Master's Way: Reds Quiet (LEMON) [Episode 114497]

by Kender

"Are you sure that you don't want to come with me?" Akane asked as she stood at the gate to her family home.

Ranma shrugged back at her. "I'd like ta, but ya don't need me, and ya do realise how quiet it is 'round here. I mean, when it is this peaceful?"

"I understand. There's always a lot of noise, isn't there?"

"And fathers ta bother us. But right now I figured that I'd see what I can do with the chance ta relax since I'm up this early."

"Okay..," she replied, knowing that she might do the same in his place. After all, chances to simply do nothing but meditate or listen to soft music were rare. It was just rather... annoying that the time had to come when she would have liked having him along.

"Don't worry 'bout me. I'll be fine."

"I know that. And I'll be perfectly fine too. I just thought that you might like to come along."

"That's true."


"I wouldn't mind goin' along, and I'll probably wanna do that later, but with my luck, I might not get another chance at this."


"So why don't ya go ta your trainin' session?" he told her, "And remember ta kick some duck ass for me."

"Sure will."


She gave him a bright smile, and headed off, certain without having to really look that he was watching her leave until she was out of sight. And she found that she liked the feelings that such knowledge gave to her, even though some of them could have earlier been considered 'perverted'.

Pouring her tea into its cup, Nodoka smiled as she enjoyed the early morning peace. It was a time when she could think, and imagine things without having the world intruding. Then she could wonder about life, and how her son was doing out there in the big world. So much time had passed since she'd seen him, but she was certain that he would be a manly young man. He simply had to be, or all her waiting would have been in vain and her heart would be broken.

Sighing, she wondered if he was anything like the boy that her employer had told her about. Mrs. Ichinose spoke of the boy in glowing tones, and a young man who could satisfy three girls at once was something to be admired. Of course, he could have been with them one at a time, and they would only have the words of the girls to say that they'd met the others, but it was reasonably certain that he was with them all together. And it was clear that none of them were afraid of sexuality in a lot of ways.

If her boy was as athletic, handsome, and manly as that boy, she was sure that she would be able to accept him no matter what else had happened.

But she hadn't seen Ranma for so long, and every time that she had gone to find him at the Tendos', he and her husband had gone on some new training trip. At least they didn't mind her visits, and were happy to have her. The poor girls didn't have their mother around any more, and she was happy to help them out as best she could. Kasumi was a young woman still, and had given up so much. Nabiki was so cynical, but lively. Akane was a sweet child who had to be missing her mother, but she tried hard.

And then there was Ranko. A rather energetic and friendly girl, she was also very rough around the edges. From her speech to her clothing to her style of dress, she had a tendency towards the masculine. She was a girl who was an out and out tomboy, but it was clear that she was reaching out to Nodoka, and admired her. Which warmed her heart, and made her wonder how she could help the poor girl. Ranko was definately very attractive, and given the right clothing and make up, could turn many a boy's head. With a little bit of tutoring, she would be less gruff and rough, and would be more a confident and strong young woman.

As the Saotome Matriarch sipped her tea, she wondered if she should be the one to help Ranko. It wouldn't be the same to have her baby back in her arms, but she was certain that she could feel for the small redhead as if she was her own child.

Ranma stifled his sneeze and continued on into the dojo carrying his bucket of water and a hand mirror. He didn't want to risk letting himself sneeze, since the noise would likely wake up the house, and he didn't want to do that. This time was his alone, and it was very important to him. He'd been working up to it for a while, and he knew that he had to do what he'd planned before he lost his nerve.

Once inside, he made sure that no one else was around before putting down the mirror on a weapons rack and lifting the bucket. Holding it there for a long moment, he gulped, knowing that once he started, he'd never be able to go back. But this was something that he felt that he had to do, so he went and splashed the water over his head.

Dropping the empty container to the floor, she wiped the water from her eyes, and then looked around nervously. Picking up the mirror, she looked into it, seeing the features that had been hers ever since she'd fallen into a spring in China. They were softly made up, with creamy skin and large blue eyes giving her an expressive face. Her lips were naturally soft and pink, and she traced them with one finger as she admitted to herself that they went well with the rest. With her fire red hair, it made for an interesting combination, and the wildness looked good.

But her face was not the reason that she had done this, and carefully putting down the mirror, she looked down at the muscle shirt that she had on. The wet cotton of the garment clung to the two firm mounds on her chest, outlining them down to the small nipples crowning them. They jiggled slightly as she moved and she ran a small hand over them, sighing lightly as they proved sensitive even without direct contact. Pulling off her undershirt, she found herself noticing how they bounced with the motion.

Cupping them with both hands, she stroked her breasts, allowing herself to freely see how it felt, which turned out to be rather good. Squeezing them and pressing them together felt pretty nice as well, but not as much as rolling and pinching her nipples did. She gasped at the pleasure that came from them, and found herself having to sit down as her legs grew wobbly. Leaning against a wall, she reached down and slid one hand down along her boxers, sliding it under the garment to press her palm against her taut buttock. The skin felt soft and smooth, and she couldn't stop herself from sliding her hand down it, using her wrist to catch the edge of her underwear. Kicking off the boxers, she spread her shapely legs and ran her other hand down her flat belly until she reached the most private place she had, and one which she had denied herself from touching ever since gaining it.

A jolt of sensation rocked her senses as she found herself touching the sensitive folds. Her fingertips parted and manipulated the petals, discovering the secrets of that part of her. The slick entrance seemed to want to hold on tight, and she wasn't about to deny it. What with the feelings that were running through her system, she wanted more of the same. Every little bit that she could use from her experiences and the 'Master's Way' she used and gained a lot from those techniques.

Her free hand came up and grasped her breast, playing with it as she pumped the fingers of the other into and out of herself, and finding the nubs of both spots more than receptive to touching. Breathing came in pants, and she bounced a little with every motion that she made. Allowing herself the freedom to enjoy what was happening proved to be just as important as the act itself as she abandoned any real 'investigation' and simply enjoyed the pure unadulturated pleasure that she was feeling.

When release did come, she had to bite her lower lip just to keep from crying out, but she had no problem in letting her entire body freeze up as the pleasure washed over her. It sent stars flashing before her eyes, and simple sensation rushing through her brain leaving her senseless. She was so wrapped up in it that she simply fell limply where she sat afterwards, with one hand fallen on the floor and the other still between her legs.

It took her a while to realise even that she was whimpering in left over pleasure.

"I guess that I've really been makin' the girls feel as good as I thought," she murmured to herself, "And I suppose that turnin' inta a girl ain't all bad..."

Letting herself lay there until the pleasure had faded, Ranma relucantly got to her feet, straightened up, and dressed before heading back in to take a bath while:

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(Posted Sun, 15 Aug 2004 22:41)

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