Zeus's ball: Road to Acceptance (LEMON) [Episode 107648]

by Prodigy

Ranma groggily shook her head in an attempt at getting back her bearings. While physically unharmed from the teleport with Herb, metally Ranma's mind was reeling from the impact of the previous events.

"China! Herb! And...," glancing around at her new surroundings, "Jusenkyo!"

Looking down at her wrist Ranma noticed one more thing; the bindings were gone! She was free!! Loosening her arms a bit to renew the circulation throughout them, Ranma stood and took stock of her current predicament.

"Yep, this is Jusenkyo alright. Wonder where the Guide is? He shoulda shown himself by now...waittaminute, jeez, I'm still naked!"

"Ah, I see you are recovered now my Queen." Ranma whirled around, and to her dismay saw Herb striding towards her, also in a state of extreme undress. "Herb!" she yelped, her porcelain skin blushing a deep red. Whether from embarrassment or anger however, was a different matter altogether.

"You scum! How could you call yourself a martial artist! You took advantage of me! You RAPED me!" cried Ranma.

"Perhaps, but initally it was not of my own choosing. The magic of the Zeus' Ball held me in sway. However, It was my decision to 'abduct' you and bring you here. I since have mastered the artifact. Can you say the same?" smirked Herb. Ranma glanced quizzically at Herb, her anger momentarily forgotten.


It was then that Ranma began to notice that the dazed feeling from earlier had not dissapated; infact, it had steadily increased with Herb's presence. Her anger at him had momentarily distracted her from the ill effects. "Herb, what have you done to me?"

"The young king began to approach Ranma slowly, "Nothing. That is an after effect of the Ball's power. Count yourself lucky woman. According to our texts, every cursed female before you, once taken by her mate within the confines of the artifact, was forever after subject to her 'husband's' whim." Ranma's eyes widened in shock. "Nooo...," she moaned in terror. "Fear not, it seems that your will and mind are intact. Though I am curious to find out what other effects the Ball has had on you."

Ranma shivered at the hungry tone in Herb's voice. She had stood rigid and still at the man's approach, fighting the alarmingly increasing sensations of arousal his proximity brought out in her.

"I...I..am..a..guy," she wimpered as Herb caressed her ass and her belly. His arms tightened around her, trapping her to him. "Not now you are not. Now, you are my bride to be." And he kissed her, softly on the neck. Ranma moaned as his touch assaulted her, reviving the feelings of passion she had only momements before had experienced. "The Guide is away," Herb muttered in her ear. "I have ensured out privacy. Submit to me, and become my Queen. Together, we shall forge the Musk into a greater power. You desire the excellence in the Art? Who better to hone your skills with? I seek not a slave, Ranma, but a partner. And an Heir to our Legacy."

"Herb, I.." murmurred the redhead, eyes half lidded with pleasure. Herb gazed down upon his erstwhile rival and captured her mouth in his. His hands roamed along Ranma's body, caressing her full breats and curvaceous derriere. Herb smiled internally as he felt her protestations die and her hands wrap around his head. 'Perhaps right now her passion is triggered by the orb, but in time I shall make her truly mine.' His hands searched her body, eliciting gasps from between his lips, as he touched her mound. Already naked, Herb began to massage her thighs and outer lips as he continued to ravage her sweet mouth. The glazed look in Ranma's eyes excited him to no end. She would not fight him any more, lost as she was to the influence of the Zeus' Ball. Her kisses began to become more urgent as their tounges entwined, prompting him to lay her down onto the hard packed earth. She spread her legs to afford him a more comfortable position between her, as Herb raised his hands from her moist nether region to plant himself firmly onto the ground on either side of her head. He raised his hips to thrust his hard cock into her waiting pussy, working it in and out with short thrusts to give Ranma time to readjust herself to his girth. Her hands wandered from his back to caress her breasts as her legs clamped down onto his. Herb looked down into Ranma's sweat slicked face and murmurred, "Do you accept this? Will you accept me?" Ranma's crystal blue eyes glazed sightlessly up into Herb's visage.

"Ye...Yes..." she moaned

Herb began to pound her pussy, not drawing back as much as moving within her tight confines. Ranma responded by grabbing his face and drawing it to her, letting her lips seek out his as their tounges touched and began to war for supremacy. Her quiet gasps only succeeded to make Herb more exited as he felt her inner walls constrict around him, squeezing and enveloping. As Ranma's breathing grew heavier and faster, Herb began to pound into her, separating their entwined bodies and pulling out almost until his entire length was free. Ranma grunted in denial, legs contricting to pull her lover onto her once more. With a snarl Herb started a jackhammer-like rythm reminiscent of the first time they fucked back in Japan. Ranma squealed in pleasure as the pressure in her head and in her pussy began to enmesh, peaking again, and yet again, but never allowing for the release she craved. After what seemed an eternity, the energy seemed to stop, as Herb connected once more, and then explode in myriad of sensations.

Within her mmind, Ranma vyed for control over her traitorous body. "Must...stop...this.."


"Who said that?! Who's there?"

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(Posted Thu, 08 Jul 2004 03:12)

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