“Good morning, Bell,” Came a female voice from behind. A voice most would define as sultry.
“Good morning, Urd,” Belldandy said as she then began hanging up the obi that went along with the kimono. “Did you sleep well?”
The sexy goddess stretched her arms behind her back, in the process thrusting forward her rather impressive chest, and nodded. “Haven’t slept like that in a while. That offering last night was what I needed.”
“Ah, I see,” Belldandy said as she looked over the Kimono. “Urd, when was the last time you actually had an offering?”
The tanned goddess with platinum hair thought about it for a moment. “I think it was two years ago.”
“Oh, that recent?” Belldandy asked with a smile. “Well, It’s good to know people haven’t given up on their faith.” She then held up the Kimono for Urd to see. “Do you think this might be a little too small for a weretigress?”
Urd smirked. “If she wants to seduce her boyfriend again, I’d say it’s perfect.” The goddess didn’t miss the way it clung to the weretigress’s body like a second skin. A second skin that was stretched to the limit.
Belldandy pouted a little. A rather cute pout to be sure. “Still, it must be uncomfortable as all dickens on her.”
Urd nodded in understanding. “What do you have in mind, then? None of us has clothes big enough to fit her.” Not that making clothes was a problem for them, but they did have to keep their nature a secret.
Belldandy smiled. "Think you can get me my sewing needle and thread? I'm going to see if I can at least extend the shoulder width so it doesn't pinch her chest as much.”
Urd smiled. Trust her little sister to think of something so simple and yet so perfect. “On my way.”
“Thank you,” Belldandy said as she went to putting up Ranma’s pants. “Hmm... And these pants are too loose. They’ll practically fall off the boy.” She smiled. “Maybe I can make them tighter.”
Urd couldn't help a mischievous smirk as she walked into the house. “Please do.”
Oblivious to her sister’s hentai-way of thinking, Belldandy nodded her head. She had some more work to do.
Ranma sighed happily as he sat bad into the furo. “Oh man... This is relaxing...”
Alex, who was snuggling close to Ranma, nodded slowly. “That it is.”
Smiling, Ranma rested his head on his fiancée's shoulder. “Maybe it was fate we ended up here?”
Alex thought about it for a moment and smirked. “I’d say it was my being horny.”
Smirking at that, Ranma brought his hand down into the warm water to goose his fiancée’s butt. “Yeah... Not really an act of God, but enough to suffice.”
The white-furred weretigress purred and snuggled closer to Ranma. “We should be in the hangar right now...”
“Why’s that?” Ranma asked. “You think people are banging down the doors to actually get flying lessons for once?”
“No,” Alex whispered into his ear. “That way we could be having really wild and loud sex. I don’t feel like being caught once again by Belldandy. It felt like being caught in the act by my mom.”
Ranma smirked. “What’s this? And here I thought you were the daredevil that had fear of no one and nothing!”
Alex pouted. “I’m not afraid. I just felt... Guilty for some reason. That girl made me want to apologize for making love to you.”
Ranma raised an eyebrow. “Well, geeze, sorry for making you out to be a bad girl...” He teased her, kissing her neck.
The weretigress closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. “You’re the bad boy now, then?”
Smirking, Ranma whispered, “Hey, you’re the one always telling me to assert myself.” He winked. “And you never told me you loved being dominated,” He shook his head and smirked. “And here I thought you liked being in charge...”
Alex blushed fiercely. “It comes with being a were, Ranma. I can’t help it.”
Ranma blinked his eyes in surprise. “Huh? Now I’m confused. How does being a were make you wanna be dominated?”
“It’s got to do with the animal instincts. Female cats are dominated while mating.” She chuckled nervously. “I guess I’m more of a cat than I’d like to admit.”
“Really?” Ranma asked, suddenly smirking almost evilly.
Alex gave Ranma a curious look. “What’s with that smile?”
“So any show of dominance, no matter how small it is, will make it easier for me to take control?” Smirking, Ranma used his hand to squeeze Alex’s butt a little harsher. “Something like this?”
The weretigress wiggled in place and smiled at Ranma. “Naughty boy.”
“You trained me well,” Ranma countered. While still using his hand to squeeze Alex’s furry posterior, he used a hand to tease her rosebud.
“Ranma...” Alex whined in protest. She didn’t want to be caught by Belldandy again, but Ranma was so good at using his hands.
Smiling, Ranma moved his hand up her butt and to the base of her tail, which he gave a good squeeze. Smirking, he then told the Siberian weretigress exactly what she told him last night. “I can’t make it.”
Alex moaned and moved from her position. She straddled Ranma’s waist, giving him much better access to her body. “Than who am I to deny you, lover?”
Sitting in the furo with his fiancée atop his lap, Ranma leaned forward, his right cheek nuzzling the weretigress’s left breast. “Mmm... I can’t get enough of you, Alex...” He said before turning his head and giving the aroused areola a kiss.
“Ranma...” Alex groaned and ran her hands through Ranma’s hair.
Smiling, Ranma used his tongue to swirl around the aroused nub of flesh. His hand continued to grip the base of Alex’s tail, as he pumped it rather suggestively.
The weretigress was breathing heavily by now and couldn't take it anymore. She reached down to take a hold of Ranma’s manhood and guided it to her awaiting pussy. Without missing a beat she started to lower herself over Ranma, swallowing his member into her.
Ranma grit his teeth lightly at the sensations, which also had the effect of pinching the nub of flesh between his teeth. Both his hands were moving to the weretigress's furry ass to help steady her.
Alex finished lowering herself and rested her weight on Ranma’s legs, his cock all the way in. She smiled as she felt herself accommodating the intruder. “Feels good.”
Opening his mouth to release her nipple, Ranma looked up into Alex’s eyes. “Yeah... I never get tired of this feeling,” He told his fiancée as he mashed his face between her large furry mammaries.
Alex moaned and took a hold of Ranma’s head with her hands, just as she started to slowly move up and down.
Ranma kissed Alex’s mid-section as she moved herself up and down his steel soldier of love. He loved this woman so much. Love. An emotion he thought he’d never truly experience. And yet, here this woman was proving him, thankfully wrong.
“Ranma...” Alex groaned and increased her tempo, the pleasure increasing as she did. She so loved being with Ranma, even if they had only been together a short time. The guy made her feel complete and at ease.
Smiling, Ranma proved his flexibility by managing to lean forward enough to kiss Alex’s bellybutton when she brought her body upwards. “You, know, it’s not right of me to make you do all the work.”
Alex smirked at him as she continued moving. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Maybe this?” Ranma asked as he thrust up into Alex when she was bringing herself down, increasing the pressure and pleasure both felt.
Her eyes widening, Alex yelped in surprise and she smiled sultrily. “Ranma...”
“Alex...” Ranma whispered her name back as he thrust up into Alex, his hands firmly gripping and massaging her furry posterior.
The weretigress enjoyed Ranma’s ministrations immensely and started to wind into her release. “R-Ranma... I’m about to...”
“Yes,” Ranma told her. He started to thrust into her faster, “Go ahead, Alex-chan...” He nuzzled his head between her breasts, trying to stimulate them further.
A few thrusts later Alex’s inner walls clammed around Ranma’s manhood tightly as she cried out in ecstasy, orgasming as she continued to ride her wild horse.
Ranma continued to thrust back and forth into the Siberian weretigress’s channel as she came. This ended up prolonging the woman’s orgasm quite a bit, yet still, Ranma didn’t cum.
Alex finally slumped over Ranma with a satisfied smile on her face. he rested her chin on his shoulder and did her best to recover her breath.
Smiling, Ranma turned his head to kiss Alex’ neck. “So wonderful...” Ranma told her as he continued to hold her protectively.
“Love you,” Alex whispered and held onto Ranma tightly.
Ranma smiled and continued to hug Alex tighter. “Love you too...” He said as he grinded his manhood inside her warm sex a little. He still hadn't gotten off.
Alex smiled and Ranma felt her inner muscles give him a squeeze. “You’re still hard, lover.”
Nuzzling her neck, Ranma told her, “I was so fixated on giving you pleasure, I kinda missed the boat.” He admitted in embarrassment, but not regret.
The weretigress sat up and smiled down at him. “Then we’ll just have to do something about that, won’t we?”
“And what shall we do?” Ranma asked her, sounding quite hopeful.
Alex gave Ranma an amused look. “You’re the dominating one, aren’t you?”
Ranma’s smirk widened. If she wanted him to take control, fine. Leaning forward, Ranma huskily whispered into Alex’s ear, “Get on your hands and knees on the floor now...”
Alex stood up and walked to the edge of the furo. She then knelt on the floor as Ranma asked, water dripping from her furry body as she wiggled her ass enticingly at Ranma.
Ranma looked at the sight and smiled. “I ever tell you just how damn gorgeous you are?” Ranma asked his fiancée as he started to get out of the furo himself, water streaking down his body.
“Not enough times,” Alex answered with a smile.
Getting on his knees behind Alex, Ranma appreciatively rubbed her ass. “You’re gorgeous, you’re hot, you’re sexy, you’re wonderful, you’re incredible...” He leaned forward and kissed her ear and whispered, “Absolutely, the most perfect woman.”
“Hmm... You just earned a fresh batch of cookies when we go home,” Alex teasingly said.
Ranma smiled, and gave Alex’s butt an extra-hard squeeze. “I like cookies...”
The weretigress used her tail to tickle Ranma’s stomach. “You going to keep me waiting?”
Ranma smirked. “Hmm. Just thinking...” He said as he gently rubbed her butt, showing her his affection and appreciation of her body”
Raising an eyebrow, Alex curiously asked, “About what?”
Smirking, Ranma answered teasingly, “Such as which hole do I want now?”
Alex looked over her shoulder and smirked. “You’re a pervert, lover.”
“I learned from the best,” Ranma said. He then pouted a little at the look Alex gave him. “And I mean YOU, not Happosai.”
Though she nodded her head to that, Alex pouted a little. “You’re getting a kick out of making me wait for it, aren't you?”
Ranma smiled. “Okay, okay. I’ll decide then,” Ranma told the Siberian weretigress as he pressed the tip of his manhood at Alex’s backdoor, and started pressing forward.
Alex’s eyes widened slightly at the sudden contact and she relaxed as much as she could. Even if she was a were-creature, it still hurt at first.
Ranma smiled and continued to move on into his fiancée. It always amazed him for fast he could go in with her. “Such a nice, TIGHT fit...” Ranma complimented as he leaned forward to kiss the back of Alex’s neck. “How do you manage it?”
While Alex was feeling a little pain at the entrance she masked it well with a joke. “Being laid back and never having a stick up my ass.”
Ranma smiled. “Well you certainly have quite a ‘stick’ up there now, don’t you?” He asked teasingly as he thrust the rest of his manhood into the lycanthrope’s bottom.
Alex moaned and reared her head back. “That’s no stick! That’s a tree trunk!”
Ranma smiled. “Thanks for noticing,” He wrapped his hands around so he could squeeze her breasts with each hand. He then picked up the tempo and began pulling back and thrusting forward into Alex’s backdoor.
The Siberian weretigress contented herself with being rode and closed her eyes, focusing on the wonderful sensations her entire body was going through.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) Ranma couldn’t hold on much longer. Already being put on edge earlier and holding on since their first bout in the bathing area, Ranma was finding himself hard pressed to keep from cumming. “Aleeex...” Ranma hissed and started to move back and forth more erratically.
The woman cursed inwardly and thought they definitely needed to work on cumming together. She was still a little far off, even if she was getting there. “Cum inside me, Ranma,” She gasped out and reached down with her hand to pinch her clit. She wouldn’t cum with Ranma, but then again she did want to get off.
Ranma could hear the need in Alex’s voice and, could feel Alex’s need as her whole body shook. Gritting his teeth, Ranma continued to move back and forth, just concentrating on getting Alex off. He had to hold on, if only for her.
Closing her eyes Alex’s breathing became more and more labored with each thrust, her fingers working her clit like there was no tomorrow, and she felt herself come closer and closer to her goal. “... Almost... There...”
Ranma nodded his head. Good. He was really beginning to hurt, holding back like he was. To entice Alex to get there faster, Ranma used his thumbs and forefingers to pinch, twist, and squeeze the Siberian weretigress’s nipples.
“Cum, Ranma! Cum with me!” Alex cried out.
And Ranma did just that. Letting go of his inhibitions, Ranma blew his load into Alex’s rosebud.
That was what Alex needed. With a cry of pleasure the weretigress felt herself explode from the inside. She arched her back and rode the wave of her orgasm as long as she could before collapsing, her arms not having the strength to support her anymore.
Ranma collapsed atop of Alex’s back, panting heavily. “S-so good...” He managed to mumble out tiredly. Since his hands still underneath the weretigress, he hugged her to him as tightly as he could.
It was then that clapping was heard from the doorway into the bathroom, which was slightly open.
His eyes snapping wide open, Ranma turned his head to the source.
A rather attractive woman with platinum hair was standing by the door and giving him the thumbs up. “Nice one, sport. If you keep this up I’ll be promoted before you know it.”
Ranma raised an eyebrow. Promoted? What the heck was she talking about?
Urd continued to smirk and pointed at the equally frozen Alex. “You might want to have him cum in your pussy, though. I’ve heard werecats and humans have a tough time having kids.” With that said the goddess left the room, leaving behind a VERY embarrassed Alex illuminating the room with her furious blush.
Seeing the woman leave like that, Ranma chuckled nervously. He wondered if that was true or not. If it was, he better concentrate on screwing that pussy...
...But then again, he had more important matters to deal with first. “Alex?”
“... Yeah?” The weretigress' voice was a pathetic squeak with her current embarrassment. This was the second time in a row she was caught red-handed, though this one was much worse than the last.
“At least it wasn’t Belldandy this time,” Ranma said.
Alex nodded. “That doesn’t make me feel much better, Ranma.” She didn’t know which made her more nervous. Belldandy seeming oblivious to the love-making or Urd smiling seductively at the couple.
Ranma smiled and held Alex protectively to comfort her. “Okay. Next time, we wait for the hangar.”
“Thank you,” The Siberian weretigress smiled. Knowing her hormones she wouldn’t be able to wait next time either.
In Antarctica, on a corner of the Ross Ice Shelf about 1000 km from the South Pole, there stands a large column of mist which vaguely resembles an atomic mushroom cloud. Though some would say it looks like someone started to hammer in a huge nail and stopped halfway through. While the civilian population is blissfully ignorant of this, the world governments are well aware of the existence of this hyperspace passage to the planet Fairy, where a great war rages…
But that's not important right now.
What IS important is the rather unusual sight of a jet fighter flying out. The plane resembled a sort of mish-mash of a VF-1 Valkyrie, F-22 Raptor, and an F-15 Eagle, with a little VF-22 Sturmvogel II thrown in. It was a Super Sylph. A quite advanced fighter that rarely ended up in an actual fight.
Inside, the pilot, flying without a RIO in the back, got her bearings and then steered her Super Sylph towards its destination: Nerima.
Someone was coming for Ranma and Alex… And she had a purpose!
“Of course not. This is just Something Else Urd is planning”
“That’s what I was worried about...”
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See other episodes by Red Priest of the 17th Order
(Posted Sun, 01 Aug 2004 19:18)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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