This was of course the boy who, even though she had bashed him constantly, was still infatuitated with the lavander haired girl.
As he finished his cleaning chores, he tried to figure out some way of getting to do what he had to. It wouldn't be easy, but he wasn't about to let a little difficulty stop him. After all, this was his beloved that he had to work for, and he would never give up on her.
But then he noticed that there was a cabinet open, which was rather odd. It had probably been like that for a while, and so he wondered why he hadn't tried close the door. Then he shrugged to himself and figured that he'd simply knocked it open when he'd been mopping.
However, when he went to close it, he saw something that peaked his interest. Small packets of a powder of some kind were in a small group, barely visible. Curious, he pulled them out and looked over each one before realising what they were, and what they could do for him.
What he had in his hand were Instant Jusenkyo spring water, and he was certain which spring they had come from. Which meant that he had a way to get Ranma to help him. Just the chance to stay flat chested would have the other boy running to help him.
All he'd have to do would be to find the opportunity to present his peace offering, and everything would begin to head back to what he wanted it to be.
Holding his mug in both hands, Sasuke blew on his coffee and thanked whatever diety it was that had created such a blessed substance. The drink helped keep him awake, which was of great help what with always having to do what his employers told him. Many a night he had spent sucking up the bitter drink to help him through the pile of work that had been heaped upon him. And for a man who had to sleep on a single thin mat, and eat menial portions of bland foods, the abundance of coffee provided to him was a god send.
It would after all help him wait for his young master's next instruction, whenever that would come.
But as he sat there waiting he got a bit of a surprise.
Kuno, grand samurai, idol to the masses, and beloved by women in his own mind, sat perfectly in a meditation postition and... snored.
The diminutive ninja fell over in shock as he realised that his young master had been sleeping, but was careful not to waste the precious liquid he'd been drinking.
Ranma didn't bother with knocking, and simply entered Nabiki's room, not because he was rude, but because he realised two simple things. First, she would not be in any shape to really move quickly. And second, she was his pet, and would likely be seeing him as having the right to just come in.
He was proven right as he came inside and found her lounging on her back, with not a single stitch of clothing on. Which he'd expected, though it was still a bit of a surprise to find her like that. Mainly because he was still getting used to the fact that he owned the girl in front of him, though he was moving along as quickly as he'd like.
Closing and locking the door behind him, he smirked at her. "All ready, are ya?"
"Mmm... Yes," Nabiki purred, "I've just been waiting for you."
"I'll be ya have."
"What? You expected something else?"
"Nope. But lemme guess, ya've been layin' there like that for a while."
"Well... yes. I was trying to figure out which way to lay, and this seemed to be the best way."
"Meanin' that ya just dropped like this and couldn't get bothered enough to start movin'," he told her as he began to rub her head. "Oooh... yes..."
"Glad to see that ya let me know."
"I'll let you know anything you want... Especially if you do stuff like this."
"Hey, I have ta take good care of my pet, don't I?"
"And you do it so well... You're even reaching the crick in my neck where.... Ahhh... That's it..."
He grinned as he slowly kneaded the tension from her body, and noted another sort replacing it. His hands went down to her shoulders in a simple motion, pressing, and stroking the soft skin with such intent that not a single bit was left unmassaged. Her arms, from armpit to fingertips got a total workover, working out any strain that had been in them. Then he came to her firm breasts, which he seemed to have great interest in, as he squeezed, pressed, and manipulated until she was left softly gasping.
Then he slid down to her flat belly, where he massaged out any tension, and slid his palms over the supple flesh. Which was followed by her legs, which he stroked and worked at, with great intent, going down the outside of them, and then along the inside until he reached her most intimate space. Running his fingers along her folds, he found the results of his attentions so far, and smiled as he proved that when he said 'full', he meant it. His fingers slid over the slick petals, and then inbetween them so that she gasped and bit her bottom lip, especially when he made certain to rub the hardened nub there with his thumb.
"Ahhhh... That... Oh my...," she whimpered as she felt the rising tide of pleasure. But it soon overwhelmed her, and she had to clutch at the bed for a moment as she felt a wave of sensaition take over for a bit.
"That seems ta have felt good," he commented with a blink.
"Yes, Master. It felt wonderful..."
"Good. Didn't intend that at first, but... It just sorta happened."
"You know, you can do that to me anytime you like. You don't have to explain yourself."
"I felt like it. But I think that I'll leave any other explainin' until later. Now it's time ta roll ya over," Ranma told her as he lifted his pet and made it so that she was laying on her belly.
She let him do it both because he was her owner, and because she felt too good at the moment to complain. As his hand began to push the aches out of her shoulder blades, she sighed with contentment, and wondered if she should just forget everything else, and let him do whatever he wanted with her. If everything felt as good as having his strong fingers working all the way down her back, that was a fate that she could definately live with. In fact, he didn't leave anything untouched, and even did her legs again, giving her little shivers as he came up to the globes of her buttocks.
Both cheeks were massages, as her taut behind got a full workover. Each one was manipulated by his fingers seperately, and then together, as he made sure that she would feel absolutely no pain there. He even when further than she would have thought he would, and did her sides as well.
And when he slid his fingers between her legs again, she was half expecting it. There was no doubt in her mind about what he planned on doing, and she had no wish to stop him. Instead, she merely buried her face into her pillow in order to stifle her cries of pleasure as he played with her slit once more. This time he went further, and made certain to give greater attention to the more sensitive parts of that section of her anatomy. Not only did he pinch and squeeze her hardened nub, he made certain to use it to send shivers of pleasure all the way through her body until she gave a choked cry of release.
When she managed to get control back, he stepped away from her and smiled.
"You're not going to stop there, are you?" she asked with a sleepy smile on her face.
"Ta be honest..," he replied, "Yeah, I am."
"Ohh... You could go further if you want."
"But ya can't."
"Ya were tired already, and with what I did ta ya, ya should be all nice and relaxed."
She wanted to protest, but her words came out as a long yawn instead.
"See? Now, ya go ta sleep, and we'll see what we can do tommorrow."
"That's a good girl," he told her with a pat on her backside before he let himself out.
Watching him leave, she knew that she would have pleasant dreams, and once the door closed, it was matter of moments before she was on her way to having them while:
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(Posted Wed, 04 Aug 2004 21:19)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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