Faking It - Games: Getting to know her, better. (LEMON) [Episode 106457]

by T.H. Tiger

Nabiki clenched her thighs together as she took in the view through her camera’s lens. Ryouga and Ranma were pretty good , she thought, but this was what she called foreplay. She clicked the shutter and clenched even tighter as a trickle of moisture escaped from her sex. Nabiki liked fucking, hell, she loved it, but as much as she enjoyed it, her first love would always be taking pictures, of a certain type. Maybe it would never leave the basement, but the thought of what some people would give for the picture she had just taken was enough to almost make her orgasm at the mere thought.

They’d crossed Kasumi and Ryochan’s arms behind their backs, using twenty feet or so of soft cotton rope to fasten their forearms together, pulling their shoulders back and thrusting their breasts forward. The two girls had then been bent over the back of the couch, one at each end, about four feet apart. Kasumi’s right ankle had been tied to Ryochan’s left ankle while the opposite leg on each girl had been tied to a staple Ranma had driven into the floor about two feet out from the couch. That left them with their feet about four feet apart. A make shift spreader bar had also been secured to Ryochan’s legs, across the back of her knees making doubly sure she could not move them.

On Kasumi’s left butt cheek, done in neat Kangi, Nabiki had written it, was the word, ‘Good’ On Ryochan’s left cheek was written the word, ‘Bad’ Each girl had the word ‘Girl’ written on the other cheek.

Ranma was standing between the two girls, his naked butt framed by their’s. His tight muscular ass a contrast to their feminine curves. Even Ryochan’s hard body looked soft beside the sculpted shape of Ranma’s perfect ass. Ranma’s legs were spread as well, each foot planted directly under the two girls. Nabiki zoomed in and took a few quick shots. With the zoom function she could just make out the hint of Ranma’s ball sack between his legs.

Ranma’s hands were between the girl’s legs, his fingers working on their sexes. “Move your hand!” Nabiki ordered in artistic fervor, and Ranma did so, sliding his wet fingers up the flank of each girl and exposing their parted lower lips to Nabiki’s camera. Their inner pink flesh was easily seen as was the moisture that dewed their portals. From this angle Ryochan’s fine blond thatch was almost invisible unless the light hit it just right. Kasumi also looked bare as the day she’d been born, but that had been accomplished by a razor removing all but a single strip of hair framing the top of her vagina and that was not visible from behind.

Nabiki zoomed in on each girl one at a time and then drew back to catch all three of them in her view finder. “Ok,” she said to Ranma and he slid a hand back between Kasumi’s thighs, but not Ryochan’s. Instead he lifted that hand and delivered a stinging swat to her hindquarters that made her rump bounce from the force. When Ranma lifted his hand their was a visible hand print on Ryochan’s left butt cheek.

Showing amazing control Ranma continued to gently finger Kasumi while spanking Ryochan with strong steady blow. When Ryochan’s ass was a uniform red, and Kasumi had let out a little scream and clenched her ass cheeks in orgasm. Ranma moved his right hand back down and started to finger Ryochan. He kept his fingers working on Kasumi as well, and brought her to another orgasm.

Nabiki moved around the couch and snapped a picture of Kasumi’s face, looking vulnerable and soft with the pleasure that she was feeling. She moved her focus to Ryochan and could see from the strained appearance that she was approaching an orgasm. Just then Nabiki heard a loud slap and saw Ryochan’s body jolt while her face twisted into the expression of pleasure denied. Nabiki snapped the shot.

Kasumi’s mouth was free, and soft little coos of delight escaped her mouth, as well as loud gasps and little squeaks of pleasure each time Ranma brought her off. Ryochan on the other hand was gagged with one of her bandanna’s, the cloth tied tightly and pressing deep into the side of her mouth. It was not visible but Nabiki knew that there was a solid wad of wet paper inside Ryochan’s mouth, the remains of the letter the girl had written to the L3s.”

Nabiki kept her focus on Ryochan’s face, clicking pictures as she moved to almost bliss to grimacing as her sore bottom protested it’s treatment. The twisted expression changed to one of relief and longing and signaled that Ranma had once more moved his fingers downward to stroke and fondle Ryochan’s golden pussy.

Nabiki stood up and clicked a picture of Ranma’s stiff cock, jutting out from his groin and laying on the top of the couch. Stepping backward she took several shots as the two girls on either side of Ranma came into view. Soon she had all three centered in her focus. And was able to get all three faces in the picture. Ranma’s determined expression, Kasumi’s look of utter contentment, and Ryochan’s anguished countenance as Ranma once again denied her release and started spanking her sore bottom.

Nabiki could almost have felt sorry for her, if she had not felt Ryouga heavy hand on her own butt, and seen it applied with enthusiasm to Ranma-chan’s.

Nabiki moved around the couch, catching pictures from different angles till she was once again behind the group. Kasumi and Ryochan’s thighs were both slick with juices, but where Ryochan’s ass was clenching and unclenching in a furious effort to drive herself to orgasm, Kasumi’s was merely flexing slightly each time Ranma brought her to a peek.

Nabiki moved in and dropped to her knees behind Kasumi, shooting upward to catch Ranma’s fingers slipping into her tight entrance. Slipping to the side she got a shot of Ranma’s balls and the bottom of his shaft. Another shot caught Ranma pulling his fingers from Ryochan and starting to spank her. Ryochan’s cunt clenched, and opened, clenched and opened as her ass flinched from Ranma’s spanking. With a still camera Nabiki was not really able to capture it, but she did manage to get a before and after shot of the action.

Nabiki took her last shot and reached for a new role of film and realized she was not wearing anything, including her pants with the loops in the waist band for film canisters. Nabiki felt like Ryochan, denied pleasure at the moment of orgasm. She had to get more film, get more pictures. She stood and turned, but before she could take a step Ranma’s hands circled her waist, picked her up off the floor and lay her on top of Ryochan’s back.

Nabiki first response was “No!” But a second later as she felt the head of his cock touch her highly sensitized nerve endings, she gasped out, “Yes!”

Ranma’s legs pushed at Nabiki’s forcing them apart, and she gasped as he slid into fully into her wetness. She orgasmed before he was fully in, and did so again on the third thrust. Ranma himself only lasted to five, and she felt him pulse once inside her before he pulled out and blasted his seed all over Ryochan’s heated backside, decorating it with drops of his cream. Under her belly Nabiki could feel Ryochan straining for an orgasm that was not going to come.


“You’re horrid!” Ryochan sniffed, tears decorating her face. She’d been released from her bondage and had first punched Ranma in the gut, and then broke into tears. Ranma, once he got his breath back, could only gap at her in shock, guilt was written across his face, but it was clear he didn’t know what to do about it.

“Go to her,” Kasumi said softly, giving him a push in the middle of the back. Her voice carried tones of dreamy satisfaction, but underneath was sympathy.

Ranma was clearly reluctant to get too close to the volatile blonde, but he obeyed Kasumi. Holding a hand over his stomach he carefully sat down a foot or so away from her and started to say. “I’m sorry.” but, before he got past I’m, Ryochan gave a wail and latched onto his neck, cutting off his air supply. “I’m sorry I wrote that stupid letter. Forgive me!”

Ranma’s hands waved in the air, and then slowly his arms circled her and he nervously patted her on the back. “Sure, I forgive you. And I’m sorry I was so rough on you,” he said.

Ryochan pulled her face away from where she’d been soaking his shoulders and looked at him, giving a little hick-up sob she asked. “really?”

Ranma forced Ryochan’s arms to relax a bit with his own and said. “Really and truly.” Not sure if it was the right thing to do, he lifted Ryochan and sat her in his lap, simply holding her as she held him

Nabiki took a picture, and whispered to Kasumi as she lowered her camera. “Now that’s a keeper.” She then gave a surprised cry of shock as Kasumi goosed her.

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(Posted Sat, 19 Jun 2004 21:58)

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