Urd slinked over to Ranma, who eyed her nervously. He was used to being surrounded by sexy women, and his recent sexual experiences had taken some of his shyness away - but the palpable sensual aura of this woman spelled "Danger", with a capital D. In a vague way this reminded him of how he felt around Kodachi, except that this woman seemed quite sane. He knew which form this woman would take as a catgirl.
"Well?" said Urd, draping her arms across Ranma's shoulders and pressing up against him, "Aren't you going to give me a nibble?" She presented her neck.
Ranma managed to shake off his nervousness and took Urd in his strong arms. he shifted to werecat form and nuzzled her exposed neck, then sensually sank his teeth into it.
Urd moaned. "Oooh, I've missed this..." she said to herself. She allowed the transformation to wash over her. As a Goddess she could have resisted without problems, particularly since the transformation magic had been wrought by herself as a stand-in genie, but she really wanted to be part of this family. And she figured that she could always break the transformation spell, if she wanted out.
Unfortunately Urd had forgotten the exact content of the catgirl macro, which she just allowed to be applied to herself, or she would have blocked it and faked a transformation with her own powers. She certainly would have objected to becoming a mere pet and property of Ranma, as well as to the directive of being loyal, obedient and completely in love with him. Not to mention the speech impediment and other little touches that were designed into the first macro, when it was programmed by Akane under the influence of the program that trapped Urd. The program that made use of the trapped genie's powers gave everyone who used it a fetish for humiliation and degradation of others, and while Ranma had shown some remarkable strength of character, he had not eliminated all of those aspects from the macro, when he rewrote it to make his catgirl pride.
Urd mewled, as fur spread all over her body and a tail snaked out of her diaphanous robes. Vivid stripes appeared on her orange fur, while her face pushed out into a muzzle and her ears grew into cat ears. By the time she noticed that her mind was being realigned, too, it was too late to do anything about it. She now belonged to Ranma, body and soul. He was her husband, her alpha, her owner.
Ranma grinned at the pattern on Urd's fur. As he had thought - a man-eating tigress. He licked the side of her face with his rough cat tongue as a welcome gesture, and hugged her. "Welcome to the family."
"Meow! Oooh, thiss body feelss so good, Prrrrrrrr!" Urd purred. Her original Goddess body had already been sensitive to pleasure, and becoming a catgirl had quintupled the sensation. Urd was becoming lost in the pleasure.
Ami and Nabiki were watching their new co-wife closely and with great interest. "Nya, she looks Prrretty," said Nabiki. Ami called to Ranma, "Rranma! Nyabiki and Amyow want to play with Urrd, too. Mya!"
Ranma chuckled at the horny kitties and released Urd from his hug, while she kept purring and rubbing up against him. He gave her a muzzle kiss and turned her around to face the other two kitties, who were sitting on the futon, beckoning her invitingly.
Urd didn't need anymore prodding. She immediately sank to all fours and crawled over to the two catgirls, whom she could smell from across the room. She mewled at the sensation of her six round breasts rubbing against each other, while she crawled. The other kitties helped her out of her robes with much fondling and rubbing, and soon all three were entangled upon the futon, purring and licking and rubbing and kneading.
Nabiki and Ami soon noticed that Urd was hypersensitive, even for a catgirl, and they made it their task to drive urd into an almost continuous orgasm with their tongues and fingers and teeth upon her body. In her current state, Urd had long lost even the reduced power of speech and could only purr and yowl and mew, which she did extensively. Finally she collapsed, unable to take any more stimulation, and her two new sisters stopped their ministrations. Satisfied that they had given the newcomer the welcome she deserved, they snuggled up to her, and all three fell into a purring sleep in the warm afterglow of their lovemaking.
Ranma smiled at his three lovely wives and silently placed a small kiss on each of their brows, before he left the room.
When Urd woke up
Thu Oct 26 03:20:53 2000