Realms of Fantasy: Ecstatica (LEMON) [Episode 111354]

by St Fan


Akane sniffed and rubbed her nose.  Her legs were closely pressed against her front, her body rolled in a ball.  Still, she shivered.  This room was overall no colder than the rest of the Underdark, which enjoyed an even temperature on most places... but it was still not warm enough to be comfortable without a stitch of clothing on.  The lone brazier and the few torches left (Dowel had put out most of them) weren’t bringing much warmth — nor light; just enough for the prison to not be in complete darkness.

“Damn those Drow perverts...” Akane muttered.  “What did they get from letting us chill in the buff like that?  And they didn’t give us any food... I’m starving.”

“They surely didn’t forget, little sister...” Nabiki commented dryly.  The older Tendō girl was sprawled on her side, chin in her hand, and legs drawn close to her nude body.  Her gaze lost in the shadows of the prison, she was idly rubbing her bare thigh to keep warm.


“They aren’t doing this just on whim, Akane-chan.  I’d bet anything you like it’s on purpose.  All standard ‘softening’ techniques....”

“‘Softening’ ?" her sister parroted, confused.

Nabiki sighed.  “Don’t you see it?  Sexual humiliation, food deprivation... all this is aimed at eroding the resistance of a prisoner just before an interrogation.  That old crone did mention torture, didn’t she?”

“They wouldn’t... they would... oh merciful Ilmater, that ain’t true!” Akane bemoaned, her face falling.  “Thanks a LOT for cheering me up, big sister!” she groaned sarcastically.

“You’re welcome...” Nabiki coolly dismissed.

Akane huffed.  “Can’t you do something to get us out of here?  You’re a thief, or not?”

Her sister sighed.  “Without my lockpick or even a hairpin, there’s nothing I can do.”  Akane was about to retort something, but Nabiki turned head and silenced her with a glare.  “And you’re not going to suggest, too, that I should have hid it someplace else?  Thank you very much, but no.  That’s pointy tool, I almost stabbed my tongue by keeping it in my mouth.”

Akane didn’t add anything, slipping into a brooding silence.

In the next cell, Ryōga and Tatewaki were both still unconscious, blissfully unaware of their dismal situation.

In another cage, however, Ukyō and Konatsu were far from being restful.  They both had no illusion about attaining the reverie — the equivalent of sleep for Elves — in this dark, drafty, smelly place.  They were way too nervous after the cold announcement of the Drow Matriarch about their future execution.

Ukyō, in particular, was seething.  In her view, she had nothing to do with the eons-old vendetta between Drow and surface Elves.  Heck, despite her race she wasn’t even raised by High Elves... and the first Drow she ever met were Ranma and Ranko.  Just as Konatsu, in fact.  Why would they have to die because of the racial hatred of those Dark Elves?  That was totally unfair....

In the cage hanging from the ceiling, the mood wasn’t so somber... although it sure was dark.  Light from the torches barely reached this metallic cone, but it didn’t bother much the two Drow held within.  Ranma and Ranko could both see the respective sibling thanks to their infrared vision.  To each other, they appeared as a purplish figure contrasting with the cold “gray” air around.  Shapes and curves were still noticeable by the tiny difference of body temperature.  The most striking feature were their eyes, looking like pairs of bright red beacons.

Ranko blew a puff of air; her slumped posture, back against the bars and legs sprawled, betrayed her boredom.  Idly, she knocked against the metal of the cage, and commented “Adamantine bars... they sure aren’t taking any risk with us.  You have any idea how to get out?”

Ranma, sitting in a similar position, an arm resting on his raised knee, shook his head.  “Nope.  None at the moment.  I feel there’s not much we can do.  Did you try any of your powers?”

“No... don’t see one that could help...”

“Do it, just for me... I wanna check something.”

Ranko blinked, then shrugged.  Humoring her brother, she started to focus on calling some dancing lights... but nothing came even after a few seconds of efforts.  She frowned.  “What the...?”

“That’s what I thought... I got that tingling sensation since I was thrown here.  There must be some sort of permanent anti-magic shell around this cage.”

“Woah... they really made sure nobody could escape.  I understand now why those cages are the ‘special ones’ for Elves....  Could you try to slip between the bars?”

“Na, they are too close, and with those spikes in the widest gaps... no hope there.”  Long ago, Genma had taught his son how to squeeze his body to fit in narrow spaces, or to dislocate his joints to escape chains or cuffs.  But there were limits to his flexibility.

Ranko pouted, while Ranma closed eyes and went into a contemplative mood, thinking about everything that happened today.  The Drow girl wondered if her brother was falling asleep.  She moved closer to him, on her hands and knees, until her nose was inches away from his.  Feeling her closeness, Ranma opened his eyes and gazed into his sister’s face.

“Say, Ranko... what was up with you and that Drow captain?... Shampoo, I think she was called....  You seemed ready to slit her throat.”

Ranko’s expression darkened (figuratively, of course; she couldn’t darken much physically).  “And what was up with you?” she acidly retorted.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on, I saw how you were looking at that top-heavy bimbo.  You couldn’t pry your eyes from her bounties!  And you were just so eager to strip in front of her....”

“It was to save Ryōga’s ass!  And so what, anyway?  Since when do you care about the women I ogle?”  He couldn’t believe Ranko could actually be jealous.  “Usually, you’re the one pushing me into their beds...!”

This wasn’t an exaggeration; his sister had often encouraged Ranma to try and seduce any attractive woman they’d met, regardless of race.  She’d already more or less offered him to every female member of the party — including Ukyō the High Elf, even though she was married.  True, marriage among the Drow wasn’t considered especially binding... true faithful of Lolth scorned the notion, taking consorts and dropping them on a whim.

Until now, Ranma hadn’t given in to temptation — not from lack of response from the fairer sex, though.  The wizardess Kodachi found him exotic and openly showed her interest (with, strangely, the blessing of her brother).  He could guess the rogue Nabiki wasn’t entirely adverse to the idea either.  As for the priestess of Lliira, Kasumi, he was pretty sure all he’d have to do was asking nicely.

But the Drow exile was still wary of women... a legacy of all the suffering he endured at the hands of Dark Elven females during his youth.  The first of his tormentors being his mother.  He understood, intellectually, that the girls from the Surface were quite different.  But he was still rather uncomfortable around them.  Even though he’d found lately that their pale skin was no longer a turn off... he had started to appreciate their looks and exoticism.

Not that Ranko was any better.  She had no qualm against flirting shamelessly with the men... especially that short-tempered barbarian, Ryōga.  She didn’t hide her curiosity for the legendary Half-Orc stamina.  But nothing happened yet... Ryōga was terminally shy, and that Kunō paladin kept insisting on some silly thing he called ‘holy matrimony’.

“But it’s entirely different!” Ranko protested.  “This Shampoo is a freaking DROW!”

Ranma blinked.  He hadn’t thought that his sister could be still prejudiced.  Was it because they were of the “lesser races” that she didn’t mind if he’d go after the other women?  “Don’t tell me you’re still clinging to that ‘superior race’ crap, and the other nonsense mom has been feeding you....”

“THAT AIN’T IT AT ALL!!” Ranko almost cried in his face.  Calming down, she fixed his eyes intensely.  He could feel her warm breath on his chin.  “You know what a spider-kisser Drow bitch is going to do to you if you fall in her web... she’s just going to beat you, demean you, trying to break you, to make you meek and obedient, before using you like a mere sex-toy... and finally kicking you away once she got bored, or worse.  I’ll never let any Drow woman make you suffer again....”

Ranma smirked.  “Unless it’s you?”

His sister smiled impishly.  “Well... I know you like that particular suffering...”

Leaning forward to cover the last inch, Ranko kissed him on the lips.  Her brother quickly responded to the hot kiss, and when her tongue darted inside his mouth, he wrestled it with his own, and they tasted each other.

Ranma wasn’t surprised.  He could see, with his infrared vision, the heat that was pooling on Ranko’s breasts and crotch... sure hint that she was horny.  When the twins finally broke their smooching to gasp for air, he whispered “Ranko... you sure this is the right place for that...?”

“What else are we supposed to do?  We can’t get out, and it’s better than just sitting there, bored out of our skulls.”  Her small hand snaked between his legs and reached for his manhood.  Ranko’s dainty, elfin fingers enveloped the black shaft, which was starting to react to the stimulation.  It hardened quickly, the blood pumping into its venous tissues as the skilled digits ran up and down its length, stroking the sensitive flesh.  “Besides... it’s been so long...” she throatily cooed.

Ranma sighed, eyes closed, his breath quickening.  It’s true that he had been reluctant of late.  Probably since he learned how negatively the Humans were reacting toward incest.  Something about inbreeding being of much worse consequences for them than for Elves.  Fairy races having few negative traits to pass on to their progeny (contrarily to other, less long-lived species), it was largely tolerated among them.  Though many blamed the decadence of the Drow on the reducing gene pool.

But Ranko didn’t care the slightest about what anybody could think.  Obviously, there was some Drow traditions she wasn’t ready to give up.  And shagging her beloved sibling at every opportunity was on top of the list.  Since the start of the trip with the party, they had no real occasion given the lack of privacy of their encampments... so she was quite needy right now.

Ranma moaned from the sweet torture his sister’s hand was inflicting on his cock.  It was hard as a steel rod by now.  Its bulbous tip throbbed from the flow of blood underneath, giving it a purple color, lighter than the rest of the dark-skinned shaft.

Ranko enjoyed the cute sounds that her brother was letting escape.  Making him feel good was even more important to her than her own pleasure, something that was already putting her apart from her fellow Lolth priestesses before their exile.  So, without hesitation, she kneeled and lowered her head toward his loins.  Her hand keeping the hard mast upright, she opened her soft, dark-red lips, first to give a loving kiss on the bulbous head.  Then a playful lick.  And another, twirling her raspberry around the wrinkled skin of the prepuce.  She slowly went down, the tip of her tongue following over the big blue vein, leaving a trail of saliva.  Reaching the root of the mighty oak giant mushroom, she diverted her mouth to his black testes, engulfing some of the sperm-filled sac and eagerly sucking the tasty male flesh.

Ranma’s breathing fastened toward an aroused panting.  His pleased sighs and moans were getting louder and less spaced as his sister teased his genitalia.  It got worse when Ranko left his balls to move her head upward and downward, wet mouth sliding along the side of his shaft.  Her hand added to the sensation by pinching lightly the base of his prick.  She finally stopped, shortly lifting her face up to give her twin an impish grin.  Next, she opened her mouth in a cute circle and descended on his engorged cock.  Her lips surrounded the shivering glans in a snug, wet embrace.  Her tongue immediately darted in the pee hole, twisting and gathering the dew of his pre-cum.

Then, Ranko lowered her face and swallowed more and more of his Night Warrior.  Ranma let out a strangled gasp as his rod of wondrous sensations was slipping into her throat.  When she began to bob her head up and down around his pride, he threw his head backward and let out a long, delighted moan of bliss.

Below, the High Elves’ sensitive (and pointy) ears were the first to notice the noise.  Konatsu blushed, while his wife craned her neck to look toward the dangling cage, eyes wide.

“I can’t believe this...” Ukyō muttered.  “The nerve of those two... they really don’t have a care in the world.”  She turned head toward her husband, and noticed he was staring at her.  Their night vision wasn’t as good as the Drow’s, but they still could see each other, and Ukyō couldn’t miss the heat in Konatsu’s face.  “Don’t dream, Sugar.  I’m really not in the mood...” she warned him.

The male Elf simply nodded, and looked away.  As the erotic sounds were only getting louder, Ukyō frowned.  Rubbing her arms, she cursed against the cold and against sleazy, wanton Dark Elves.  It was true she was freezing, but with the prospect of their execution the next morning, she sure had other things on her mind... right?  No place for thinking about doing the naughty on the rough, hard floor of this stinky cell.  None whatsoever.

Ranma panted sharply as Ranko increased the rhythm of her fellatio.  She was deep-throating him without any pause or hint of hesitation, his whole length disappearing in the damp and warm cavern of her mouth.  Whenever her lips smacked the base of his shaft, she withdrew a few inches before going down all the way again, bringing marvelous friction to the entire penis.  This was already bringing her brother to the edge, and when her willowy hand added naughty strokes to his testicles, it was the last straw.

Ranma’s black snake spitted its milky venom in his sister’s hot mouth, painting her throat with warm seed.  She dutifully and hungrily gulped all he had to offer, her glottis bulging with every spurt to swallow the load.  She let the throbbing dick escape from her oral orifice a little too soon, though.  As she freed her mouth to tell her brother just how delicious he tasted, a last burst of semen caught her by surprise.  It landed on her face, coating her cheeks with pearly white drops.  They stood at sharp contrast with the deep black of her fair skin.

After the obligatory blink in surprise, Ranko smirked.  Giving a last lick to clean up Ranma’s softening cock, she then sat on her bottom, legs crossed, in front of her twin.  Slowly and deliberately, she scooped every droplet of Drow sperm on her face, and languorously sucked her fingers, one by one.

Ranma, ponderously regaining a normal breathing and heart rate after this excellent orgasm, watched her.  He felt desire rising again in his belly, even stronger than before.  It soon reached untold heights, and finally exploded when she tartly said:

“Well... at least I got something to eat tonight.” ^_^

Ranma’s stomach groaned furiously.  Grunting in need, he jumped on his sister, grabbing her legs at the ankles and lifting them spread, having her none-too-gently fall on her back in no time.

“Hey!” she protested, but to no avail.  Ranma was an animal entirely governed by his instincts.

And he was hungry.

Lifting her shapely bottom up in the air, the pigtailed Drow dived between her thighs, his face in her loins.  He began nosily slurping at the mouth-watering, delicious, hairless pussy.  His tongue darted inside the dark slit, opening the soft petals of her outer labia to reveal the rosy insides.  Clamping his mouth all over the scrumptious vagina, he greedily sucked her juices.  The starving Drow was using his sister’s honeypot like a... honey pot, lapping her nectar as if it was the most delicious dish in the world.

“Oh yes...!  Big Bro... eat me!  Mmmmh... make me cum!  I want it... oooohhhh...”

Ranma’s muscular appendage was licking everywhere in her tender folds.  Flicking over any tasty spot that delivered the nourishing fluids he craved.  Twirling between the walls of flesh like a mad eel searching for a deeper entrance.

Ranko squirmed and squealed in delight.  Ranma was always more aggressive when hungry; she enjoyed greatly the act of feeding him.  She grasped her own breasts and pinched the violet nipples, wishing they could produce milk.  Then, her insatiable brother could have sucked them dry.

But even if this was a lot of fun, she wanted something else than his tongue in her yearning twat.  Ranma’s grip on her thighs slackened a bit, since he was entirely focused on her pussy.  She took advantage of this to cross her legs behind his neck, firmly locking them at the knees.  Then, she grasped his head with both arms, using the handhold to lift herself from the floor.

Ranma was surprised by the sudden shift in leverage, his shoulders now supporting all his sister’s weight.  He tried to keep his balance, but only managed in overcompensating by stumbling backward.  He landed roughly on his ass, Ranko still clinging around his head.


His sister giggled, and slowly let herself slump down over him.  Doing so, she rubbed every inch of her front against his, her pussy grinding into his chest and belly, her boobs smothering his face in passing.  When she finished sliding down, her round bottom landed on his lap, her legs circling his waist.  His renewing erection was properly nested between her buttocks, and she naughtily wiggled her arse to excite him.  Her bosom was mashed against his chiseled pectorals, the aroused nipples poking him.

Ranma’s face sported a frown, and Ranko a playful grin.  Both expressions melted, however, when they started kissing again, fiercely and hotly.  The male’s hands roamed over her back, before moving south to caress her firm derrière.  Black fingers dug into even blacker butt cheeks, squeezing and kneading the supple flesh.  He rocked her back and forth, rubbing the hard on against her cleft.  Ranko cooed between kisses, elated by the feelings induced by her brother’s hands, body and penis all over her sexy shape.

After a while spent in an apnea contest, they gave up smooching the life out of each other.  Ranko rubbed anew her brother’s frame by lifting herself, pressing her feverish body fuller against his.  This freed a small space between her bottom and Ranma’s crotch, which could be used to bring his cock in a more interesting position.

“Do me, Big Brother... I want you... take me... please...” Ranko begged, the love and lust mixing in her trembling voice.

Ranma smirked, knowing he’d better grant her wish before she got impatient.  Still holding her black-skinned ass with one hand, he used the other to guide his cock to her twat.  The mushroom cap met the hungry lower lips, rubbing against the slit to find its way in.  The folds parted without much of a problem, well-lubed thanks to the previous cunnilingus.  The bulbous, purple head slipped past the honeyed entrance, soon followed by a good inch of ebony-black shaft.

Ranko exhaled lengthily from the heavenly sensation of her brother’s dick stretching her hot cunt.  Ranma reasserted his grasp on her buttocks, each hand firmly gripping a dark half-moon.  With this solid handle, he began lowering her on his impaling weapon.  This elicited an ecstatic moan from his twin, followed by many more cute gasps, erotic sighs and encouraging words.

“Ooooh... Aaaaahh... Yessss.... Ranma... Big Bro.... Huuuu... I feel it... it’s so good... oh yeah... fuck me... fill me... do me... Mmmmm... I’m yours...”

Ranma graciously complied, moving her up and down on his very erect mast, sheathing more of his pole with every downward thrust.  Ranko’s love tunnel was opening deeper and deeper to welcome the conquering rod.  Her fleshy red walls parted around the rigid shaft, the red, wet, engorged folds stretched by the meaty invader.  No pain was ever reaching Ranko’s mind, thought, despite the petiteness of her body, the tightness of her sweet hole, and the thickness of Ranma’s tool.  Only pure bliss was transmitted through her nerve endings, her whole world a sea of ecstasy.  Nothing could please her more than the feeling of Ranma pounding her pussy, her love, her brother, the one living being that mattered the most in her life, even before her own.  If the incestuous coupling was the only way she could express how much he was precious to her, she’d do it again and again, without any guilt or shame, till the end of their very long lives.

Ranma rammed the full length of his hard meat into her cunny, and Ranko really went wild.  A long shriek of pleasure echoed in the prison.  The cage they were in was shaking and swinging, the chain holding it to the ceiling creaking under the strain.


By now, there was now need of elfin hearing to guess what going on in the hanging cell.  Unless one was deaf, or unconscious (which was still the case of Ryōga and Tatewaki, thankfully), it was impossible to miss.  And Akane wasn’t exactly happy about that.  It was already embarrassing enough the first time, when she had heard them going at it through the way-too-thin walls of the inn they used as base to plan their adventures.  Now, they were fucking almost in the same room as them, with only a few bars as separation!  Did they have absolutely no shame?

“Well, it’s not exactly like they could do much of anything else...” Nabiki commented offhandedly to her irate sister.  The older Tendō was lazily gazing in the direction of the cage of the Drow — not that she could see anything going inside, just its shaking outline.

“But they are brother and sister!  That’s... That’s so wrong!  That’s sick, that’s... that’s...”

Nabiki sighed, rolling her eyes.  “For us, maybe, Akane-chan.  But those Elves have different standard... I guess that must feel natural for them...”

“How can you defend them?  What they’re doing is utterly perverted, and that’s that!”

“And so what?”  Nabiki faced her sister and smirked.  “Don’t you feel a bit jealous of Ranko?  She gets to ride that wild, black stallion anytime she wants... and she had him so well trained, too... Drow are said to be so good with their hands... not to forget the other parts, of course.  You gotta admit, Ranma isn’t bad-looking for a Dark Elf....  Have you never been tempted contributing a little to the coming together of the races ?”

“ME?!  WITH THAT PERVERT!?  NEVER!  I’d rather die!”

“There’s worse deaths than la petite mort, little sister.” joked Nabiki.

To what Akane responded with a glare, a huff, and turned away from her floozy of a sister.

“At least, we’re lucky Kunō-baby is still out of it.” Nabiki added.  “Else, we would never have heard the end of... ‘The vile Drow sorcerer is again using his foul magic to subjugate his poor, innocent sister to his base lust!  I, the Blue Thunder of Waterdeep, cannot tolerate such a thing!  Have at thee, I shall punish you!’”

While Nabiki snickered, Akane shrugged, although she had to agree with her sibling... it was best to let the sleeping Kunō lie.  The youngest Tendō then vainly attempted to cut off the sounds coming from the two encaged horndogs by covering her ears.

Ranko, almost chocking her brother by holding his head in ultra-tight embrace, screamed again as she was rocked by an orgasm.  Lovely colored spots and bursts of light exploded in her vision, without the help of any illusory magic.

Ranma grunted, struggling to regain his breath.  His painfully throbbing prick, imbedded in the so-hot, so-snug, so-twitching twat of his sister, and eager for release, wasn’t helping his patience.  He swiveled his head to reach her tits, and caught one in his mouth.  Then he nibbled on the nipple, biting lightly with the tip of his white teeth.  Ranko only shrieked louder in pleasure, throwing her red-topped head backward.

Next, Ranma leaned forward, pushing down Ranko with him until she landed on her back, her brother still buried in her quivering pussy.  The male’s hands, after leaving her bottom and spreading her legs correctly on either side of his waist, went to her breasts.  The agile fingers mauled the succulent boobs of dark flesh, to which the girl responded with more moans, gasps and excited coos.  At the same time, Ranma rocked his hips rhythmically and intently, his rock-hard cock pumping in and out of her creaming cunt.

The maddening piston movement was soon too much for the sexually high Drow.  The repeated thrusts of his manly sword within the womanly sheath were bringing him over the edge.  Her well-oiled, warm tunnel was tenderly hugging his most sensitive organ and massaging every sole inch of it.  Ranma let out a long, groaning cry of bliss as he climaxed, bringing an overjoyed Ranko with him.  His hose erupted in long gouts of liquid fire, blasting her hungry womb with his seed.

Ranma didn’t stop plowing her fertile field until his ejaculation was entirely finished, coaxing every last shred of pleasure he could from the kinky, taboo coitus.  The excess of their mixed juices was flowing out of their joined sexes, squeezed out of the stuffed hole every time it was filled to the brink with male meat.  Ranko was past the multiple orgasms stage, elated to feel her belly so full of yummy sperm.

Shaking her head back and forth, she just kept repeating “Loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, LOVE YOU!!”

“I... LOVE... YOU... TOO!” Ranma concluded with a few, final, stubborn strokes.  After that he slumped over his lover and scooped her in his arms.  Rolling on his back, he brought Ranko atop him and they snuggled in a tired heap.

On the ground level, Ukyō shook her head in amazement.  “Oh boy... at last, they’ve finished.  Not to soon, I thought they were going at it forever....”

Shivering, the Elf woman was still rubbing her arms and legs to bring a little warmth in them.  Damn, that place was really cold.  She had goosebumps all over her pale skin.

Blushing, she looked at Konatsu, the nearest source of heat.  After a brief, internal struggle, she crawled closer to her husband.  The androgynous Elf gave her a look of mixed surprise and expectation.  The flustered Ukyō said, somewhat embarrassedly, “As I told you... I’m not in the mood... but I’m cold... come here and warm me.”

To what Konatsu simply nodded.  Soon, they were snuggling in each other’s arms, sharing their body heat.

Ukyō’s previous assessment wasn’t entirely true, however.  It took more than a little romp to tire out the twins when they’re starting to have their fire rolling.  After a short rest, Ranma felt his manhood being serviced anew, and he opened eyes to see Ranko, kneeling between his legs, and working wonders with her mouth and fingers.  Her aim wasn’t to lick him squeaky clean, however.  Merely to bring his Night Warrior back to hardness, by teasing his balls or the base of the shaft.  And she was succeeding.

Then, his sister gave him her trademark “evil” smile, the one he learned to dread... since it usually meant he’d be very sore in the morning.

Giggling, Ranko turned around on her heels.  Then, facing away for him, she hovered her curvy, sexy, dark-as-a-moonless-night derrière above his crotch.  Spreading the scrumptious buttocks with both hands, she revealed a brown (i.e. clearer) ring of wrinkled flesh in the crack of her ass.  Still smirking impishly, the naughty Drow girl stuck a tongue out as she lowered herself.  She carefully aimed at making the connection between her puckered rosebud and the proud mushroom stalk jutting from her brother’s loins.

Ranma took a deep breath but didn’t say a thing.  He let his sister do her attempt at threading the needle, since she wanted it so much.  Showing excellent control on the muscles of her lower body, Ranko managed to bring her anus in contact with the glans.  With a muffled gasp, her twin found out he was indeed aroused enough for another go.  Holding his shaft at the base, he kept it straight for Ranko to better impale her bottom on the tip.

Ranko sighed, eyes closed and mouth shaped like a cute “o”, as she completed the first step of the sodomy to come.  Forcing herself down with careful appliance of her weight, she felt the one-eyed monk knocking her backdoor, and then slipping past the initial obstacle.  Relaxing her sphincter allowed the bulbous head to pop fully inside, obscenely stretching her anal opening.


The twins’ voices mixed as Ranma’s groans and Ranko’s moans gained in pitch.  The hands of the male Drow went to his sister’s hips, getting a good grip on them.  Keeping her in place, he pushed his knot in her hot, incredibly snug tunnel with short thrusts.  To which the girl responded with loud, delighted yelps of wanton pleasure.

Soon, Ranma was screwing her ass like mad, his hard prick plundering her tiniest hole with abandon.  Ranko was helping as much as she could, bouncing happily on her brother’s skewering rod.  At the apex of each descent, her succulent buns were so much stuffed with hot, fat, spicy sausage that she felt faint.

Not needed anymore to guide her down, Ranma’s arms snaked up to reach her wildly gainaxing breasts.  Arching his back, he sat up with Ranko still on his lap, until his front pressed her back.  His hands groped her tits mercilessly, and used them as handles to better drive her down on his meaty spear.  The redhead was truly going delirious with the intense ass-action added to other distraction, and howled in bliss.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE THOSE TWO ARE GOING AT IT AGAIN!!!” Akane exploded, her face red from outrage and embarrassment.

“Yup... lots of stamina, they have.” Nabiki dreamily appraised.  “Really, really impressive.  Woah, look at that swing....”

With this, she was referring to the pendulum movement the two lovers had induced to their hanging cage, which was increasing in momentum by the minute.

Inside, Ranko was now on her knees, her hands tightly clutching the bars in front of her, as she braced her shaking body against the intense pounding of Ranma’s cock in her asshole.  Her brother was kneeling behind her, his hands on her bottom and his hips rocking at a frantic pace.  He had a feral grin on his face, basking in the feeling of Ranko’s tight butt around his pride.  The sounds of her unchecked screams of happiness were a sweet music to his pointy ears.

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(Posted Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:04)

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