After enjoying the afterglow, and the feel of No-chan gently cleaning her with her tongue, Kimiko wiggled out from under the bound slave’s head and slid off the bed. As she did, she caught a flash of movement, and the impression of a face out of the corner of her eye. Before she could turn her head to check it out, the doorway was empty. But, she knew what she’d seen. Smirking, Kimiko ran a hand over No-chan’s ass.
Slipping her hand between No-chan’s legs, Kimiko fingered her soaking slit before inserting a forefinger up inside the bent over girl. No-chan’s muscles clenched around her digit. “You’re so nice and tight, slut slave,’ Kimiko purred. “Ranma would have a wonderful time if he slipped his cock up inside your tight little ass. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Say it!” She ordered.
“Yes Mistress,’ No-chan said in a faint, lust fogged voice.
“Yes, Mistress, what!”
“I’d love to have Ranma’s cock inside me!” No-chan blurted out loudly.
Kimiko’s smile broadened as she heard a muffled gasp come from the other side of the doorway. “Would you like me to go and get him?” she asked.
No-chan was silent for a moment, until Kimiko folded two fingers around her forefinger and rammed all three up inside her clutching cunt.
“YES! Please get Ranma for me!” No-chan cried out. There was the sudden sound of footsteps running away.
Kimiko frowned a bit, she’d been expecting Ranma to jump on in at that blatant an invitation, but then her frown eased as she remembered that Ranma was a newly-master. Most likely the only girl he could imagine soothing his itch at the moment was Nabiki. “How romantic,” she said in a wistful voice. “What, Mistress?”
“Nothing,” Kimiko said, shifting her hand back and forth rapidly between No-chan’s legs. “Ranma isn’t here. So, you’re just going to have to make do with me,” Kimiko said as she slipped her fingers far enough out to cup her thumb and little finger around the three she had already been using and started to press the spear point of her hand up inside No-chan. The bound slave let out a low groan of strain and appreciation.
After leaving Ranma, Nabiki had returned to her, or rather, her master’s rooms, to think. She’s slipped out of her tunic almost as soon as she entered the room, and had retreated to the small bathing room where she’d started scrubbing down her body, her expression vacant as she mentally reviewed all she’d learned today.
Nabiki’s vacant expression slowly focused and she became aware of herself reflected in a large mirror that took up almost one wall of the bathing room. Slowly, almost in a trance she stood up and moved closer, examining herself in the mirror. Her hands came up and cupped her firm breasts, feeling the texture and solidity of them.
Nabiki had never been one to dwell overmuch on the fact that she would get old. But she had given some thought to the fact that she had maybe a twelve year window before her assets started depreciating in a serious manner. In fact, she’d come to a decision that she had at best six years in which her body could be a major asset in the pursuit of employment, status, and maybe matrimony. As she looked in the mirror, her fingers roaming over her tits a look of comprehension spread across her face. Images of Ranma’s mother flashed in her mind. An old lady with a figure that many a high-school girl would kill for.
“I’m not going to get old,” Nabiki whispered. Not altogether true, but compared to the time frame she was working with previously an understandable opinion. Nabiki’s right hand left her breast and slipped down to her belly where she spread her fingers across her skin. Maybe she didn’t have a rock hard belly like Akane or Ranma-chan, but her stomach was firm under a layer of soft fat, and it was going to stay that way as long as she wanted to take care of herself. Her other hand joined the first and both slipped over the curve of her hips and around to cup her ass.
“Do I want to lose this?” Nabiki whispered to herself. “Do I want to go home and get all fat and baggy in a few years. Do I want to see Ranma start looking at younger girls, and disappearing on ‘training’ trips?”
Nabiki suddenly gave her head a shake. “Don’t be stupid, Nabiki. Do you really think you’ll get to hang on to him if you go back home. Do you think Akane and the others are just going to give up and let him keep you?”
Nabiki blinked as she realized what she’d just said. “Keep me?” she said, shivering slightly as she realized that sometime in the last twenty-four hours, she’d accepted the fact that Ranma owned her, that she was his property. And what was far more disturbing was that she did not have the slightest desire to change that. Something that would most certainly happen if she and he returned to their own version of the world.
“Why go back?” Nabiki asked herself. She loved her sister’s, and was even fond of her father. Her old life had been comfortable, and safe. But, her sister’s were not in trouble, they would grieve for her, but they would get over it and go on with their lives. Was it worth giving up what she could have on this world to save them that period of sadness? It was something to think about, she thought as she continued with her bathing, her mind filled with possibilities now, and not just strange facts.
Ranma walked into his rooms with a bit of a hitch in his stride. The leather cup sewn into his pants might have offered protection from harm, and embarrassment, but it could chaff something fierce when he was as excited as he presently was. His cock was heavy and stiff between his legs, and he was eager to sink it into something warm and wet.
The sound of water splashing let Ranma know where Nabiki was, and he started toward the bathing room, losing clothes as he did. By the time he stepped through the door he was naked.
Ranma paused, the breath catching in his throat. The sound he had heard had been Nabiki getting out of the furo. When he walked through the door, she was standing with her back to him, one foot resting on the edge of the tub as she dried her leg with a towel. Ranma’s eyes roamed over her body, the firm ass, the way her breasts hung and swayed as she bent over.
For the last few minutes Ranma’s mind had been filled with images of No-chan as he’d last seen her, bent over and available. The sight of Nabiki cleansed his mind of that image. Suddenly she was all he could suddenly think of, and some of those thoughts had to do with the fact that she belonged to him, and was his to do with as he wanted. That thought stiffened his already hard cock to new levels of hardness.
Nabiki must have heard something, or sensed something, because her head turned and she was suddenly looking right at him. Ranma could clearly see her pupils dilate as they gazed at him, and he could tell from her expression the second her gaze dropped to his jutting erection.
Ranma leaned back against the tiled wall of the bathing room. He was sitting on a wooden stool, his hand tangled in Nabiki’s hair as she knelt between his legs, her head bobbing up and down at his urging. His erection was buried deep in her mouth, its girth stretching her lips into wide oval. Ranma watched avidly as the wet glistening length of his cock slid in and out of Nabiki’s mouth.
As wonderful as Nabiki’s mouth felt, it was the way she’d ended up sucking his cock that was giving Ranma the most pleasure at the moment. He had ordered his slave to service him, and unlike the day before when he’d tried to tell her to give him back his money, he’d had no trouble getting the words out.
Nabiki had been inclined to argue. He hadn’t been. He had pulled her across the room and pushed her to her knees as he sat on the stool. He had guided her head between his legs, and pinched one of her engorged nipples when she’d declined to open her mouth. And that had led to the present situation.
Ranma kept his hand firmly on top of Nabiki’s head not giving her any chance to slack in her duties. A feeling of contentment filled him. Back home, his greatest weakness had always been in sexual matters, and more specifically, in dealing with girls. Nabiki was a prime case in point. Always before she’d been able to leave him feeling like a little child, squirming under the displeasure of his elders. Not anymore.
“Oh, yea, suck me, slut,” Ranma coaxed Nabiki, taking as much pleasure from making Nabiki do this as he did from the act itself. Not that she was all that reluctant, he somehow new. For all her protests, he’d been able to sense her arousal, and even now, he could see her ass clenching as she ground her thighs together.
“You like this, don’t you?” Ranma asked. Rhetorically of course, as Nabiki was in no position to answer. “You like the taste of my cock in your mouth, stretching your mouth, pressing into your throat. I bet you can’t wait for me to shoot my juices into your belly.” Ranma pressed down on the top of Nabiki’s head, making her swallow him to the balls.
“Or, maybe I’ll pull out, and spray your face,” Ranma mused. “Ah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you,” he said, a statement, not a question. He’d felt her response to his words in the way her mouth clenched around him, and the way her ass flexed.
Ranma could feel his balls churning, and he pulled upward on Nabiki’s hair, pulling her mouth up and off his cock. At the same time his free hand clasped around his shaft and pumped hard. Nabiki’s eyes widened as she found herself looking at the tip of his cock from only inches away. Before she could speak, either to protest, or encourage, Ranma gave a gasp and a thick ropey streamer of cum shot from the head of Ranma’s dick and splashed across her face and her just closed eyelids. It was followed by several more, decorating Nabiki’s face with Ranma’s sperm.
Ranma sagged back against the wall, panting, watching as Nabiki pink tongue licked out and gathered some of his jism and pulled it into her mouth. It was a sight he never would have seen back home, and he knew that he’d have been poorer for that. Ranma had no idea why he no longer hand any trouble dealing with Nabiki in this way, he only knew he loved being able to do it. It wasn’t something he wanted to lose.
Ranma knew at that moment that he wasn’t going to try to go home, and he felt a pang of sorrow at the thought of losing Akane, but part of him knew that he’d lost her the instant he waken in this world, with his cock shoved all the way up Nabiki’s cunt. For better or worse, and he really thought it was going to be better, this was his home now, and he planned to make the best of it.
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See other episodes by T.H. Tiger
(Posted Sat, 18 Sep 2004 04:57)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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