Gift For Mists: Nabiki relaxes Ranma (LEMON) [Episode 107017]


Nabiki sighed as she watched her Master perform very complicated katas one after the other, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. The reason for that, unlike what Akane thought, was simply because his aura would flare during the kata and set his clothing on fire. Ranma's aura seemed to vary, from the normal blue glow, to a burning flame, to a misty green, to a bright golden pulse of light that would fill the Dojo. His aura seemed to grow each day.

But then, that was all Ranma seemed to do now, practice in the Dojo and go to School. Although, there were the in-between snacks that Kasumi would make for him, every once in a while, although, the time between the snacks was growing. She had yet to catch him anywhere but the Dojo, these days. And she had been trying. She knew it was important that her Master relaxed. Then she and Kasumi could relax as well... and her Master's Home could return to normal.

It was a downward spiral; Ranma would be tense, which would make Kasumi and her tenser, which would set the others off, which would make Ranma even tenser, and so on. She needed to back that downward spiral some how, if only for her Master's sake.

She hated that the Book did not allow her to reveal her status with her sister, not until their Master approved, but what's a slave to do, but obey. Still, she was able to express her concerns, and easily got Kasumi's cooperation in seeing that everyone would be out of the house for a while.

Fortunately, Ranma stopped for a snack, allowing Nabiki to implement her plan, such as it was. As Ranma passed her, not noticing her outfit she was wearing just for him, she remarked, "You smell, Saotome-san." She pinched her noses for emphasis and to punish herself for what she had to do.

"Huh?" was Ranma's reply.

"You need to wash behind your ears and all," Nabiki commented. "Didn't your Mother tell you that?" She was skating on thin ice by mentioning Nodoka to Ranma, but it should get him into the right direction.

Ranma looked at her, bit puzzled, bit embarrassed, and bit annoyed.

Being a bit bold, she grabbed his hand and half-pulled, half-lead him to the bathroom. She saw that Kasumi had gotten everything set up, and the washing pile had warm water, that would not trigger Ranma's curse.

Again, being bold, she took the initiative and sat down on the stool, and proceeded to lather his upper body up. She was sure to use long caresses and even pressure as she worked the lather over his body, cleaning as well as massaging him.

She had spent her time preparing and researching various massage techniques and methodology. And she was putting as much of that research into practice now. She figured she had one shot at this, and Nabiki Tendo did not lose.

Since Ranma was only wearing boxer shorts, it made lathering his top half and legs quite easy. Getting those boxers off would be a challenge, and Nabiki Tendo loved challenges.

After doing her best to lather Ranma up, she used a ladle to gently wash the soap off. Once rinsed off, she lead him to the hot bath, where he sat down, and she remained on the outside, massaging his tense shoulders and neck.

While she did so, she whispered into his ear, how much better a full body massage would be, and how important it was that he relaxed so everyone else could.

It took awhile, she got him to agree, if only to stop her begging and pleading with him.

She helped him out of the furo, dried him off, during which she was able to remove his boxer shorts, and lead a naked Ranma to her room.

She smiled as she saw that Kasumi had out done herself. Her room was filled with candles and Sandalwood incense. They both knew that Ranma was most comfortable in a Temple-Dojo, having spent most of his youth training in various Temples throughout Asia. So she and Kasumi had tried to recreate such an atmosphere, for greater chance of relaxing Ranma. Her bed had special satin-silk sheets, with various massage oils on her night-stand.

She could tell that Ranma was a bit nervous, but his pride would see him through. To help easy Ranma into it, she had him lay on his stomach. She dipped her fingers into the massage oil, rubbed her hands together to warm it up, and then proceeded to fully massage Ranma's back, shoulders, and neck.

Nabiki was in heaven, she could feel the steel-hard muscles under the velvet skin, as she caressed, rubbed, and massaged his upper body. Emboldened, she slowly worked her way downwards, towards his ass, which she gently squeezed, kneaded, and caressed. The moans of relaxation and pleasure coming from Ranma encouraged her more. Reluctantly, she moved from his ass to his legs, first the right one, then the left.

After that, she had him turn over, which he reluctantly did.

She could not help staring at her objective, noting, even at half-mass, Ranma was larger then many of the boys she had 'dated' before Akane's interference got to be too much. She mentally calculated that Ranma when at full mass would live up to his namesake. But that was for later.

She placed some pillows under his head, ass, and knees, to ensure his comfort.

In her research, she had come across a supposedly ancient Imperial Chinese marital art technique called the 'Golden Rapture,' which the ancient Chinese Emperor's concubine used to bind themselves to their Lords and Masters. She could not be sure of its validity, but thought it would relax Ranma and show him, without a doubt, of her desire to be his.

She started with his temples; gently massaging away his tension remained there. She worked her way from his temples, to the rest of his face, cheeks, and down to his neck. She moved slowly, and make sure to work each muscle to relax to the utmost. From the neck, she moved to his chest, arms, legs, and all over. Making Ranma as relax as possible, and push him deeper and deeper into a relax state as she could, taking her time, applying the correct pressure to nerve endings, and working on his full body. Occasionally, she would kiss and blow on his manhood, to show her respect and desire, to which Ranma purred in pleasure softly.

Slowly and surely, she worked her way towards focusing on Ranma's groin and the areas around it. Ranma's manhood and balls became the center of her universe. With extra care and deep devotion, she kissed, licked and massaged his cock and balls, with her mouth and right hand, while her left hand caressed the area above his pubic hair.

So focused was Nabiki upon her task, she did not feel Kasumi's hands upon her body, until Kasumi pulled her shirt off, over her head, leaving her completely naked, when her short-shorts were removed she did not know nor cared. Pleasing the Master was the most important thing, so Nabiki continued her massage, as a naked Kasumi joined in, massaging Ranma's temples, shoulders and chest. As Nabiki concentrated on Ranma's groin area, Kasumi concentrated on his extremities.

As Kasumi massaged his feet, Nabiki massaged his prostate and lower stomach. Soon pre-cum appeared upon Ranma's shaft, which she licked off with a smile on her face.

Working in concert, the two Tendo sister-slaves massaged, caressed, and relaxed their Master, so much that, when the time came, the pressure Nabiki had placed on Ranma's bladder and on his testicles, caused his cum to mix, slightly, with his piss, creating a golden cream that shoot out of his manhood, which Nabiki greedily ate, and she continued until his bladder was emptied.

The two Tendo sister-slaves then finished up the massage, sending Ranma to a deep, relaxing sleep. Both girls were too tired themselves, and fell asleep on Ranma's sides, sandwiching him between them.

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(Posted Mon, 01 Nov 2004 03:09)

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