react. Lesbianism, of course, was not uncommon in her village. But for her whole life all of her desires revolved around the taboo subject of belonging to a man. But feeling Nabiki’s hot lips on her own made her wonder if she shouldn’t have taken some of her friends’ offers of one-night-stands back in the Village. She didn’t feel the love and desperate desire she always felt towards her Master, but she couldn’t deny the potential for fun. Her feelings of interest and amusement from the earlier incident with Akane returned tenfold. This could be great fun indeed.

Ranma’s voice intruded on the two girls’ musing. “I thought I mentioned tongues.” Immediately they opened their mouths, perhaps slightly startled at the other one’s willingness to do so, and gently began tasting each other. Unthinkingly the two of them shifted a bit closer, and their arms went loosely about each other. Both shivered when their now erect nipples brushed and caught against each other slightly.

“Nabiki, touch her breasts.” Ranma whispered command came from somewhere nearby. Nabiki’s hand slowly stroked its way from Shampoo’s back around to her front, and gently cupped one of the generous tits the Chinese girl sported. Softly rubbing it, she gradually made her way to the center of the impossibly soft breast, and began to lightly pinch and tease the nipple that was standing like a hard pebble. Shampoo could only groan into her female lover’s mouth.

“Shampoo….” Whatever Ranma was going to whisper was lost as, instead of issuing a command, he simply reached out to grab the Amazon’s hand and guided it over the Tendo daughter’s flesh. First he had her gently run her fingers over Nabiki’ s naked sides, and then around to her front where she visited on the slightly older girl the same pleasures that she herself was experiencing. Ranma then slowly guided the unresisting girl’s hand down his other pet’s stomach, and then quickly had Shampoo cup Nabiki’s Womanhood. Feeling the heat and the moistness on her fingers, Shampoo instinctively curled a couple of fingers up and into the other girl, slowly finger-fucking her.

Stars exploded behind Nabiki’s eyes. She was obeying her Master. She was pleasing him, doing something she would never have chosen to do herself, and in doing so found a new pleasure. This was her reward for her good behavior. She was a good pet, and her Master loved her! Without being told to, she pulled away from the deep kiss, and lowered her head, trailing her tongue down her lover’s chin and neck. Lifting the breast in her hand, she easily was able to reach the nipple with her tongue, and began to flick it with the tip of her tongue, causing Shampoo to issue a broken moan, full of lust. Finally she took the nipple into her mouth and began to suck and lick, driving the Amazon crazy. She could feel Shampoo’s fingers invading her cleft, and she was aware of Ranma reaching out and stroking both girls along their backs.

Shampoo threw her head back, pressing her breasts more fully against Nabiki’s face and questing tongue. The first of many orgasms raced across her body when she felt her Owner reach out and touch her. He desired her. He wanted her. He loved her. And she knew she was exciting him with the things she was doing. All this pleasure, and she was pleasing her Master at the same time! “Nabiki….sister so good at that. Nabiki good pet, please Owner very much!” Shampoo continued praising the girl, knowing that her words would make the girl that she had earlier competed against happy. They were sisters, in a way. And they were proving that they could work well together to please their Master. Oh! Very well indeed! She flung her head forward, her hair frazzled a bit, and looked into the eyes of the other girl who had stopped her mouthwork on the Amazon’s tits. Shampoo had stopped her fingers’ motions while riding out her orgasm, but suddenly began again, this time much faster. Nabiki’s eyes unfocused, and a strangely expectant expression covered her face. Grinning at the signs, Shampoo suddenly pinched the Tendo girl’s clit, hard! Nabiki’s resulting scream could probably be heard through the house, but anybody could tell that it was a cry of pleasure, of completion, and nobody would come to make sure she was all right.

After Nabiki had stopped shaking, she looked at the slightly panting Amazon, and glanced at their Owner. Ranma was staring at the scene from about a foot away, one hand idly stroking a massive hard on. She turned her attention back to her fellow pet. “Shampoo-chan,” it surprised her how easily the appellation came to her, “scoot back some.”

Curious, Shampoo did as she was bade and wondered what the devious girl had in mind. She did not question for long as Nabiki’s head disappeared quickly from view, and the girl’s tongue probed deeply into the wet sex of the lavender haired girl. The Amazon clenched the bed and once again threw her head back, staring at the ceiling, as she felt for the first time another girl’s tongue on her most private place. The sensations were nearly overwhelming as the small and nimble tongue probed and licked everywhere, tasting the essence of Shampoo. She tried to sit back up straight, to somehow return the feelings she was experiencing to the other girl, but Nabiki would have none of it. The competitiveness that they had both felt just a short time ago had changed in both of them, and now Nabiki was doing her best to make sure Shampoo enjoyed herself. They had a link now, Ranma. And he had shown them what they should have known from the beginning. There was no reason for them to compete for his affections. They could work together, without worry, without jealousy. Their new bond caused them to want to help each other, and right now Nabiki wanted to help Shampoo to reach the Clouds And The Rain. And a quick nibble on the thrashing girl’s clit, similar to the treatment she herself had experienced at the other girl’s hands, caused the Amazon to stiffen and cum once again, releasing new fluids onto the tongue of the older girl.

Shampoo took deep breaths and sat up straight again, only to feel Nabiki throw herself onto the Amazon and hug her tight around the waist. Looking up, Shampoo saw that Ranma had moved behind the Tendo girl and was slowly thrusting his large cock steadily into Nabiki’s hot and wet pussy, doggie-style. Shampoo happily stroked Nabiki’s hair as the girl moaned and cried at each thrust of the pumping Ranma, enjoying how tight Nabiki was hugging her middle. As her Owner thrust faster and harder into Nabiki’s Jade Gate, Shampoo looked down fondly to where her hands were petting the girl’s head. She noticed that the fingers of one of her hands glistened slightly. Nabiki’s juices from Shampoo’s finger fucking. Curious, Shampoo brought those fingers up to her nose and sniffed, and finally she extended her pink tongue and licked the fingers clean. She liked the flavor, she decided, and wondered what her Master’s reaction would be if he walked into a room one day to find his two pets eating each other out. She would have to talk to Nabiki to set something up. But right now she had to….BREATHE! Gasping, the Amazon looked down to where Nabiki was crushing her with her hug as the Tendo girl hit her peak and came! After ten or so seconds, Nabiki relaxed her crushing embrace and once again simply hugged Shampoo, panting heavily and her head resting just below the sitting up Chinese girl's breasts.

Shampoo looked down Nabiki's naked back to where Ranma had just extracted his member from his pet. Shining wetly, it was still hard as rock, obviously not having cum yet. Ranma was glancing between Shampoo and the resting Nabiki, trying to decide who and what to do next. Shampoo decided that while she wanted to feel her Master release deep into her belly, that she liked the feeling of Nabiki holding onto her in such an intimate way (besides, she knew from past experience that Ranma was good for more than one shot a night, and that she would be possessed by him soon enough). She decided to help Ranma make up his mind. Leaning over a bit, she grabbed Nabiki’s ass cheeks and pulled them slightly apart. “Master maybe want to give Nabiki-sister gift he give Shampoo in dojo? Ranma-Owner take total possession of Nabiki-pet now?”

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(Posted Fri, 29 Oct 2004 00:58)

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