Genma, now back in human-form, sighed, slowly.
He hated environmentalists.
Here he was, a human being again, thanks to a natural hot spring, somewhere in mainland China. Likely, hundreds of miles from much of anything. When he was still a panda, after Ranma's orbital punch, a group of radical environmentalists had decided that it was a good time to free the world's only documented gay panda, and they didn't seem to mind "freeing" Genma either.
Genma stopped walking, for a moment, and touched his sore bottom, tenderly, before tears sprang to his eyes. He balled up his fists and shook them at the sky, yelling angrily, "I'll get you boy!"
After his outburst, he heard a series of bamboo shoots break behind him, and turned in time to see a pair of glowing eyes, about eight feet off the ground, and a big white set of fangs, grinning at him.
Genma bolted off, running from his "husband" once more, panting as he moved.
He hated environmentalists.
Kasumi giggled slightly as Tofu-sensei finally came from her handiwork. He was on his back on the floor, a goofy grin on his face, as Kasumi kneeled over his crotch, licking some of his cum off of her hand as he came. One of her hands was on Tofu's pole, polishing it rapidly even as Tofu came. Her other hand was on Tofu's balls, stroking them slowly, trying to coax more cum out of them with her fingers. She giggled as she watched Tofu's cock dribble and shoot out thick, white cream, looking a bit like a champagne bottle the way his cream first blasted out, and then just splurt and oozed out over her hands.
Kasumi found that it was extremely helpful, when dealing with Tofu, to take the edge off as quickly as possibly. Which is exactly why she had entered his clinic, smiled sweetly at him, pushed him onto his back, and begun to suck and stroke his cock rapidly. After the first time Tofu came, he'd be able to calm down. And then... Kasumi shivered at just the thought of his skills.
Kasumi found herself staring at Tofu's erect manhood. It was, she decided, adequate. No, she quickly corrected herself, it was nice. Big, even. Very big? No, just big. Kasumi was having trouble thinking of Tofu's erection as large the way she used to, and she knew exactly why, blushing a bit at the thought of Ranma in the bathroom. Then, she thought of Ranma with Tofu's skills... or, she added, Tofu and Ranma and her at the same time. She was having trouble thinking of Tofu, his erection, his loads of cum, or his balls, as large. She'd used to look at them somewhat eagerly, at the very least considering them impressive, or healthy. Now though... she couldn't help thinking of them in terms of fractions of what Ranma had shown her, which she knew wasn't really fair to Dr. Tofu.
Kasumi realized she'd been staring at Tofu's cock for almost five minutes as Tofu had calmed down, his glasses un-misting, and he'd been asking her what she was thinking about. Kasumi blushed, finishing cleaning her hands and Tofu's cock quickly, licking her lips a bit, as she stood, and began slowly, sensually undressing. She decided to reply to Tofu's question with what Nabiki called tact.
"Ahh, I was just wondering why you called me over so late in the day, Tofu-san."
Tofu, still slightly out of it, even though he was getting better, didn't have the sense to use tact in his reply.
"Nabiki called in a debt I had to her. She said she needed the house clear to entertain someone..."
Kasumi blinked, in surprise. Well, that surprised her. She'd have to talk to Nabiki about that... it really wasn't nice to manipulate family that way, especially in such a greedy bid to capture Ranma for the night. Kasumi finished undoing her shirt, leaving her in just her skirt and bra, as she grinned at Tofu.
"Well! Ready?"
Kimiko sighed a bit, a headshot of Ryouga in her hand. She was at the airport, trying to locate Hibiki. Her earlier decision to ignore her responsibility on this point dissapeared from her mind when she realized that the Hibiki lad she was supposed to pick up was none other than Ryouga Hibiki! Not only was she enamored of his onscreen performances, his reputation said that he was truly even better in real life. On top of that, the agency had told her that Hibiki had a real problem with getting lost easily, which is why it had been so important for her to be there last night. That added bit of responsibility that she had failed to live up to was just the thing to get her out the door, trying to find Ryouga.
Nabiki sighed a bit, checking her outfit in the mirror, and considering whether or not to change. Again. For the fifth time. She wanted to be the kind of vision of sex that would make Ranma instantly forget about every other woman in the world. She sighed, again, and pulled out another set of clothes, as she thought about it, and rubbed her thighs together. Waiting for tonight, she decided, had been an extremely bad idea. She sighed, again, and changed, for the sixth time in an hour.
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(Posted Mon, 28 Jun 2004 03:05)
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