A Werewolf For A Wife: Bedroom Ruckus (LEMON) [Episode 108329]

by Proteus

Looking at the much smaller form of her husband beneath her, Jetta licked her lips and dropped herself onto Ranma face to face before locking lips and forcing her tongue into his mouth and starting the unseen duel. Her furry body pinned him to the bed and arms far stronger than any human’s wrapped around Ranma’s frame with enough force to shatter concrete while his hardening manhood more than doubled Jetta’s lusts.

Caught in his wife’s crushing embrace, not for the first time Ranma wondered why he ever talked Jetta into trying out weight training during her workouts. When they first met the werewolf was already stronger than him, and after actually working on her physical limits instead of just relying on the unnatural strength the werewolf had started out with she could slap harder than Ryoga could ever hit, never mind what Jetta could do with a full strength punch.

So not wanting another broken rib from his passionate sex partner, and no hope of breaking or squirming free except with a ki blast or expulsion of his aura, Ranma slowly snaked his right hand down his wife’s well-toned yet not overly muscular body and to her sticky and wet center where he traced the outside of her clit with his thumb. Immediately Jetta broke the lip lock and embrace to gasp and lean back while her two breasts blocked the pigtailed man’s view.

“Mmmmm, does my little horsy want me to ride him so soon?” Jetta asked after Ranma stopped stroking her pussy a second later. Then when Ranma panted for breath Jetta’s face changed from her usual playful sex smile to one of concern. “Ranma, I didn’t hurt you did I? I didn’t hear any bones breaking, but I wasn’t really listening like last time.” For a second Jetta felt like bashing her head against something. Idiot, you know how strong you are. Yes you’re supposed to get frisky but not enough you have to end up taking the man you love to the hospital, Jetta scolded herself while she quickly sniffed the air to make sure she hadn’t done something even stupider like cut him with her claws. Not for the first time Jetta thanked whatever god inspired her people’s creator to make the infection a conscious decision instead of just a quick bite of scratch, or Ranma would have been a werewolf the first night they slept together.

“I just wasn’t ready for the kiss,” Ranma lied to assure Jetta everything was okay. Although he knew he couldn’t do without the woman, she was just too damn worrisome sometimes when it came to him and their daughter. That was just one of the things that Ranma found annoying about his wife, just because the woman had more brute strength she always thought he was as fragile as glass and she should me making all the decisions. Not wanting to get into an argument and spoil the mood, Ranma quickly cut the talk short and reached his head up to kiss one of her nipples before taking as much of Jetta’s breast into his mouth as he could.

Jetta just frowned for a second more while Ranma continued arouse her even more. The man was still a terrible liar, as she had learned from her first week with him. But Jetta didn’t press the issue any more. Ranma sucking on one of her tits felt pretty good, and she really needed to be fucked. So without giving it another thought, the lupine reached down to grab his manhood and stroke it gently. Jetta had already had one close call tonight, ad she definitely didn’t want to damage her favored piece of her man’s equipment.

“Does that feel good baby?” Jetta whispered just loud enough for her mate to hear in a husky voice. She had Ranma right where she wanted him now, aroused like this, and pinned with no room to maneuver, she was putty in her claws.

“Y-Yes!” Ranma stuttered out after releasing Jetta’s breast from his mouth while she continued to do her work.

“Do you want inside me? Do you want me to put your dick in me and ride my little horse all night?” she asked in the same voice.

“Yes!” Ranma answered. Although in the back of his mind, he knew where this was going. When it came to sex with Jetta, it wasn’t just a nice long fuck. Thanks to both of their stubborn personalities and both believing they were supposed to be the head of the household with one partner subservient to the other, it was more like a sexual wrestling match. This time it seemed Ranma had lost early into the opening round.

“Well it’s not gonna be that easy!” Jetta proclaimed before removing her hand from Ranma’s cock after wiping off the top and sitting up to lick her finger’s clean and savor the taste. For a moment Jetta’s straddled Ranma’s hips with an evil smile of lust that would have made most men quake in fear for anyone who knew of the werewolf’s sexual needs. “Now Ranma, just how badly do you want in? How much do you want to do me?”

“C-Common Jetta, I’m really horny now,” Ranma complained. “Cut the theatrics for tonight okay?”

“Awww, you’re no fun,” the wolf wined in mock sadness. Although a quick glace down at his rod so close to her pussy made Jetta just want to mount her man and ride him till he went limp from exhaustion. But then she’s loose all the fun of showing her man just who was boss. “But I guess since you begged so nicely that I’ll show you mercy this once. But no gloating for you next time either while I’m so wet I’m soaked!”

Her words just made Ranma roll his eyes, and even though he knew she was just playing with the begging part, the sheer absurdity of the comment made him quickly repress the image a certain nutcase he knew in his youth in order not to ruin sex for the rest of his life. “Deal,” Ranma agreed.

“Well,” Jetta said, once again using her sexy voice, “since I see that you’re all ready for me, you should get me all wet and ready for you. So get that wicked tongue of yours out of your mouth and into my pussy where it belongs.” Smiling again with that same look from before, Jetta slowly scooted back and spread her legs and invited the man laying on the bed into her.

Not wasting any time, Ranma scampered up and onto his stomach to crawl forward a bit until his face was right between Jetta’s legs. But when he reached forward with his tongue, Ranma found himself stopped by Jetta’s finger on his nose. “Now, now Ranma, you know I’m on top,” she chastised him in a superior tone while still keeping the lust in her voice apparent.

Ranma just did as told without argument and rolled over before his wife did the same and moved down, her pussy inches from his face; right where he wanted it. Reaching up Ranma grabbed his woman’s ass with a good squeeze to her firm cheeks and pulled her waist down to kiss the outside of her moist womanhood, Ranma let his tongue around her love hole three times to build up the suspense of his wife before caning his head up further to delve as deep inside as his tongue would go.

As Ranma encircled her pussy, once, twice, three times, Jetta moaned with need and rocked her hips to tell him to hurry up and eat her out. Finally towards, Jetta let out a feral cry of sexual pleasure from the actions of her man snaking his tongue into her inner sanctum while it lashed inside of her, his lips closed around her rosebud as she could him drinking her fluids that quickly came rushing out in a torrent.

Completely spent, Jetta rolled off her man and panted deep breaths while she waited for her mystical abilities to kick in and give her enough energy for the next round. Then, sensing Ranma move towards her, Jetta looked down between her legs to see him stalking up to her on his hands and knees. “Well, what do we have here? A helpless little werewolf who thought she could get the better of me?” he asked with a smirk.

“Little?” Jetta repeated with a frown. “You barely come up to the middle of my chest, shrimp.” Hell, she was even bigger all around than her husband in her human form, although it wasn’t such a large gap then. “And I dare you to call me helpless in about two or three minutes.”

“To or three minutes, huh?” Ranma said before crawling right up to Jetta’s middle area and looking down. “So you’re saying there’s plenty of time for me to have some fun, like this?” Craning his head down, Ranma licked the outside of Jetta’s rosebud and made the werewolf shiver with pleasure. “Or how about this?” Reaching over with his hand, the pigtailed man stuck his finger into Jetta and started to get her off again. “Does my little werewolf like that?”

“N-No fair,” Jetta gasped.

For a moment Ranma continued to finger Jetta after she managed to barely utter a response. “Yeah I know.” Then after giving Jetta’s sex one final kiss and rubbing his face in her arousal, Ranma crawled up his wife’s body till they were face to face. Okay, he could of said something just said something corny like that all’s fair in love and war bit and continued to fuck with her, but the next time he was down on the bed and worn out, Ranma didn’t really want to know what Jetta would do.

“Oh now look at yourself, you got my cum all over your face,” she said before reaching up to lick her own juices off her man.

“Hey, it’s not as bad as that time you got mine all over you,” Ranma replied to his wife’s complaint. “You even had to take a shower afterwards your hair was so drenched.”

“Don’t remind me,” Jetta said with a frown. “I still didn’t get it all out then. I had your sex smell right in my nose of two days after that. Do you have any idea how horny that makes me?”

For a moment Ranma just looked down on Jetta, and blinked. “You like my smell as a girl too? I thought that was just fera-, phero-, pharaoh-… you know, animal magnetism.”

“You’re my mate stupid, just the smell of you around makes me want sex, boy or girl,” Jetta told him with a smile and a quick but soft tap to the head to get his brain working. Then, since they were in the position, Jetta’ brought Ranma’s head down for a quick kiss and then held his head under her own and wrapped her arms around him gently.

For a moment Jetta just lay there in the low lit room (although to her eyes it was bright as day) and listened to the sound of Ranma’s heartbeat with her enhanced hearing. “Ranma… do you want to have a baby together?”

For a moment Ranma just lay there in silence, then looked up into his wife’s eyes. “Okay, correct me if I’m wrong here, but uh… hasn’t that been what we’ve been trying to do for awhile now?”

“Well yes,” Jetta agreed before letting go of Ranma so he could sit up and not have to look at her in such an uncomfortable position. “But, what I mean is a bit more than that. You know how hard it is for a non-were to have a child with a werecreature unless she makes him a thrall, right?”

“Yeah, something about population control, right?” Ranma replied.

“We think so, the guy who made us died thousands of years ago,” Jetta told him. “Anyway, over the years my clan found certain herbs around out area that we made into stuff like a salve that stopped silver burns, or a very powerful fertility drug.”

“Fertility drug? But why have something like that if you always made your uh… partner into slaves?”

Jetta smiled at his slight blush and resisted the urge to just grab the guy and kiss him, he looked so cute like that. “It was the rule of the clan. Plus, even if we had a thrall Ranma, pregnancy wasn’t 100% guaranteed you know. Even if we have a were for a sex partner our birth rate is still pretty low.”

For a moment Ranma stayed silent as the blush died while the processed the information. It made sense he guessed, but there was the obvious question still. “So, why bring this up now? Just order the plants you need out of a gardening magazine or something and we can grow it here.”

“I’ve already looked all over for the thing for months,” Jetta said with a sigh. “But I’m missing a vital herb that I need. I know we used to grow it in the keep’s greenhouse along with the plants needed for our silver burn ointment, but your people don’t even know it existents. One of the old leaders might of actually had all the plants that grow in the wild destroyed in case there was ever a split within the clan to make sure the rebels couldn’t breed quickly to match the original group in numbers.”

“So, you want us to go back to where the werewolves live and try and steal some of herbs needed for this stuff to increase our chance of having another child,” Ranma surmised with a slight frown. To him it sounded pretty risky, and stupid, but… to have a son, a son that he and Jetta made… the offer was just so tempting.

“But of course if you’re too scared there’s always the other option,” Jetta said in a husky voice as she leaned down right into Ranma’s face.

“Other option?” Ranma repeated in confusion.

“You know lover,” Jetta whispered in his ear before she left a trail of soft kisses down the side of his neck leading to his collarbone. “Just one little bite and I could make you a big, strong, sexy werewolf. Then we wouldn’t argue so much any more, and you would just fuck me every single free second of every day, with your nice and hard wolf cock.”

“You got your second wind huh?” Ranma asked knowingly.

Jetta just nodded and moved up where her breasts were right in front of his face and her pussy was right over his manhood.

“Hey, were not done you know,” Ranma said. “What about Brittany? If we go we’ll have to find a sitter, and that isn’t going to be easy considering what happened the last two times.”

“We can talk about that in the morning,” Jetta growled. “Now time for sex!” Grabbing Ranma’s manhood in her steel grip, Jetta didn’t even bother to loosen it when she saw her husband wince and started to work it back to full arousal. A second later her frown over past memories started to fade as Ranma took one of her breasts into his mouth and started to do her nipple just the way she like it with his tongue. Then her face returned back to it’s usual lustful grin as Ranma fully hardened and Jetta wasted no time in impaling herself on his pole.

Ranma found himself gasping for breath at the feeling Jetta’s fiery pussy as Jetta herself let out loud cried of pleasure while she slid up and down on his dick that made her sound all the more like an animal in heat. Then a sharp wince of pain surged up his spine when the sex crazed lupine brought her hands down to his ass, her claws digging into his flesh a little and causing him to bite down on Jetta’s melon, and Jetta pulled his body up with her monstrous strength in step with her own thrusts.

They continued for what seemed like hours full of red hot passion, the entire bed rocking with the force of Jetta’s lust while the room around them shook every few times when Jetta slammed Ranma onto the bed. Even now each one was trying to outdo the other, trying to see who could last longer, who could make the other give up and cum first.

This time, it was Jetta who couldn’t hold out. Ranma stopped his playing with her titty as he felt the folds of her pussy clamp down on his cock before his manhood was soaked in her fluids while she arched her head back and let out another feral roar. “RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNMMMMMMAAAAA!”

Coming down from her euphoria a few seconds later, Jetta panted and looked down at her man while his hard cock practically throbbed inside her with a desperate need for release. Rolling onto her back with Ranma still in her grip, the werewolf smiled as she looked at her man. “Cum for me Ranma, fill me up so much I burst!”

“Gladly,” Ranma replied before he went to work on the worn out Jetta, pounding into her into the mattress as hard as he could. Moments later, the tedious hole Ranma had on himself snapped like a twig, and he grit his teeth as he emptied himself into his wife with a low moan of pleasure coming from the werewolf as he filled her with his seed. Then with the last of his strength Ranma pulled himself out from Jetta and rolled onto his back but still on top of his wife before collapsing onto her body with exhaustion, his head resting on her chest and his body completely spent.

Bending her heard down to kiss the top of his head, Jetta wrapped her arms around her man and hugged him tight. “I love you Ranma,” she told him in a tone of happiness that she rarely used since coming into civilization. “And, sorry about the cuts.” Finally down from her post orgasm bliss she could smell the scent of her man’s blood in the air, but with Ranma’s quick regeneration they’d be practically gone by morning; although she still wanted to bash her head into a wall for causing them in the first place.

When Jetta didn’t get a response she looked down at the man asleep on her chest. “Ranma?”


The werewolf frowned at her already unconscious husband as he lightly snored while nuzzling his head between his two ‘pillows’ with a smile on his face. Jetta frowned for a moment then just rolled her eyes at her husband’s unconscious form before reaching over to grab the top over laying on the ground beside her bed and quickly threw them over their nude forms. For a second she thought about changing back to her human form, and then threw the idea out since it was going to be a cold night, and with only one blanket she needed all the fur she could get.

Taking one last look at her husband, Jetta smirked and kissed the top of his head again. “Well, guess this means I win this round.”

“ZZZZZZZZ,” Ranma agreed.

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(Posted Sun, 11 Jul 2004 19:39)

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