Faking It - Games: Exploring Jupiter (LEMON) [Episode 106913]


Shampoo dashed down the hallway, anticipation warming her loins. It had been way too long since she’d had a really hard fuck. Not since she and Ukyou had used up the last of the Naniichuan. Ah, good times. Jusenkyo always blessed gender-cursed with big assets, even the instant stuff. Boy type Ukyou was the perfect size for her, big! He was also rough and demanding and very forceful.

Ranma was, to hear Akane talk, at least as big, taking away fifty percent for exaggeration on Akane’s part.. In his case, it was natural. Jusenkyo had gifted Ranma-chan, but would not have altered his male form. He was also a far more powerful fighter. And that meant that for her this game did not have to be just a game.

She’d bullshitted the kiss of marriage she’d given Ranma all those months ago. Just as she’s thrown the match against Ranma-chan. Both for the same reason, to free her to do what she wanted to do, get laid as often as she could manage. It had been easy. They’d accepted the bad translation as literal fact. A mistake on their part.

The translation might have said she had to give the kiss to any man who defeated her, but the original version, written in a dialect that only about ten people, all Amazon’s elders, could read easily, was much more pragmatic, and based on the fact that an Amazon that got defeated by a man suffered a common fate ninety-seven percent of the time. The remaining three percent took into account a gay foe.

All Amazon children were schooled in the law, and the one referring to the kiss of marriage played a big part in their version of cowboy and Indians. Shampoo had always played the guy. Her expression grew dreamy as she remembered all the times she’s pinned Lotion to the ground and stared down into her lovely eyes as she ground her groin against the smaller girl’s. A look of determination appeared on her face as she came back to the present.

Ranma might think this was a game, but Shampoo intended this to be a real fight, and she had high hopes that Ranma and she would be married by Amazon law by the time she and he were done. She didn’t even care if Ranma knew it or not, she would, and that was all that mattered. She didn’t care about being free to chase tale anymore. The group that was forming around Ranma would provide her with all the pussy and cock she could handle, as long as she made sure she was a part of it.

Shampoo came to a halt as she spotted another one of the cardboard signs that had been at the entrance. She squinted her eyes and moved her face up close to it. The hall was only partially lighted, and the writing was small. The sign was hanging at about waist level and she took hold of it and lifted it up to where she could angle it toward the nearest light source.

“Beware Of Falling Senshi!” Shampoo blinked. “What?” she muttered in a puzzled tone, just as the floor dropped out from under her.


Ranma tried to stay still, but he couldn’t help himself. He paced back and forth on top of the sand. The last time he’d been here this had been a beach fronting a small pond. Around him in the shadows artifical palm trees fluttered in the breeze from the air makeup unit that supplied fresh air.

Ranma shadow boxed in an effort to try and relieve the nervous energy he was feeling. When they’d outlined the basic game to the girls, and they had learned it would start out in one on one situations, they had all requested that he not pretend, but fight them for real. Akane especially had seemed as if she had something to prove.

Ranma had only to watch Akane wait tables for a few minutes to tell that she was much more at ease with her own body. That alone would double her skill as a fighter, and who knew what Cologne had taught her that he hadn’t seen evidence of. He could understand her desire. He too had longed to test himself every time he’d learned a new style. But, he was more than reluctant to face her.

He wasn’t afraid he wouldn’t be able to beat her, but he was a bit afraid about how hard he’d have to fight to do it. The girl’s had requested no bondage. At the time Ranma had agreed because he’d seen the spark of fear in Akane’s eyes when that was discussed. The idea of being tied up helpless and at his mercy was obviously something that she did not find erotic in the least. But, that left him with no easy way to subdue whoever he faced.

Ranma wondered if Akane had given any thought to how she’d feel about him forcing himself on her with brute strength. Yea, he decided, she must have, or she wouldn’t have agreed so quickly when he promised to go girl if they wanted him to.

He tried to tell himself that the girls could stop the whole thing by simply calling him by his real name, the signal that they wanted to stop the direction the game was going in. It did not calm him much at all. Because he held a secret fear that he might not be able to control himself.

The memory of Ryochan’s tear streaked face still gave him twinges of guilt. But to his shame, the memory of her, bottom up, over the back of the couch still gave him a hardon. . Even if the girls were willing to go through with this, he wasn’t sure if he trusted himself enough to be playing this sort of game, not without someone else around to keep an eye on things and make sure it didn’t get out of control.

“Ayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,” a scream Dopplered toward him. A sense of relief washed over Ranma. “Shampoo,” he said with a relieved sigh. At least he wasn’t going to have to worry about dealing with a lesbian facing her first time with a guy. And if the rumors he’d heard about Shampoo were anything do go by, he’d be hard pressed to do anything to her that she hadn’t already tried and enjoyed.

Feeling easier with things, Ranma quickly took his position and dropped into character.


“Ayiiiiiiii . . . Ouch!”

The muscular fighter dressed in a black leather pants and vest looked at the succulent morsel currently giving him a panty shot as she lay sprawled on the ground. “Well, well, look what has fallen into my lair. A little senshi come to ease my lonely solitude.”

“Makoto shook her head to clear the dizziness. The slid had spiraled tightly spinning her as she traveled. She looked toward the voice and blinked as a double image became one. Her eyes widened as she took in the ‘fine’ man standing in front of her. Muscular, without being bulky, leather pants clinging to every inch of his legs, and a leather vest that did nothing to hide his chest or rock hard apps.

“Leather man look like old boyfriend,” she said as she got cautiously to her feet.

“How very interesting. But I am no little boy, little girl. Allow me to show you the difference,” he drawled as he moved toward her like a panther stalking prey.

“Leather man look pretty, talk stupid,” Makoto said, raising her hands and chanting. “Jupiter, oak, thingy,” as she spoke she swept her arms out and then in, ending with them pointing at the hunk. Who merely smirked.

“I’m afraid your little light shows will not work. You are no longer in your world, but ours, there is no Jupiter to answer your call.” He held his hands out slightly to the side and tensed them, causing his knuckles to crack from the strain. “Here the only true power is that of muscle and sinew, and while you are ‘talented’,” he said, running his eyes over her body and causing her to shiver, “You are still a helpless girl before my overwhelming skill.”

Makoto assumed a horse stance, and waved an inviting hand toward him. “Bring on, leather man, get good kick in too, too tight pants.”

There was a gust of wind, Makoto’s purple locks fluttered in the after draft, and she felt a chill in an unexpected spot. Looking down she saw one her breasts was now bare, the protective covering of her costume having been torn away.

“Mmmmy, smell’s sweet,” the evil martial artist said, holding the scrap of cloth in his hand and taking a deep sniff. “I bet it tastes as sweet as it smells.” he made a big show of licking his lips in anticipation.

Makoto clamped a hand over her bare breast and could feel the nipple harden against the palm of her hand as his heated look seemed to promise, and threaten, so much.

“Aww, don’t be shy, little girl. I will soon be seeing much more. Much, much, more.”

Makoto defiantly took her hand away from her bared breast and glared at the leering leather man. And from a standing start was moving at full speed in two steps. A surprised look appeared in the bad boy’s eyes as he saw her fist heading for his face. He swayed out of the way of the blow, but not enough to stop her from hooking her fingers and catching the collar of his vest. She felt a tug, and saw him stagger out of the corner of her eye, but then he shrugged his shoulders backward and the vest slipped free of his body causing her to stumble slightly.

Makoto planted a foot hard and leaped, carrying herself backward in a high arching full-body somersault as her foe dashed by underneath her. While still in the air, she slipped into the leather vest she’d liberated, and when she landed, she was decently covered, sort of. The vest did cover her breast, but in such a way as to leave her looking almost more naked than naked as hints of its succulent shape were flashed with every move she made.

Evil Martial Art Master, Won Hung Low, rolled his shoulders and twisted his head, popping his neck. “Not bad, not bad at all. This might actually be fun; for me.”

“He dug his feet in and launched himself, only to skid to a stop after one step, and smirk as Makoto leaped backward a dozen feet, her body falling into a crane stance in the air. His toe dug under the half buried coconut he had spotted, and with a flick sent it rocketing directly at where her stomach would be when she landed.

A problem with taking an attack to the air is that you have limited mobility, you can only rotate around your own center of gravity. Hung’s actions had been so unexpected that Makoto didn’t even have a chance to do that, she gasped as the large nut took her full in the stomach and knocked the wind out of her. Her leg crumpled as she landed and she sprawled onto her back.

Hung had started moving the instant he’d launched the coconut, and before Makoto could react, he took a page from her book and reached down and dug his hand into the fabric covering her belly. Using his momentum to add leverage, he pulled with all his might and with a rip the entire front of Makoto’s outfit came free.

The jerk caused by Hung’s actions propelled Makoto backward, and she used that to roll over and come to her feet. She left the back of her uniform behind, which left her wearing nothing but his black leather vest and a pair of slippers. The sides of the vest were pushed out as her breasts shoved themselves forward.

Hung made a show of running his eyes up and down her body in a lustful way. “Tell you what, girl. Surrender now, and I’ll be gentle.”

“Stick offer up ass,”

“Heh, rather stick it up your’s sweets cheeks.”

“Leather boy hot, but not get near Makoto’s ass before Makoto drop kick balls.”

“Really?” he said, trotting toward her.

Makoto’s eyes opened wide. Her mind was flooded with dozens of potential blows, he was wide open. Alarms bells went off. He was too good, he was up to something. She waited for his move, balancing on her toes, ready for anything. He got closer and closer. Her eyes widened when she realized too late that all he had been trying to was get close to her. Her arm lashed out and selected the hand that was reaching for one of her bare breasts, but his other hand slipped in and he took hold of her left tit and clenched his hand.

“Haaaaaaahhhh!” Makoto gasped as pain radiated out from her abused chest. She wrenched herself away from him, the action turning her body. A hand reached between her legs and lifted. For a second her entire weight was supported on his hand, which was directly under her sex. She gasped as he tossed her a dozen feet. She managed to keep her feet, and whirled to face him. She blinked as she saw the leather vest dangling from his hand. She looked down and saw that except for her slippers she was now completely naked. In an act of defiance, she kicked off her foot wear and dug her bare toes into the ground as she glared at him.

He made no move to attack, just admired her body as he casually tossed the leather vest aside. He glanced at the discarded slippers. “Too bad, now I guess I’ll have to take something else.” he said.

Makoto was suddenly very aware of her foe’s masculinity, and could not help but stare at the large cup in the front of his pants. Surely that was just for show? She felt herself becoming very warm. Makoto gave her head a shake. “No, won’t be that easy!’ She cried out and launched herself at him. She took two steps and flung herself into the air while shouting. “Special Senshi open thigh attack!”

Hung’s eyes opened wide at the sight heading straight for his face but he didn’t let the sudden painful feeling in his groin distract him from doing what he needed to do. A hand with one finger extended came up, and Makoto had just one instant to realize what the counterattack was going to be, and failed to counter the counter. She let out a gasp as Hung’s finger sank into her cunt until her sensitive outer lips ran into the rest of his closed fingers. With a grunt on his part he re-directed her energy, hoisting her so for a second she looked like a hentai ballerina, perched on the hand of her partner.

The pose couldn’t last. Makoto slumped, folding around Hung’s arm, but she took advantage of that to direct both a hand blow and a kick to Hung’s head. Hung grabbed her wrist and using that and his hand in her crotch for leverage slammed her down on her back into the sand. So hard that she sank a good three inches.

Hung lifted the hand that had pinned her to his lips and licked the juices that coated it. “Ah, sweet. I shall enjoy devouring your energy. I will especially enjoy the manner in which I will do it,” he said, reaching down and unsnapping his cod-piece. His cock, glad to be free, popped into view. “Tell me girl, does this look like your boyfriends?

Makoto, her head spinning tried to focus. At first she thought it was her impaired vision, but after she blinked a few times she managed to say. Ak, Mars not exaggerate as much as Makoto think.” There was more than a hint of desire in her voice.

“Let me give you a closer look,” Hung said. He moved in on Makoto, and when she lashed out with a leg he was quick to grab an ankle, and then do the same to her other leg. Still standing he pulled up on both legs till only her shoulders were resting on the ground. And then grinning at her, he toppled forward.

Makoto couldn’t help but close her eyes as he hurtled toward her. “No!” she cried out. A gasp escaped her as her body was folded nearly in two and her ankles were forced down into the soft sand about a foot above her head and about three feet apart. Nothing else happened.

Makoto keep her eyes tightly shut while her heart beat a mile a minute. She could feel her own legs pushing against her arms, which were nearly buried in the sand. She had no real leverage available to force her legs out of his grasp. She was fully exposed and vulnerable. And nothing was happening. Why wasn’t anything happening?

Shampoo let her own personality surface as a horrible thought occurred to her. He was chickening out. He wasn’t going to do it. she opened her eyes, and looked straight into his as he gave a mocking grin, and thrust.

Makoto’s head arched backward, her throat working, but with no sound coming out. Hung had lined himself up perfectly. The end of his cock hit the entrance to her cunt head on and fully half of his length plunged deep into her body. He didn’t waste any time, but drew back his hips and plunged into her again. This time she felt his balls swing forward and strike her ass as he thrust every last fraction of an inch into her.

Makoto’s breath gurgled in her throat as overwhelming sensation flooded her body. She’d been ready, oh god, how she’d been ready. Hung lived up to his name as he filled her, and then stretched her open so he could fill her even fuller. He pressed down on top of her, her long legs pressing down hard against her arms, her tits squashed under his hard chest. Her ass waved in the air, held there by the extension of her legs. Hung’s ass clenched and unclenched as he rocked in and out of her, not giving her a chance to catch her breath, not giving her a chance to escape. He fucked her hard and fast and on and on and on.

“Huh, Huh, huh, huuuuuhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh!” Makoto cried out as she clenched around him in the first of many orgasms.

Hung did not pause, though he slowed a bit as she clenched around him. He pulled out, drawing a gasp from her as the head of his dick almost popped out, reversing directing he sheathed himself deep into her.

Digging his toes into the sand for greater leverage he upped the tempo. His stamina was impressive, but her clutching vessel eventually proved too much for him and he threw back his head, the tendon’s drawing tight in his neck as he fought to hold on for just a little while longer. A hoarse cry escaped him as he lost the battle and flooded her interior with his juices.

Driven over the edge by the feel of him pumping her full of his seed. Makoto had one final orgasm that drew a black curtain over her eyes for a few seconds

“When Makoto became aware again, her legs had been released and were stretched out on either side of her ravager. She could feel him still inside her, slowly shrinking as he soaked his cock in her, and his, juices.

He lifted his head and grinned down at her slack face. “That was fun, but I must get you to the boss. She will be most happy to get her hands on an energetic girl like you.” Hung took hold of her wrist and got to his feet, his now limp cock sliding out of her body. Hauling on her arm, he dragged her sated body up over his shoulders. Shrugging to settle her, he placed a hand on her rump to hold her in place and started trotting. Makoto hung head down, conquered for the moment, and wondering what else lay in store for her.

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(Posted Thu, 24 Jun 2004 17:49)

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