First, she could check on her sister for a moment, as she had promised that she would. Second, she could get away from some of her co-workers and well-meaning friends.
The well-meaning friends that said that two-years of waiting and two years of mourning were enough. It was time to get on with her life without the man that had never woken up from his coma.
Her planned activities of talking to Mariko and brooding were cut short as she heard the sound of heavy breathing and distinctive yells and screams.
A scowl formed on her face as she marched to her sister's room and found Mariko, a guy and some girl with wings and a torn school-girl outfit all over each other.
She grimaced and strode forward, grabbing a wing and pulling the winged girl away.
"Oww, hey!" Kikuko said as she rubbed at her wing, and then she noticed the policewoman reaching to grab Ranma. "Wait! Don't..."
Pirotess grabbed Ranma's shoulder and stumbled for a moment as the magic passed through her.
"...touch him," Kikuko finished lamely.
Pirotess froze in the act of gripping Ranma's shoulder, suddenly confused as to what she was doing. If Mariko was happy, and by the sound she certainly seemed to be, then let her remain happy. It wasn't her place to tell the girl not to do such things. In fact, as she took in the intoxicating smells and the sight of the young man turning around to look at her, she could see nothing wrong with actually joining them.
Then the young man's lips met hers, apparently before he realized that she wasn't one of his original partners, and all thought of backing out fled.
Her jacket was allowed to waft open as her police-woman's blouse was ripped apart, buttons flying everywhere. A pair of hands that were certainly not masculine slipped in under her skirt and hiked it up high as she was turned about, the kiss breaking, and she nearly landed on her fox-eared sister.
Mariko and Pirotess regarded each other in shock for a moment before Mariko reached out to pull her elder sister down into a passionate embrace, placing her in nearly the perfect angle for Ranma to penetrate her.
The hard shaft pushed in and elicited an excited cry from Pirotess as her skin first started darkening toward black. She pushed back and suddenly, she was virtually seated on Ranma as he drove into her body and the other two girls pushed themselves in on top of her, kissing her neck, suckling at the growing breasts.
Flailing about, Pirotess's hand found something to hold onto in the form of her sister's head, pressing it tighter against her chest, as the other hand similarly wrapped about the tengu's midriff.
Pirotess's silky black hair slowly faded into a pale, blondish color even as her ears pointed and her skin finished the shifting into a dark brown that was almost black.
The explosion of ecstacy as the transformation completed was enough to practically blow Pirotess's mind for the moment, and she wasn't even aware of Mariko breaking off to head out of the room for a moment.
Someone replaced her soon at any rate, and Pirotess only had to last through the wind down before catching her breath along with Ranma and the other two girls.
She sat down to rest, disengaging from Ranma as she did so, and cracked open her eyes to see an army-uniformed woman going down on her more recent lover. As the fog cleared, Pirotess further noted the thick tail curling down out of from under her military skirt and the horns and spikes growing out of her head and along her spine.
She watched as Ranma, apparently acting on automatic, was brought to readiness and finally unleashed his harnessed strength on the woman before him.
The military uniform strained and burst as the woman grew several inches in height, acquiring the requisite mass as well. In little time not much was left of the woman's uniform, but she was too preoccupied to care at the moment.
Mariko returned with sodas, one being shared by the tengu, even as, her breath recovered, Pirotess stood up and plastered herself against Ranma's back to get back into the sexual activity. Finally, the soldier shrieked out in sheer joy with the completion of her transformation as it coincided with her package.
Then, Pirotess was kissing Ranma as the near comer recovered.
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See other episodes by Thrythlind
(Posted Tue, 14 Sep 2004 17:40)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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