Nabiki let out a gasp as Ranma’s cock jerked inside her tight tunnel. “Stop! Don’t move!” she cried out. Almost she even said please, but she was not that far gone yet. Fortunately, for her peace of mind, Ranma did stop.
Ranma glared at Nabiki, or more correctly, he glared at her ass, which was sort of the center of his focus at the moment. Actually, that made things a lot easier for him. Nabiki had this, sarcastic, way of looking at him, that made him feel like a five year old. It was much easier to maintain annoyance at her when he didn’t have to look her in the eyes.
Mind you, looking down at that firm ass, with his cock sticking out of her pussy went a long way to mellow him out. He smirked a bit. It was sort of like when you got another fighter in a submission hold. You didn’t let them talk their way out of it. The fact that they had to resort to talk just proved you had a good hold on them. Well, he had one hell of a submission hold on Nabiki right now. And for all her bellyaching, he was the one with the upper hand.
Such a thought was very strange for Ranma. Anyone who knew him well would have guessed that he’d be desperate to do anything Nabiki suggested, frantic that she not reveal what had happened. But, Ranma more and more found himself with a growing sense of ease with the current situation. As if it were a fight with someone who he knew he could beat without breaking a sweat. Someone he could afford to play with.
Ranma froze in place, almost inhumanly so. “How’s this?” he asked, his voice solicitous.
Nabiki drew a few deep breaths to calm herself. “Fine, just, just don’t move, ok,”
Ranma nodded, though of course Nabiki could not see that, and went to put his hands down on the trestle on either side of Nabiki’s body. As he moved them down, he spotted a heavy ring turned around so the large disk that made up its body was on the inside of his hand. At the same time he noticed the dark black mark on Nabiki’s ass, which corresponded with the design on the ring. For some strange reason, the sight gave him a warm feeling. Without thinking about it, he laid his hands on Nabiki’s ass, marveling at the warm springy feel.
“Akkk, what are you doing!?” Nabiki yelled, jerking her body and moving herself on and off Ranma’s cock slightly, which caused another powerful surge of pleasure. “Stop that!”
Instead of jerking his hands away, Ranma said in a serious tone of voice. “Sorry. I have to rest my hands on something or I won’t be able to stay still.”
Nabiki wanted to order him to take his hands off of her, but for some reason was reluctant to do so. There was some sort of warm glow flowing from where Ranma touched her that flowed over her whole body, leaving her feeling as toasty as if she were under a pile of blankets on a cold winter morning. The last thing she wanted was to crawl out of that comfortable nest. So, she said. “Fine, just don’t move anymore.”
Ranma held his posture, and Nabiki tried very hard to relax, and did not succeed. She could not stop squeezing her leg and ass muscles every few seconds. “This ain’t no good,” Ranma said. “Not much point in me staying still, if you’re just going to move around like that.”
“I’d like to see you do any better if you were a girl in my position!” Nabiki snapped.
“Why don’t I just pull out and get it over with?” Ranma asked, not particularly bothered by the image Nabiki suggested, as it was something that was never going to happen.
Nabiki actually found herself reluctant to go along with this idea, and not for the usual reason that Ranma had suggested it. But, after a few seconds she said. “Ok, but be careful!”
“Oh, I’ll be real careful,” Ranma promised. He let himself lean back, and started to draw himself out of Nabiki’s tight sheath. Her breath hissed out of her mouth as he slowly, oh, so very slowly withdrew.
Nabiki was in an agony of suspense. The slow motion withdrawal was causing what felt like a fire in her groin. It didn’t make sense. Hard friction caused heat. This slow motion movement shouldn’t make her feel like she was about to spontaneously combust. She closed her mouth tight, and then had to open it again when she found she could not get enough air into her lungs just using her nose. Her panted in short sharp breaths, and still it went on and on. “How much more?” She finally begged with a whimper.
Ranma, who’d been watching the emergence of his slick cock from within Nabiki’s body with rapture did not at first hear her question.
“How much more!” Nabiki cried out in a much louder tone, and causing Ranma to jerk slightly, and insert himself back inside her a good two inches.
“It was half way, till you yelled, now I only got about a quarter of it out.” Ranma complained.
Nabiki boggled at the information. Unable to see what was happening, Nabiki had to go by what it felt like. And what it had felt like was that Ranma had pulled something as long as his arm out of her. And that had only been half-way! “Oh god, how big are you?” she said with some dismay.
Not to big, it all fit inside,” Ranma answered in a cheerful voice.
Nabiki gave a shudder, imagining something the size of Kuno’s bokun shoved up inside her. It was a miracle she didn’t feel any pain from the ruptured organs. Maybe she was in shock.
“So, you want me to keep pulling out,”
“No! Yes! I don’t know!” Nabiki cried out.
“You don’t know!?” Ranma asked in amazement. It was a good thing that Nabiki could not see his face, or she’d have been pissed as well as befuddled. The smile he wore was as broad as any he’d ever had. He was really starting to enjoy this, and not just the feel of Nabiki pulsing around him. The whole having her at his mercy thing. “Well, tell me when you make up your mind,” he said, and idly started to work his fingers gently on her ass.
Nabiki, severely stressed, moved back against Ranma’s gentle touch, almost purring as his fingers seemed to ease some of the ache she felt in her belly. At least until she realized what she was doing. “What are you doing!” she cried out, frantic that he’d noticed her reaction.
“Oops, sorry. Forgot myself,” Ranma said, stilling his magic fingers.
Nabiki took several deep breaths, trying to gain her lost control. It didn’t help. She could not still the arousal having Ranma in her body caused her. It was so humiliating. “If only you weren’t such a wimp,” she moaned.
“Why?” Ranma asked, even as he frowned at her remark.
“Because any real man in this situation wouldn’t have fooled around. He’d have had his fun and we’d be done by now.”
“Oh, Well, I can do that,” Ranma said.
“Huh? What? Wait! No! Don’t ahhhhhhhhhh!” Nabiki cried out as Ranma smoothly pulled back and shoved forward again hard, jarring her up against the trestle as his belly slapped against her ass. It seemed a simple enough motion, and Ranma really didn’t think about it, but as he pulled back and thrust forward again he noticed that his body was adjusting and flexing in subtle ways, causing his cock to slip inside Nabiki with a particular motion and change of angle that caused little cries to escape her at certain parts of the stroke.
Ranma was well used to trusting his body to do certain things automatically in a fight, he’d spent enough your training it to do so. It seemed that this body had something similar. He let himself go and stopped worrying about if he was doing it right. His body seemed to know what it was doing. That left him free to enjoy the sight of himself slipping in and out of Nabiki, not to mention the pleasure it was causing. Damn it felt good. Why the hell hadn’t he done this with Shampoo. He was sure she’d have been willing.
Oh, wait, because then she’d insist they were really married, and he wouldn’t be able to deny it.
That thought brought a sudden stop to Ranma’s motion as he realized that there were going to be consequences to what he was doing, and he wasn’t sure if it felt good enough to be worth it.
“NO! Don’t stop!” Nabiki frantic voice cried out as her ass twisted as much as it was able. “Keep going! Damn you to hell, Saotome, fuck me!!!”
Ranma blinked, and then a smile crossed his face. “Damn straight it’s worth it,” he muttered. Taking hold of Nabiki’s hips with his hands, he started to seriously screw her.
Both Nabiki and Ranma gasped for breath, but Nabiki also cried out in pleasure as her body was plundered. Until, with a gasp Ranma buried himself to the root and spilled himself into her belly. At the same time every muscle in Nabiki’s body clenched, including the ones wrapped around Ranma’s dick, and she let out a howl of release.
Her body continued to jerk for several seconds, till she collapsed bonelessly across the trestle, her breath rattling in and out of her mouth. Ranma slumped slightly forward over her, his belly pressed tight into her ass. As he felt himself slowly shrinking inside her cunt, he knew that his life was never going to be the same again.
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See other episodes by T.H. Tiger
(Posted Sun, 15 Aug 2004 03:21)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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