Satyr Days: Surprise Attack (LEMON) [Episode 120870]

by Thrythlind

Still confused, and beginning to feel a vague sort of disappointment for some reason, probably because she didn't get the chance to really show that girl, Nabiki or no, what happens when other girls kissed her, Ukyou adjusted the kimono she always wore on her trips to and from the local bathhouse before gathering all her bath things together and continuing on her walk back home, intending to get fully started on her business day.

Ukyou was excused from normal Saturday classes, and often had only half-days during the normal week. This was because she was already well-established, as far as her adult life was concerned. Owning her own business and home and supporting herself already, Ukyou didn't need the education as badly as other teenagers her age. There was also the fact that she sort of needed to extra time in order to support herself.

There were one or two envious people that found this fact of Ukyou's life rather irritating.

"You there! Peasant!" an imperious voice shouted as Ukyou passed by on the street below. "I understand that you are not required to go to classes today?"

Ukyou sighed as she looked to the fence above her, recognizing Kodachi Kuno's voice. Sure enough the pale-skinned samurai girl was there, ribbon at the ready, glaring down at her with terrible intent in her face.

"I need to start bringing my spatula with me to the bath," Ukyou muttered under her breath as she took in the sight of Kodachi.

The gymnast's beslippered shoes were delicately placed atop the rim of the wire fence, in a manner that did not fail to remind Ukyou of Ranma's own fence-walking standards. Kodachi was certainly as graceful as the resident groom-to-be, even if she lacked the innate power and control of the half-time girl. Actually, if pure gymnastics were to be considered, Kodachi was probably the best of them all.

There was nothing similar between Ranma's legs and Kodachi's, however. With the wind as it was, Ukyou had an easy time imagining a view of those slim and supple limbs as they climbed ever higher to meet the samurai's hips under the folds of her St. Hebereke's skirt.

Those legs formed the supple base of an excellent posture that gave Kodachi's modest chest a very favorable display, though the gymnast had to be mostly unaware of that, as she probably wasn't her to let Ukyou look at her.

At least not in that manner.

Ukyou wasn't really considering all this more than idly anyway. More important to her mind at the moment was what to do about Kodachi that would get her out of this situation more or less unhurt.

Then her mind flashed on a nigh-unescapable maneuver that would easily leave Kodachi to confused and entangled to quickly react. One she had seen performed successfully on Ranma too many times to count, and one that she'd been victim to herself on the occasional circumstance.

"Shouldn't YOU be in class, Kodachi?" Ukyou asked. "I have to get started at work."

"This is not about what I must or must not do," Kodachi said. "This is about how a commoner such as yourself could be excused from...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!"

It happened too fast and was too out of the blue for Kodachi to react well when Ukyou dropped her bath things and flew at her in a nigh-perfect flying glomp technique. In the next instant, Kodachi was landing on her back on the ground behind the fence, with Ukyou draped about her, Kimono starting to slip loose.

Flailing about, Kodachi tried to push the other girl off of her and managed to dig a hand into the wrappings about her chest, as well as the soft flesh they held underneath.

The triumphant grin that had been over Ukyou's mouth briefly vanished as a flash of pleasure slipped through her with Kodachi's touch. Ukyou's rational mind, quickly ignored that, however as another concern popped into mind to replace it.

If Kodachi got a hold of one of her gadgets, tricks or poisons, Ukyou considered, then she was going to have a lot of trouble. So she needed to do something to stop that from happening.

She pulled the St Hebereke's jacket down off of Kodachi's shoulders, where it tightened about her arms and made a neat sort of restraint that Kodachi could not deal with readily. As she did so, she pulled herself back a bit.

Between Ukyou pulling back and Kodachi's arms being pulled down and restrained, the wrappings about Ukyou's breasts were torn loose as her kimono slipped off her shoulders, giving Kodachi, still shocked speechless by the events, a clear view of the chef's breasts, which seemed a bit larger than they had moments ago.

"How dare yo--mmph1?!?" Kodachi's attempted shout, which would have brought onlookers and this would have been hard to explain, was quickly quieted as Ukyou pulled the Black Rose's head into her chest, obscuring her words with the expanse of curves that now occupied her mouth.

Reflexively, Kodachi sucked in a breath drawing a gasp from Ukyou as the magic was triggered and the transforming spell spread from Ukyou to Kodachi.

Neither noticed the minute stretch than began to appear, and then grow, in Kodachi's blouse, or the tiny bumps that had just emerged upon Ukyou's head. Kodachi did begin to fiercely assault Ukyou's breast as she pulled a knee up into her crotch, all to distract the girl and break the hold.

Whether it distracted Ukyou or not couldn't be told, but the motions certainly failed to break the hold as Ukyou proceeded to hold on even tighter than she had been, grunting with what she told herself was effort as she wrapped her own legs tightly about Kodachi, slipping a hand down into the gymnast's private regions.

By the time Ukyou's toes had begun to shrink into nothingness, as her foot formed a cloven hoof and fur sprung up along her legs, Kodachi's horns had already started to grow, and the chef was no longer bothering to fool herself. Ukyou was merely burying herself fully into the task of getting off as Kodachi assaulted her in a very appeasing way.

When it was done, they lay, breathless, beside each other in the alley, rational mind returning as they took in the changes that had been made to their anatomy.

"Ukyou...sama," Kodachi sighed, the blouse now straining to hold a chest that had grown at least two cup-sizes.

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(Posted Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:24)

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