Ranma was enjoying himself. For the first half of the Kendo Club meeting, he taught the basic moves of Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu, and its philosophy, which can be summed up by its motto, "The Sword That Protects." He explained how Master Kamiya created the Kendo style after surviving the Bakumatsu, as he was sick of the killings. He left out that Master Kamiya was his great-great-grandfather, and that he had learned Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu, from his grandfather's counterpart, who had expanded the style, to round it out more.
The second half of the Kendo Club meeting was used for the various students to spar against each other, and him. After each match, the club would discuss what was done correctly, incorrectly, and, more importantly, how each could improve.
Ranma finished the meeting with, "And I expect each and every one you to be there for the tournament tomorrow. I also expect some of the older students to be apart of the tournament as well."
One of the students pointed out, "But Kuno-san forbad us from going!"
Ranma snorted and replied, "And you blindly obey..." He sighed and added, "And what have I been saying?"
"One must honor the Past, but live in the Present," one student replied.
"One must follow all of the Way of Nine Jins of the Samurai: Serenity, Piety, Loyalty, Obedience, Wisdom, Courtesy, Benevolence, Trust/Sincerity, and Justice," another student stated.
"A man is judged by his actions, more then his word," another said.
Ranma nodded, and remarked, "All pretty words... but only words... until one puts them into practice. It can be easier to die by one's words.... It is the sign of a true Samurai if he can live by them just as well. It is the fool that says lot, but does little. A truly wise man says little, and does a lot. So as I said, I expect you all there, either as observers or as participant."
"Hai, Sensei," the club replied.
When Ranma got home, he noted the "demon-ate-the-canary" smile upon his wife's face, and the pure love that was blazing through their bond. He dimly felt the Force manipulating his testicles in a very pleasurable way, but his mastery of sexcraft and his upbringing, had made sex just another Art form to him, no different from Martial Arts or the Culinary Arts.
It was the pure love aimed at him, that got Ranma's engine running. There was nothing better in the world, not even a close second to pure love. At that moment, he was in heaven. There was no sexcraft technique, ki manipulation, nor Force enhancement that could come close, as far as Ranma was concern. Pure love was what Ranma craved and stride for.
Now, Nabiki, on the other hand, she needed to be petted, touched, and used. And she was not ashamed or embarrassed to beg for it, as she was doing so now.
Dinner was... interesting. Kasumi and his parents seemed to, unconsciously, picked up on Nabiki's horniness. Kasumi was blushing, while his parents were eyeing one another in a matter that Ranma really did not wish to contemplate, yet, he knew the Dojo would be very heavily used tonight. Fortunately, with the House-elves around, he would not need to clean up after them, nor would it matter what the mess was in regards to House-elf cleaning magic.
He did note that Akane was very quiet at the meal, and would purposely avoid looking at himself or his wife.
The moment they were within their room, Nabiki used her magic to remove their clothes, and acting like a succubus-in-heat. First, he made sure his wife was not possessed, and she was not. Then he stepped back, caressing her cheek as he did. He used his thumb to caress her wet lips, and just gazed into her eyes with love and his own affection. Cupping her face, softly, he kissed her, returning his love and affection for his wife. While Nabiki had told others that they had been married for six years or so, what she forgot to mention what that those six years where of the calculated years of the time they had thought had passed while they were gone, based on her quantum/magical equations and theories, which were wrong. Of course, he was not foolish enough to attempt to calculate Nabiki's true age, nor how long they had been together. He really did not with to think that their ages were easily up there with Happosai and Cologne-san, and that they have been married for, at least, as long as, their parents.
Not want to rush anything, he picked her up bodily, and carried her over to the bed. Then, he positioned her face up, and himself, situated above her. Smiling down on his wife, he removed a piece of soft, silk rope from his subspace pocket, and used it to gently caress her cheek. From her cheek, he caressed down her neck to her right shoulder, down her right arm to her wrist. There, he lovely secured her right wrist, kissing it and the rope. He took another piece of soft, silk rope into his hand, and placed it before her lips. She kissed it, and he smiled. With his hand and the soft, silk rope he caressed her lips, cheek, and neck, slowly. He used the soft, silk rope to caress her left shoulder and down her left arm, securing her left wrist with the soft, silk rope to the bed. He took a third piece of soft, silk rope, and placed it before her lips, which she kissed, and used the soft, silk rope to caress her cheek, her neck, her right breast, which he teased, and down her stomach. He gave her wet, inviting pussy a kiss, and continued to caress her right leg with the soft, silk rope until he reached her right ankle, which he secured to the bed with the soft, silk rope. He used the forth piece of soft, silk rope to caress her lips, where she kissed and licked the soft, silk rope, to caress her cheek, neck, left breast, stomach, pussy, and left leg ending at her left ankle, which he secured to the bed as well. The soft, silk ropes secured her to the bed and prevent her from hurting herself in her throws of passion.
He smiled down at his wife, enjoying the sight. The rope had been a gift from a sex-goddess that enjoyed being tied up. He had seven pieces of the magical rope, which could take on any length and was softer then silk, yet unbreakable even by the brute strength of a war-demon. The soft blue color of the rope contrasted with Nabiki's tanned skin. They had used the rope for many of their Kinbaku games.
After a moment or three of admiring the view, he got a long feather and used it to tease and caress his wife, making sure to arouse her to only the point before her release. Very soon, Nabiki was lost in her pleasure, riding her pleasure as a surfer upon the waves of the ocean.
After several lifetimes of teasing, Ranma started using his fingertips and tongue, exploring and taste his wife's body. This time, he made sure that his wife was brought to the Cloud and the Rain, several times. Each time he made sure that she reached greater and greater heights in her arousal and release.
Ranma used a pressure point to prevent Nabiki from hurting her voice by screaming out in pleasure too much, not that she was in any state of mind to notice or care.
After covering Nabiki's entire body with caresses and kisses, he positioned himself at her jade-gate.
Nabiki felt him there, and concentrated all her will on pulling Ranma as deep within herself as she could, both literally and figuratively. She opened her mind and soul to him, and used her muscles and what slack in the ropes she could to use her muscles to pull him into her.
Ranma did not resist.
It was a joining of bodies, minds, and soul.
Ranma and Nabiki Saotome ceased to exist.
Ying and Yang joined.
One Heart.
One Mind.
One Soul.
Even the least sensitive in Nerima could feel the wave of Power with a capital 'P' washed over them.
It was more then a feeling: any demon in the area was vaporized, weak patients in the hospitals regain their strength, any nightmare that night were turned into pleasant dream, and many of those afraid to take a chance on love, did.
An eternity later, or sometime in the late night, Ranma was awoken by a "disturbance in the Force" as his old Master would have called it. He preferred to simply call it, 'Stupid people being too loud for their own good.' He could not detect any hostility or anything that would endanger those he cared for; yet, the Force whispered to him that he should investigate. It was times like this, which he cursed his Force-gift of Foresight, as it was insisting heavily that he needed to go investigate. Now. Before it was too late.
Not fully awake, Ranma headed towards the 'disturbance,' which was occurring in the Dojo. He did not take him long to get there.
The sight that greeted him was very, very disturbing, at least, to him. Nabiki, for one, would find the slightly humorous, until she went without sex for some time, because of it.
His mother was bare-ass naked humping frantically his unconscious father, in his cursed form, using him as a dildo to satisfy her vast sexual needs. Both were covered in sweet and bodily fluids, with small pieces of torn cloth scattered over the Dojo.
He knew, little more then seventeen years ago that a similar scene had occurred, in this very Dojo. Although back then, Genma had won that night using the beginning of what was now the Forbidden Techniques, and it was Izumi Tendo watching his parents. The result of that night was his conception on the Tendo Dojo floor, and Nabiki's conception later that night in the Tendo Master-bedroom. Some time after Nabiki's birth, Izumi and Soun would try again, that time, in the Dojo, but with Izumi's Sex-Demon Hunting skills outstripping Soun's Kempo in more ways then one, resulting in Akane's conception.
He stood transfixed as his mother let out a frustrated growl, and then seemed to sniff the air. Her head turned towards him, and a smile appeared on her face. He noted absently, there was no embarrassment, no shame, or any indication that there was nothing wrong with the fact that: (a) his mother was buck-naked before her son, (b) his mother was sporting a shit-eating grin on her face, and (c) her eyes were targeting her own son's manhood like an addict looking for a fix.
An addict was actually not that far off as a description of his mother. He did not have a normal family. His mother had been diagnosed with Hypersexuality at an earlier age. For the most part, she could contain it so it would not interfere with her day-to-day life. But every once in a while, such as now, she was a full-blow nympho, which would not stop until she was sexually satisfied. It was this Hypersexuality that was part of the source of her need for Ranma to be a 'Man Among Men', the ultimate in male sexuality, the supreme Alpha-Male.
While Ranma understood it, mostly from a medical standpoint, the look his mother was giving him unnerved him. Yet, the look was one he was familiar with, having come from Nabiki, various demonesses, goddesses, and other various female beings of Power. It had come almost as a given from such women, but, to get it from his own mother, was some how fundamental wrong.
Thus, it was something of a surprise when he felt the Force pull him bodily towards his mother, at the same time; his mother used her ki to spring at him. One moment, he was standing at the threshold to the Dojo, looking in, and the next, he was a quarter of the way inside the Dojo, with his mother, kneeling before him, worshipping his manhood. He could not call what his mother was doing to his manhood anything but worship. With his senses, the feeling of profound love and admiration for his manhood and himself coming from his mother was overpowering, paralyzing him into inactivity.
A small portion of his brain noted that he had gotten some of his Force-abilities from his mother, as well as his father. His father had slightly more Force-Sensitivity then an average person, nothing worth the time and effort to train him with. Most in the Jedi Order would have ignored it. Ranma had thought, although to be honest he never really gave it much thought, that his mother was similar. He was wrong. Before starting his training, Ranma had only a bit less then the average Jedi. With training, that Force-Sensitivity of a drinking-straw was expanded to the river he had now. His mother's Force-Sensitivity was that of a mixing-straw, which was heightening with her Hypersexuality.
Here he was, having his manhood worshipped by his very own mother, and he was contemplating the origin and theory of his Force-Sensitivity. He never said he was normal, either. Worse, he was actually enjoying his mother's skills.
An image of his mother, naked, bound to his bed, in a similar fashion as Nabiki intruded into his mind. An image of establishing the Sensei-student bond between himself and Nodoka intruded into his mind, and how Nabiki/Nodoka did/could alter it as Nabiki did into the Master-slave bond that he and Nabiki now had. Mental images of him training No-chan in the Ways of the Jedi and how she could serve him as Nabiki does flashed through his mind.
With a start he realized that all the images were coming from No-chan's mind and desires. That she wanted to be his, just as Nabiki was. He did not know if he should feel honored, sick, or both at same time. He also wondered when his thinking had shifted from formal 'Mother' to intimate, informal 'No-chan' as referring to her. A voice, much like Nabiki's, commented, "//Probably around the time that 'No-chan' started to express her love in a non-motherly way//." And his conscious was correct; Nodoka was acting more like Nabiki, then as a mother.
As he look down he had to admit that No-chan was among the best mortals to do what she was doing, only Nabiki with her greater experience and familiarity was better. That there was no true difference between Na-chan and No-chan scared him. He had no wish to make No-chan into a sex slave. Yes, he had turned several females, mortal and kami, into sex slaves, but only as self-defense, or tricked into it, as with Na-chan.
His mind was filled with fear, his heart was filled with love, and his manhood and balls were being worshipped, so can be excused that Ranma's thought processes were in turmoil. Nodoka, however, was in Heaven, and nothing else mattered to her.
Ranma's mind was torn; his animal-spirit was all for fulfilling No-chan's desire to be his sex slave, but his soul did not wish to break his very own mother, even if it was something she wanted.
And then he looked down.
No-chan had swallowed his entire manhood completely, and her eyes were looking up into his. He could feel her desire and need grew within her, reaching out to him, and giving him the feeling if he denied her this, she would not survive the night. If he fled, she would follow him to the ends of the Earth and beyond. Worse, she would get Nabiki to help her. After all, Na-chan believed that peace could only be obtained by having every female serve him. No-chan would be no exception. Paradise should start in the home.
No-chan was trying to suck his very essence into her self, to fulfill her needs, desires, and purpose in life. Her eyes were windows into her very soul, with which she was begging him to make her his slavegirl. He could feel No-chan trying to pull him in, in her eagerness to open herself up to him.
He was not surprise to learn that No-chan had been getting as much information as she could out of Nabiki about their relationship and all. Which, Na-chan, was more then happy about sharing, even to tease No-chan with stories of their lives on some of the patriarchal worlds that they had visited, and of the Matriarchal worlds where he posed as an Amazon, and Na-chan was her slave.
While it was truth No-chan was being influenced by her Hypersexuality, she had been planning something of this sort since she first found out that Na-chan was his in every sense of the word.
Ranma reached down and began to gently caress No-chan's cheek and hair, with love and affection. No-chan relaxed somewhat knowing she would not be rejected outright, and purred in delight.
Ranma gathered his essence and added it to his seed which No-chan greedily swallowed into the depths of her being, binding herself to him. Her desire and need fulfilled, her being permeated with Ranma's essence and Power, she gently cleaned off Ranma's manhood, kissed it, and slide to the floor, sleeping with a huge smile of happiness of being owned and cared for upon her face.
In their beds, Ayano and Reiko slept peacefully with small smiles and very interesting dreams. Both, in their dreams, made vows to show their complete devotion to their Kami.
Ranma sighed, as his life was getting more and more complicated. He did not want a repeat of what happened with those Aes Sedai thinking he was the Creator in the flesh. They were not the first to worship him, nor the last, but they were the most... enthusiastic group in their... devotion. Hopefully, he had prepared them enough to assist the Dragon Reborn, for Rand would need all the true help he could get.
He used his telepathy to assume the House-elves to clean up the Dojo and put Genma to bed, since his powers could not do it as effectively as the House-elves could. Plus, he had put Genma to bed too many times during their ten year training trip that he enjoyed having someone else do it for once.
With the snap of a House-elf's fingers, the Dojo was spotless, cleaned, and repaired, and Genma was in his bed in the Guest room. For appearance sake, he should put No-chan to bed with him, but No-chan might see it as a reject of the gift she had given him. He did not wish to think what No-chan might do if she thought that. So, he picked her up and carried her to his and Nabiki's room. He noted the confused, longing look on Kasumi's face as he left the Dojo.
He had known that Kasumi had seen himself and his mother, although, she was not in a position to know what actually happened. On the other hand, she had been reading her mother's diary every chance she got, so she might have an inkling of what just occurred. After all, No-chan had, for all practical purposes, just performed a sex-magic binding ritual, binding her self to him, much as Soun had done with Izumi Tendo.
Which brought up his promise to the Spirit of Izumi Tendo to look after Soun's needs and care, which Na-chan was more then happy to point out included that Ranko might need to get some Domme fetish-clothing and take care of Soun's needs, personally. Something, he really, really, really wished to avoid. Not that Soun would be Mistress Ranko's first male slave that she took care of, but it was not something she enjoyed, as boring as masturbating herself. Just because her plumbing was different, did not change her outlook and desires in life from when she was a guy.
He would need to put that promise on hold for the time being, as Soun and the other's safety had a higher priority. He'll get to that promise... in time... maybe several years down the road.
He smiled down at the bound Na-chan with love and affection, and placed No-chan next to his wife. The magical ropes adjusted themselves for the extra body on the bed, securing both. No-chan seemed to sense what was occurring in her sleep as her smile grew with her bondage. Through their bond, Na-chan had known if only subconscious while she slept of the binding.
Of course, this will only encourage his wife. He really, really did not want a harem or anything. He was a one-woman kind of guy, even if Na-chan had other ideas. He just saw it as proof that he was not a kami; otherwise, they would not have given him such... annoyances... if he was one of them.
He enjoyed the sight of the two lovely girls on his bed for a bit and then went in search of Kasumi.
Kasumi was relaxing by reading her mother's diary. The diary was quite... enlightening... explaining many of the things she had wondered about as a child. Some of the things, such as her parent's bedroom games and their code words for said games, were things she really did not wish to know.
She also learned that her parents were not the seemly traditional couple she and her sisters thought them to be. First and foremost, any true decision in the household was made by their mother, her father was merely her mother's property, which she used as she wished, very often. All the sports references, especially about balls, were in fact sexual innuendos as to hide the adult activities from the children.
She found that she had a hard time showing her previously held respect for her father, after reading the many accounts her mother recorded on how her father was hardly a man at all, in any sense of the word. Worse, she had to wonder if all the underwear she had lost to Grandfather Happosai, was not actually his doing, but her father's. As well as the fact, she was afraid to learn that he was in fact wearing her underwear, even as he sat at the head of the table for meals. Her mother had written how her father enjoyed being humiliated by his wife and Mistress.
It hurt her to read that her mother did not think she was able to follow in her footsteps, although, she took some comfort that neither Nabiki nor Akane could follow her either. There was a scary part towards the end of the diary where Izumi speculated on what would happened to her family after her passing, and how accurate it was.
It was a bit interesting how Izumi had been looking forward to Ranma's arrival, even seeing if he could succeed her, where her own children could not, which, according to Nabiki, he was.
Noises from the Dojo drew her to it. She could only stare at the mess in there, as well as, watch silently as Nodoka attacked her own son in a frenzy of some kind. She recalled reading that Nodoka suffered from Hypersexuality, although, at the moment, suffering did not seem the correct word to use. Her mother had written that speculated on what might occur at some point.
She saw Nodoka slump unto the floor. The smile on Nodoka's face confused her. She would have thought after attacking her own son in her illness, Nodoka should have felt remorse or such, not happiness. She watched as Ranma picked his mother up, and then he turned around and she saw....
Kasumi's body got hot and she could feel dampness between her legs. Mentally, she reviewed everything that her mother had wrote about the third leg that men had... and all she could do was stare at Ranma's, as he walked past her, completely nude.
Ranma was not surprise to find Kasumi exactly as he left her. With a mischievous grin, he leaned down a bit and lightly kissed Kasumi on the lips. Like Sleeping Beauty, Kasumi seemed to be awoken by the kiss and she took a step away from Ranma. Being Kasumi, she remarked, "Oh my."
Where the exclamation was from the kiss, or the fact that Ranma was still naked and, obviously, lived up to his namesake, not even Kasumi was sure. She was sure that, despite what she read in her mother's diaries, she had not a clue what to do with a naked man.
Kasumi could feel the sheer "manliness" radiated off of Ranma. His nakedness seemed to enhance his power, giving him a kami-like presence. Only her shock and having known him for almost a year kept her on her feet, and not on her knees. A part of her mind that was still active, such as it was, noted that if she was on her knees she could get a real close view of his manhood that seemed so fascinating to her.
Ranma saw where most of Kasumi's attention was focused and smiled. Before his "trip" such attention, even from Kasumi, would have embarrassed him and had him running for the hills. Which was a major weakness that Mistress Mich'ra "corrected" in the very beginning of his training.
Calmly, as if it was perfectly normal for him to stand completely naked in front of Kasumi, Ranma asked, "Are you having trouble sleeping, Ka-chan?"
Kasumi blushed at the intimate nickname he had called her by, as well as the fact that she was having trouble sleeping with all the sex-noises that was going on in the house. Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded her head.
"Ahhh... I see," Ranma remarked. "Well, since I seem to be part of the reason why you're up, let me help you get back to sleep, Ka-chan."
With that, Ranma took Kasumi's hand in his, and gently lead her back to her room. Once there, Ranma gently caressed her face and her body with knowing hands. His knowledgeable fingers melted any spot of tension away.
Somehow, Kasumi was not sure, but she found herself, completely naked, face down on her bed, with Ranma massaging her body in such interesting way, bring out very pleasurable responses. It quickly seemed to her that Ranma knew her body a lot better then she did.
When she turned over on Ranma's command, she had forgotten that Ranma has undressed her until Ranma's lips softly kissed her bare nipple. As he kissed her left nipple, he took her right one between his finger and thumb and rolled it, gently. He alternated between rolling and kissing her nipples for several moments that she got lost in a sea of pleasure.
Ranma trailed kisses all over Kasumi's body, leaving nothing out. Each kiss felt like sweet gentle raindrops, covering her body in love and affection. She felt exposed and vulnerable yet safe and protected at the same time. Dimly, a few passages of her mother's diary about some of her father's reactions to what they did made sense. She could get very used to this and more.
And more soon followed, caresses, licks, and other things followed the kisses. Each bought Kasumi higher and higher into the Cloud and the Rain.
And all Ranma used was his fingers and his mouth, and concentrated on her entire body, instead of her womanhood. If he could do all that he did to her, without using more or touching her womanhood....
With that thought and the pleasure overload, Kasumi passed out into a deep slumber.
Ranma looked down at Kasumi, smiled, and whispered, "Sweet dreams, Ka-chan."
He then walked out of her room, rested against the wall, and slide down it wondering why his hormones got the best of him just then. He had not meant to do what he did, nor was he even sure what he did. No-chan must have affected him some how.
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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