Ranma lay in a daze on the bed, his legs still dangling over the edge. The last half hour or so had been one of the trangest in his life - and parts of his mind were still reeling from the shock. Seeing a girl naked - without getting clobbered? Ok, so he had figured out that the female denizens of Nerima were a little over the top on that score - the human race had to reproduce, after all. But walking around naked all the time? Unbelievable.
Then there were the events just now - while the rational parts of what passed for his mind were wanting to run away screaming as he was undressed, other parts, which he had forced away and tried to deny the existance of for a long time were going "hubba, hubba". The internal conflict had been so intense that he had hardly registered what else was happening until the hostess' lips had clamped down, and after that, rationality had gon the way of the dodo for a while.
Now, things had calmed down, for a moment, and Ranma was taking the time to think things over. There were a lot of things to consider - to begin with, the blowjob had felt goooooood. Even the most rational part his consciousness agreed on that, and wanted to experience it again. Secondly, if he did indulge himself, there wasn't exacly anyone around who would complain, at least not at the moment. No chance of getting clobbered by Akane here, if what Yuriko-sama had said about the island was true. Which it probably was. And speaking of that, hadn't Yuriko said that he wouldn't be getting off the island until he'd learned what he apparently came here to learn? All in all, it was probably best to go with the flow...
Now Ranma, being Ranma, didn't work that out in a hurry, and by the time he finally opened his eyes and sat up, it was already getting dark out. As he took in his surroundings - nothing much had changed, except that his clothes had apparently been put away, Yuriko came through the bedroom door.
"Oh, good. You're awake. How are you feeling, Ranma-kun?" she asked, with a cheery smile.
"Like I blew a fuze, or somethin'. Everythin's still tinglin'. Whoa." Ranma reported, at a loss for how to thank Yuriko properly.
"That's all right, Ranma-kun. It was my pleasure." The cheery smile had turned into a salacious grin.
Did she read my mind?!? Ranma's thoughts raced.
"No, I did not read your mind, Ranma-kun. It was written all over your face, as was that thought just now. You're just easily read."
"Must be why I'm so bad at poker. And why Nabiki always manages to get to me..." Ranma mused out loud.
"Probably. Do you want to take a bath now and clean up, continue with the next 'lesson', or... maybe both at the same time?"
From the way Yuriko's expression changed, and the pause, Ranma gathered that option three was probably what she herself in mind, so he decided to go along with it.
"Umm... Both?" he ventured.
Yuriko's smiled glowed in response, and she took his hand and pulled him off the bed and out the door.
"This way, please!" Yuriko led him past the front door and out onto the garden path around the house, to the small heated pool she had shown him on their earlier walkaround. The pool, convincingly masked as a natural hot spring, was just over four meters across, and overbuilt by a round roofed hut with sliding doors that when fully opened almost half the hut to the world. Being an artificial pool, there was also a shower area inside the hut, with drapes for privacy - which was mostly a form issue, Ranma thought.
As they got to the bath hut, Yuriko opened a cupboard and took out soap, washcloths and two pails and filled them with cold water. Ranma eyed them with distaste.
"Oh, do come on, I know all about the...curse..." Yuriko's voice trailed off as Ranma splashed him...herself, and when she had recovered her jaw from where it had landed, the leer from earlier was back, full force.
"Mmm. I think someone neglected parts of their report. No one told me your girl form looked this delicious." Struck with sudden self consciousness, Ranma put an arm over her breasts, causing a small hiss of displeasure when Yuriko spied the state of Ranma's red bush.
"I think I've found what our next lesson will be. Let's get cleaned up." Ranma and Yuriko washed in silence, and when they were finished, the hostess directed Ranma to go wait for her in the pool, which Ranma did eagerly. When Yuriko came back, she was carrying a large toilet bag, which she placed on the edge of the pool before stepping into the water. Seeing Ranma's curious look, she told him "Wait for a few minutes, I want to get us all warmed up before we begin the lesson."
Ten relaxing - and anticipating - minutes later, Yuriko stood up and sat down on the edge, next to her bag.
"Could you come over here, Ranma-kun? It's time for the next lesson."
Ranma eagerly moved through the water, sitting down on the bottom before Yuriko's knees. The water was just deep enough here that his shoulders were over the surface, but Yuriko had her feet planted on one of the smooth rocks used for seating.
"Your second lesson is to learn about personal grooming - it's not just about bathing and combing your hair, there's a bit more to it than that. Normally, you focus on keeping the visible parts presentable - hair, face, hands and clothing. On the island, we have to take care of the bits that the clothes normally cover, too. Hence this lesson." With that speech, Yuriko moved her feet apart, and spread her knees. Ranma gulped, slightly at the sight of her treasure, but continued to listen.
"How you present yourself is the key to how you're percieved. The neater you are, the better the opinion people will have. This goes not only for looks, but for speech as well. As you can tell, there is one part of me that's not very neat at all at the moment. We're going to correct that."
Yuriko opened her toilet bag, and took out a large bottle of shaving foam, and a straight razor.
"Usually, you either just trim the pubic hair down so it doesn't show through your panties or bathing suit bottoms. Some people try shaving the labia, or even the whole mound, because it's easier to wash, and because it can enhance sexual pleasure. I normally shave the labia and the top of the bush, but since I've let it go a bit wild, and since I saw your reaction to Midori-chan earlier, I've decided that it all goes tonight. Are your ready?"
Ranma wasn't sure he trusted his voice at the moment, so he just nodded. His woody was so hard right now, it felt as if he was going to be sore for days, and his mouth was dry, but he had committed himself to learning Yuriko-sama's teachings. And what better way than hands on experience?
Seeing the nod, Yuriko handed Ranma the can of shaving foam, and he tentatively squeezed out a dollop in his hand. As he moved into place, Yuriko stopped him.
"You'll need a bit more than that. You are familiar with straight razors, yes?"
Ranma added more foam in his hand absently as he answered. "Yeah, Pop would never use anything else, and insisted on teaching me. It's a good way to practice control."
"Good. Removing large amounts of hair is much easier with a straight razor - compound razors tend to need lots and lots of rinseing. Now, massage that foam into my skin, gently."
Ranma slowly placed his empty hand on the flat of Yuriko's stomach, and brought the other one into contact with her hairy mound. With slow, circular motions, he spread the foam out, over the stomach, down over the pussy lips, and a few inches down the insides of her thighs. As he rubbed it into the area around the mound, Yuriko's breath's shortened, until she was panting. Ranma looked up, eyeing the hostess askance.
"You OK, Yuriko-san?" he asked, worriedly.
"Yes, I'm fine, Ranma-kun," she answered shakily. "Now, let it sit for a few moments, so it has time to soften up the hairs.
Feeling a little emboldened, Ranma traced Yuriko's inner thigh muscle with a thumb, knowing how sensitive that area was on his own girl form. Yuriko shuddered a little, but didn't shy away nor ask him to stop. Then he took out the razor - a folding model with straight, and very sharp, blade - and moved in closer.
"Now please hold still, I've never shaved someone else before and I don't want to cut you," he instructed, feeling that it was his turn to take a little charge. With a very slow, steady movement, he brought the razor's edge into contact with Yuriko's lower stomach, and gently scraped off the foam, taking her short pubic hair with it. The skin underneath was smooth as a baby's, and Ranma marvelled at the sight. His hard-on was now beyond painful. He repeated the strokes to the sides and downwards, until he had cleared most of the mound, but the complex curves of the area were daunting him a little.
"If you need, you can stretch the skin out a little by putting a finger inside," Yuriko panted.
Ranma hesitated a little, then wet his fingers in the pool and placed the point of his index finger against the top of her slit, pushing it in slightly until he found a hard nub. Yuriko hissed appreciatively, but said nothing. Ranma slid his finger further down, until he found the opening at the base of the slit, and slowly pushed the finger inside. The sticky wetness he was feeling did not come from the pool, it was coming from inside the hole he'd stuck his finger in! Remembering what he was supposed to be doing, he turned his hand palm up and curled his finger slowly, distending the mound and stretching the surface flat, and shaved her left and right labia and the area just above the nub at the top. Not seeing any more hair that he could get to, he rinsed off the razor and placed it on the pool edge so he could use both hands to rinse her pussy off. When he was done, it looked very bald, and very very erotic.
"Very nice, Ranma-kun," Yuriko beamed as she admired his handywork through a small mirror she had taken out of her bag. "Now, a bonus lesson. You know what I did to you earlier? If you want, you can try doing the same to me. In fact, I think I'm going to insist, or I'm just going to expire here and now..."
Eagerly, Ranma moved forward and put his hands on her knees, leaning in to softly kiss Yuriko on her inner thigh. While he had been performing the shave, he had been thinking of half-remembered, overheard things from when Hiroshi and Daisuke read the advice columns out loud, and the thing that stuck out was that the nub at the top of the slit he'd felt earlier was the center of operations - at least during sex. Best not stimulate that too hard at first.
Ranma continued kissing Yuriko's thighs, up and down, edging closer to her pussy little by little, until he was actually putting his lips to hers, so to speak. The taste was kind of salty, and slightly tangy, but Ranma decided he liked it - even with the slight aftertaste of the shaving foam that he hadn't quite gotten rid of. Inspiration struck him, and he put the tip of his tounge at the bottom of the slit, and used his thumbs to spread her labia, before slowly licking up, up, up until he reached the top, where he was rewarded by a muffled groan.
"Again! Faster!" Yuriko hissed, and Ranma complied, darting the tip of the tounge in and out of the slit on the way up and down. Yuriko was panting really heavily, now, and the little nub was sticking out, so Ranma took it between his lips and flicked his tounge at it, and felt a small spasm in Yuriko's legs. Finding the reaction interesting, he tried again, for the same result. Since Yuriko hadn't complained, he figured it was pleasure rather than pain that was causing the spasm, so he sucked as much of the nub in as he could, and licked it over and over, accidentally slipping his thumb into her opening. Yuriko bucked slightly against it - and then she shuddered again and again, squeezing his thumb over and over until she bucked so loudly he lost contact. Startled, Ranma pulled back to watch as Yuriko continued to spasm lightly for a few seconds, before shakily sitting up and smiling happily at him.
"Not bad for a first timer, Ranma-kun," the hostess commented. "Later, we can go over just what it was you did, but for now, I think you have a problem we need to take care of," she said, looking pointedly at Ranma's aching groin and the erection that was looking like it might explode in a shower of blood at any time now. "Have a seat, and we'll fix you right up!"
Ranma complied, and only groaned a little when Yuriko kneeled down and put her lips around his shaft. He could feel her tounge twirling around his cockhead and his shaft as she slowly took in his length, all the way down to the root and his own pubic hair. With the top of his glans, he could feel what had to be the top of her throat, before she slowly pulled up again, and repeated the motion, slightly faster. Over and over his cockhead passed the barrier down into her throat, causing sensations he hadn't believed existed until that afternoon, building up until he was ready to explode.
"It's... it'sssss time, Yuriiiiiko-samaaaaaaaaaaa!" he called out, remembering that the hostess had asked him to warn her before cumming. Yuriko looked up at him, and pulled up so that only the head of his cock was in her mouth, and twirled her tounge around it, until it pulsed and started spurting hot semen into the cavity of her mouth. With her hand, she squeezed every last drop out of his shaft before it finally went limp.
"Damn, that felt good," Ranma blurted when he managed to get his breath back. Yuriko smiled indulgently at him.
"Consider it a reward for a lesson well learned. Now, what shall we do next?"
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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