At the Saotome home, Genma looked in the mirror. This was not what he had expected.
When he saw the teenaged gaijin girl at the wooden stand selling a mystic Chinese baldness cure he had been intrigued. That it was a suppository had been a bit of a turn off, and had certainly driven off other customers, but he had done stupider - er, make that more outside the box things before. The clincher came when she explained that it worked by stabilizing changes. He realized then that it would also cure his curse! The asking price was a little steep, but a five finger discount as the girl was trading places with a man in a red business suit solved that. Then off for Nodokas for a little privacy to use it.
Now here he was. So stabilize changes meant balancing them.
He could live with the Kabuki white skin. The hairy black forearms, lower legs and chest were more problematic. He didnt care much for the black circles around his eyes. And he really disliked his ears turning round, furry and moving up his head. But those complaints all paled into insignificance to the thick, glorious platinum thatch full of body on his once bald head.
Praise the kamis Donahue and Pouvich! I could become an American talk show host! he sobbed in joy.
His joy was interrupted when the wash room door slid open. There was his wife in a plain white kimono and matching head band. The family blade was strapped across her back and she carried two more white kimonos. Giving him a steely glare she said, Genma! Our son is now permanently a girl. Furthermore he doesnt even want to become a man again. The manliness pledge has been broken! Now we must track him down so you two can carry out the seppuku pledge.
Genma seethed. The major bane of his life had been brought to an end, as well as his curse. And now she wanted to end his life before he could enjoy it? Damn the bitch! And the manliness pledge had only been for the duration of the training trip. Once the boy was back and acknowledged as manly it was over. Whatever happened after that didnt count.
With a roar he knocked the kimonos out of her hand and onto the floor. Woman, you forget your place! You need to be taught a lesson! A back handed slap left her sprawling in the hallway.
Stunned disbelief gave way to anger, and Nodoka started to draw the sword. Genma you cur! The Saotome blade will teach you the meaning of honor! But a kick from Genma sent it flying to the end of the hall and hurled her flat on her back.
He dropped on her in a tackle. With the breath driven out of her she could make no reply when he growled, The REAL Saotome blade will show you who is really in charge here. With that he pulled the top of her kimono down to the obi, pinning her arms to her side and exposing her breasts.
He briefly admired them, full and proud. It was easy to see where the boy had got that from. However he had work to do. He spread open the bottom of the kimono to her waist. Then grabbing her plain sensible cotton panties in both hands he tore them in half.
Genma, stop, you mustnt, not like this! she gasped as he lined himself up. He snarled in reply, This is the very best way and with a single motion sheathed himself in her.
Nodoka wailed as he thrust into her and roughly mauled her chest. There wasnt much lubrication at first, but he rather enjoyed the rough feeling and soon it was much moister.
Finally able to speak Nodoka cried, Genma, youve gotten bigger! Youll tear me in two!
What are you talking about, Ranma was bigger coming out than I am going in.
You say that like it was easy
Then maybe I should give you another one, after all practice makes perfect
She had no reply, her body had been responding and she climaxed. Genma on the other hand had an incredible store of stamina. He just kept thrusting, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm. At last on lucky 13 Genma released. Nodoka wailed again, but this time in joy and satisfaction rather than pain. And the after glow was truly glowing.
When the glow faded he could see that she too had kabuki white skin. Her chestnut hair was now platinum. Her arms and legs werent hairy but they were black and he could see the top of a black ring just below the level of her now larger breasts. Her ears had changed and moved like his, but instead of rings around her eyes she had what appeared to be permanent natural eye shadow.
Seeing her eyes regain focus, Genma asked, How do you feel about someone forcing Ranma to commit seppuku?
No one harms my cub! Nodoka growled.
Just what I wanted to hear. he said as he rolled on to his back and cuddled her to his chest.