Faking It - Games: Probing Venus (LEMON) [Episode 107340]

by T.H. Tiger

Venus pulled at her stuck hands, and one of them came free. “Oops,” she muttered and stuck it back into the tarry mass in front of her.

“Are you still there monster!” she cried out into the darkness around her. For the last five minutes she’d been alone, or she thought she was. The eyes had vanished. But there were soft sounds that came to her ears, sounds of footsteps on the soft sand, moving around her. It was hard to hear them. Her own breath was loud in her ears, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her breasts swayed with her motions, cool in the darkness. Reminding her that this youma seemed more interested in things other than draining her energy.

It was wicked, but she could feel hot moisture between her legs as she imagined all the things that a youma might do to a poor helpless girl like her. Would it have tentacles. All the best youma did. Even if it didn’t, those eyes had been huge. Was it in proportion. Her body shivered in suspense.


Darkness stood still, just a few feet away from her captive, enjoying the way Venus’s eyes looked right at her over and over again, and did not see her. She had removed the fake eyes her mistress had painted on her tits, and was now truly one with the darkness.

And, as a creature of the dark, she yearned for the touch and feel of the light, like the white gleaming figure in front of her. Moving forward on silent feet, she extended a hand and stroked it over that gleaming mass of blonde hair.

“Eeeek,” Venus squealed in shock as something touched her head. She shook her mane of hair. “Get off, get off!” She cried.

Darkness frowned as the light rejected her. Her hands shaped into claws as she hooked them into the Senshi’s remaining clothes and ripped them from her gleaming body, leaving her bare and exposed to Darkness’s hungry gaze.

Flashes of arousal and erotic terror burned through Venus’s body as she felt herself stripped of the fragile protection of her uniform. Now nothing stood between her and the invisible Youma. What would he do to her?

Darkness moved in till the tip of her heavy black cock brushed over the smooth skin of Venus’s ass, causing the other girl to cry out in surprise and try to pull away. No, she would not let the light reject her. She would have the light.

Venus panted. Was it a tentacle? was it the first of many? Was she about to be ravaged in every hole? Hands gripped her hips, holding her steady, and something pressed between her legs, and slid across her sex and up over her body. Kami, it was so long!

Venus shuddered as the long object was pulled back, her engorged labia parting at its touch. She knew her juices would be smearing over it, lubricating it, getting it ready for . . . “Ahhhhhhhh!” Venus cried out as it pressed between her lower lips. “Noooooo!” she protested as her folds were parted and it pressed into her, deep into her. Was there no end to it?

Almost Darkness cried out, as she felt a part of herself sink into the light, become a part of the light. She felt the light flow into her own body, pushing, deeper, twisting, stroking her. She tensed her arms and flexed her ass as she shoved as deep into the light as she could go.

“ooohhhhhhh, godddd!” Venus called out as the invisible thing filled her full, and then some. He was as big as some of the Dildo’s Akane, er, Mars, loved so much. She braced her hands and spread her legs slightly to ease the strain. Her body jolted as the dark thing pulled back, and shoved back into her. She felt what had to be a huge set of balls brush against her legs, and once again she wondered how big this Youma was. Its hands seemed normal, but maybe it was like a dinosaur, with teeny tiny hands a great big, “ooofffff, uhhhhhh,” she grunted as her ass was fattened during the last penetration as whatever it was tried to get everything it could into her.

Darkness pressed herself into the light over and over again, her hands caressed as they moved up the sides of the light, under her to take firm hold of the globes that dangled from the light. Her own black flesh pressed against the back of the light, savoring the feeling as her hips continued to pump away, sliding in and out of the light as her hands dug hard into the swaying breasts.

Venus shuddered as the hands wandered over her body, and gasped as her breasts were possessed. Her eyes opened wide in shock as she felt what could only be another pair of breasts pressing against her own back. The youma was female? “Uhhhhhh!” She grunted, well, not all female.

Venus had been experiencing fearful anticipation ever since she’d fallen into the Youma’s lair, now her body betrayed her as she gave a hoarse cry of relief as her belly tightened and she clenched around the thick shaft plundering her body.

Darkness could feel the light shake under her, knew that the light was finding pleasure in the dark, just as the dark was finding pleasure in the light. Her own pleasure at this flooded her loins and she bit down on a gleaming length of light as she shuddered and worked herself in and out with quick sharp strokes.

Darkness could feel her baby making sacks between her legs, full and ready to make little baby youma’s in the light. She closed her legs and caught her balls between them. Clenching, she squeezed and flooded the light with her darkness.

“Huuuuhhhhhhhh!” Venus gasped in open mouthed pleasure as she fought to get air into her lungs. She was being filled. She could feel herself being flooded with the Youma’s seed, filling her and flushing out around the shaft that continued to stroke inside her. Wetness flowed down her legs and she shuddered as another orgasm shook her body.

Darkness lay across the back of the light, panting with her exertion, but it was done. The light was full of darkness. She belonged to Darkness now. Now Darkness would claim her and take her to her mistress.

Venus moaned in protest as the Youma pulled himself free of her body, taking a very long time of it as his long length pulled out and out before exiting and leaving her empty. She felt her juices, and the sperm of the Youma, rush out of her body as he withdrew. She stood quivering, her hands still locked in the Youma’s tar, wondering what would come next. Was he done. Would he take her again, and again?

Venus shuddered in dread as she felt her hair being brushed to the side, and something was fastened around her neck. A collar?”


Darkness felt pleased with herself. She had captured the light for her Mistress. She gave a tug on the dog leash in her hand, and pulled her captive along the path to her Mistress.

Venus found she could not take her eyes off of the smooth black ass that flexed and swayed in front of her as her captor lead her off to who knew what fate. The appearance of the Youma had been a shock when they left the zone of darkness. That gleaming black skin, those wonderful curves, that jutting spike of maleness.

was she doomed to be ravaged again and again by this dark Youma?

One could only hope.

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(Posted Sun, 27 Jun 2004 13:55)

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