In Ranma's mind, the various thought processes were having a little chat, again. A large part of her conscious and subconscious mind had really really liked the way things had been going, and the most hentai parts were actually a bit curious as to what it was Yuriko had felt that had given her that smirk, like the c-c-cat that had gotten into the cream. The obnoxious jerk parts were kicking and screaming at the moment - that was the part that still insisted that Ranma had to be a man at all costs, regardless of the situational requirements and the potential for learning new stuff, the part where Genma's and Nodoka's teachings reigned supreme. Oh well, look where those had gotten her. Here, she wouldn't have to worry about the damned sword, Akane's mallet, table, barbell or shinai, Ukyo's spatula, or any of the rivals decrying his perversion or lack of manliness. And after all, when all was said and done, she was still a guy, right? Right. And if getting cleaned up inside like that was something girls enjoyed, then she wanted to at least try it once - after all, it hadn't hurt Yuriko. So when Yuriko finished putting away the shaving supplies, and reached for the enema bag that was currently drying out...
"Ano, Yuriko-san? Can I try one?" she asked, somewhat diffidently.
Yuriko shot her a surprised look.
"Are you sure?" she asked, putting the bag down.
"Yeah, it looked like it felt good, and I want to try," Ranma explained.
"Well, some women like it quite a bit, like me, but mostly it's done as preparation for something else. Are you absolutely certain?" Yuriko questioned.
"Uhh... Yeah. Definitely," the redhead replied, after mulling it over just a little more. No way was she going to back down from something she had asked for in the first place, and she was sooo curious!
"Alright then. Lie down on your stomach, and put your head on your arms, like I did earlier," the hostess instructed, as she got up and went to fill the bag. "Do you want to try with the soap, or just water the first time? It might be better not to use the soap in case you don't like it, because it'll have to be rinsed out."
Ranma steeled herself.
"I'll try with the soap. I ain't backin' down now!"
"Here we go then. Feel the side of the bag, does that feel OK? Is it warm enough to turn you back into male form?"
Ranma hadn't considered that, but she felt the bag. It was just about the same temperature as the one she had used to rinse Yuriko out, and she hadn't changed while filling that, so this should be okay.
"No problem, it's not hot enough. The curse needs more than just lukewarm water," she assured Yuriko. This was actually a good idea, she thought, as if the water became too much for her, she could simply change into a guy, with bigger bowels.
"Okay. Now, this'll feel a little cold," the hostess warned, before deftly sliding a finger over Ranma-chan's crack. The redhead gasped as the finger tickled her sensitive behind, before settling over her tiny pink anus. "Are you ready?"
"Haiiiiii!" Ranma squealed as the tip of Yuriko's finger inserted itself, and twirled a little. Whoa, that felt strange. Slowly, the hostess worked her finger in, feeling her way around and tickling some very sensitive spots on Ranma's insides. The redhead's breath grew ragged, as the sensations from her ass threatened to overwhelm her. It wasn't quite the same as when Yuriko had fingered her pussy earlier, but it was starting to have the same effect, with the building up of pressure some undefined place in her abdomen.
"Are you still okay, Ranma-chan?" Yuriko asked, her finger still, and embedded to the hilt in the redhead's rear.
"Y-yeah," she answered. "Please, don't stop."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but it's time to insert the hose. You still want this, right?" Yuriko teased. Ranma couldn't control her voice, as Yuriko was curling the finger inside her tight canal wickedly, so she nodded jerkily.
"Okay. Upsy-daisy!" the hostess ordered, lifting Ranma's bottom with the finger she had inserted, until Ranma rested on her knees, ass in the air. Then she pulled the finger out, and replaced it with the nipple end of the hose, all lubed up and cold to the touch. "Relax a little... There!" she said, pushing it home. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah." Frankly, Ranma could't wait anymore, she wanted to feel what Yuriko had felt - all of it - and she wanted it now, damnit!
Ranma's thought process halted completely as the first of the soapy liquid entered her behind, and slid its way up (down?) her bowels. On and on it flowed, until Ranma was certain it'd come running out her nose - and then it stopped, having reached a bend that it couldn't pass, and instead the liquid started building up, causing the pressure inside her bowels to build up. She felt full, as if she had eaten a three course meals for five people, no, five Genmas, and still the pressure was building. Suddenly, it stopped.
"My, Ranma-chan. The bag ran out. Clench your ass a little, so I can pull the hose out." Ranma did so, and felt the sharp jerk as the hose end was disengaged.
"How are you feeling, Ranma?" Yuriko asked as Ranma pushed herself up on her hands.
"Soooo fullll..." she burbled happily.
"Why don't we let that sit for a little while. I don't think you'll need quite as thorough a cleaning as me, but you never know."
Ranma nodded, her eyes a bit wild from trying to contain the sensations coming from her abdomen. The soap, mild as it was, stung a little as it worked on her insides, and the pressure was threatening to force the liquids out despite her ass being the highest part of her body. She clenched tighter. With an evil smirk, Yuriko sat down next to the still bent over redhead, and reached underneath her, brushing a nipple with the skin between her thumb and forefinger before catching it and massaging it.
"Unnnnn..." Ranma groaned, as another trickle of pleasure added itself to the the flow she was already straining to control. When Yuriko grabbed the other nipple as well, the moaning increased in volume. Then the hostess suddenly let go, and moved out of sight - until Ranma bent her head down to look between her legs, just as she felt Yuriko stroke her buttcheeks with a feather-light touch, past her straining anus and down over the labia.
"Yuriko, stop, please, I gotta gooo...!" the redhead squealed, and Yuriko threw herself out of the way just in time as Ranma momentarily lost control of her bowels with the unprepared orgasm. Only a little of the filthy liquid escaped before she clamped down again.
"I think we've had enough fun for now," Yuriko deadpanned, as Ranma's arms collapsed, her butt still in the air. "Go expel the rest, so we can rinse you out.
Tricking all that water past her colon was no mean feat, especially not while being watched, but somehow Ranma managed. While Yuriko prepared the second bagful of water, Ranma went back into position, rear in the air, and waited. This time, Yuriko didn't bother teasing her with a finger first, but just lubed up the opening, pressed the nozzle in, and turned on the tap after looking for confirmation from Ranma for each step. The water this time was slightly cooler, and it didn't sting one bit. Ranma rested a bit, before Yuriko gave a light slap to her behind.
"Off you go."
Feeling as if she had been scolded, Ranma squatted over the grate again and forced the water in her bowels out, looking towards Yuriko pitifully as she finished up. Seeing her expression, Yuriko relented.
"I'm sorry, Ranma-chan. It was my fault for teasing you when you were unexperienced. It's just that used enema solution is a tad hard to get rid of when it gets stuck in your hair. It smells horrible, and I wanted to go out tonight."
Ranma's mood brightened considerably at that.
"Go out? Where?"
"Why don't I show you? But first, there are a few things we need to do."
"Oh yeah? What?" Ranma asked curiously.
"I need to apologize properly, of course! Lie down, on your back, yes, like that. Now spread your legs wide..." Yuriko sat down beside Ranma and stroked a sensitive tit with one hand, while the other hand went over to caress her stomach, slowly working its way towards Ranma's newly shaven mound. As the nipple on one side hardened, the hand moved on towards the other side, as Yuriko leaned down to catch it between her lips. As she massaged Ranma's nipples with her mouth and one hand, the other grew ever bolder, the thumb stroking the redhead's soft pussy lips up and down, and occasionally brushing over the clit hood. If Ranma had thought that the pleasure had been a river before, this was more akin to the Niagara falls, rapidly filling her center with the sweetest agony she had ever known. Her own hands clenched as Yuriko's roving thumb stroked her clit, traveling downwards past her inner lips and into her sopping wet opening. As she moaned out loud, Yuriko's mouth detached itself from the nipple and moved to cover her own mouth, stifling the moans. By now, the thumb was plunging in an out of her pussy, and Ranma fought to control the torrent of pleasure.
Yuriko let go of her mouth, and traced her jawline with her tongue, passing the collarbone, detouring over both nipples, and circling Ranma's navel, before heading further south. As the hostess' lips and tongue moved, so did the rest of her, scrabbling over Ranma's extended leg to place herself in front of her cleft. Two fingers had replaced the thumb, twiddling and twaddling inside Ranma's cunt until the redhead didn't even know her name, and then the tongue joined in, stroking the clit and labia, and darting inside the pussy while the fingers relocated, one at a time, into Ranma's opening. When the second finger joined in the anal stimulation, Ranma could take no more.
"Aaaa-AAA-aaaA-AAaA-AAAAaaA-AaaaAA-AA-AaaaAA-AAaaa-AaaA-A-AAAA-A-hAAh-AAAAAAh-AA-ha-AAaaaaaa-AHA-HAaaa!!!" she screamed, coming over and over again, soaking Yuriko's mouth with her juices. The hostess didn't let up for several more minutes, and even then, Ranma continued convulsing.
"How's that for an apology, Ranma-chan?"
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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