Except that the feeling of hands grabbing and squeezing her buttocks through her pajama pants told her that such a situation might not happen.
"You're awake," she murmured as moved her head to look up at him.
Opening his eyes, Ranma nodded. "Yup. I just sorta woke up, and found something rather nice layin' on me so I..."
"Hey, I don't mind that sort of greeting in the morning one bit."
"Me neither. It's rather nice ta be able ta do."
"I'd have to agree with that, but I have one problem."
"What's that?"
She gave him a mock annoyed look. "Didn't I go to be alone?"
"Heh. I got up earlier ta take care of somethin'... ya know, personal. But when I finished, I thought that it might be fun, what with our dads sleepin' off booze and all, if I found out what bein' in a real bed ta sleep would be like."
"And I was just a bonus?"
"A very great bonus. The kinda thing that makes gettin' somethin' really worth it."
"Oh... So, do you want to... I don't know, take your 'bonus' right now."
"Maybe... But I also got somethin' else in mind that I gotta do too," he said.
"Like what?"
For a moment, she blinked in confusion, and then gave him a knowing look. "You naughty boy..."
"I try."
"Let's see how naughty you can be..."
Knowing that he had to do something immediately, Ryoga ran. There was no time to waste. If he slowed, they might get even more of a chance to brainwash Akane, and by the time they were finished, they might have her going to do... terrible things. That was not something that he could allow, and he knew that to act fast was the best option.
He just had to find where they'd spirited her off to. During all the confusion, he'd lost track of her, and they'd obviously taken the opporuntity to hide her someplace. But he'd find her somehow, even if he had to check the giant pool of water they'd put in somehow...
'Wait a second..,' he thought to himself, 'There's not even a fish tank in the place...'
Looking around, he saw that the water 'pool' was a bay, and those metal 'shacks' he'd been running by were warehouses.
Which meant only one thing.
He was lost once more.
Breakfast wasn't as hard to make as some people might have thought, but Kasumi was one to do her best in such matters all the time. Even if she was giving merely leftovers, she would spice it up with something special to make it at least just a little different than the last time it'd been eaten. The idea of just putting any old thing on the table was not in her rulebook, and she didn't mind the extra work at all.
If she was honest, she was enjoying herself as she leaned over the counter at the moment.
Then it got slightly better as she felt a kiss on the back of her neck, which sent little shivers down her spine. Turning her head to look, she blinked, and smiled at the boy standing there. "Ranma... I thought that you'd be in the dojo practicing, or playing with Nabiki."
"Took care of both of those already," he said idly as he straddled her body. "And I figured that I'd come ta see ya before I took my bath."
"You did? That was nice of you..."
"Ya think so? Was kinda afraid that I'd seem selfish, ya know."
"Because I figured that if there's nobody here that could have a problem with it, I'd see if I could have some... fun with ya..," the pigtailed boy murmured as he reached up and began to massage her breasts through her blouse.
"I'm not sure..."
"'Bout us?"
"No... Is this... I didn't think people could do this..."
"Trust me. They can. Ya wanna see?"
"I can stop if ya wanna."
Something about that bothered her, and she shook her head. "I don't want you to stop."
"Good," he replied, and began to stroke her flanks. Everywhere on her body seemed to be fair game, and there seemed to be no place where he wasn't. His hands touched her in tender ways, his chest rubbed against her back, and his mouth was on her skin and hair.
It was all a bit much for her to take in, but she didn't care. She was caught up in it, and couldn't help herself. Though she had to brace the two of them with her arms, she was able to push herself back at him, and brush herself against him. Soft moans slid from between her open lips, and her eyes grew hooded as she lost herself in the haze of pleasure. Her whole body seemed to respond, especially as she felt one certain part of him rub against her backside, and knew that she absolutely wanted what was coming.
Which he gave to her as he backed up to draw up her skirt, exposing and stroking her long legs as he did so. Each of his fingertips seemed to need to trail up her thighs and along the curve of her buttocks before they hooked under her panties and pulled them down enough to drop around her ankles. Then he gently parted those now bare cheeks in a shockingly erotic move as he moved down to rub his hand against her most intimate spot. The slick folds seemed to tighten at his touch, and she couldn't help literally crying a bit at the pleasure that he was giving her.
It was with a bit of relief that she heard his pants drop to the floor, as she knew what was coming. His manhood sprang up against her thigh and she could feel the hardness of it throbbing against her soft skin. Her heated flesh seemed to tingle from contact with it, and her mind threw out any medical definition as it immediately identified it with what he was about to do with her.
When he entered her, it was with a mutally satisfying grunt of pleasure, as both enjoyed hearing each other being pleased as much as they did what they were getting. But soon any remaining rational thought was gone as he began to pump into her setting up a rhythm that set both their nerves trembling. Knowing was done on an instinctual level, and not even when she had to bend closer to the counter did they stop.
Release gave them that joy, and they stayed there for a single wonderful moment as they just allowed themselves to stay as one. Even when the passion faded, and they came back themselves, they simply leaned against each other for rest and the chance to cuddle comfortably together.
"Ya liked that?" he asked her.
Glancing over her shoulder with eyes glittering with pleasure, she smiled. "Yes, yes I did. Very much."
"Good. 'Cause that's what I want ya know."
Giving a crooked smile, he shrugged. "But don't worry. We can do this as long as I'm able."
"I... I think that I'd like that."
"Ya don't know how much I'm happy ta hear it. I just... Well, while I'd like ta see if we could just stick around doing this sort of thing, I've gotta take a bath, and 'bout the only way that I can get it done is if I go now."
"I suppose that you'll have to go then."
"But I don't wanna..."
"I don't want you to go, but..."
"I know..," Ranma sighed as he stepped back and pulled up his pants. "Still, I hope that there's one day we can just... ya know. Be me, you and Nabiki."
"Yes, that'd be nice."
"Wouldn't it though. But I do have an idea for somethin' else."
"What is it?"
"I'll tell ya later. Right now, lemme..," he murmured as he reached down and slid her panties back into place, making certain to touch her as much as he could while he did. The reading of that 'Master's Way' book had reminded him of doing such things, and he was definately seeing an upside to that, as well as all those pressure points he'd learned to make it better for her.
"Th...thank you..."
"No problem. I liked doin' it."
"You really did?"
"Yup," the pigtailed boy said as he wandered off, "I really wanna make ya enjoy yourself. And your bein' happy is real important."
"See ya in a bit..."
"See you..," Kasumi murmured as she watched him go with a bit of warmth growing in her heart. She stood there for a few moments, just enjoying the feeling.
"He really means it, you know," came a familiar voice from the doorway.
"Yup," the younger girl said as she gave a shrug that set her bare breasts bouncing. "As I'm getting to know him, I've learned one thing. We might not be the loves of his life, or at least the girls he's probably going to marry, but he does care for us a lot. It's not just sex, or duty with him. If he's made such a personal connection, he doesn't give that up."
"He doesn't..?"
"Nope. Blame it on his father's stupid training journey, or just his natural protective side, but even if he stopped sleeping with us, he'd still feel some sort of need to be there."
"I see..."
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go see if I can join him in the bath."
"Okay," Kasumi agreed and watched her sister run off naked to join her owner in what she likely thought would be a rather... intimate bath. Not that she could blame her, as she knew that both of them liked being with him in such a way very much. It was something that neither of them was likely to give up any time soon, if at all, as far as she could reckon.
In fact, she wondered what it would be like to join him in the bath for a little bit before turning back to beginning her breakfast making while:
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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