On this morning they sent a beam of light in through the doorway of a sheepherder’s hut, and over the face of a sleeping Amazon, who was currently tangled up with at least three men, it was a bit hard to tell accurately just how many men there were, given the tangle she was in, but three heads were visible, so that was a save guess.
While she was indeed an Amazon, she would have earned the title walking down any street in the world, simply from physical appearance. An inch short of six feet tall, with muscular, but feminine, curves, a strong, but attractive, face, and tits that would make Wonder Woman green with envy. She sat up in bed and threw out her arms in a great stretch, showing those magnificent mammaries to their best advantage.
While she was clearly no teenager, and her breasts were on the oversized-side, she showed little of the sag that might have been expected in so generously endowed a woman. Blessed with a long lived bloodline, and a firm muscular form, she could look forward to many more years of turning men’s head, and stiffening their cocks as she walked by.
A muscular male hand reached up and took hold of one of those breasts. “Ready for round four, Comb?” it’s owner asked, though that was a guess. It was really hard to tell which hand went with each head.
“Sorry, boys, got to get home,” Comb said, with regret. She loved horny sheep-herders, months in the summer pastures without a wiff of female ass, well, of the human variety, and they were ready to go for hours when they got the chance. But, she already missed her daughter’s participation in the challenge match by being delayed dealing with some bandits on her outer patrol routes.
Like the sheep-herders, they’d been without a woman too long as well. And indulging them in their little rape, before teaching them why there were no old-bandits on Amazon lands, had delayed her return to the village. She hadn’t gotten to the hut till after the competition was over, and had decided to spend the night before setting out in the morning, which was now.
Comb sighed. She was a bad mother. Thank god Granny was there to look after little Shampoo and see she learned all the valuable lessons needed by an Amazon. Well, all except Comb’s favorites. She had managed to make time to show her daughter the ropes regarding men, and even why girls could be fun when men were not around. Not personally of course, well, there had been that one night. She’d been drunk, and she’d woken up in bed with Shampoo, but she was sure nothing had happened, despite the condition of the sheets, and the presence of her favorite toys scattered around the bed.
A few minutes later Comb emerged from the hut, and set out for the village in a lope that would get her there in time for breakfast.
Ranma gave a groan, and disentangled her body from that of her purple-haired bed-mate, not without fondling an exposed breasts on the way, however. Getting to her feet, she looked down at the cute, former bimbo slut, Amazon with an expression of great affection. Who could have believed that two girls could do that together. It expanded the possibilities in her future greatly. Too bad they’d have to leave her behind when they left the village. Ranma was sure the girl had a lot more to teach her. For a brief moment she let herself imagine that Pop would let her come along, after all, he was fucking her as well, but she discarded such wishful thinking. Pop would never take a tag-along with them.
Ranma tossed on her shirt and pants, gave the guide a good kick in the side, and stepped out of the hut. She took a deep breath of clean clear mountain air, and looked around. Almost the first thing she spotted was a large hut set up over a stone foundation, with a trail of smoke rising from a large chimney. At this time of year, that was either a cook hut, or a public bath, and Ranma was more than ready for either. Non-stop sex and few chances to bath in the last few days had left her more than a little rank. Even her numbed nose was starting to protest.
If it was a cook hut, she’d snag some food, and see if she could find out where people bathed around here. But, that proved unnecessary, it was indeed a bathing hut. Evidence abounded that the more early rising of the Amazon’s had already been here, but now it was empty. A huge copper tank, more a pot really, was filled with steaming water. A pipe carried fresh water into it at a regular flow, and it’s overflow ran down a chute into three other tanks, each one progressively dirtier and colder. Ranma had seen similar set up before. You started in the coldest and dirtiest, and worked your way up till you reached the hot water tank already clean, and ready for a good soak.
Comb walked into the village in a bit of a daze. Shampoo had been beaten by an outsider male, had given him the Kiss of Marriage. And, according to the talkative guard at the gate, had been screwed all night long by her new husband.
Comb sniffed and wiped her nose with her forearm. She’d missed her baby’s wedding. And the pleasure of hearing Shampoo’s first night as a married woman. She was an awful mother. She’d make it up to her. Comb stood up straight. She’d check out this new husband of her daughter, and make sure he had what it took to keep an Amazon happy. A lecherous grin appeared on her face. She’d even do her daughter the favor of giving him a full course of husband training, so he could pleasure Shampoo as she deserved. She sniffed again, and screwed up her face as she lifted an arm and checked out her pit. But first she’d get nice and clean. Getting gang-raped by the ex-bandits, and then gang-banged by the sheep-herders had not left her smelling like a rose. More like the stuff they put on the roses to make them grow. Time for a bath.
Comb noticed right off that she was not alone when she entered the bathhouse. There was a black-haired somebody relaxing in the cook-pot, as the main kettle was called. Rumor had it that once upon a time it had lived up to its name on occasion, but nowadays that was considered a tale to scare children. Much to the annoyance of their mothers. It was hard enough getting kids to take a bath without their older sisters and brother’s filling their heads with such stories.
Comb could not make out much of the figure. All that was visible was the back of their head, and the long black hair that hung like a curtain over the edge of the pot. It could have been any of a dozen people from the village.
“Hey there, nice morning for a soak,” she called out politely as she shucked her clothes and slipped into the first pre-wash tank.
Ranma jerked in his tub at the unexpected voice. He’d been half dozing. He’d forgotten how great a real good steaming hot soak could feel. He quickly turned his head and assessed the new-comer. She looked like a trained fighter, moved real good and had great muscle tone, but those breasts would be a hell of a liability. She’d have to fight a tendency for them to keep moving when she tried to stop. A tiny part of Ranma’s mind noticed that she looked like she’d give a man one hell of a ride if he got between those long muscular legs, or got up behind that firm ass.
The tiny part of his brain wept, and would have shot itself if it could have when the rest of Ranma gave no sign of noticing its commentary.
Before his curse, Ranma’s hormones had been straining at the wards Genma had placed on them, building up to ferocious levels. It would have been only a matter of time before they’d broken loose, and let Ranma the sex mad Martial artist loose on the world. But, his female side had proven to be an escape valve for those feelings and the overwhelming pressure had eased back to a moderate level. Much to the dismay of the tiny hentai section of Ranma’s brain that only got to watch, never to steer.
Comb scrubbed herself good with fine sand from a bucket beside the tank, and rinsed, moving to the next tub. Here she used a good quality vegetable base soap to give herself another wash. The next tank was mainly a final rinse, fairly warm with the overflow from Ranma’s tank . That done, she stepped out of her tub and slipped into Ranma’s tank.
Comb’s eyes widened as she realized the black haired boy was a stranger in the village. So, of course, she jumped to conclusions. *So, you’re my daughter’s new husband,” she said, running her eyes over his well toned body. His lower half was distorted by the water, but she had experience judging size through it, and was pleased to see he was well hung, very well hung. No wonder her daughter had been so vocal the night before. And it looked like Shampoo had given as good as she got, the poor boy was so worn out that he wasn’t even standing at attention for her.
Comb’s ego would never allow the thought that maybe he didn’t find her arousing.
Ranma looked at Comb with a blank expression, and shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, can’t understand.”
Oh, you speak, Japanese,” Comb said. A lecherous look appeared on her face. “I’ve found Japanese men can be very surprising. I’m glad to see you are upholding you’re countries honor.”
“Huh? Oh, yea! Honor. You bet,” Ranma said, trying not to show he hadn’t understood what the hell she was talking about. He leaned back against the side of the tub, reaching behind him, he started to re-tie his pony-tail, he’d let it out so he could wash his hair earlier.
Comb admired Ranma chest. Nice and smooth, with well defined muscles without being musclebound. She could easily see the power that defeated her daughter on the log. But, she was far more interested in the power that had defeated her in the bedroom. She slipped around the submerged bench till she was sitting next to a nervous Ranma.
Ranma wasn’t sure what it was, but the way the warrior woman was looking at him made him fell very nervous. It was sort of the way Pop looked at her girl side, but this was a woman, so he must be wrong about that. Women didn’t leer at guys. “Well, nice talking to you, I got to be going,” he said to Comb, standing up.
“Not so fast, handsome,” Comb said, taking hold of the part of his body most likely to cause obedience.
“Eeep,” Ranma squeaked, and obeying Comb’s hand on the rein, sat down. Unfortunately, she didn’t remove her hand after he obeyed, so a quick jump and dash was out of the question unless he planned on leaving something important behind. “What the heck are you doing,” Ranma said, in a very careful tone of voice. Do not anger the crazy woman, he told himself.
Comb was not trying to be rough with Ranma, there was actually a very good reason why she was still holding onto his limp dick. And it was not the usual one. Much to the distress of her Grandmother, Comb was, as she put it, just a little bit sex obsessed. And that extended to using ancient secret techniques of health and vitality to boost her own sex drive and stamina. As a side effect of that she was very sensitive to the flow of sexual energy in her partners. And Ranma’s sexual flow, sucked.
*what the hell,” Comb said in Chinese, getting down on her knees to take a closer look.
“Uhh, I really should be going,” A flustered Ranma said as Comb started fondling his balls and stroking his limb shaft.
*Be quiet!* Comb ordered, still in her native tongue. It didn’t matter, body language made it pretty clear she wanted Ranma to sit still and shut up.
Humor the crazy lady, Ranma, and hope to hell Pop decides to take a bath, Ranma told himself.
It didn’t take Comb wrong to determine that somehow Ranma’s energy flow had been altered to stifle his sexual desire and development. The Amazon’s used something similar on oversexed males who made a nuisance of themselves. Comb regarded this a wicked waste of an important natural resource. And to do it to a buff stud like Ranma was a sin against womanhood everywhere.
What really amazed her was that he’d managed to pleasure her daughter despite this handicap. What sort of a man would he be if he wasn’t carrying around that lead weighted backpack of a disability. He’d be able to fuck whole gangs of women into comas!
Poor Shampoo would never be able to keep up with him . . . Comb paused. She’d likely need her dear old mother to lend a hand, and other body parts. A lecherous grin formed on her face, and maybe a hint of drool. She had to cure this poor boy.
She leaned down and took Ranma’s cock in her mouth, sucking it inward so the entire soft mass filled her mouth. She tongued him until her sensitive muscle found just the right spot on the head of his dick. Her hands went under Ranma, one fondling his balls, another sticking a finger up his ass, which drew an outraged yell from him. It was quickly turned into a squeak of protest when she squeezed his balls.
Ranma was sweating. And it wasn’t the hot water. He should have run when he’d had the chance. He might have been able to yank his dick out of her hands, but now that she had a good gripe on his balls, he was screwed.
It was surprisingly easy, Comb found. The energy wanted to flow right, it just needed to be shown the right way. Ranma hardened in her mouth, and she let his shaft expand out of her mouth until just the head was inside, filling her oral cavity nicely. He was a big boy, her daughter was such a lucky girl. Tear of joy ran down her cheeks as her tongue pressed at just the right spot on Ranma’s dick, and her finger found just the right spot in Ranma’s ass, and . . .
Ranma’s head suddenly kicked back as if he’d been struck by a blow. A nervous spasm seemed to fill his entire body as his nervous system caught fire. “Guuu!” He gulped, unable to swallow, or scream, in pain or pleasure.
With a gasp, he spilled his first load of seed in four years into Comb’s mouth, where she greedily swirled it around before swallowing.
“Hmmmm, tasty,” she said, licking her lips. “Why don’t you rest while I go visit my Daughter?” Comb asked, getting out of the tub and walking away, leaving a befuddled Ranma sitting alone, his cock slowly going limp.
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(Posted Sun, 18 Jul 2004 04:10)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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