Enforced Evolution: Getting the Hell out of Dodge (LEMON) [Episode 117747]

by PsyckoSama

It took less then a minute for adopt the others improvements, but they did not stop. They were lost in their own instinct. Ranma moved his hand to her breast and began to knee, while moving his has to her groin, to prepare her opening for his shaft.

Kodachi moaned and lifted her leg, to give him easy access, so that they could begin to breed, and to procreate. Stifling a moan filled with pleasure, not just physical but in understand that she was about to fulfill one of her two most basic and primal biological imperatives, she bit into his shoulder. While her teeth did not penetrate deep into his armored flesh, it ripped a large gash into this skin, drawing a steady stream of blood.

As Ranma lined up to spear her and make her truly his mate, the Emergency light kicked in with a vengeance.

Kodachi and Ranma pulled away from each other, shielding their supersensitive eyes from the sudden burst of light.

"GAH! Bright!" Ranma exclaimed.

Kodachi blinked a couple of times and nodded. "Give it a second..." she paused and rubbed her ears. "What is that buzz."

"The power," he replied. "Its back on... but reduced."

"Could it be coming form of secondary generator?" she asked, not sure where that idea had originated.

"Damned if I know..." Ranma took in his first clear look at his mate's new form. The grey cast given to her milky skin by their black blood, the cute points of her ears, her silvered eyes that sparkled in the pale light, the soft flow of her apparently unchanged hair, and the slow swish of her deadly tail gave her an exotic beauty in his eyes. He felt that there was once a time he would have found her new form freakish, even frightening, but now he could not imagine desiring her more.

Ranma closed his eyes and turned away. "They'll probably start looking for us again."

Kodachi nodded. "We must escape."

Their urges quickly began to diminish as the most important of their instincts, the only one that was stronger then the need to procreate came to head. They had to survive.

They spared a glance at on another, and made a silent agreement. They had to escape to safety, but once they did, once they knew they were safe, they would fuck until they collapsed for exhaustion.

"The doors are not opening..." Kodachi muttered to herself.

Ranma walked to the door and attempted to force it, but to no effect. Kodachi quickly added her own significant amount of inhuman strength to the attempt, but it still refused to budge.

Ranma absently rubbed his healed, but still blood covered shoulder.

"KUSO!" he exclaimed, as he pounded the door. His blow did not make a mark, but the scent of burning metal quickly filled their noses.

Ranma pulled back his hand the two and looked on in some surprise as they saw a small mark burnt into the metal where Ranma's hand had been.

Ranma looked at his blood covered palm and pressed it against the door. His highly acidic blood quickly burnt his palm print into the thick, solid steel door.

Ranma grinned at his female. "I have an idea..."

Ranma looked at the side of the door and ripped off the wall paneling. Underneath he saw the hydraulic pistons that were holding it open. Extending his claws, he tore open his palms and grasped them, his blood quickly dissolving the metal.

"Try it now," he stated, as he watched his palms reseal themselves without a mark.

Kodachi walked to the door and gave it a mighty push. It slid open with relatively little resistance.

"I think now would be a good time for us to depart, Ranma-sama..."

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(Posted Tue, 07 Sep 2004 15:18)

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